Kirby's Rainbow Resort > Ask the Gurus > Gobbo's Session #55 | |
Ask Guru Gobbo #55I wonder if anyone reads these? I could probably say anything here. Taco bla! - September 18th, 2008
Lulz. Just as I was reading Session 53... I saw a commercial. A Super Star Ultra commercial. And... OHGOD. He says Poyo in it.;-; Anyway, I'll reiterate the commercial to you... (No, you won't. We've probably all seen it on YouTube or on television. I'll just skip to the meat of the matter, if you don't mind.) *It shows Kirby inhaling a multitude of Waddle Dees and Doos. You can hear him going "Poyo, poyo!!" slightly... * (Further abbreviation...) "He's the 'Super Tuff Pink Puff'!" Oh god. "SUPER TUFF PINK PUFF" I have lost my will to live. ... So what's your comments? - m190049 ![]() I must say, it doesn't sound an awful lot like "poyo" to me, more like general squeals and such. Even if he is saying it, it could have been a lot more blatant. Faint is good. It actually surprised me a bit, however, when they had Kirby chasing a butterfly. Normally, such an innocent and cute act would completely violate the NoA Kirby policy of "slanty eyebrows". It looks like they are trying to ride a "pink and tough" message rather than a "pink but tough" one. As for the Super Tuff Pink Puff tag line, I personally prefer the ol' "One Tough Cream Puff" slogan for so many more reasons, one being that it matches even syllables on either side of the rhyme. Anyways, it's not the worst they could have done. Sadly. Kirby! "Poyo poyo poyo!" He'll kick your ass! Actually, that would have been better. You said Batamon can't be encountered, but he can. On uh, Cloudy Park level 2 or 3 or something, if you skip the final door when the screen is scrolling, you can fly to the top right and find another final door, only with a Batamon marching in front of it! Actually, I found this out on the KRR Forums. Sorry if this has already been asked, my power was out and I missed a few uh.... sessions... - Error Taxi ![]() Whoa, really? It's just a commonly spread fact that you can't reach them in any way, normally only being amended with the Pitch Spark clause. I guess this further factoid is spread about far less commonly. Obviously, it is the first I've heard of it elsewise I would have gotten the facts right the first time. Normally, folks mention how they have to do ROM hacks or other such extreme measures to be able to meet with the foe to prove that it was nothing special hidden about it. And, here, all along, they could have just walked right up to it? Crazy. Here is a question about Meta knight's past. In episode 19 of Hoshi no Kaabii, MK tells Knuckle Joe that he and KJ's father had been good friends. And in episode 60, Sirica says that MK worked alongside Gurlude. Do you think mabye MK, Gurlude, and Jerca(Knuckle Joe's dad) had been friends since they were kids? And do you think mabye MK was also a monster that didn't obey, like Kirby, and the monster Wolfwrath had been chasing him since he was little? Thank you. - Lindsay the Wolf ![]() I don't recall any mention of the three ever crossing paths all at once. They mention how Meta Knight fought alongside Gurlude and was friends with Jerca, but they never say that Joe's and Sirica's respectively engendered parents ever had a meeting. I'd think it more likely that, being the black widower that Meta Knight is, after his friend Jerca died/turned into a demon beast, he took up a new partner who, of course, met a grisly fate as well. I would say it's plausible that Meta Knight and Jerca had a long standing friendship, but Gurlude seemed to just be more of a comrade at arms. Of that point, wasn't Wolfwrath just the demon beast appointed to guard over Galaxia after Nightmare took it away from the good guys? I think it was only ever following the sword, not Meta Knight, and even then only after it was stolen. As for Meta Knight being a rejecting creation of NME, I would say nay. They already used that bombshell as a heavy reveal with Kirby. If they just turned around and said, "MK's that too!" immediately afterwards, it'd leave a very cheap feeling about the entire instance. No, being hand crafted by the enemy is what gives Kirby his ... um... twist? Plus, it's not like things of the puff ball shape only exist in those two. Who is it? Sir Arthur and some other of those Galaxy Soldier Army guys are of the rounded nature, too. I don't think they all were created by Nightmare. Otherwise, by the third one, you think he would have realized, "Yeah, every time I make this little pudge thing, it turns on me. Better not go this route." 1. Do you know the name of the weird frog-faced bird things in Kirby Air Ride? 2.Who is that ying yang looking guy that says "...What?"? 3.I noticed in Kirbypeidia theres formal art of the enemys from Amazing Mirror, but I haven't found that art anywhere else on the site, not even in the pirure gallery! where can i find these pictures? - Rgijaba, self pro claimed evil geinus and lord of pudding pies ![]() 1) Oh, wow, the Air Ride page is that underdeveloped? Well, it's hard to find, but the name is Flappy. This repto-bird also appears in the Kirby Wii title demo video, so it apparently made enough of an impact, despite the lack of concern for it here. Actually, the Picture Gallery for Air Ride gives the name for it. That's about it, however. 2) Yin yang? What? 3) Hey, you're right. I'm guessing these are scans that Ivyna J. Spyder obtained. They may be stored somewhere on the site and just not linked to since, well, stuff that like generally is put places and then forgotten about. They may not even be on Rainbow Resort and purely exist over on a separate server. The bottom line is, ... I dunno. From somewhere? Probably a Japanese magazine/book. That's where she got a lot of stuff. When someone asks about why food grows on trees and why Popstar is yellow, just say that it's very possible that Kirby's universe has different physics than ours! We already know it's a video game. The Oracle has spoken. - The Easy Answer ![]() I actually commonly give that answer, although in a bit different phrasing. First, normally, I give some spiel that doesn't really amount to much of anything to pad out the length of the answer, such as now, but then I typically get to the meat of the matter: Kirby is a fun game with a crazy, haphazard universe. The game makers don't put nearly the consistent, real-world thought process into the matters as fans do since, as said, it's a game. It's supposed to be fun, not real. Real life is boring and stupid. You can't inhale your teacher and spit him at an annoying fellow student. Now, that would be something. Heh. I originally had "boss" and "co-worker" there. Prolly need to adjust my audience knob. Why does everyone get turned evil so often? And it's not just those gullible dumb-dumbs, the cappies. Tiff tried to smack Kirby with a mallet when an evil hat landed on her head in the academy episode. Even Kirby himself got possessed by a frog in one of the last few episodes!! - Soft Cookie ![]() Turning someone normally not evil into a bad guy's puppet is a stable method of attacking your goodie two-shoes enemy. When a run-of-the-mill bad guy trooper is thrown the good guy's way, what happens? They just get the snot beat out of them and fail. Now, if you get their next door neighbor to do the deed, suddenly concern has to be given for attacking them. It's a dastardly and underhanded tactic to use the innocent as weapons, a common ploy employed time and again. It's easy to pull off since, well, people don't have any sort of anti-evil controls built in or anything like that. On the NiDL ability page, it says that you can get Parasol from Parasol Waddle Dees and Daas (along with Paint Roller's parasols, but that's beside the point). What is a Parasol Waddle Daa? Doesn't it mean Waddle Doo? Could you fix this please? - Stewie ![]() I can easily answer why that is: 'cuz I never look at the Nightmare in Dream Land game page... ever. Anyhoo, that heinous error has been righted. I don't know how such a blunder was put in at the first place. My guess is that it was some sort of joke or tribute to Waddle Doo Daa, an old daimyo from these parts. Oh yeah, droppin' the Nipponji jargon in a way that isn't overplayed by otaku. Really, tho', errors should probably just be emailed to a staff member of the site, ie: me, rather than pointing it out in a guru question. However, both work. Kirby Super Star Ultra is coming out next week, bruh. I can't wait. My question is: How much money is it going to cost? - Kirby Kirby Kirby ![]() Retailer prices are not uniform. They are variant depending on the area selling them. However, seeing as I haven't bought a video game new in forever, and have no idea what DS games price for at any condition, I'll just look this mug up on-line. Let's see, Best Buy will let you pre-order it for thirty bucks. $30? Why, for ten less, I can get My Little Pony: Pinkie Pie's Party. As we all know, alliteration equals success! Hi again! I Wanna know why sometimes on the main page, a Squeaky Bogg sometimes pulls out a corner & then it puts it back! Why??? Its weird... and I can't wait for kirby super star ultra!!! Bye. - Airride Master ![]() ... What? Aaand... that's it.
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Last Updated - September 18th, 2008 | |
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