Kirby's Rainbow Resort > Ask the Gurus > Gobbo's Session #25 | |
Ask Guru Gobbo #25It's Squeaky Bogg Appreciation Day! Well, not really, but I sure got a lot of questions about the little bugger. And, on top of that, they all came from the same guy. Wait, guy? Squeaky didn't sign up for that :P - August 14th, 2008
Why is the kirby deflate video on thos fan site and why is on there about hateing kirby? - Mirrior Pikachu ![]() I guess it's on there since it still features Kirby. Like they say, no publicity is bad publicity. If someone goes through that much effort to make something, deep down inside, they love it. Strong feelings, one way or the other, mean a lot. But, largely, people who put that much effort towards hating something when they really hate it are just idiots. I have two questions: 1) If there were two Dededes, would they rule Dreamland together or would they fight for the throne? 2) I have read the 'Kirby Hoaxes' section and have seen the box art (which is easy to mistake for the real thing) and I am wondering... With technology escalating at this rate, how much time would it take until he has the correct box art and a fraud gamepack, too? In session 19, 'Sonic Rules', I agree with you. He had to have a lot of nerve to say that. "In a world of Nerds and Know-it-alls, don't be an idiot." (Please note that I found this site by chance about a year ago and I am not a member yet) Thanks. - Guest ![]() 1) Does the King Dedede you and I know sound like one to share? Of course not! Those birdmen would be squabbling over the throne, the crown, who got to fight Kirby, and the last piece of cake. Selfish ambitions aside, he's just too, well, selfish! Who'da thunk it? 2) Whether its video game fraud or a more drastic crime, there's one rule that seems to always keep stuff from getting out of control: smart people don't do bad things most of the time. I mean, if an actual talented, well meaning person went to make a deceptive Kirby game box, it would be seamless since they would actually put effort into the act. The people that do it are more so blowing time or getting a laugh. Fear the fiend who has malicious intent and the know-how to pull it off! Why Do People Like To Bombard you with Ridiculous Questions And Sonic to Kirby Comparisons? - Chowder ![]() In truth, the "bombardment" has only been thrice. I've gotten far more questions about the subtitled version of Episode #66(6) [hrhr]. And, again, I partially deserve it after whipping 'em up into a frenzy. Can I Provide You With Information On The More Recent Kirby Games? I'd Like To Help. - Action Replay P.s. Use The Jaw Dropping Face For This! ![]() While that seems like a valid solution, it offers more problems than not. When I don't know something, I just look it up, but if there is some tidbit that I spout out that cross references some game fact, I'd never know. So, basically, I don't need a source for information -- I need a fact checker, but that'd be relying on other people, something I have learned never to do to meet throughput. So, rather, I'd swallow my pride and be wrong every once and a while. Hey, there's only so much obscure pieces I can possibly bungle. Gotta hit 'em all sooner than later, right? Then it's clear sailin' through the Orange Ocean. Where do you get the time to do all this? You must really have no life. But that's ok, I don't have one either at least until I learn to drive. As for my question, did Meta Knight constantly stuff his face with food when he was young like Kirby? Can you use the dead Squeaky Bogg? - 111Kirby111 ![]() Well, I do have no life and have no problem confessing to that fact, but anyways, on to your question. I would say that, no, Meta Knight did not gorge himself in his younger years. Given his demeanor and presence, I'd pin him as the kind of child that act very mature for his age, or for his kind. The jovial, carefree, and gluttonous behavior demonstrated by the rest of Dream Land is something the swordsman frowns upon. He either was always disgusted by it or became sick of it at a very young age. 1.) If you were asked "who the heck is kirby?" What would your answer be? Honestly and truly. (I DO know kirby, I'm just curious) 2.) Where can you watch Kirby Right Back at Ya? (on the web) 3.) Who exactly IS Meta Knight? Does anyone know? Or his relation to Kirby? All I hear are rumors, and wild claims. - Prince Flarema ![]() 1) "Kirby is a video game character who is round and pink. He sucks up and spits enemies at each other. He can also eat them to copy their powers and use them himself." If someone were to inquire, that's the boiled down description I would give them. 2) This question already came, but was probably posted after you asked it. 3) "Meta Knight is a masked swordsman at odds against Kirby. Underneath the mask, he looks exactly like Kirby except for his navy color." There are plenty of theories and wild accusations, I know, including the bizzare "Meta Knight is Kirby's son from the future" rag, but that's all they are: wild, unfounded speculations. To date, the most said about the relationship between the two officially in the games is, "Is he friend of foe?" That is wiiide open. Hi! It's me again! And Oh right! My nickname is fine. 1. What happens if Kirby is in the Pokemon world? (Another prediction this time.) 2. If Stafy (spelled correctly) is in Dream Land, can Kirby help him defeat monsters? 3. King Egger (from the Eggerland series) versus King Dedede. Who will win? 4. In the anime, why can Whispy Woods be friend rather than foe? (For an observation.) Bye! - Vinnyboy P.S. That's four questions in a row. ![]() I was just razzin' you about the nick spelling. I make it proper as can be, but if it is preferred, I have no problem accommodating. 1) If Kirby was in the Pokémon world, he would be a Normal type and have the skills: Stockpile, Spit Up, Swallow, and Mimic. His abilities could be Gluttony or Thick Fat, I would assume. He'd be found on the far-off continent of Pop Star which would beg the question how he might be caught, if he even could be. 2) Stafy and Kirby both seem to be peas of the vaguely similar pod, so I would say they could double team for some enemy bashing. 3) King Egger would crush King Dedede, hands down. Dedede is a lazy, selfish oaf when you get down to it. Egger, however, is a demon king and, apparently, and incarnation of destruction. He's pure evil. And, as we know from previous Kirby titles, evil easily disposes of Dedede. 4) Whispy Woods is a friendly character in the animated series, true, but so are Kabu, Cappies, Meta Knight, etc. They just snagged the likeness of a lot of folks who made better characters than one-time appearing monsters and used them. Also, really, Whispy Woods isn't evil. He's either possessed by Dark Matter or working under King Dedede's instructions, only one of which times was done wrongly (Dream Land) since the latter was to keep Nightmare locked away (Adventure). If you ever got an offer from Hal to let Squeaky Bogg be put in an official Kirby game as a new character or enemy, would you accept it. - Long Time Reader First Time Poster PS: Please use the new facefall Squeaky Bogg face. Its funny. ![]() Whoa, and this isn't from Guest? (You'll see what I mean in two postings.) I don't think that scenario is feasible. Most companies never use fan created content, outside of Mega Man, that I know of, which had some Robot Masters created by fans in an annual contest. I think some episodes of Star Trek: The Next Generation used fan scripts, also, but by and large, it's not a common trend. The legality gets pretty hairy with rights and everything. That would be cool if it happened, but the if is the delimiting factor. meta knight the darth vader of kirby? 24.can you use the icon where squeaky bogg iss hitting his head on the ground the one you used in session 22 and when you look below the search feature if not use angry please - Chimera ![]() 23) If Meta Knight was the Darth Vader of Kirby, that means he would be the pink puff's father! And that, I dunno, Chuchu is Kirby's twin sister as well as Meta Knight's daughter! Then you have to figure out who is Obiwan and gets axed by Meta. Obivously, King Dedede is the evil Emperor. Cappies would be the Ewoks because both suck. Truthfully, however, Meta Knight is not the Vader of Dream Land. Vader was on the Dark Side, something that Meta Knight does not mettle with. He fights for what he must or what he sees as right, not for his own selfish ambitions. 24) Angry Bogg was tossed up since I've been doing quite a bit of the Dead icon. While this could be a wrap, I've gotten a rather, um... rabid fan? Rather than even try to fit this in regular release, I've decided to bang it all out at once. What follows is basically all regarding myself, Squeaky Bogg, and the like. If you have no interest in that, then move along. That's why I compartmentalized it in this, set-off spot. If Squeaky Bogg could have an ability, which would you choose and why? - Guest ![]() Ever since his inception, there has only been one power that Bogg has been given: Backdrop! Despite not having arms (even though he technically does), he still breaks out the rasslin' and slams his foes to oblivion with his wide list of specialty moves. Of course, he doesn't have an inhale (it's Backdrop, after all, not Suplex), so he just sorta grabs onto things with his feet. After that, watch out! It's crazy, brain bashing time. (Me again) I saw Bimblesnaff fangurl's and Silver Lunar's questions (both about Squeaky) and it seems Squeaky bogg stole cupid's love bow and fired some arrows, 'cause I love 'im, too. Maybe if you have some GIFs and sprites of him, maybe you could make a boredom-killing game for those long, boring days. - Guest P.S.: also, if you have clay you could make a sculpture or a 'Squeaky bank' (OMG, what's gotten into me!? I'm a boy, not a Bogg addict!) ![]() There actually is a game of Bogg, although it was not suppose to be about him. He's just the only walking animation I had laying around at the time, which actually relates to what you said nicely. As for the bank, while I do like to dabble with Sculpy and clay, mostly the prior now since I no longer have the kiln of the art class to cook the junk in, I stick to small figurines and manageably sized projects. I don't do much in the ways of coin banks. Plus, I already have a big, glass jar to put stuff like that in. Also, as you have shown, the appeal of Squeaky is transgender, which, in and of itself, sounds odd. (*SIGH*) Okay, questions this time. 1)If Squeaky Bogg was unusable as an avatar/icon, What would you draw, what would you call him/her, and use him/her as the avatar/icon for this question, please. 2)Make one more icon of Squeaky (one that you haven't made or used) and add it along with the other one in question 1, please. I am sure these seem more like requests rather than questions, but you shouldn't do them if you don't want to. Thank you' - Guest (also likes to be called 'PoyoKirb') ![]() 1) Hrhr. I'd be Burst the Pufferfish, 'cuz I don't know how to integrate from a Sonic community to a Kirby one. He's a stout and sturdy fish dude who wears cleats for added traction. But, most importantly, he's not a recolored hedgehog that is claimed as an original character that I thought up, designed, drew, and scanned all in under ten minutes total to be a better Sonic fan character than 90% of the Sonic fans make while I, myself, am not such. Aaand, that probably was unrelated to anything. No, really, I use regular Bimblesnaff Bogg for the most part, but I didn't just make any icons of him and couldn't beat a dead horse in posting that. ![]() 2) Why can't you just be happy and love me for who I am? Hrhr. (I CAN'T STOP!!! HELP!!!) Does Squeaky Bogg have friends/family/relatives/girlfriends/roommates(besides you). If he does, can you please show them along with Squeaky Bogg. Thank you, - Out-of-Control-Braindead Guest ![]() In canon, if that term can even be applied, not really. However, out of any serious stuff, the Siege on Rainbow Resort: Revolt Reloaded, which I never got around to making, featured a character who was supposedly his brother. It was really just my reallife brother's own character. There are no pictures of this. I ate them. I found your game (Dreamland Dash) AND your site. can you make an icon of Squeaky Bogg with the mace in the description? Here's the description if you forgot (copy n' pasted): (text removed since too large and link provided) Thank you, - Guest ![]() Yeah, I remember my own site. That page is only a year and a half old, and I've been making consistent updates to site for, oh, nine years now. I don't forget things. I don't make anything I do, be it a website, comic, contact information, or art gallery, hard to find since they all trace back to me. It's pretty much the same names posted everywhere, and I always link to it. Why, my staff profile lists my website plainly, and, in the past when it didn't have anything inappropriate on the main page (don't ask), I'd link to it when I did a fill-in picture for the Frontpage Picture Challenge. And, to be true, the technical name for the weapon is more a "chain" than a "mace". Maces are heavy heads on a shaft used for bludgeoning. This is a heavy head on, well, a chain. Besides, Meta Chain > Mace Knight, 4evar! Well, there it goes, folks. I don't even think that was all of them, just all that were blocked together. One obsessive fan, three new icons, and five questions in a row. Well, they weren't even really questions for the part, more of requests. Guess it doesn't matter. Now to see if SBI Wave 3, including Tilt, Weep, or Chain, can thin out the requests for Dead and Jaw Drop of Wave 2 a little. My prediction? No!
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Last Updated - August 14th, 2008 | |
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