Kirby's Rainbow Resort > Ask the Gurus > Gobbo's Session #44 | |
Ask Guru Gobbo #44Hm. Something seems off about today, and I can't quite shake it. No, not like that. - September 2nd, 2008
I just noticed: One of the predominate races in the animé is Cappy. But in the games, aren't they called "Cappy" because of their mushroom caps....? In the animé they don't have any hats! (Or at least not usually.) - Leirin ![]() They also don't wear close, congregate in cities, or look any different than any other. Yeah, I don't really know what the animated series was going for when they chose to have Cappies be the people of Pop Star. I guess they wanted to have Kirby be unique and Cappies were about the most "human" of the bad guys, once you took off their caps. Waddle Dee couldn't have been the main type since they were King Dedede's servant, and I don't even think any of the other foes come close to meeting the bill. All in all, a stupid move, I'd say, but that shouldn't come as any surprise. As to whether I meant that being my expected opinion or expectation from the show, I'll leave it up to you. Hey, 'sup. I had a question... Y'know how Kirby is apparently part of a "Species"? There's Kirby, Meta Knight, and you say those Dream Lander's backs shown in Kirby's Dreamland are also part of the species. Well, anyway... I wonder, is Squeaky Bogg a Species? Are there others that look exactly like him, maybe with a Palette Swap? Or is Squeaky Bogg all alone? If so, what's the name of this species? - M190049 ![]() Actually, since Bogg isn't canon, I generally use the very much non-canon go about of each foe being an individual more like than a race. The people are Dream Landers or what have you, and they are just highly variable. Flaws are abound in this take, of course, since this wouldn't apply to every breed of foe, like Como, Grizzo, and other more animal creatures, but it holds up pretty good for the more personable folks. I mean, there are still families, like that of the Poppy Bros., but where exactly does a bloke like Marx fall in either view? Is he a species or an individual? I'd just rather think they're people... people who are different... but instead of redheads and brunettes, it's cyclops, wings, and mouths that define them. Now, of course, I haven't really put much thought into it, but neither have the game makers, so I see it that I'm in the clear. OK, I know you must be getting tired of the Amazing Mirror boss thing, but I do have this to say: When you look in a normal real-life mirror, what do you see? You don't see someone that fights a lot like you do you, you see you. Besides the game makers being lazy, that could be the reason real Kracko is in Mirror World. For some strange reason unknown to us, Mirror Kracko looks just like real Kracko. This is also a case for several of the normal enemies; Mirror Waddle Dees look and act just like normal Waddle Dees. Apparently, Mirror World reflections don't have a single set conversion formula from normal to Mirror. Speaking of Amazing Mirror, what do you think of the map system they used instead of a standard stage format such as in Adventure or Squeak Squad? Would you like to see it used in another Kirby game? Personally, I liked it. I thought it was fairly enjoyable, although I sometimes got tired of going through the same area over and over on my way to new areas. - SuperComputer276 ![]() 1) And that, sir, is what they call a "cop out", which is still my point. I mean, that's a good point and all, and it explains why, say, the Waddle Dees are such are treated as bad guys in this title. There were reasons before, but this one doesn't have an outward statement to justify the mindless slaughter. Despite the well wrapped up reasons, however, it still leads to one end point -- the game makers got lazy. Does it work? Is it acceptable? Of course. Was it the easier out? More yes. 2) The continuous "Metroid" system of map, or Great Cave Offensive style, was a welcomed change from the segmented levels. I think since there was so much to explore and find, this style of mapping helped the game out. I still like the traditional, linear method of play, but the manner depends on the game format. Treasure hunting through levels would require constant re-entry into a level to find what was missed, anyways. At least this map system didn't have points A and B connected by line AB. There were several different routes to take to get to one common point which helped the game from getting repetitive, although I agree that some parts got a little sickening to see, especially near the start. I have a question for you regarding us Americans. You recently said that in Session #42, "Americans are stupid" for pronouncing King Dedede as "Dee-dee-dee". It's sad to be a loyal American (even though our government is starting to suck, including TV shows) and see someone else on the Internet or anywhere for that matter insulting the country where you live and like. I understand we do make mistakes with the Kirby game covers and the name pronouncing and spelling, but we're not stupid. It's Hollywood, NOA, and many other of these big-time companies. The same companies, however, are actually good and care about the customers, but that's getting off topic. My question to you is, why do you hate America? If you hate it, well then you haven't lived here and seen America through a restricted, intelligent American's eyes (personal stuff, leave me alone D:). Okay...maybe not completely intelligent, but more intelligent than the classmates and my high school. Now for a Kirby-related question...I have none. I was too busy ranting about you keep on insulting America. - Zero-Slash ![]() I never insulted America, I insulted Americans, and just one aspect at that. Didn't diss the can, just the garbage inside. Besides, this was a general statement. Sturgeon's Law: 90% of everything is crud. Yes, I know there are smart people, but by and large this isn't the case. But, anyhoo, I said that they felt this had to be dumbed down, "they" being networks and such. To take from an episode of Futurama, executives highly underestimate middle America. To quote Execu-Bot #2, "Is it good enough to get them off their tractors?" Now, this is perfectly understandable. There's actually good reason for thinking such of most people. The particular branch of stupidity I was referring to was a lack of grasp on foreign language, or even our own, really. Why, back when America was being founded, the States were already butchering the Queen's English, but we didn't just limit this act to our own tongue. Whenever a word is pulled from another culture to our own, we change it. Zebra isn't "zee-brah", it's "zeh-brah", much like the Dedede situation. Guess what, tho'? That was a long, long time ago. Now, it's just accepted as "zee-brah". It goes much further than that. My father (and many others) say the S at the end of Illinois. You ain't supposed to, or even say "ain't". Even more, the word history was actually said "istory", no H sound, but it's there so it got thrown in the mix. That's how languages go. They take, change, and adopt words. Frankly, I'm still waiting for folks to start saying the hard consonant at the end of words like ballet. We (Americans) just aren't taught other languages well in our schools, in general. Everything I say is a most-case, generalized scenario. But, c'mon, do you know how many people pronounce just the words animé and manga terribly butchered over seas here, at least before the mass spread popularity. Hey, I and everyone I know did the exact same thing. I said it, "an-neh-mee". Didn't know better, didn't have the internet or anyone talking about it to correct it. When watching The Guyver or Dirty Pair, you're first thought is, "Hey, this stuff is cool" not "How do I properly say this form of medium?" Besides, we called it Japanimation in those days. Again, I said I was a stupid American. I put myself in the boat, too, and that gives me a good perspective on the situation. People say stuff wrong, generally because they don't know better. They don't know better because they aren't taught better. They aren't taught better because the American philosophy on language for the last so many years has been, "Meh, all other countries will learn English, anyways. Why should we care?" But, now, neither this nor any of that has to do with Kirby. It was just a half-thought general statement thrown out there to tie together two segments of explanation. Stop reading so much into things, or read into them in the right direction. Not, "Yeah, I'm stupid," to "America is a terrible country." Never said that, never meant, but the vast majority of my second grade class did think that sand was a liquid and not a solid. Yeah, I stand my grounds for stupid Americans. Again, broad statement. What exactly are Scarfies? Are they the evil, demonic-faced beasts or the cute-faced flying foe? Also, do they fly with their ears or their hands? Also, a spell check: You've been spelling Acro's name "Arco". This is not correct. Both KDL3 and K64 refer to him/her (not sure if it's a boy or girl) as Acro. Also, Acro backwards is Orca, which he/she is. ... Just sayin'. - Beezo 'n' Weldar ![]() 1) They are secretly evil beasts in the guise of a cute cuddlies. I assume those flappers they have are some type of cranial extention, although I don't know if "ear" is really the right term for it. Head wings, kinda maybe sorta not really? 2) Yes, I'm aware of the origin of Acro's name. However, the question that I was responding to spelled it "Arco", which sticks it into my mind. I'm not really a big fan of the whale, any whale enemy, really. It's bland and uninspired in my opinion, and the name barely rolls off the tongue. Arco sounds much cooler, in my opinion, despite being of no meaning in the flipping sense. I know it seems a little lame to say, "The question did it. I'm innocent," but Arco would come up on a spell check regardless, and I just skip over proper names. And you wouldn't believe how many times I spelled it Arco while typing this. Anyhoo, good looking out. Changes made. Hi! 1.Do you think Kirby Super Star Ultra'll be a good game? 2.Do you watch the Anime these days? 3.Does Squeaky Bogg have a little friend? If so, who is he/she and what does he/she look like? Bye! - Fofa720 ![]() 1) Super Star Ultra will probably be as good as the transition of Adventure to Nightmare in Dream Land. They'll tone down the difficulty and probably take a few little things out while slipping in updated graphics and extra modes of play. Really, my expectations of it are between a "Meh" and a shrug. It all really hinges on Revenge of the King and what that may be like. Twenty days, and I guess we'll all learn. 2) No. Never. Not if you paid me. 3) Relatives, friends, and helpers of Bogg are a matter discussed before. Hi! It's me again. Look, I'm sorry! I post some questions right after session #30. But then, there's no questions from session #31 till now. Here are the questions one more time. (Don't worry! I need to remember my questions.) 1. One of my buddies asked me about this odd questions. A: What happens if Kirby is driving into a vehicle? (I say him he would crash into something.) And B: What if it's snowed in Dream Land? (That question came out of nowhere. I say him that's impossible!) Will you answer both A and B? 2. Knuckle Joe versus Knuckles from the Sonic universe. Who will win? (It's nothing to do with Sonic anymore.) 3. This is the first non-related Kirby question. Did you watch Anime music videos? (Maybe you not, but Ivyna J. Spyder watched it.) 4. What happens if Kirby and his friends are in the Star Fox universe? Bye! - Vinnyboy ![]() Yeah, I actually remember these questions. Thing is, I was tired and thought, "Nuts to this dribble" and tossed them out. That was at the point where things were being tossed. 1a) I don't even get this. He would crash, I guess, right? 1b) Of course it snows in Dream Land. The level Iceberg is full of snow, ice, and cold. It's very possible. 2) Joe would throw a few punches before his sofa shaped self grew exhausted. Knuckles would probably angst in a corner. No one would win, and we all would lose. 3) No, I do not. 4) If Kirby was in the same universe as Star Fox, the chances would be unbelievable astronomical that the two would ever cross paths given the boundlessness of the universe. So, if they existed in the same existence, they'd never meet. Hello again! What happens if Kirby is playing Dance Dance Revolution? Meta-Knight versus Meta-Ridley!? Who will win? Goodbye! - Ness Kirby P.S. I want to see if Vinnyboy is submitting anything again. Thank you! ![]() 1) He would lose. I mean, c'mon. The dude has, like, no leg span. I don't even think he could use the foot buttons at all. 2) I didn't even know there was a Meta Ridley. Anyhoo, of course the giant, robotic dragon thing would annihilate the puny puff ball. That's almost no contest. 3) You should know whether or not he is, seeing as you came up with having the exact same IP address. 1.were can I find Sword and Blade plushies?I wuv them! 2.why wasn't my previous question answered? I will stop bugging you if you answer these questions.thanks. - Lindsay the Wolf ![]() 1) As far as I know, there isn't. 2) I don't know what if any question it was. If any question is passed over, I don't look at who asked it. It just hits the garbage pile.
Repeat Response: Mass abbreviation from time restraints!
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Last Updated - September 2nd, 2008 | |
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