Another Month, Another Mailbag! |
And since it is my other duty to this website, I will say-- yes, a Fan Comics update will be coming within the week. But I'm here to present to you Mailbag 34! Another sensationalized debauchery into the demented realm of letters sent in to krrmail{at)gmail{dot}com, as per the terms of agreement set forth by myself and my comrades, and for you, the much-beloved and appreciated letter writer. For it is without all of you that the KRR Mailbag could not possibly hope to exist, and it is your continued support that keeps me and whomever happens to be in the KRR Chatroom during the random time I decide to do a Mailbag that keeps us preoccupied for an hour or two. So this, like all other Mailbags, is not our work-- no, it is your work. Your well thought and insightful letters that leave us happy, sad, speechless, and most of all, involved. This Mailbag is dedicated to you, the reader, the writer, the contributor.
Just kidding, I mean darn it guys use your heads once in a while. Does Kirby have a last name? My gosh, I'm sure your family would want to take yours away from you just so you're not associated with them. Goodness gracious, people. Once in a while, that's all.. just once in a while! Can't even do that! CAN'T YOU ALL EVEN DO THAT?
Erm oh my gosh. --I mean! To you. The reader! Mailbag 34!
| Posted by ArrEmmDee - 5:17pm March 12th, 2007 |
The escalator to the underground first, RMD. Also I think I might become a mailbag regular someday?! Hopefully?! In my dreams?! |
Posted by Diddgery on 5:22pm March 12th, 2007 |
I vote yes for more Disaster in mailbags. (haha that\'s funny) |
Posted by Disaster Kirby on 5:54pm March 12th, 2007 |
The internet is one of the best places to learn one of the most depressing truths ever: Way too many people are total morons. :( |
Posted by FamoKrishina on 7:50pm March 12th, 2007 |
I see no letter of mine. Please answer the letter I just sent, please. Please. :P Except I mean it. |
Posted by Midna on 6:58pm March 13th, 2007 |
Omy gosh how crazy and stupid can you guys' mailbag get? I mean, geez, most of those didn't even look like questions... but it did make me laugh ^^ lol |
Posted by KirbyDaSailorPuff on 8:21pm March 13th, 2007 |
K. I'll go check it out. |
Posted by MetaKnight2716 on 9:29pm March 15th, 2007 |
In the town of Mailbag Town, there once was a reliable leader, Narf. He would answer all or most problems asked. Then, somewhere along the line, the leader, who sometimes had other leaders with them, was training another leader(s) but, he/she/they weren't/wasn't listening.And then, when anyone asked a question, the leaders were taught to mostly laugh in their face. And that is how the Mailbag of KRR became what it is. <(-'.'-)> |
Posted by Tailskirby6 on 4:41am March 16th, 2007 |
Why am I always forgetting stuff?! I forgot that Mailbag town is in the county of Rainbow Resort in the country of Dreamland on one of the Rainbow Isles/Islands(?) on the planet Popstar. |
Posted by Tailskirby6 on 4:45am March 16th, 2007 |
am i cool yet |
Posted by Asotoku on 1:36pm March 16th, 2007 |
I'd like to order an extra large... Oh wait I'm not filling out the mailbag form :P Anyway, nice mailbag update. |
Posted by dakirbydude on 1:45pm March 17th, 2007 |
Hey! Yeah, it's me again... I'm preparing another mailbag letter. Not that anyone really cares. People mostly read the mailbag for laughs, not information. At any rate, I vote for more Diddgery. Anyone with me? |
Posted by Da Bomb-Omb on 5:45pm March 21st, 2007 |
Posted by Diddgery on 8:33pm March 21st, 2007 |
I vote more Diddgery AND Disaster, and pretty much everyone else. |
Posted by Tailskirby6 on 4:05am March 22nd, 2007 |
Hahah, Diddgery. I figured you'd say something about my post. Maybe we can get enough people together to count as popular opinion, eh? :P And Disaster, I haven't seen enough of you yet to vote up or down, but what I've seen looks good. Keep up the good work, all! |
Posted by Da Bomb-Omb on 3:31pm March 22nd, 2007 |
Sorry for the double post, but I wanted to ask: can I send an email regularly to krrmail{at)gmail{dot}com instead of using the form? Do I need to make the subject something specific, like "Mailbag", if I do? I don't want my e-mail to end up in a junk mail folder or basically be filtered out. |
Posted by Da Bomb-Omb on 3:36pm March 22nd, 2007 |
I vote for more Disaster and Diddgery. They are awesomer(Not a real word, I think.)than awesome. |
Posted by Some Person on 1:23pm April 10th, 2007 |