Kirby's Rainbow Resort > Ask the Gurus > Gobbo's Session #54 | |
Ask Guru Gobbo #54Hey... Yeah. Stuff. I'm a pint dry on blood as of writing this. My wit is bit dry as well. - September 16th, 2008
Hey i just wanted to ask you a question that can't really happen but what would you do if kirby was to apearr at you door would you... A: Tell someone important like police or parents B: Keep a secret between a friend C: Keep the secret to yourself or D: bring him/her to a well populated place to make everyone jealous? - SSS Warrior ![]() Much like what would happen if I found myself a Waddle Dee, I would immediately set off to Japan and reap the benefits of his adorability. Much the same, I'd probably be held in violation of copy right law by HAL for owning their property and would have to surrender my possession. However, for those first few glorious minutes, I'd be the king of the scene, assuming round pink cute things are in, which, if I recall anything I've seen from Japan recently, the answer is yes! 1. if shows edit out fake deaths, why dont video games? paper mario had a fake death in it in the penguin village! - Curious Guy P.S. that was random when you changed the expression of squeaky bogg next to the question ask... box... thing, but it sure was funny! ![]() 1) There's a change what can be depicted through various media. For example, a "children's" book like The Hobbit has, within its first page, the decapitation of a goblin king whose head proceeds to comically roll into a hole, creating golf. Not only is that grizzly death, but it's comical. Much to that effect, video games tend to get away with more cartoonish violence and whatnot than a cartoon can. It's all about the target audience. Anyone reading a book is expected to be mentally capable to handle such things as death. A video game, while targeted to the younger crowd, especially an RPG, typically takes a higher brow. Toons, on the other hand, just require someone to sit there and watch. Things that are "too scary" only need to be observed. To avoid any annoying letters from parents, these situations are typically avoided. Note, this is just the typical action taken. I know there are breaks to the trend, but, by and large, that's how it goes. 2) There wasn't a two. Oh, wait, there it is. 1. you answered, in 51, a question about popstar being yellow, thats because light reflects off the atmosphere (maybe people on popstar dont have oxygen and breath something else?) making it yellow. hopefully that isnt what you meant by that answer because if it is i just made a complete fool of myself. 2.i am aware what you said about meta knights sword, but, a likely theory is meta knight's sword can morph. 3. do you think a fan made abilities section of this site? I have a couple of good ideas. 4.i have comics about a spoof on kirby, but they're hand drawn. Do you know if I could send them in? and if so, how? thus concludes my longest question window thing ever! - Curious Guy ![]() 1) It wasn't only what I said, it was... well, what I said. I stated it could have a higher percentage of nitrogen, a gaseous element, which would logically take place over another air filler. But, also notable, I said such "total bull" and accredited the fact to being something that fans of the games thought about more than the makers of them. 2) No, that is an unlikely theory. An amorphic blade is like drawing a line from A to G then X before getting to B. Likely theories always are straight lines from point A to B. An example of that would that Meta Knight just has more than one sword. I mean, you can update your weapons. 3) While I do have an Interactive Fandom section, currently with just a section for fan made Animal Friends, I've often thought about the possibility of what to expand to next. It does without saying that fan Copy Abilities was one of those options; however, after seeing how poorly such topics fare in the forums, I shudder to think about allowing it. Copy abilities are, or at least were, suppose to be Kirby taking on the ability of a foe. Now, they just seem to be things more for Kirby to do. Now, one thing I have considered is making abilities that existing foes can grant to Kirby. But, seeing how the state of IF is a big if itself, time will tell its fate. 4) There is nothing wrong with hand drawn comics. In fact, I prefer hand drawn comics to the normal sprite based fare. No offense to any skilled sprite comickers out there, but they basically allow anyone to just slap together some pre-made images without much effort and produce garbage. Granted, much the same can be done with a pencil and paper, but then the whole process of scanning and cleaning up the image usually produces too much effort for the lazy to follow through with. Anyways, the Fan Comics section or the Gallery are both places to submit your comics to. Just scan them, make sure they are readable, and send them over. I say such since, sometimes, I've gotten comics that were completely illegible. Is Spinni a guy or a girl? (Usually I hear people say that Spinni is a guy but some people say Spinni is a girl...) - Spinni ![]() By all expressed accounts, Spinni is a male. Typically, in all things Kirby, when a character is a female, it is painfully obvious, with either flowers, a bow, or girly colors. Spinni, however, is a guy. I know that, typically, in a team of people, we're use to the fast, speedy one being the female. However, this isn't an American creation. The whole matter of demographic spreading doesn't have to be followed. So, there doesn't have to be a token female character. Frankly, I'm surprised Spinni wasn't given the Trini treatment and given a gender change. In Kirby Super Star Ultra, there are two new modes - Meta Knightmare Ultra and Revenge of the King. Meta Knightmare from NMiDL let you play as Meta Knight, so Meta Knightmare Ultra probably does, too. Q#1 - Will Revenge of the King let you play as King DeDeDe for the first time ever in a platformer? Q#2 - Will you be able to save in Meta Knightmare Ultra? - Sushi Sashimi Salami ![]() Weren't these already discussed? I have to update that Super Star Ultra page to reflect this information. 1) Revenge of the King is a platforming adventure, probably along the lines of Dyna Blade. Since they go out of their way to mention you play as Meta Knight in Meta Knight Ultra, and since I doubt they'd let you play as King Dedede, no, you don't. It's just what folks want: more classic Kirby platforming. Whether or not it has some type of gimmick, like Milky Way Wishes no copying or such, is to be learned in, well, a week. The game comes out on the 22nd. 2) Meta Knightmare Ultra, as previously told here and reported by Nintendo Power, does allow you to play as the blue swordsman. I don't know how many times that has been covered. Anyways, I don't think Meta Knight Ultra is like the previous Meta Knightmare mode that has you sprint through the whole game. Rather, as told, Meta Knight is training for a competition and can use the touch screen to execute certain skills. Since all of the games allow saving outside of Spring Breeze and other games not long enough to merit it, I can only assume, yes, your progress can be recorded. No guarantees, however. Do those little icons of Squeaky Bogg reflect what you're thinking when you are reading a question. It's obviose that the angry squeaky bogg means that your angry, but does the Smiling Squeaky Bogg mean that your happy with the question? You get the point. What's your favorite Kirby Game? What's your favorite Squeaky Bogg? - Cake is Truth! I Believe! ![]() 1) Yes, they reflect what I'm feeling for the most part, either while reading the question or while answering it. Smilin' B. doesn't necessarily mean "happy", now. It's a general use icon for when no other emoticon is fitting for the situation. 2) I'm pretty sure I've answered that somewhere, but I can't seem to find it. Well, regardless, the honor goes to the first Kirby game I bought, Kirby's Dream Land 2. Animal Friends rule! 3) My personal favorite Squeaky Bogg is the Evil face. It's so cute in a horrible way! Where can I watch english sub. episodes 67-100? - Sleepy Kirby ![]() No clue. The only source of subbing I know if is Ivyna J. Spyder, and she can only spit out so many so fast. The only advice I can give is patience. According to a recent statement, she is still working on them. I'll admit it; I'm running out of good questions! Maybe I'll ask twice a month, that seems do-able.(how do you spell that word?) How do you become a member of the Kirbypedia? Do you have to be a member of the forums? I want to join and attemp to help get rid of the nonsense words, and especially that "Dedede calls bull." thing I mentioned in a previous session. You guys should also make a page for Super Star Ultra, as it's coming out in a few weeks and there isn't a page for it the last time I checked. Darn, I think I'm already over my ask quota for the month! Well, see ya in October. - Sapphire Kirby ![]() Doable? Well, spell check gave it the okay. You are clear for take-off. Anyhoo, the membership of Kirbypedia is actually limited to staff personnel and not to open membership. It's like a country club: exclusive, snooty, but generally better kept. I know that it probably is keeping a lot of good stuff from getting done, but I truly believe that we are preventing far more disaster from happening. Anyhoo, I've actually changed some things since you last called bull on King Dedede calling bull, including said bull calling. One of those Latin pages, the other language gibberish, was also updated to contain real information, the Star Stacker page. I really do update the thing more than the main page shows. However, the front only shows important updates that I feel like bothering with an update for. All recent changes appear within the standard wiki section for that specifically. Anyhoo x2, I know that there isn't a Super Star Ultra page yet. Much like the actual site's page, it's more of a wait for actual information to be obtained that way the page can just be tossed up done rather than updating it piece by piece. Otherwise, you get those hanging incomplete pages that are just no fun to hunt down. Regardless of these rantings, you can still contribute to the project. Of course, there's been a lot of garbage I just flake over that gets sent in. I'm sorry, but when you say, "I'm helping the site by copying and pasting information verbatim from the site's game page", you aren't adding anything. Hi, this is the same Mirror Kirby that asked about that "One Crazy Knight" epasode a while back (by the way, they actually aired it last saterday. as a 'new' epasode, too. lol twas cool to see XD). I have another question now, involving the Kirby: Right Back at Ya! anime, once again (lol, yes, i adore this cartoon XD). See, I noticed that there are not just 1 but TWO epasodes that parody "Harry Potter" in the show. In one (this was also the first version I saw), Kirby and the crew meet the anime's version of J.K. Rowling, and, Kirby fight's an evil broom enemy as Broom Kirby in the end. Then, the other one (which I saw on YouTube just a few days ago...but re-searched for it today and it won't even show up o.0), the kids were all taking part in some 'magic school', or something, and, King Dedede had this evil hat, which he had the teachers wear, while teaching the children, and, well...twards the end of the ep, Kirby fighted this evil teacher that had a whip, and, toke him out as Fighter idea if that ep was dubbed or not, but I saw it in Japanese (with subtitles). I know it's apperently the same ep (unless, of course, it was edited...hmm), as it started the same way as the 'other' Harry Potter epasode....Did they like, make this epasode twice, or, something? I'm kinda confused here. - M.K. Chuu... yet another parodying name XD ![]() According to my sources, the one episode begins with all the kids and whatnot going nuts over the book series while the elementary episode starts with King Dedede's castle walls being vandalized. Now, that's not to say there isn't some Harry Potter linking with the evil school teachers and everything. I dunno. Never big in either the show or the wiz kid. However, they both seem to begin entirely different, according to my sources. Never saw it myself to confirm that fact, but I'd take it as such.
Repeat Response: In other news, I added a bit to an older answer, I think from the last session, regarding April Fools' Day. Apparently, there's a lot of pages dedicated to such across this site. They can't just group related content in one nice play, oh no. That'd make it too easy, you see.
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Last Updated - September 16th, 2008 | |
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