Kirby's Rainbow Resort > Ask the Gurus > Gobbo's Session #118 | |
Ask Guru Gobbo #118Here I go again on my ow-own, heading down the only road I've ever known! And it'll be like that for only a little longer until the Mailbag gets a minimum queue built up. - February 4th, 2009 do they show escargon without his shell in that one episode? - 888chilly ![]() Escargoon without his shell. Boy, that ... that doesn't really need to be actually shown, does it? Just get a picture of him, alright, and put your hand over his shell. Presto, bammo. You got yourself Escargoon without his shell. This isn't something like Meta Knight without his mask on. There could be anything under that white plate. A snail shell, however, if removable (as they sure wouldn't have organs and other things up in it if it came off), would be more like a hat. A tiny hat. That doesn't obscure any part of the face. Or anything, for that matter. Something like Magilla the Gorilla. Anyhoo, despite the stunning clarification of "that one episode" (couldn't give the slightest insight as to what else could have happened in it?), Escargoon gets his shell busted open in Shell Shocked, episode #88. However, from speeding through the episode (uneditted original version, too), while the shell is cracked open, you never see inside. There's light coming out of it, a dream sequence, disturbing dream sequence King Dedede has, but nothing is shown. That I could see. Unless it's slipped in there in a quick frame or so, doesn't seem like it. Um... just what is Bogg drinking there? Is it something kid friendly? If Kirby is only eight inches tall, why isn't the scenery like... bigger? I mean wouldn't the grass be coming up to like his arms or something or perhaps their scenery is just smaller than Earth's? Following up on this, would that mean that human creatures like Ado and Adeleine(sp?) are one foot human midgets or midget depending on if they are one in the same? - Leint ![]() 1) Uh... yyyes. I mean, it's just Pep Brew. Died green. For St. Patty's day. Yep, "pep" brew. It certainly isn't some other brew with a franchise appropriate word stuffed on front. Heh-heh. 2) Earth grass, yes. But that's Pop Star grass. Much like the residents, it's smaller, too. They've been shown next to things from our world, I believe in the Paint Roller/art episode. Things are giant and appropriately sized to their eight inch stature. 3) When Kirby's been shown next to Samus Aran in Dream Land 3, he's about up to her knees. Not quite eight inches, sure, but they couldn't make her too much of a giant. It wouldn't look right. Ado, on the other hand, I could never really get. I mean, there's the whole "what's a human even doing here?" But, I guess, she's really short. She is, theoretically, a Japanese girl. I'm just saying. They're... they're pretty tiny. Why, I mistake the asian dame I work with for some adorable spider monkey at times. "Who let this here? That's surely against good laboratory practices. Hey, there, little guy. Wanna banana?" It really doesn't help the mistaken identity when she jumps on my head and starts clawing at my face off. Hey, long time listener, first time... question - asker. yeah... Anyways, I was just simply wondering if we are allowed to supply you with our own art for both of the new (and wonderful) Interactive fandoms. I have much art of my submission for the knights of the round table. Thanks! - Kirazy ![]() Round Knight Recruitment has stated somewhere, or two or more somewheres, that it is suppose to be more art centric than previously held contests, something new I'm trying out. Pictures of your entry, other people's entries, it's all good. And, I feel really bad as, your entry, Cutlass Knight, which despite being pretty darn cool, used a sword! That just made me cry a little inside since it was one of the more detailed and better written submissions, which I believe have totaled three at the point of writing this? Anyhoo, a sword. Out of the two big rules listed, I have a firm stance on the "enough with the swords, think of something new" rule. And, due to the rule of precident, if I let your sword in, then everyone else will say, "Well, then, I can submit a sword two and won't have to think of a more original, not already used by half a dozen other knights weapon." They'd say it like that as well, with "two" replacing "too". Super Star Treatment, on the other hand, isn't even slightly artistic since people aren't really making anything new, per se, just applications. I didn't even bother drawing anything for my default submission nor for any of the others. Of course, that's just how I'm handling it. If a submitee ever wants to add some of their pictures, I'll be sure to link them up to say, "Hey man, this entry is all pict-o-fied!" 1. How come Mirror cut can't cut ropes? 2.In Super star treatment and Round knight recruitment, can you submit more then once? - Luca ![]() 1) Mirror can't cut, despite the actually skill being named Mirror Cut, 'cuz it's stupid. That's the actual reason. They said, "Hey, do you know what jagged shards of glass and a slashing attack shouldn't be able to do? Cut things!" If you think that a reason outside of stupidity exists, write to: I Don't Know What Cut Means, 806 Dull Rd, Stupidsville, WY Zipcode from Wyoming. 2) Typically, people don't. Some do, and I sometimes let 'em through. It comes down to a quality versus flooding issue. I typically hold the standard of "The first one is free, but the second one will cost you." Of course since people aren't paying me, yet, that translates to "don't be stupid". We all know who they are. Some entries seem a little haphazard and just thrown up into the mix. On the flip side, others are way too much and leave you scratching your head rather than rubbing your chin. "Hm, yes, under the bushes." Now, I tend to have more than one "If" in the mix normally to set an example, but really those few are an abbreviation of the masses I've developed over a year ago. It seems more than apparent that a lot of the Interactive Fandom submissions are generated nearly on the fly and aren't age old concepts that have been lying around. Of course, I've been at it longer than most people. "It" is anything, generally by a decade. I've heard of a glitch someone found out were you can actually find the block ability in Squeak Squad. Do you know anything about this? Do you know how to perform this glitch? Why doesn't Kirby have fingers, when Meta Knight seeming to be the same species as Kirby, at least has a thumb? Or is the "thumb" just the glove he wears? - Some Random Person ![]() 1) The glitch where the Block ability is found is the Block ability glitch. There's only one that I know of. The ability does actually manifest, but it's just immediatelly lost and has no function. There's just something in the programming that rejects an ability that isn't in existence. It can't be accessed, it can't be used, it's just Triple Star with a hat. Rather than tweak the old stuff, they made new. End of story. 2) Meta Knight has thumbs because of shaky creation foundations and increasing graphical power. They didn't have to explain it before as the gloves were literally just balls. They sorta even fudged around with it a little in Super Star and made the hands almost just folds under cloth. Now, yeah, there's pronounced thumbage going on now. In there defense, they probably never thought they'd have to explain it or even have it be there. A nek-eds Meta Knight is shown in Kirakira Kizzu after defeating him without mask, gloves, or anything. While its small, no fingers. He's just like Kirby but blue. So, he doesn't have fingers. I always look at it as "Homestar Hands", the invisible force that armless people use to manipulate objects. Except, in this case, it's more like "Homestar Fingers", but that just sounds silly. Hello! How do you put your drawing in a Kirby contest? The contest where you can design your own knight. I'm already in. The Kirby guys already accepted my drawing in the fanart. Please help and soon too. - Qtie4U ![]() You know, "the Kirby guys", wherever you pulled that name from, are just two people. One of which is me. ![]() ... What? Quiet, you! Anyhoo, since I know you made said Knight and said picture in the Gallery, which I said "Hey folks, funnel stuff in the Gallery for this contest" anyways, I've already associated the two together and will be adding the two to such. The other means is by simply emailing me the attachment or link to an off-site image. Problem comes in when I have to actually upload it. I work from a non-networked computer for the most part, and that junk heap lacks the graphical editing software needed to right-size images for proper display on the page. So, after learning of said pictures existence, I then have to take it all the way back to my other computer, actually remember to tinker with the image, and get it back to the other one. Normally since I don't even use the non-netted one every day, this process can take a few days. In episode 72 "Waddle while you work", dedede sold all his waddle dees. before he got them all back, he was going to eat dynachick. When tiff told kirby to take dynachick to her nest does she ment dynablade or dynachick? If she ment dynachick does this make her a girl chick? Also, how did dedede ruled dreamland for 300 years anyway? I barely believed he lived for that long. In that episode when that dinosaur scientist made dio-monsters out of the cappys and kirby, kirbysaurus (in the english anime) almost inhaled that missle until kirby ate it and became crash kirby. Do you think if kirbysaurus inhaled it first and became crash kirbysaurus and made that atomic explosion, the cappys would've been killed? In episode what would have happened in dedede and escargoon said no and refused to re-plant every tree that has been burned in the fire? And what would happened to them if the refused to eat kawasaki's spicy soup the cappys forced them to eat? Just a thought because dedede and escargoon are the boss of the cappys. Last, Parmu is the cabnet minister. But...what does he actually do? And what does lady like do besides raising her children? - Sharnay ![]() 1) (a) By proper English sentance formation, if it was said in that manner, then, yes, "her" would have been applied to Dyna Chick. (b) Does it really matter? 2) King Dedede could have ruled for hundreds of years, and could be hundreds older. Meta Knight is up there in the years department, too, with at least a hundred rings in his trunk. As I have tirelessly pointed out, what's a year? These aren't humans and they aren't on Pop Star. Different organisms age differently, and we don't really know how long a Pop Star trip 'round the sun even is. It could be closer to our months or be five of our years. Guess what? They never give biology or astronomy lessons on Pop Stars physics 'cuz that'd be boring to everyone. 3) We would be so lucky. If the Kirbysaurus did eat the missile, it'd be like a scene out of Godzilla. Which scene? All of them! A giant, radioactive monstrosity is pretty much any scene, less the boring "people" scene. Dialogue. Bah! Anyhoo, it'd probably have played up to Godzilla 2000, I believe, where the gorilla-whale's heart started to go into meltdown and he nearly melted a hole straight to the Earth's core. Godzilla: always awesome! 4) If those in-character decisions were followed, then the comical punishment sequence that followed the commanded events wouldn't occur, and the episodes would be about thirty seconds shorter. I can see it now... 5) A cabinet minister manages the cabinet, which ain't furniture. You never see it, but he's busy actually running things, politically. Kings are just figureheads. They get all the attention without doing any of the work. Even the president of the United States, despite being credited with running the country, has hundreds of other people doing a ton of bueracratic hoopla as well to keep things afloat, or crashing and burning depending on perspective. Now, you never see any of this governmentorial duties as it's oh-so dull and boring. Who would want to see that, really? "I don't want to see action, adventure, or comedy. No, give me a man reviewing documents and negotiating! Rawr!" 6) Is it "last one" when you split it into two questions? Ladylike, aside from overcompensating for something with a name like that, doesn't do anything. She's the wife of a political figure. D'ya know what a first lady does? Jack squat, officially. However, since they're built up as "celebrity", they organize fundraisers or other junk to call attention to a political purpose. Is it an actual position? No. It's not sanctioned in the slightest. Are they able to get more response out of people and therefore achieve certain things? Yep. Can you fix the rating on The contests? - Airride_Master ![]() Day late, dollar short. I had the voting screw-up well wrapped up as of late in the 2nd, and I know this message had to arrive mid-day the 3rd. I even made sure to include a little thing on the pages saying, "Hey, whoa, sorry 'bout that. Things fixed now." Then, I voted on them, aaand it worked, so they were pretty fixed then. The only place such fixage wasn't noted was the main page of RR itself. Of course, seeing as in the past such mistakes have been made, I guess folks new by now to just sit and be patience. ![]() ... Patience... Is Kirby Wii gonna look like the exact thing in the Beta trailer or is Nintendo gonna make the same mistake Rare did with.....Banjo-Kazooie:nuts n bolts. - Carlod ![]() I'm inclined to say no on this one, but for a different reason than you'd expect. The game should look different, but better if anything. It was designed so long ago and on a past-gen system. Things have gotten better since then, even if nearly undetectable to the human eye. So, if anything, it's a change for the better. Tho', that lone trailer was enough too keep us all on edge for how many years now?
Repeat Response: When will this roller coaster of questionage end? Tons of Q's, no Q's, a lot more Q's, then a drought. I can take the lot or the little, really, but it's the switching up that gets to me. That's right, I'm saying people should be more organized about things they have no control over.
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Last Updated - February 4th, 2009 | |
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