Kirby's Rainbow Resort > Ask the Gurus > Gobbo's Session #69 | |
Ask Guru Gobbo #69People seemed to miss or not are about the notice of death/vacation, so, here to remind you, is The Ice Cream Island Crew! - October 8th, 2008
Ok, I'm back. How come the True Arena in KSSU is so hard? I can't beat Masked Dedede! - Spinni ![]() The True Arena, as well as most of the added content in Super Star Ultra, is suppose to be a challenge. Many Kirby fans are used to the cake walks offered by the beginner gamer aimed titles, but these sub-games take after the original's Extra Mode which beats you down and makes you cry for your mama. If they were easy, then that'd mean they didn't try hard enough. I've probably have had alot of names before but now I'm stickn' to Noob. And Noob has questions: 1) In Episode 96, sometimes Episode 94, Meta Knight doesn't know what one of the abilities Kirby had was called (throw kirby was the name). Do you think he made up names for abilities through the whole 100 episodes? 2) ...NegaBogg was made from black paint and FallOutBoy cds..? 3) What would you do if you actually went to the store and actually had 30 bucks in your pocket, planning to buy KSSU, but unfortunatly you couldn't get it because SOMEBODY told you that the nintendo ds is dumb and you couldn't say anything about that and had to leave because that SOMEBODY was the only one who could drive you back home. 4) Why am I such a noob? I used to be procastinator. Maybe now im a procastinating noob. - Noob ![]() 1) Seems to me that ol' Masko wasn't just hat pulling those name but just legitimately was not familiar with what the Throw ability was. In fact, had he been making them up off the top of his head, then he certainly would have had something more to say than, "I dunno." Like, "Uh, that's Band Kirby. He, like, totally rocks a band on his head. It's all blue and allows him to, um, do things. Things that bands allow you to do. Bands that are blue." 2) Black paint is about the blackest thing you can get, which was one of the mocking points targeted by Nega Bogg: characters who are completely black and dark. Pitch, granted, is generally used as the standard of darkness. That's the sticky goo, by the way, not the green bird. Although, in right, he is pretty dark. You have no idea what he does in his free time. The things I have seen... Anyways, the Fallout Boy CDs were included as they encompasses the new brand of lame-o music. It probably should have been My Chemical Romance or some more heavily emo band to drive the point home, admittedly. But, hey, Uncle Gobbo was going insane at the time. Well, more insane. 3) I don't have pockets, or money for that matter. But, I'd probably cut the fool in twine. Would they actually leave you stranded for purchasing a game? Obviously, they should be aware that you already own the console if you were just forking over the thirty bucks for the cartridge, unless you are keeping that a dark secret like your fear of clowns. 4) If you qualify as a "noob", they what are all those other gits? Wait, was it you or your arch-enemy who told me that I didn't have much of a life? I can't help I look so much like Ometon that sometimes I think that I'm him! Speaking of my very, very similar counterpart, is he just a floating head? Am I? - Buckethead, I mean Ometon ![]() I'm pretty sure he's just, you know, a thing. No floating, no just-a-head, just a thing, whole and complete... minus the legs and arms. You know, like Galbo or Sparky or Mumbies... okay, not that last one. What's this? "Heel persona"? "Heel session"? Bimblesnaff is... a WRESTLING NERD!?!? - Last question for a while, I promise P.S. Hope all these questions aren't "bogging" you down XP LOLOLOLOLOL ![]() Viva la raza! Toothless Aggression! Finger of Death! Ooooh, yeeeah! Excellence of Execution! Lie, Cheat, Steal! Rest... In... Peace! Yay! Why dose everybody say LOL? cause I hate it! - Waddle Doo ![]() Bah! "Lol". I hates it, hates it bad. It's like some disease that clings to people and is spread at the end of every one of their heinous text messages. This infectious ruination needs wiped from the internet like the rest of its extinctions deserving brethren, the sins propegated on-line, just like - ... what? What do you mean, "What am I doing here?" I wasn't in that blast. Uncle Gobbo was. I'm spic 'n' span, just like my dishes. Automated Response #752: Popstar is close to Planet Zebes in Super Smash Bros. Melée because, as established in the opening of the original Super Smash Bros., the stages are made of books and lamps and stuff and just appear to be the real thing. So the "Popstar" set-up is near the "Zebes" set-up. Likewise, the characters are all trophies (dolls in the original) that come to life to do battle and aren't the real characters. So, there can be four Marios facing each other because while there's only one Mario in Mushroom Kingdom, there are a multitude of Mario trophies in Master and Crazy Hand's room. Also, the trophies are scaled versions of the real characters, so official sizes, like Kirby's 8" height don't matter. Otherwise, 5'+ Mario would barely see Olimar, who is the size of a coin. - Answer Bot 5000 ![]() Pfft! You'd think the person who played Super Smash Bros. would have realized that obvious fact before concocting some harebrained scheme involving obscure references to brief moments in old games that are barely a connection at all. Straight line, people, A to B. Always the answer. 1.Is Squeaky Boggo really dead? Or just miamed? Mutilated?Or badly injered. Your pick. 2.There is no #2. - Rgijaba, self proclaimed evil geinus and lord of pudding pies ![]() I'm fine, thanks for caring. It was the boss man who got the better part of the boom-boom. Of course, any part of an explosion is pretty much one you don't want to cross. Well, some people may want to cross them. I'm lookin' at you, Bloon. When chimera asked these questions they were actually thought up in a comic site called Brawl in the Family. - 888Chilly ![]() Boo! ![]() Boo! You thief! ![]() Boo! ![]() Moo! ... Yay! Music questions time! I'm sure you may have already heard, but they added a newer version of the Dreamland title screen to the Spring Breeze title screen, which was awesome! But they removed the siren from the song played on the last stage of Revenge of Metaknight... why do you think they did that? Also, I noticed the new minigames had that "new Kirby music" sound to them... I think Superstar had a style more like the original's, which is good in my opinion... which style of the music do you like? (I'm not saying the "newer" style is bad, it's just different. I still find it awesome!) - Error Taxi ![]() 1) Sirens are a bit annoying. They weren't too integral to the overall song flow, so they could just be cut out. Besides, I'm the only type of siren people want. * strikes some poses * ... Whatever! I'm irrestible to Dream Landers. 2) The only real difference between the two tune types of titles is the technology behind them. Game Boy had a rather crummy sound system, consisting mostly of beeps and bloops. The same went with NES. However, as technology advanced and games had more memory to store information such as sound files, they would flesh out more and branch into different sounds. Or, something like that. I don't know, truthfully. I haven't heard any music from any of the newer games. I don't even have ears! 1.what would you do if meta knight came do your house? 2.what was the deal with those 4 icons,bloon,frella,minch,treca? many questions do i have in all 4.what would you do if i ask every possible question at once you update your faq 6.what was the episode where a hat took over that character 7.and what would happen if kirby ate the popular webcomic brawl in the family? - Chimera ![]() 1) I'd say, "Hey, Meta Knight. You use to be coo'. What up wit' dat?" Then I'd cut his face, which would just split his mask, allowing me to really cut his face. That punk. 2) What? Did you miss our initial appearance? In Session #37? It was an entire day! Way to make me feel special and overlooked. * sniff * 3) You have asked questions in the total of fifteen sessions, including this one. As for how many individual questions appear within these questions, I'm not your abicus. 4) The possible number of questions is infinite, so the feat would be impossible. However, should you attempt such, I'm certain the block of text would just be ignored out of spite. Then, you'd get the Meta Knight treatment. I'd suggest gettin' two masks. 5) That ol' FAQ should be updated, but there's not too many frequently asked questions. It's more of a guide, and the basics have already been established. Things that the "Wii" question will eventually become irrelevant and shouldn't be held as a permanent fixture. Notice how the same standard was not held for Episode 66. 6) Wow, that's descriptive. I believe you speak of the school episode, Dedede Academy. Luckily for you, someone happened to ask something about that episode previously, so it was known to actually exist. Otherwise, you'd have been cut! ![]() Stop wantin' to cut people! 7) Kirby would become Smash powered! No, really, he could not eat the comic. It's on the internet and therefore is not materially real. Good evening young V with purple muffins for feet! (although my feet aren't any better myself...) I have two complaints I would like to express to HAL. First of all, why in the Milky Way would they think it would be a good idea to have my first line be Fat Alberts catchphrase? It's madness! And also, why do people think so highly of that blueberry, whose name escapes me currently? Now excuse me, I'm going to fry some Tookeys for tea, but I might have a snack that consists of Bloppers first! Now good bye, and remember: Don't take candy from suspicious Kirbies! That's stealing! - Marx ![]() I was a V once. It was fun. Yay! I was pointy and stabbed blue berries. Even though they seem blue, their juice is blood red. Yay! I take candy from everyone, especially strangers in vans. Try that at home, kids. Yay! I have prepared a short quiz for you to test how much you know about kirby. Ready for a chalange? 1. What is the name of the creature that has 2 faces and attacks kirby when he tries to inhale it? 2. How many kirby games(not counting brawl) have metaknight playable? 3. In kirby's dreamland what did whispy woods drop instead of apples in extra mode 4. Who is the animal freind kirby favors the most? (A Kine B Coo C Rick) 5. What ability does lazer ball give in kirby super star? If you get all of these questions right I will continue to try and stump you. (I went easy on you) - Freezing Leo ![]() You're an idiot. I already said, "challenging" me is worthless. I know all of this stuff. It's a waste of my time to dig up meaningless answers that you don't even really need to know the answer to. It doesn't help you, it doesn't help me. Really, all of these "challenge" questions are total cake walks. Watch: (1) Scarfy, Two Face and Mr. P. Umpkin attack when Kirby gets near. (2) Nightmare in Dream Land, Air Ride, Canvas Curse, & Super Star Ultra. (3) Gordos. (4) Rick. No one likes Kine and Coo is too distant. Really, this question is baseless and more a matter of opinion; however, Kirby is shown on Rick's back more when more than one pet are on screen for the pre-level intros. (5) Beam. A pre-schooler with access to Kirbypedia could answer all of those questions. I put, after all, all of those answers in there. You'll keep doing it, you say? No, you won't. 'Cuz I just won't humor you next time. This is annoying. In fact, you try it again, and I'll the following text has been deleted as it was too vulgar for the internet. That's pretty bad. Um... Hi. I'm Ma- I mean... Um... Oh yeah, as you know him, Squeaky Bogg's Unnamed Arch Enemy... Anyway, I'm his intern... Um... And his niece! I've, um, been staying with him recently! So he gave me an intern job! So, um.. Hi! Um... So anyway, about your enemy... He's kinda, um... Afraid to appear here again, at least for the next while, because, um... Well, he's a bit embarrassed over the fact that his plan that he generated and worked on for over a month failed... And, um... He's kinda busy disciplining Nega-Bogg... He decided not to kill Nega. Anyway, Nega failed his mission, and, um, apparently started feeling for you guys... Like he could join you as an ally if he pushed himself, and overcoming his dark soul and reason for creation... At least, um, that's what the brain scan says... Oh yeah, um, in case your wondering, you'll probably never see Nega again... Although there's a small chance you may some day... If he gives Nega a second chance... Anyway, um, I came to tell you that M- Um... Your unnamed arch enemy is planning to maybe return someday... Or at least drop in for some tea and crumpets. Hey, maybe he'll even show himself someday instead of hiding behind all those robots and those guys he made and stuff.... Also, um, I kinda heard him talking to himself... He probably wouldn't want me to say this to you, but... Um... I heard him crying slightly, and he wished to himself that you were alright... Without you, he feels he really has no purpose... Um... Well, anyway, I gotta be getting back to the battleship! So, yeah... Um... Bye! - The Intern of SB's UAE ![]() I agree. Hah. Last question and an easy one at that. Go, Frella!
Repeat Response:
That bein' said, on a dead break.
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Last Updated - October 8th, 2008 | |
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