Kirby's Rainbow Resort > Ask the Gurus > Gobbo's Session #43 | |
Ask Guru Gobbo #43Shouldn't I get Labor Day off? You slave drivers! Next you'll say I'll have to work on my birthday! - September 1st, 2008 This is my origin of Kirby. Long ago, there was five supreme beings: Zero, Dark Matter, Nightmare, Dark Mind, and Drawica. They reigned terror over peaceful stars, increasing their power, and getting new forms. One day, they set their sights on a peaceful planet named Blubville. The citizens of Blubville were happy-go-lucky, lazy people. The king of Blubville had two faithful warriors, a beatuful wife, and a baby. But when disaster struck, terror arose. The warriors, Knight and Hilda fought bravely, but to no avail. The king to no choice but to send their baby, Kirby, to a distant star. But what the king didn't know was that Knight snuck his baby, Meta Knight, into the same pod. When Meta Knight learned his history, he hid his face in the shame of his parents and swore revenge on the fiends who killed his parents. He went so far as to fight Kirby so he alone could get revenge. Once, he tried to take over Popstar in the Halberd, as to create an army to fight evil. And that is what I believe is their story. - Tripp Best ![]() Except for the fact that Drawcia is just a painting that came to life, Nightmare is just a nightmare, and Dark Mind is just the Mirror World's version of Dark Matter and Nightmare. Not really an axis of evil, if you catch my point. And, what, exactly, makes people believe that, one, Kirby came from another planet or, two, that some character had the name "Knight"? This is the second time this has come up. No, Meta Knight is called Meta Knight since, upon his debut in Adventure, there was a whole squadron of Knights that he was the boss of. I don't even see how anyone could get to the point of thinking of such otherwise. As cliché as the Super Man origin story of home world dying, last of his kind is, I'm pretty sure that's not the route sunshine and lollipops Kirby games would go. I mean, you actually believe there was a place called Blubville and someone named Hilda? On what are those two facts based! Now, I could understand one's opinion of, "I think this set of vague and general trends is the origin of Kirby," but you get into way too detailed of specifics. I'm sorry, but do people actually think Kirby's plot could be this complex and dark? This is the same game series where an amorphous blob ventures to reclaim stars and lost dessert. Deep is not their forté. No, I'm pretty certain the gyst of it is Kirby is a Dream Lander, from Dream Land, who said, "Bad stuff goin' down? Hey, sure, I'll try to stop it. The rest of you continue napping." It's known that there's a whole group beings similar if not identical Kirby already on Pop Star and that his abilities are shared by others in the land -- for instance, King Dedede's inhaling and inflating. There's a lot more evidence suggesting that both Kirby and Meta Knight are just Pop Star natives than there is to jump to the far fetched conclusion of alien transport. The games ain't the animated series. Remember to distance the two upon consideration. In session 41, at the end, there was a question about weird sprites in Squeak Squad. Well, I don't know about the palletes, but there is a mini-game (called Treasure Shot, I believe) that has Kirby and Doc (the nerd mouse) fighting for food. And some of the food is ice cream and cake! I think that explains that. Also, what's YOUR favorite Squeaky Bogg image? Victory is mine! - Stewie ![]() 1) And that just goes to show you why playing the games is a big help to knowing the games. I never knew of the food nabbing minigame and that really clears up why they had the ice cream and other such food stuff. Thanks for looking out, Stewie. You get an e-cookie. 2) My personal favorite icon is Evil. If you filled Kirby up with Helium, would he fly away just like a balloon? I have heard he is supposedly lighter than air. Does Kirby ever run out of breath underwater? I've noticed that he can always blow water pressure to defeat his enemies underwater, but where would he find the time to inhale to find more um... water to blow? Where did Kirby learn to dance? If Kirby has to face Whispy Woods as many times as he has to, why not just take a chainsaw, cut down the tree, and never have to face him again? Sure Whispy may be nice and just following orders/being possessed, but he's always Kirby's enemy. - Leint ![]() 1) Quite so. He's already pretty buoyant with just air filling him up. 2) Kirby never runs out of breath for the same reason his stomach never runs out of room. His insides are like a crazy, never ending void. All sorts of material, solid or gas, can fill up the infinite space. Really, if he can keep eating and eating, it only makes sense that he can suck in a mighty breath. Why, just look at when he inhales. That's a lot of intake with very little output, so all that air has to go somewhere. 3) Kirby learned to dance from King Dedede. That's what he is king of -- not Dream Land, but the dance! No, really, I think he just busts it freestyle after incorporating some traditional Dream Landian steps into there. You know, moves like the air swim, squishing against an imaginary wall, spinning around, and the self duplication. 4) Kirby's not a cold blooded murderer for starters. Second, he doesn't know where to get a chain saw. I don't think those exist on Pop Star. Outside of the occasional cannon and Halberd, the place is pretty low tech. Anyways, can Whispy Woods even be considered a threat? I think Kirby actually gains life when fighting that push over. are you gonna do anything to the ask the gurus page in the future? - Dodongox ![]() Yes. ... How vague. i can't find any of my old qestions! what happened? - Super Kirby ![]() Well, for starters, I don't recall ever being asked a question by one "Super Kirby" and it doesn't seem any of the other Gurus have done such, either. The search feature is more than capable of pulling up the asker of question in its results, so you either have changed your handle or never had any questions answered. It's me again, KS10 1)During the ending cutscene of NiDL, it says that "Borrowing King Dedede's power, Kirby was able to defeat the nightmares" didn't Dedede copy Kirby's power or is this mistranslation? 2)Not a Q, but i noticed that kirby doesn't get much facetime (storywise) in his own show. i hope they make a sequel/if any,ever/with at least some kirby speech and little of "spanish chicken" P.S. You know what i mean - Kirby Star 10 ![]() 1) That is completely a mistranslation. "Borrowing his power" use to be the line, "Dedede helped Kirby beat the Nightmare!" He offered aid, not power, but those types of things get jumbled in translation. 2) Quite so, yes, which has been one of my more vocal points about the series. so has the apocalyps passed? great, it must have been hoorable, the gurus section hasn't ever had that many sessions in a row without me. anyway. what would you consider the worst Kirby game out there? could I ask random questions like "do you like waffles" even though the mailbag is really the place to do that. If Nintendo wanted to use Squeaky Bogg in a game would you let them? - Mr. Game and Pie ![]() 1) The worst Kirby game? Yowch. Well, I can't really say since I haven't played The Crystal Shards or Squeak Squad. I don't necessarily think those games would be bad, but they are the duo that catch everyone's ire. I wouldn't think such an opinion could be passed until these two titles are at least experienced. 2) Waffles are delicious! 3) Already answered in a time long, long ago. Actually, that was just eighteen days ago. Yeesh, these things pile fast. Now, it is the turn of blue. Meta Knight has blue skin. Blue is associated with depth and stability. It also symbolizes trust, loyalty, wisdom, confidence, intelligence, faith, truth, and heaven(Meta Knight fits in with all but the last one). Blue is considered beneficial to the mind and body. It also slows down our metablolism(ever wonder why it's so rare in restaurants?). Blue can also be combined with high-impact colors(red and yellow) to make an equally high impact design. Which is why it's often seen on superheroes(or similar characters like Mario and Captain Falcon). It's time for purple. Purple, like blue, is associated with wisdom. Hence Zelda's purple dress in Twilight Princess and Brawl(by the way, it can also mean dignity, which Zelda has lots of). Purple(or violet) can also be a mysterious color. Maybe that's why your Squeaky Bogg has purple feet and eyes. I'd be careful though, light purple is associated with romance and nostalgia where as dark violet evokes gloom and sadness(as well as causing frustration). Meta Knight's cape is purple(or at least in Brawl, I haven't played any of the games before Kirby 64). That's all the color theory for now. Oh, here's something I left out of yellow's description; too much yellow can have a disturbing effect. Babies cry more in yellow rooms. I'm nearing the end of my color theory volumes(all that's left is black and white). - Animaster ![]() Wisdom? Mystery? No, it's more of just the classic color combo as seen with The Incredible Hulk and Green Goblin. I use purple, really an indigo with a 2 blue:1 read color ratio, as a putrid color. I always make sure it is no where near like to avoid that frilly alternative meaning. I just remembered that in one session someone said that Meta Knight was in the top tier of Brawl. I strongly disagree with their statement! Meta Knight was underpowered(much like Sonic), having lots of speed, but little in the way of power. I personally prefer Kirby and Dedede over him(though I even use Olimar more than him another tough character to use). But there really aren't any "tiers" in Brawl(Bowser's a lot tougher than in Melee which is good since he's another favorite character of mine). By the way, who is your favorite character from the first game(I realize that you don't own a Gamecube and I think I remember you saying that you didn't have a Wii either, though I'm probably mistaken). - Animaster ![]() Actually, the questioner was much like you, asking how anyone could consider Meta Knight up in that tier bracket. I'm with the slogan, despite not even playing, that "Tiers are for -" um... people who suck. Anyhoo, while I have played the first Super Smash Bros. before, that was so long ago and for so short a time, I really can't say I even remember what any of the characters were like. I think I remember using Jigglypuff or something? And thus closes out the cache received on August 30th. Also, no retractions had to be made this time. Hooray for enbetterment!
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Last Updated - September 1st, 2008 | |
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