Kirby's Rainbow Resort > Ask the Gurus > Gobbo's Session #40 | |
Ask Guru Gobbo #40Today breaks into new territory: forty, the big XL, monkey cheese burger! Yes, that's right, forty is not the new thirty. It's a monkey cheese burger, whatever that may be. - August 29th, 2008 #1 If you had to make up one copy ability, what would you call it, and what would it do? #2 In the Kirby Wii Game, there is going to be water from the anima, and possibly top. As you stated in an earlier Ask The Gurus, you said an ability that would send you running into the night is an ability from the anime, so you might have to get running. #3 Please use the sad Gobbo. He's so cute! - Cake is Truth! I Believe! ![]() 1) That job was already done for me. Long ago, in land far, far away, Toledo to be exact, I doodled out a Berserker ability. Really, if you slapped on accompanying booties and digging capabilities with the claws, it'd be Animal. Of course, I guess having claws and a beast skin don't really account for too much in the department of original thought, but still. Still what? Just still. 2) While those are all true, outside of the Top thing as there is no evidence that such an ability appears in any of the trailers, the Water ability featured in the Wii title is more like a Bubble and nothing like how Water was in the animated series. I've covered it before, but the in-game Water ability attacks by hurling an array of water droplets at a steep trajectory that fall down to damage enemies. Its head piece is a wavy nest of water set in gold. The show's water attacked with jets or streams of the stuff, not globules, as well as made him translucent with a weird, lift and flopped over wave topper. I would say that this Water is much like how they made a Metal power after the animated series' Iron. They aren't really the same. Okay, so they basically are, outside of the confusing Egyptian and staff part. Metal actually turned into a big block of steel where Iron turned into gold. Ironically, gold is a metal and would have passed off just fine under that title, but the dumb fan went with "iron". Moreover, Water is actually very different since its basic means of attack differs from the fan ability. Really, it seems more like an evolution of the Bubble ability, which was severely tied down by its Squeak Squad gimmick of stomach bubble linkage. It's almost like Bubble and the show's Water had a baby, but Water won out on the naming since, let's face it, it makes for a better basic ability. 3) No icon requests! I've covered that somewhere before. If Kirby ever decided to go on a diet, do you think Dreamland would be doomed since he pretty much eats to protect it? Which Kirby games have you not had the chance to play? You know the little cutscenes that occur before a level or world in Dreamland, Adventure, etc.? Do you have a favorite? Do you find it disturbing in Super Star when you or your helper gets food that Kirby and the helper will make out and regurgitate the food into each other's mouth? Does Squeaky Bogg have the voice that swoons over the ladies and makes everyone weak at the knees or the kind of voice that makes kids want to cry and adults shoot themselves for hearing such a horrendous sound? - Leint ![]() 1) Dream Land would only be half doomed if the glutton decided to drop a few pounds. Luckily, he just sucks things up as his primary means of attack. Eating was performed next to never in the first Dream Land since you couldn't copy abilities. You can manage to still storm through most games without there use, so the pink puff should be just fine. It'd be old school all over again. 2) I think it'd be shorter to say the ones that I have played, which, outside of the titles I own, would include Pinball Land. The reason I write it this-a-way is to avoid having to name all the Japanese only and other uber rare titles. 3) My favorite level intro animation sequence would be Dream Land 2's Iceberg intro. It has Kirby in the cold snow looking between Rick and Kine. After sneezing, he gladly hops on the warm, fuzzy hamster, scratches his head, and the pair are off. Meanwhile, Kine is left in the cold and gives one of his classic looks. 4) While this make-out regurgitation is what appears to be done, this is just a graphical ploy to just save on sprites. They have Kirby turn around and cover up the helper. While it would appear that he's mama birding up some grub, he's really just sharing some left over food with them. Now, I know there's no eating animation for when food is touched any other time, but it would look a little weird if Kirby just touched them and they got healed. Likewise, in Amazing Mirror, the Kirby clones pucker up and- that's can't be good at all! Yeah, okay, I'm bluffing. It totally looks like they are swapping digested foodstuff. But, now, remember that on Pop Star, food is flung out of mouths all the time. It's how Kirby attacks by standard. I don't really think he has much saliva, if any. Much like a hamster, he just can pocket food and break off some for his friends. I don't exactly think he chews it or even really digests it. From what can be told, the only processing done onto what he consumes is a bizarre transformation into a star. So, if you think about it, he's just spitting micro stars into his helper's mouth. Which is still disgusting! 5) Bogg's voice is -- wow, I didn't describe that in his profile? -- likened to cross between a dog's squeak toy and nails on a chalk board. It's a bit shrill, very grating, but still with an edge of innocence and adorability. Needless to say, I'd never be able to produce as such without extensive vocal surgery or learning how to use my sound editor any to modify speech. I liked your comic because of it's over-the-topness! Anyways, it might surprise you but McDee was not Prophallus, he was me! So that was another session almost literally overrun by my questions. I think it's a bit scary that you do a lot of my questions in the same session, but I see it might save time and space doing so. And one last thing, why did you diss me on the 'drunk' question? - Guest P.S.: Nice voice. ![]() I don't recall dissing you any. I read the letters with a chosen voice before even really knowing who sent them in. I just tried my best to make you sound intoxicated to fit the theme of the submission. Now, if you want dissing, the initial response to the McDee question actually called you out and identified you as Guest while making mention to being beat to the fake restaurant owner gimmick by Prophallus. However, after I saw that most of the doable questions for that session were mostly all yours, I thought it'd be better to not take away what could have been seen as someone who was not you having a question answered. Yo gobbo! is the fan fic section coming back cause i got a story based on my version of a kirby anime spin-off. he talks instead of "poyoing" but mostly when he gets an ability and ribbon returns as with a crush on him but he doesn't notice. also if kirby is a "little boy" why is he and the animals drinking? don't tell me Popstar doesn't have a drinking age. - Kirby Star 10 ![]() What? Is the fan fiction area not working? I don't even know who was in charge of that stuff. Well, regardless, that whole submittal thing really needs to be reworked as well as the pages being repolished. I would normally say, "Yeah, just send anything fan related to me if you want it posted on the site," but that pit of horrible HTML called the fan fiction area scares me something awful. As for the drinking thing, to which I assume you are referencing the linked to Session #12 Question #9, I kinda already covered that whole bit, including him being too young to drink. It's really just a nutty and fun picture. Of course, may Kirby's French or something. It's not like alcohol is poisonous or anything when you're under a set age, it just has untold and definite hazards. I mean, folks back in the Middle Ages use to only drink wine and such, and they turned out fine, right? ... Okay, probably not. why is there nothing to do after you complete kirby mouse attack? - Kieran McEwan ![]() What do you mean, "nothing to do"? Isn't that when Extra Mode and Boss Endurance are accessible for game play? I'm actually asking that. It wasn't rhetorical. Isn't that when that stuff opens up? That's basically what you're suppose to do. Go through the game once and prove you can do it. Then, try to see how fast you can get it done again in a more difficult setting. How do you feel about video game songs... with words? Whether its actually within the game or not, it could just be on its soundtrack.... like MOTHER. The vocals were kinda cheesy, but neat. Oh, and don't even make me bring up "Sonic R"! XD ...But, how would you feel if there was ever a Kirby game like that? Like, recent? (I guess it already happened in Kirby's Adventure though.) - Leirin ![]() The Adventure song was made of win! But, really, the only reason video game songs typically don't have words is because they couldn't. Only until the higher powered, more memory packing game data storage methods came out could this be reasonably possible. There's nothing wrong with it, now, however, there's really not the need to have it. The title screen is up for, what, five seconds until you hit start? And you don't really want the words going while playing the game. That'd be the same as having someone talking to you the entire game -- very distracting. 1) Why didn't NOA know that Kirby was pink when KDL came out? 2) Why was Kirby Tilt 'N' Tumble 2 canceled? 3) And as for the whole argument whether Kirby has shoes or not, take a look here: [link] You can barely see his legs. - Torkirby ![]() 1) Nintendo of America didn't know that Kirby was suppose to be pink since the color was still being debated at the time. Box art and what not is made far in advance, so even though the Japanese cover had a pink Kirby, the American version was already designed and printed in bulk. This stuff isn't done last minute. Sakurai and Miyamoto were still tossing back and forth their pink and yellow coloring ideas, to which Sakurai eventually won out. However, while this was being finalized, all NOA had was a cream spinach puff ball to work with, so they chose a very neutral white color and pinked it once the dust had settled on the whole coloration issue. 2) No source specifically tells why it was canned. Reasons would be pinned on developmental issues or the company's opinion of it being a "strong game". Miyamoto himself demonstrated the game to a seemingly pleased audience, but this may have not shown deeper, underlying issues with the game. This same question to apply to, "What's taking Kirby Wii/GameCube so long to come out?" Nintendo really likes to run Kirby through the wringer. 3) As much as I appreciate the effort, this picture can probably be ranked with the scene from the manga that shows leg. It's a nice piece of evidence, but both are on shaky ground. One is psuedo-non-canon, and the other is crummy developmental ... balloon? I can't even tell what that thing even is! In session 38 you only answered 5 questions when I saw three more(labeled "#%*@^!"; "......"; and "...". were those actual questions or were they something else? - Guest ![]() That was suppose to be symbolic of the system breaking down and going glitched or falling into static. Yeah, it didn't really translate well, I know. Also, it padded out the list since I really only had five some questions, but it took up so much time, I truncated the amount answered to keep the file download friendly for dial-up viewers. me again it's not so much a question did you know that in squeak squad if you duck while getting hurt with an ability you won't lose it - Raver ![]() Of course I didn't know that. I don't own the game. But, this is true, folks. I've looked it up. Ducking is likened to a block or guarded state, which it should be. If a hit is received while squat down, while full damage is taken, Kirby will not drop his copy ability, if he has one, or even his treasure. Pretty handy. Wow, we learned something today. Like, someone real. Doesn't that make you feel all fuzzy inside much like ingesting bread far past its best day?
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Last Updated - August 29th, 2008 | |
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