Kirby's Rainbow Resort > Ask the Gurus > Gobbo's Session #29 | |
Ask Guru Gobbo #29Today's is short. Why? I was tired. What? Do I need a real reason? - August 18th, 2008
In Session #26 there was a question about why Tiff liked Vee. Well wasn't Vee pretending to be a boy? Then when her helmet fell off Tiff's face was shocked because she actually a girl. - Place Name Here ![]() As was said before, she was meant to be female originally. I don't quite remember what the English version had Vee as, but the source I had listed Vee as Princess Rona's "lady-in-waiting". Now, I don't know what type of guy takes on that role, but it would probably put the network in the same boat as the questioned situation. And, again, that's just what my source said. I've only seen the American version and loosely paid attention to it at that. However, this type of stunt has happened before, and even in a children's show. A Pokémon OVA, Legend of Thunder with Raikou. In it, there were two members of Team Rocket who were actually threats. One was the strong man, the other was the girly man! Very girly, in fact. Too girly for the English dub to allow. Thus, they changed him to a her, which you really couldn't even tell as he was that feminine. This switch turned a lot of the dialogue with his teammate, um, more family friendly? So, that's the shake down. I know we were led to believe Vee was a male in the dub, but from what I can tell from sources on-line (which I really wish some of them were Ivy), the original was a chick. But, also as stated in the progenitor of this question, I don't really know if Tiff/Fumu was in love with Vee or just very taken with her. People do like to read too much into things and see everything as "love". In fact, most descriptions I see just say that Fumu/Tiff "befriends" Vee. Hi! It's me again. 1. If Fumu/Tiff was a heroine after all, then why she wasn't a star warrior? 2. Oh! I almost forgot something. So far, did Fumu/Tiff kidnapped in some episodes? (I usually don't remember.) 3. There are three DS games: Kirby Canvas Curse, Squeak Squad, and Super Star Ultra. Which DS game is the best? 4. Lolo & Lala and Ice Climbers are look alike. Is there any differences? Bye! - Vinnyboy ![]() 1) She wasn't a Star Warrior because that is an elite class of fighter that few are called into the role of. There's some lofty criteria there, a lot of which I would say is martial related, which she falls short of. I guess she could have gotten into the Galaxy Soldier Army to fight against Nightmare, but, again, not much combat training. 2) I know Fumu was kidnapped at least once. In the Air Ride episode, a hypnotized King Dedede and Escargoon took her away to Nightmare Enterprises, or something like that. That's not important. The point is that she was kidnapped. The unfortunate thing is that she came back. 3) One of those three titles listed isn't even out yet and there for cannot be rated, and I don't even own the other two to offer a comparison. Sooo... Canvas Curse since it is a unique game that stands out from the rest of the other Kirby titles, not even counting the DS library. 4) There are plenty differences between Lololo & Lalala and the Ice Climbers. Really, the only likenesses between the two duos is the boy/girl, blue/pink matching. Another question. At Gobbo's session #09 you said that Sonic is grasping at straws. What exactly does that mean? I'm not a Sonic fan or anything, but I heard Sonic's games aren't good anymore. I think both Kirby and Meta Knight are better than Sonic but I just got curious. - Lindsay the Wolf ![]() "Grasping at straws" is an idiom that means trying despite certain failure. I mentioned it before, but Sonic couldn't keep his old game styles as he progressed up the platform ladder. They introduced too much changes and alienated old fans. At least, that's what I hear old fans saying. I dunno. The last Sonic game I played was Hedgehog 2 or maybe a which demo of Knuckles at the toy store some time. I got some more questions I wanna lay upon ya, so here I go! Do you have a favorite level/round in any of the Kirby games? I know from reading the manuals from the Kirby games that Kirbys/Dreamlanders must have genders. My question is if you know if there is any way to differentiate between a male and female Kirby/Dreamlander or if they are like Nameks from DBZ where they all seem to be males? Do you think Kirby is a glutton or bulimic? I know he tends to eat a lot of things, but I know he also tends to spit up a lot of stuff as well, so it's got me a bit curious. - Leint ![]() 1) My favorite stage in all of the series is Butter Building. I love how it has a real theme to it. You get plenty of vertical travel. There are those nice looking winding scenes for those of us who have the NES version, that is. Nightmare in Dream Land totally flaked on this aspect. Additionally, it contains the first appearance of Bugzzy and is topped by Mr. Shine & Mr. Bright. Those are just icing to my already tasty reason cake. 2) If there is one thing that the game series has made obvious, its that you can always tell a female from their big, pretty bows! Every time, it's there. Lips and eyelashes are another good source, too. But, physically, I don't think there's much to set them apart. Much like Lololo & Lalala, they would be about identical. 3) Part two seems to answer itself: Glutton? Bulimic? Why not both! Eat like a hog and spew like a hose! It's a winning combination, kids. Especially for you, princess porker! * points to some reader * Yeah, you thought you had issues before, didn't you? I heard someone say somthing about kirby and the mirror labryinth. Do you know if it is a sequel or remake of kirby of the amazing mirror? - Tripp Best ![]() It is no such thing, Tripp. "Mirror Labyrinth" is the real name of Amazing Mirror, by which I mean Japanese. But, no, such a title was too much for Americans to handle, so they took up the cheesiest pun ever. "Hey, I know, it's a giant maze, right? So, let's make it the 'Amaze-ing Mirror'! Hrhr!" It was so bad, the second the name came out, all Kirby fans on this side of the Pacific said, "Oh, please, don't call it A-Maze-ing Mirror over here." Luckily, they at least took out the hyphens. Who is this fellow who you quoted as being a "favorite" of ours bashing Kirby fans was it my imposter or mail sender also what does typing in 1337 mean. - Potato Soup Man ![]() That alluded wretch would be the Sonic fan that drew much ire upon himself. 1337 5P34|<, by the way, is a method of comprising letters and words out of numerical and special characters that closely resemble them. Back in the days of internets booming infancy, it was the pseudo-language or code that "elite" computer users communicated by to show their prowess at computer related things. However, once the mainstream got wind of it, it was quickly relegated to use by lower forms of newbies and other dregs who thought they were cool. Why does everybody wants to ask questions like "When is eps 66 coming out?" or "I want see Mk in a penguin suit!" or "PoyoPoyoPoyoPOYO!". These are just mindless question that people ask because they are too lazy to search it on the web!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!I want to punch whoevers asks a question like those again! Now the real question, Who would win in a free for all fight: Axe Knight, Mace Knight, Javelin Knight, Trident Knight, Sword Knight, or Blade Knight? - Mirror Kirby ![]() Punching people in the face is my job, but on to the battle question, the outcome would be as this: Sword Knight and Blade Knight would kiss each other's butts good bye as the more skilled and trained team worked together to eliminate the unworthy competition. Four versus two, assuming they did decide to work together, is not good odds. The mercenaries of Meta Knight would break their steel and send them running. Then, it would come down to the real Knights to determine the outcome. They would spring into action! Mace Knight would charge forward, swinging his chain over head. Axe Knight would toss his spinning cleavers forward. Javelin Knight would ... kinda spin around like a malfunctioning droid. It would take Mace Knight just a little too long to realize that he was stampeding on a platform that no one else was on. Much the same, the fright faced fighter wouldn't realize that no one was coming into range of his thrown axes. This leaves the real warrior, Trident Knight. From his position, his electrified prongs would sail out and hit any mark. Crack! A surge of power would overload the aimless android. With any luck, the plummeting robot would take out some more of the moon mounted mercenaries adversaries. If not, it would just mean a few more shots were needed. Regardless of the path, the same results are met in the end. Winner: Trident Knight, and what do you mean "favorite bias"? That's madness! Do you know how many enemies there are in the kirby games if you cant figure it out for me then take a wild guess because i dont know :( - Dodongox ![]() There is about three-hundred fifty, just counting the regularly found foes. I'm not counting them all, but a quick zip to the Regular Enemies index at the Kirbypedia shows about 225 entries. Mini-bosses are around 40, bosses range near 70, so that rounds off to about 350. I would say, to compensate for error in the listings, that 300 would be a safer number, however. Regardless, I ain't actually going to count. That'd be madness! Sorry for not putting all my questions on one thing. They came at comepletly different times. Anyways, I heard an arguement that Ness and Kirby are similiar. They are totally not! If Kirby is like anyone (and I'm not saying he is but) it would be Samus. I mean he met her in a canon Kirby game. They can both freeze stuff, shoot missles (double-bomb in K64) and the both seem to be the gender they're not. SO THERE!!! - Tripp Best P.S. My favorite Kirby song is the nature song from mirror, what would you rate it? ![]() You left out the most obvious similarity where they both roll up into balls! C'mon! But, anyways, I don't really know which one that is. None of the music really stood out to me from Amazing Mirror, so I'd probably rank it at mediocre. Is the Mail Bag trying to steal your thunder? - Why Ask The Obvious? ![]() Just so you know, I tossed a lot of stuff out. Too much personal questions and things that, really, weren't even questions. And I let one about "1337" through, so you know I'm not setting the standards too high.
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Last Updated - August 19th, 2008 | |
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