Kirby's Rainbow Resort > Ask the Gurus > Gobbo's Session #83 | |
Ask Guru Gobbo #83Here we go again on my own. Wait, "my own"? "We"? Something's not stacking up right, unlike Amy from work. What? She manages inventory. She's a great stacker. Get your mind out of my gutter! - November 13th, 2008 1) what do you think of cook kawasakis voice in the dub 2) why am i allways so easy?! cant i at least be a litle chalining 3) what do i sound like in the dub - Whispy ![]() 1) Cook Kawasaki sounds like a big, goofy dope. However, he is big, goofy dope. It is quite fitting for his character. And, since prior to that, all the chef did was toss dinner plates and bang on Gordos with a frying pan, there was no prior existing definition to be defaced or improperly represented. Gee, who could I be referring to with that comment? 2) Whispy Woods is the first boss faced in almost ever game. He's not supposed to be difficult. The boss is used as a learning curve. The entire concept to the mechanics within Kirby are radically different from most games. Why, the first thing I did when I played Dream Land I way back when was jump on a Waddle Dee. The bosses supplying the player with the means of their own destruction is a bit of a new twist. Now, why Whispola was already a push-over, he was made more easy with the introduction of abilities. I know that an Final Cutter or simple drop with Stone tears the tree a new squirrel hole something awful. At least the Dream Land sequels tried to even this out by given foes a bit of an invulnerability time after being struck as well, meaning Stone would hit only once for damage rather than felling the tree in one go. Still, they have tried to build up Whispy Woods credibility. They've made him stab with roots, unearth himself and chase after Kirby, and even Twin Woods, the Revenge model, and King Golem were further attempts at breathing life into this rotting log. 3) I don't know. This isn't because I don't watch the show, or even like it, but more of because I would have no real idea how to describe it. They do have the episodes, or at least a lot, up at the 4Kids website, and if you couldn't find a clip of him speaking there, there's probably a million YouTube videos of him speaking. If I had to make a guess, I'd say he sounds like a tree falling in the woods with no one around. Mystify! yo bimblesnaff whats happening glad to hear you made a full recovery. or at least a recovery. so anyway question time. 1 i have a theory on why the kirbies that were split from kirby were so weak its because they have only one fourth of kirby power and kirby reamains strong because he was the original because as the saying goes divide and conquer 2 i also read the last question on 81 i can't belive that guy why did you dignify that with a response that guy had no right to say that. oh well at least ask the gurus will get rolling again. see ya. 3) i read the first question on 81 and this is about meta knight conqering dream land. i say he wasn't evil for trying to conquer dream land he was trying to do the people a favor by ridding them of king DeDeDe. in fact i once read somewhere that he saying dream lands lazy lifestyle will end wasn't even the original thing and that he original said dream lands corrupted file will end. and if were talking bout corruption in dream land you know were talking about DeDeDe. well see ya - Kirby Kid ![]() 1) There's one tiiiny hole to this theory: the other Kirby's aren't weak. It's just a truth. They have no less power than player one, and this is never more evident than when more than one player link up Amazing Mirror. Players 2 through 4 aren't given the royal screwing, no. In single player mode, the other Kirbies are garbage since their AI is trash. That's the only thing that makes any difference. Why, they could be ten times more powerful than Kirby, and it wouldn't matter. A smarter mind can always trump out a better body. It's like handicaps in fighting games. Why, I don't even have to limit it to video games when I can just reference golf. The better you are, the bigger handicap you take. When you are floppin' around like a knit-wit, then you get an advantage and still lose out to the more trained players. Why? You have no idea what you are doing, and they do. Computer AI, in the case of Mirror, has no idea what it's doing, but real players do. Hence, they win while the computer fails. It's really that simple. You don't have to go digging when the explanation is right on the surface. 2) Technically, I didn't dignify anyone with a response, I belittled him by responding. I haven't ripped anyone a new in the long absence, and, much like the last question in the first session I performed, Shadow Pwns, what better way to usher in the return to normality than smackin' 'round some twit. Actually, given the all-caps type, I began to wonder if it was him or not. However, such suspicions are inconclusive as all re-res write in such a fashion. 3) Yes, that is all nothing new to me. I am very familiar with the dialogue changes between coasts. However, you are blatantly looking over one fact: he had a friggin' huge battle ship and set out to conquer Dream Land which required intervention from Kirby. If he was "doing them a favor", why would Kirby have to step in? Overthrowing King Dedede? It sounds like everyone and their aunt would step up in line to join that movement. No, this was a forceful military strike to impose his will and rule over the realm. There have been numerous warlords who ascended to the rank of emperor in the past that, while they united the land under one flag, one rule, and new age of peace, had to lay waste to the land and slaughter mercilessly. Sure, the end product, people would agree, was good, but this doesn't justify the means. It's still savage butchery. This is what Meta Knight was doing: setting out to conquer. Of course, his conquest was ended before it really could even start thanks to the pink protagonist. If there were good intentions in mind, even in the slightest, Kirby would not have had to rush over there to put an abrupt stop to the plans. It's not like Meta Knight stole his food and caused him to act brashly, no. This was a heroic charge to save the day before all was loss. People like to look in retrospect and try to justify these actions. Sorry, Meta Knight was evil. This is why he was placed among Nightmare's minions in the pilot to Kirby of the Stars. But, the animated series then flipped him into being good and catered to the chain reaction of his ruination. I have to post my essay on fall of Meta Knight. I have it all clearly catalogued and expounded within there, even though I pretty much just hit all the high points. Right, still about the music rips. How/who exactly do I send this music to?... I kinda couldn't find out how to... But the site traffic might go up a bit, because this would be the only hub for Stafy music (which is related to Kirby music) and the Super Star Ultra soundtrack, too! - Error Taxi ![]() I would assume you'd just email it as an attachment to the appropriate staff member in charge of that function. I believe Mega Warp runs that nick of the woods, and, unlike a lot of staff positions, actually runs it. Of course, there's always the fail-safe of sending any files to me. Okay. Kirby's size has been bugging me for some time. How big is he supposed to be anyway? Is he 8 inches tall like the original Super Smash said? Or what? Also, back in my last question, when you answered my baton kirby question, you also mentioned Iron, Water, and Top Kirby, and how they were also fan made. Well, Iron isn't Fan Made. It's an actual ability. It made an appearance in Squeak Squad. And oh my god I just answered my own question. Squeak Squad came after the anime. -_- sorry for wasting your time. - Prince Flarema ![]() 1) Kirby is 8", yes. This fact has even been shown in the animated series when characters were placed next to object from earth. Since everything is relative, there's never any chance for a side-by-side comparison with something from our world. In it, he and all the characters were shown to be dwarfed next to various objects, so the size expressed stacks up. Keep in mind, as was thankfully pointed out by Answer Bot 5000, that the sizes seen in Super Smash Bros. are just scaled figurines brought to life to battle. 2) No. Just, no. Iron is a fan made Kirby ability. Metal is the power seen in Squeak Squad. Granted, it's pretty stupid that there's any separation between the two, but Burning and Fire are different as are Ice and Freeze, so why shouldn't this synonym pairing be any different? Now, there's no doubt that there was probably some inspiration from Iron for Metal, but the walking, invincible Kirby was seen in Crystal Shards for Stone, and since Stone was skipped over in Squeak Squad and the ability was, by right, much different than the typically seen Stone as of late, they went with the rename and remodeling. And that's why I'm here, 'cuz people 'pparently mess up their own answers. 1. What episode of the American dub of Kirby: Right Back At Ya is your favorite? The Harry Potter one is my favorite. 2. I just recently got KSSU and I'm 98% done. Right now I enjoy playing around in Milky Way Wishes. What's your favorite planet in MWW? Mine's Eternal Planet Halfmoon....if I could live in a video game, I'd live there. 3. When will the Animal Friends make a comeback? - Deathly H ![]() 1) In order for me to have a favorite episode, I would first have had to have seen a decent number of episodes. You can't see less than a tenth of the contestants in a competition and declare a winner. Furthermore, I'd have to have seen an episode that I didn't hate in order to have a favorite. Basically, this question is on par with, "Where would you like to be stabbed?" 2) Halfmoon was pretty much designed to be the coolest looking level. However, my favorite is Cavios, I think? I don't really know. I haven't played Super Star Regular in a long time. I'm pretty sure that's the one with the near endless march of mini-boss match-ups. That's fun stuff right there. 3) How many times is this going to come up? And it was just tackled yet again recently. Normally, that wouldn't mean anything, but you'd think it'd carry a little more weight when it was one of the answers given after a long hiatus. Actually, the first question back pretty much summed it up. But, if that was too vague, it was mentioned another time with specific reference to the Animal Friends. Really, I think I found a new candidate for the FAQ. Who am I kidding? I always say that and never do it. It strikes me as odd, however, that this seems to come up so often when, by and large, no one seems to care about the Animal Friends or the games they appeared in. I guess while not many in number, they demand blood. 1.Well, Galacta Knight sure is popular. What do you think? Was he just a rehashed MetaKnight or an awsome boss to boot? 2.Is Marx Soul like Giygas from Earthbound and Porky from Mother 3...? Please don't break your mouth again, thanks. - Sonny, who is glad that you're okay ![]() 1) He is the Meta Knight for Meta Knight, which creates a vicious cycle, much more preferable to a viscous cycle. I sure wish I didn't bleed so much on mine. Anyways, I hold it in believe that Galacta Knight will fade away, much like Marx did. Really, the only other shot that guy got was in the remake of the only game he appeared in previously. Meta Knight, too, had a shaky start. Why, he was only in two games before the animated series catapulted him into super stardom. Before, he was like Boba Fett, an underground favorite of real fans. Now, he's like... well, Boba Fett, way too sweated and glorified. Think about it: trained bounty hunter done in by an enfeebled man and master swordsman done in by a novice wielder. They're like peas in a pod. Was I going somewhere with this? Oh, right, Meta Knight. It took some time for him to become the juggernaut he is today, and Galacta Knight, if he even gets another chance, could be waiting a line time for another chance to shine. The truth is that characters don't get many chances to shine. Paint Roller is one of the oldest characters but only got a real second chance in Canvas Curse. Kaboola, until recently, only resurfaced in Block Ball, and she's as old as they come. Heavy Mole only got any love in an American rehash of a completely different game and in the name of another boss character. Second chances are rare in Kirby, and third chances are almost unheard of. It's typically either a character is an established regular like the King and Waddle Dee, or they get their fifteen minutes of fame and retire. 2) Giygas is a being of utter destruction who wanted to annihilate the universe, and Porky was just a pudgy tool of his. I don't see how any of that relates to Marx or Marx Soul. It's not that hard a concept. Marx didn't want death, destruction, or mayhem. He just wanted to be ruler of Pop Star and to have power. Marx Soul was just him back to life, or his linger spirit, whatever. I don't have the game and haven't been made privy to his pause screen flavor text. Regardless, I don't see how any of that comes close to an immortal lord of doom. 3) No promises. Okay, I've seen like sixty Meta Knight scenes with chili dog or wolf wraith fighting meta knight in them. What episode does that happen in? - Meta Knight Obsessor ![]() Wolfwrath appears in the episode 26, "Loyalty! Sword and Blade" or the American #24, "Hour of the Wolfwrath". yo kirby kid here. hey bimblesnaff glad to see ya back here. i was wondering if daroach from squeak squad stole the triple star weapon he uses i mean it looks like some sort of mystical legendary weapon so i think its a possibility that he and the squeaks once went to some far off planet where it was the pride and joy of everyone who lived there. Then the squeaks came and destroyed and took everything. and daroach found the triple stare weapon and at first was going to sell it but realized how powerful it was and decided to keep it as his most powerful weapon. i think that sounds possibly what do you think bimblesnaff thanks see ya - Kirby Kid ![]() The Squeaks all have their weapons. Storo has a hammer, Spinni has shruken and claws, the Squeakers have bombs, and Doc has his many contraptions. Daroach, being all magically affiliated, just has a magic wand. Really, nothing seems too fancy about it. It throws stars, which, really, Daroach did in battle anywise. Three, actually. So, what Kirby did with it is less powerful than what he did. Now, I'm not saying he didn't steal it from someone, but if he already had some sort of legendary power at hand, why did he not abuse it instead of seeking out the power of Dark Nebula? It's a magic wand, yes, but it's not like it's some sort of super special magic wand. Dark Nebula was a pushover. It was a weakened and crippled force, unlike previously encountered big bads. There didn't need to be the uniting of several fragments and near divine power to put it down. No, the thing the bad guy dropped did just fine. Additionally, your theory, once again, seems to go unnecessarily too far. "And they destroyed everything." When did that happen ever? They are bandits, thieves, and raiders. They shoot by as fast as the wind and take what they want. Destruction really isn't their game. They'll scuffle if it comes to that, but mostly speed is their tactic. They are mice, not badgers. They pilfer and split. Painting them as marauders just doesn't fit. Hey, um, How do you download art on the Fan Art section, I've been thinking about making an account. Tell me the whole deal, from start to finish of how to have a picture up on the site. - Poyoyoyo ![]() Do you want me to tell you how to tie your shoes while you are it? Seriously, it's no more complicated than sending out this question. Do you not use forms or have basic intuition? Look how complicated it all is, folks! Click Upload file. Enter files to upload. Click Continue. When they upload successfully, click Continue again. Add details, names and descriptions, to each said file and click Continue. Then, you wait for your piece to be approved. Oh, by the way, you can use that little backwards pointing arrow in your browser to move back to the previous page. Also, if your mouse, that's the little corded thing with buttons, has a third, middle wheel, roll it up and down to read the rest of a page. Don't forget to breath. Eating is important, too. Without food, you die. Am I being condescending enough yet? Good. I haven't been made a bigger jerk in the time away, no. You've just forgotten how easily peeved I get.
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Last Updated - November 13th, 2008 | |
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