Kirby's Rainbow Resort > Ask the Gurus > Gobbo's Session #41 | |
Ask Guru Gobbo #41Stand back! There's a session blowing through! - August 30th, 2008 Why did the anime have to make DeDeDe more mean and less adorable? Seriously when you play the games, you realize that DeDeDe isn't all that bad and he has such googly eyes and then the anime has to go and ruin it. You answered one of my previous questions that DeDeDe may be particularly a servant or something of a higher up ruler of Pop Star. If that's the case, do you think he may be even stronger than DeDeDe? What is the difference between Dreamland and Pop Star? Is Dreamland just the name of the country/area that Kirby and everything else lives at on Pop Star, or are they the same thing? If Kirby is tired of DeDeDe's antics or what not, why doesn't he just eat him and get it over with? I mean I've seen it done in Brawl. Sorry if this is getting long, but I got one more question. In an earlier question, I asked about what would happen to Kirby if he stuffed his face too much and you said he may rip. Would this be the case with Anime Kirby? He seems more capable of eating a whole lot more at one time than the Kirby I love a WHOLE LOT more. <3 - Leint ![]() 1) That's one of many complaints, although I understand why they did it. Despite the main games having King Dedede play the reluctant or misunderstood hero in a lot of cases, almost every side game had him taking Dream Land's stars or something crazy like that. On the surface, he was the main bad guy of the series, not Dark Matter or Nightmare or whoever the real culprit was. The animated series just skimmed the top and didn't bother about the deeper, underlying dynamic that makes Dedede king of our hearts! Cheeeeesy! In fact, this sounds familiar. 2) If the case is true, and that's a big if, the mythical Emperor of Pop Star, whom shall from this day forth shall be dubbed Meops, would be considerably stronger than King Dedede. For starters, he would have had to have conquered Pop Star to even divide it up into plots of lands to distribute his daimyo to.* Second, and probably more notable, King Dedede gets himself beat time and time again by a spunky kid, Kirby. He may have the riches and the robes, but the King commands no power. 3) While often used interchangeably, Dream Land and Pop Star refer to different scales of geographic area. Pop Star is the whole planet/star, the star shaped celestial body with the colored rings around it. Dream Land is a country or land mass upon this world -- a very large, apparently, as it encompasses several locations. I would take it to be like Super Mario Bros. where most games take place in the Mushroom Kingdon, but there's still those other realms that other games touch base on, like Sarasaland, Beambean Kingdom, and Nimbus Land. Same Mushroom World but different kingdoms with different rulers. 4) I've said why Kirby couldn't eat Dedede, but that was excluding Brawl conditions. The regular Kirby game mechanics, however, do not work like Super Smash Bros. Kirby does a lot of things in that game that doesn't translate, such as displaying several copied abilities at one time and performing physical attacks like spinning whatzits. Note, you can't just say, "Well, that's Smash ability," 'cuz Smash came from these games. 5) The ripping case is only applicable to a Kirby that holds things in his mouth. The animated series purely had Kirby eat stuff. His suction just took things right from where ever it was straight into his black hole of a stomach. There's not real expanding or squatting down to swallow. Since this version of Kirby doesn't hamster hoard, the case would never occur. sorry for pestering you the one that has bothered me about the anime is how do you think the cappies or anyone reproduce - Raver ![]() ... Ask your parents. But, Cappies probably reproduce by releasing spores, like any fungus, into the air. That, or they are one of those parasitic breeds that has its spores root into and hallow out a host life form until it is just an empty trunk that they command to move and carry it around until it is ready to repeat the cycle. Why else did you think they have that dead look in their black pits of eyes? Back again to bother you!... Why exactly do you think Kirby Tilt n' Tumble 2 was canceled? I mean, it is pretty frustrating, and the American's prolly have it labeled as a "Legal Torture Method"... "Here, go beat this 100% or you'll spend the rest of your life in jail." Nah. Anyways, I thought maybe it was because of the release of the SP, which had the cartridge slot on the bottom, although they could make some "SP or Regular?" option... Or could it be because they thought no one wanted to go out and buy a GBA-GC adapter... It's just.... it's just been bothering me a little... ok?... Also, you said Kirby could probably only swallow so much until he tears. Well, I just wanted to point out that in Dreamland 3, he eats about 5 uh... "boars" at once... I forgot their names. Nrufs? Anyways, those things are about as big as him, so to eat 5 at once is quite a triumph! yeah, just pointing it out... - Error Taxi ![]() 1) I actually just covered that yesterday, so you were barely beat to the punch. How odd, tho', that two people just spontaneously wanted to know about TnT2 in such a short time frame. Now, I don't believe that the SP would have stopped them from making it. SP didn't launch until 2003, and this game had a debut in Space World 2001. That's quite the time difference, one in which the company has produced nearly identical sequels to games within. Why, that logic would suggest that, when the company knew a new systems was coming out, they'd stop making games for their current system two years in advance. New games, however, are released about until the new system comes out, and sometimes after. WarioWare: Twisted!, I know, packed in a automatic calibration gyro device to combat this orientation problem, but such shouldn't have even been an issue. 2) A correction to your statement, the question was could Kirby inhale so much without swallowing as to explode/rip/what have you. And while five Nruffs is a might feat, the question was more referring, I'd take it, to a number more like fifty things, a nearly impossible feat to ever have occur in any game. Why hasn't the ability reviews page been updated, is it just nobody's sent in anything good? - Corn On The Cob Stew Magoo ![]() Quite so. I have been meaning to make some more adds to it, but I've been busy keeping up with these questions in most any spare time I get to type things. You have to remember that I expected the flow of questions to eventually die down, and that was exactly one month ago, thirty days and thirty sessions, and the flow has only increased since then. What if you guys had a theme song? - Dodongox ![]() Guys? You mean, the whole of the Rainbow Resort staff or some type of imaginative crew that allegedly assists me in the Ask the Kirby Gurus? 'Cuz those other folks have been gone for quite some time now, a year at the soonest. Anyhoo, what do we need a theme song for? As long as there's "First you draw a circle...", all other songs are inferior! And, yes, I'm sure there's a name to that song, but that's all I care to call it. What do you think would happen if two kirbies tried to eat each other at the same time? Would they rip open a dimensional rift and get sucked in or somehow eat each other and vanish? Would you love to see an instance where Kirby would actually say more than "Hiiii" or "Poyo" and talk in full sentences like he does in the manuals? Has Squeaky Bogg ever dressed up for Halloween, and if so, what has he gone as? I'd love to know! Do you think Kirby ever longs to have a family of his own? I'm sure he has to have instances where he feels very lonely. - Leint ![]() 1) The two vacuum forces generated by the dual sucking action would most likely just cancel one another. The equal and opposite force routine generally levels out in that respect. That, or the two winds would generate some kind of tornado force that would destroy the world. Dimensional ripping however, would not be the result, no more than putting two fans back to back. 2) Yes, but, then again, I see that all the time in Avalanche. Granted, I know it's not really a Kirby game, was entirely an American production, and is ripe with flaws and inaccuracies to the characters, but it's awesome! 3) Actually, I've never had Squeaky Bogg doll up for Halloween before. Out of all my characters, he's never had the costume treatment. Plenty of others have, a near yearly tradition with Not Quite Heroes and affiliated characters, but Squeaks is mostly left out of that stuff due to his mostly questionable legal infringement situation. I'll have to fix that this year. Of course, I'm sure I'll forget about it in two months. So, somebody better keep me on the ball for Session #100! Oh, jeez, the horror! 4) Kirby seems fine off to me. He has tons of friends, plenty of good eating, adoring fans, and a nearly peril free planet! Really, his friendships extend past the stars. That's some pretty hefty companionships right there. Plus, we never see Kirby in his day to day life. The only part we get a window into his when he's dashing across the country side trying to advert global disaster. Afterwards, you know they all have a giant party on the King's tab, much to his chagrin. I'm one of Vinnyboy's friend. Is Chilly a Kirby's friend or foe? What happens if Kirby is in the Pikmin universe? Goodbye! - Ness Kirby P.S. What happened to Vinnyboy's questions he ask away to you? It's been over ten days since session 30. ![]() 1) Most enemies, I would take it outside of occasional specifics, are probably not enemies with Kirby. They generally are only trying to stop him when under orders to advert disaster or have been possessed by Dark Matter. Most of them, however, prolly go, "Hey, Kirb. Whazzu?" and proceed to fist bump him to the best of there ability. However, Chilly does have some rather bold and slanty eyebrows, so he may be too much of a grump to admit any sort of friendship. 2) I don't know how to answer that, being since I have never played Pikmin. Not under my field of knowledge, not under my required sector. Anyways, I would wager that the universe with Kirby thrown into it would get a lot less Pikmin and a more sad Olimar. 3) Vinnyboy just hasn't submitted anything. I thought of a theory about Mata Knights history while I was thinking of a fan game, and I would like your opinion on it. Anyways there was a planet long ago that was deep in the solar syatem, and life was good on the planet. The planet contained a species called... puffballs, and puffballs pretty much only slept and ate. It was a fine, lazy lifestyle, and the puffballs loved it. but there was one blue puffball who despised the boring, bland, lazy lifestyle he named himself Knight. Knight built a battlship that he named Halberd. He also recruited a crew of living beasts. Knight decided he would take over the peaceful planet and make the puffballs halt there laziness. Knight took off in the Halberd, and flew over the planet, shooting all of the Halberds weapons at ever puffball that moped about lazily or was not active at work. Knight succesfully held an Iron fist over the planet, until one puffball got fed up. His name was Kirby. Kirby challenged Knight, and the two fought and fought. they're fighting lasted years, and the planet suffered. Thousands of puffballs died, and few where left standing. Eventually, Kirby defeated the evil Knight, and by the time he was defeated, the planet was cracking to peices, lava spewing everywhere, and explosions errupting out of the surfaces. The few puffballs fled to diffenrent planets, and abandoned they're home. Knight regained conciosness to see seas of fire and explosions surrounding him. Knight attempted to fly the Halberd to safety, but one last boom sent Knight and his crew flying space. Coincidentally, Knight was sent flying to the same planet Kirby warped to ... Popstar. Knight changed his name to Meta Knight, (Meta being the greek prefix for beyond or after, saying Meta Knight is the new Knight. The Knight after Knight.) Meta Knight wore a mask to hide his face from civilization, ashamed of his doings. This explains Meta Knight's ghostly dead crew, why Meta Knight wears a mask, why it's META knight, and meta knight's relation with Kirby. Why Meta Knight despises Kirby, yet helps him, is because Meta Knight has Mixed feelings about the whole thing. Meta Knight sometimes despises kirby for ending his reign, but also feels sorry for what he did, and helps Kirby as a form of apology. So what do you think? - Theorizer ![]() I think that's less a theory and more a typical fan game fare of unbelievable nonsense. For one thing, what "ghostly crew"? The only one that comes close to that description is Axe Knight. The rest are more of robots than skeletons. How is "The Captain" ghoulish? Also, it doesn't really explain why Kirby would be aided by Meta Knight. If he wanted to apologize in some form, Mety would help all the other puffballs he wronged and still stick it to Kirby for foiling him. Also, those few seconds of unmasking would be more than enough time for Kirby to say, "Hey, I know you!" As fan history goes, it is definitely one of the more creative and involved pieces I've heard, I'll give you that, but ultimately it seems to meet the same end as most any other attempt at constructed historical explanation -- it doesn't really seem to fit with the overall established story. how old is silica, knuckle joe, fumu and bun? - Sharnay ![]() I thought this looked familiar. Sharnay, you specifically asked this before. The answer isn't going to change. Just add in "Fumu and Bun are children" and all the rest still applies. Really, I don't understand why people think a number will make things oh-so much better. An established age group is really all that matters. Infant, child, adolescent, young adult, middle aged, senior citizen. What does it matter if they're 38 or 46? Not gonna change anything. I am desperate for the answer.... I found this on a Japanese persons' blog, not to mention a rip of the secret palette on The Spriter's Resource. I even went out of my way to buy a Japanese Kirby Squeak Squad guide to see if unlocking details were in there, but no luck. I checked dozens of FAQs, still no luck. So, is it Japanese only, because it is clearly real, or is it something you have to hack for....? Also on TSR, I found (the palettes are also there) this sheet, which has cakeroll (?) and ice cream sprites. I tried mixing various foods to see if I could get either of these, and still no luck. So, were they just found in the ROM coding...? - Leirin ![]() I'm going to say that this all falls in line with the Block ability, something that had graphics made for it that never came about in the actual game. Games tend to have a lot of unused sprites and archaic junk floating around in them as the developers change their minds about things. Things are generally indexed, so if you take something out of the system that occurs between one and three, you end up getting a blank space, so it generally just easier to leave it there. I haven't a clue what any of them could be for. Well, the food is obviously to eat. What did we learn on the show today, Craig? ~ For starters, that asking stupid questions that have already been answered directly to you are idiotic to repeat. Second, that lesson one is very important to remember.
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Last Updated - August 31st, 2008 | |
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