Kirby's Rainbow Resort > Ask the Gurus > Gobbo's Session #56 | |
Ask Guru Gobbo #56I think that today, for a change, I'll skip the standard opening procedure. Oh, not the part where I type a brief paragraph. No, the ritualistic sacrifice. Count your blessings, goat! - September 20th, 2008
I know they're called enemies, but even still, they seem kinda... you know, like they might be friendly! Anyway, some questions: 1. Is Kirby like The Legend of Zelda, in the sense that their are "separate" Kirbys...? Since there are multiple Links, and it's said that Anime Kirby and Games Kirby are different... But they're also entirely different universes, apparently! So that's what led me to think this. 2. Are Minis related to Waddle Dee? They seem oddly... similar. If they came from The Amazing Mirror and so did Big Waddle Dees... it makes it seem like the Waddle Dee species is part of a family! Cool! 3. I noticed the blue bar with the colored letters and the Kirby Advance sprite on the right which is normally at the top of every KRR page has been replaced in the newer pages with a hot pink, thick bar the covers all of the top and bolded white letters. (Not exactly a question) - Leirin ![]() 0) While they are cuddly and unthreatening, the baddies from the Kirby series are still standing in the way of Kirby completing his required task. Thus, they are still enemies. Under orders, under control, under dark influences, or just under attack, if it's in Kirby's way, it's gotta go. 1) I don't even think, frankly, that Link knows the entire deal behind his whole storyline. It's like the junk they are pulling with Samus nowadays with this whole Zero business. Whenever a game or anything, for that matter, tries to jump into the past to pull out more storyline and then continue with story lines from that point rather than from the point of where the main story left off, it's an invitation for disaster. I think Smallville is a prime example of just how much garbage can be pulled out of the situation. "Hey, I know. Clark knows Lex Luther and Lois Lane back in the day, even though they'll forget about it later." But, that show is garbage, anyways, and has nothing to do with anything. I just wanted to say that I hate it, deeply. Anyhoo, the Hyrulian hero, if I recall, is a legendary figure born time and again along with a destined princess, typically Zelda, to save, I dunno, everything. I'm probably 100% off on the matter and don't really care. The point is that he is a legendary/fabled/destined hero. Kirby, on the other hand, is not. He's just a brave tyke unless you are going by the animated series story line or some garbage fanatic fiction. There really is just the two universes and the two Kirby kinds. Again, unless you are going by 90% of the fanatic works out there which make there tons of Kirbies, each with full heads of hair and scars over their eyes. After all, what's cooler than spiky hair and a scar over your eye? Probably something not cliché. 3) Oh, wait, this is only question two? Man, I've written a lot so far. 2) Some folks say that Minny are related to Waddle Dee. I really don't think so. They look more like one of those creepy children's show's faced trains than they do a Dee, what with their full facial development and a mouth? They have no arms, only tiny legs, and what appears to be a third leg or a tail in the back. Granted, they probably could have made them a different color to set them apart from Waddles altogether if they wanted to. While I'd hate to cop-out and say, "It's a Japanese thing", it really is. Similar, catapillar-like, faced creatures can be seen in games like Monster Rancher. Now, I would be more inclined to believe a direct lineage if there was more cause for it. The game they debuted in had Giant Waddle Dee, so a Micro Waddle Dee would have completed the spectrum and sealed the deal. However, it's not so. It's Minnie, or Mini, I guess, depending on the name source used. It's not like they couldn't have made it a Waddle Dee if they wanted to. Parasol Waddle Dee gave a copy ability, so a diminutive Dee should have, logically, been able to grant the same. 3) You are correct sir... ma'am. Nongender-specific PC terminology? The layout is currently in a state of flux, transitioning from old, non-uniform layout to a much more savvy and reproducible one. While the dust of construction is being flung into the air, a number of color pallets will probably be thrown up and tested to see which matches the carpet best. Or not. I dunno. Remodeling and color pairing isn't my thing. Why, I pair green and purple together. Not exactly classy. I think it would be cool to have a Kirby game that mainly pits you against bosses. A LOT of bosses. So many bosses you can't even count. Of course, this game wouldn't be a good idea without a wide range of character options, including Kirby, Metaknight, and DeDeDe. Personally I prefer boss battles over endless endless romms and stages, and a boss for every 10 levels. I'm talking every level. Every one. Wouldn't that Boss Endurance be fun? I also believe in wide character selection. There are so many cool characters in the Kirby series and they are not getting put to use. What's your opinion on a boss-themed Kirby game? - Boss Battler ![]() Not good. It's levels that make a game, not boss battles. Chaining them together to give a sense of game play is what makes a game a game. Now, you could take the example of Shadow of the Colossus. In this game, there are only boss battles. However, each and every one is an epic struggle. In itself, each gigantic boss is, in a way, a complete level which is a challenge to be beat. In as early as Adventure, and in some sense Dream Land I, Kirby has had the chance to blow through all the bosses he faced in one grant spree. It does not deserve of being a game in and of itself, as The Arena showed in Super Star. In fact, the Ultra version has a few different types of versions of The Arena to just show how insignificant such a stunt is. It is not quite like a fighting game where these battles are substantial. For one, it's far too little to pad the game out with. Why, you'd need to make boss battles grueling and far more complicated to get through them. That many long boss battles would probably get tiresome really fast. No, I feel the current formula works just fine with, "Okay, you went through the game, you know what there is, now can you do it all at once." It's a fun end-game bonus feature. Now, to comment on your other note of multiple player character options, it would be playing through the game that would make being those characters fun, not beating bosses. I'd rather be Dee and get to struggle through the red or sandy cannons of Pop Star than drill on Whispy Woods. In session 55, someone asked why the grass on Pop Star is green and the trees are green, when Pop Star appears like a glimmering yellow. Well, I bet it's because... Pop Star has some kind of atmosphere that gives it a yellow appearance from space, but once you get past that glow, Pop Star looks kinda like Earth (but in star shape)! 1. Super Star Ultra, what do you think the score from Nintendo Power/Famitsu/etc. will be? Hope it's at least 8 from NP! 2. Oh yeah, Nintendo Power! While we're on the topic of reviews, what do you think about how they rate games...? Sometimes it sounds fair and sometimes it sound waaaay off base, at least to me. Thanks! You rule! - Leirin ![]() 0) Actually, they didn't. That particular case was the questioner saying, "It's a different set of physics, not those we know." Now, someone did mention the atmosphere and its contents as being the culprit of the situation. Actually, I mentioned the atmosphere's gas content as being the reason for why that was. What I don't get is how so many people, all referencing the same question in general, could not have seen that, one, I already stated atmosphere/gas content, or, two, that, immediately after this, I said, "But that's not the case. It's just a game, and no thought was ever put into why that happens." Besides, if it was a compound in the air, such as nitrogen as previously suggested by myself, then the tint change would be visible while standing on the surface and looking outward. After all, in order to mask the green and blue, it'd have to be a thick, hanging cloud of mustard gas to obscure from that distance, thinning as neared. 1) They rate out of ten? Wait, Nintendo Power has a rating system? The only game magazine system I've ever familiarized myself with was that from Game Pro, and, even then, the only score that meant anything was the delayed score given after a game had been out a while, a feature they started later on if even still around. This way, the score wouldn't be altered from hype or a sense of marking out. It would be honest and true to the quality of the game. However, to give an answer, I'll say... 6. It is a remake, after all, and barely makes use of the touch screen for any practical sense. However, due to the marvel of time delay, it scored a 9. Well, looks like all expectations were exceeded. 2) Oh, jeez, I seem to have involuntarily answered that one already. Yeah, I wouldn't put too much weight into a gaming magazine named for a gaming company. I think they may be, oh, biased? Just a little. I mean, will they ever give a Mario game a bad review? They probably get pressure to push certain titles, even when junk, by the big cheeses. I mean, I'm guessing. I'd prefer a completely neutral third party, even though you know they are still capable of bribery and misinforming, but at least it is less inherently apparent. 1. It's not a question, but i saw that Kirby Super Star Altra commecial and i liked it!But i didn't hear him say "poyo"... 2.In Kirby Canvas Curse (no abbreviations for me!) in Collapse Castle, i think, there were little black blobs on the floor, running aroud. Where these Bo? Or those door blobs (i forget what they're called) in Kirby's Dreamland 3? 3.Flappy, eh? You're wrong. The gallery DOESN'T say their name. That's why i asked. And now, what are the names of those big, glowing blobs and the spike-headed birds in Kirby air Ride? - Rgijaba, self proclaimed evil guinus and lor of pudding pies P.S. What's up with those Kirby detective comics?! ![]() 1) The lack of poyo was my opinion as well. It sounded more like squeaking to me, as previously expressed. 2) The door blob is named Nidoo, if I recall. I don't really know what a "Bo" is. Bobo is the li'l flamin' dude, tho'. I know that the mini-boss form of Bobo, which I believe is called Boboo, looses his flame when he charges into a wall. Now, since I neither own nor played Canvas Curse, and since no one on YouTube is able to conveniently include information on their movies (how could that ever be useful, sarcasm?), I have no idea what these blob things are. They aren't a real enemy and, as Kirby Warrior said when posed with this same question, probably are like those smishable globs from Dream Land 3. They aren't really explained or even given heed to, but they are there and aren't said as to why. Probably a little paint blob to these little Dark Matter blobs. 3) The only glowing blob I know of from Air Ride is Plasma Wisp, who is clearly identified within the Air Ride Picture Gallery that you claim to have gone to. On that note, I am not wrong about the Gallery containing the bird thing's name, Flappy. No, you were must mistaken about how I meant such. The Gallery does express this fact, not in the picture. You see, there's a little thing called "file names". When actually used properly instead of a meaningless and impossible to recognize numeric system like so many sites worthlessly employ, you can use this to find out what an image is of. But, that's beside the point. This is the official name of that flying lizard. I said it was hard to find out, and it was, but then I mentioned that the Gallery actually did contain it. Being Rainbow Resort, I was highly doubtful of the legitimacy of the stated file name. After all, how many references to Needle are listed as Spike or the name Jumpin' Dan given over Starman? I'm far too much a veteran to know to trust shady name dealings. No, I knew much better. Hence, I looked up what the real name was by cross-referencing other sources. This is Kirby information that is not well established or engrained enough to be taken as fact to neither myself nor the community as a whole. I fact-checked the hell out of it. It's either Flappy or a dubbing that spread like a virus across the internet and erased all occurrences of its proper title. While the net contagion theory has been demonstrated in other respects, I don't think this is one of them. 4) The German Club Nintendo Magazine Kirby comics are merely a series of comics by a man who wanted Kirby to be like a classic sleuth, modeled after a particular German television series in particular, rather than, well, what Kirby is. It was done in a sort of revenge, whether jokingly or not, against Sakurai, whom he did not like for reasons never revealed. What channel can i see the KSSU commercial on? i saw it on you tube but i want to see the SUPER TUFF PINK PUFF on tv! How many games are on the game (like gourmet race)? - Ultra Star Super Kirby ![]() 1) I haven't watched TV, let alone channels that would advertise such a product, in so long, I couldn't say. I would guess whatever stations show 4Kids! cartoons and other Saturday morning disasters. Probably Cartoon Network? 2) Accurately counted, there are: Spring Breeze, Dyna Blade, Gourmet Race, Great Cave Offensive, Revenge of Meta Knight, Milky Way Wishes, The Arena, Revenge of the King, Meta Knight Ultra, Helper to Hero, The True Arena, and those three DS touch screen multi-player mini-games, Kirby Card Swipe, Kirby on the Draw, and Snack Tracks. I inaccurately included Megaton Punch and Samurai Kirby before on the list since I just assumed they were being ported over as well. I was wrong. So, that makes the total of fourteen, I'm taking it, although I thought they said there were fifteen at some point in time. Suddenly... *dramatic music* What the!? Up, in the sky, you see a humongous battleship floating on the sky, bigger than a skyscraper! "Bwahahahahahha," you hear from a speaker. "Remember me!? Time is running out Squeaky Bogg and Bimblesnaff! You have less about 10 more sessions before the time comes for my attack... I just came over here to remind you of your doom! Bwahahahhaha!!! Oh yeah, and that reminds me... Remember a long time ago when you were predicting when my attack may happen? Hey, wait, did anything screwy happen today? I... I don't think it did! Oh, this is great! I'm free, free of the curse. ![]() What about when your great enemy returns in the session sixty or so? That should happen around, oh, the mid-twenties of September? Didn't that last predictions fall flat on its face? Yeah, when you made it. "Ahah, it seems that guy was wrong, wasn't he? Hey, if that guy is still around give him a kick for me. BWAHAHHAH! Now get ready for your doom! Remember, I'll be back between sessions #66 and #69! See you soon, my enemy! Oh yeah, and a present!" ... "Hey, why is nothing happening?" "Sir, I think the hatch is stuck" "What!? But the bomb is going to explode- Take cover!" *BOOM* You see the ship shake a bit and smoke come out of it, but it continues flying forward out of view... - Squeaky Bogg's Unnamed Arch Enemy ![]() I should have thought my time traveling plans out better. For starters, I should have hopped to a time that had time machines. Pretty much stuck now. Well, at least waffles haven't gone extinct in this era. Yeah, that's right. I know they are baked, but no more in the times to come. A grim glimpse of the future, I know. Oh, yeah, and I guess this guy's attack. That's really nothing compared to the waffles extinctions. Unless he caused it! Fiend! No, trust me, old me. No one wishes you weren't here more than myself... Can I be Keeby in any game without Multi-player or amazing mirror/Airride? Thanks - Airride Master ![]() Keeby, or the Yellow Kirby, can be played or seen in Dream Course and most games with color and more than one player options, but not the block stacking games. In those, the second player is Waddle Dee or another opponent. He is not, however, a stand alone character to appear without Kirby. First, the pink blob must be there, and then the yellow comes. It's the established natural order. Outside of their color and name, there's really no reason for there to be an option, ever, to play as Keeby. The player can just shake up a can of paint to accomplish this effect. Uh... hi. I'm new soooooo........ time to lay down my questions...... I've always wanted to know. Is Kirby a guy or a girl. People often use male pronouns and all. I just wanted to know. And (for the sake of an argument,) could you call it a 'Kirby' game if it didn't star Kirby (like Waddle Dee or something)? And (my final question) do you think it be cool if a fan made their own anime... I know that one was weird. Just wondering. - Waddle Dee Master ![]() 1) New blood is always welcomed, but I'm afraid you're gonna get blasted right at the start of your young career. The Kirby gender dilemma has been well established. Despite being pink, he's still the "brave, young boy" who saves Dream Land. 2) If fans make anything, the effort is appreciated, in my opinion. The problem comes with it being any good. Now, producing an animation is a costly, labor intensive process, which is why much of the work is exported to Korean animators. What? It's true. Anyhoo, many Kirby fan cartoons exist, a lot in flash. Sadly, one of the better of these, Perfect Kirby, barely has much to do with the puff ball outside of him being the main character, a common trend in a lot of fanatic works, I've noticed. Anyhoo, I think a fan made cartoon would be great, should the task actually be pulled off and any legal gray areas were avoided... 1)I found a few things like the 'What?/Who?' Guy appearing in a ripped out corner of the banner. But anyways... 2)I'll re-word my other question; Can I be yellow Kirby(Keeby) Without: Multi-player,Air Ride,amazing mirror, or needle/Beam kirby? thanks man. - Airride Master ![]() Why? Is that news? 2) Well, I already answered it. Yeah, I glibbed over the fact that Beam and Needle (not in any game I care about) turn Kirby yellow. That is not Keeby, however. No, the true Keeby can only be played when second player. A facsimile to Keeby can be done with spray paints or other color changes a la character color choice in Super Smash Bros., but, outside of that, you gotta be pink or what have you. What are your thoughts on Nintendo's sky-high pink-Kirby-shaped-cloud promotion for Super Star Ultra that occured yesterday (September 18th)? - SuperComputer276 ![]() It seemed a little lack-luster. I mean, that was a pretty big deal they were hyping up for such a little pay-off. Now, I know that an appliance center near my home town, at its grand opening, blasted the night sky with a large projection of a sun to announce it was there. Sun was the store name. Something like that would have been a little more attention getting than very tiny, very faint, puffy things, not to mention more celestial. That's my opinion, at least. But, hey, bottom line is that at least they cared enough for the stunt. Trying to push the pink puff is what really impressed me more than the event itself. Somebody likes him up at Nintendo. Now, they just have to get that damn Wii game finished! To close, I want to establish that I had numerous bits of Super Star Ultra information incorrect. However, that's how it was told at the time. I can't help it if they decide to release new info days before the game comes out that completely conflicts with prior statements.
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Last Updated - September 20th, 2008 | |
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