Kirby's Rainbow Resort > Ask the Gurus > Gobbo's Session #57 | |
Ask Guru Gobbo #57It's KSSU Day, or K'ssud for those who like to butcher things with their tongues. I make cold cuts with mine, and then have to go to the hospital for parasites. - September 22nd, 2008
After seeing the squeaky bogg sprite icon, I just had to ask this; If you made a game starring Squeaky Bogg, how would it be set up? What genre would it fall under? - Doore1337 ![]() I think I discussed Dream Land Dash before, a crappy little game that actually does feature the same said goblin-esque gum drop despite not being intended as the star. However, this was just a Kirby fan game created with multiple modes of movement methods for many means of mobility through m-levels. However, if Squeaks was given his own, true title not affiliated with the Kirby universe, which could truthfully be accomplished since he's little different than a plethora of funny little cute things that have appeared in video games of old and doodles since my youth, then he'd strangely not change much. It'd most likely have a platformer since action is his key. A skill and control based series of puzzles where the player would guide Bogg through a mixture of labyrinth using his bouncing abilities, off from walls and springing from the ground, would be key. I'd probably embellish his toxic nature as the means of attacking foes. For example, spitting a corrosive globule at a wall so it would roll down and drip onto a potential danger or spewing out a lingering cloud of stench to slow enemy pursuit. Bosses would be taken out with some crazy puzzle strategy rather than sheer brute force, like dropping a brick on their head through some Rube Goldberg machine. Actually, this sounds a lot like the Dungeon Delver game I have laying around except with easier design and less characters. Great, now I'll probably be putting that on my plate of junk to make when I hit a road block in other shouldn't-eve-be-called games. Hi. I have 2 questions: 1) Is it called Mini Kirby or Minimum Kirby? 2) How can a Waddle Dee talk without a mouth? - Kirby Kirby Kirby ![]() 1) A) Mini is the American name of the ability. B) Minimum is the rightful Japanese name, sorta like how Burning turned to Fireball. The Angel to Cupid was of religious evasion rather than, "We just felt like it"-ness. C) Kirby doesn't go at the end of the ability's name. At least, not in my book. That's pretty much junk done for the animated series. Mini is the ability, and Kirby stays Kirby when he has it, just smaller. Fun fact! Mini does grant Kirby an ability hat, but it's too small to be seen. Prove me wrong! 2) Waddle Dee has a mouth, actually, as you can learn at the directed location. It appears plenty, but only when open. The animated series is another beast altogether, a radical one, from Hamongoya, I shan't tame. He, bibleman-snaff-gobbo-neat-thing! By the time you read this, kirby super star will be released! Yaaaaaay! I have a countdown calendr on my wall for it, and now I can shred it! Any way, how come you don't seem to thrilled about KSSU? I'm thrilled. Bye. - Shoobus Mawhoobus ![]() Well, it's a remake, for starters, rather than a new game. It's cool and all, but not as great as a whole new adventure could be. Being able to play as Meta Knight or Helpes in The Arena isn't what I chalk up to as worth re-buying a game I've had for years. Next, there is the cynic in me. I know that things were nerfed or twinked, an odd combination, when the jump from Adventure to Nightmare in Dream Land went down. Then, lastly, there is the fact that I don't own a DS. I not only will not be playing the game but can't. Of course, I still wouldn't, probably, if I had the system and would, instead, pop in the game to my SNES. Oh, wait, I don't think that thing is working right now. Well, then, I'll twiddle my thumbs. Dopdy dopdy do! 1. I didn't say you were wrong about Flappy! I also realized where you could find the name a few seconds after i sent the question. I'm stupid. Wait... i mean i'm NOT stupid! But you didn't answer my question! I know what Plasma whisp is, what i'm talking about are big, yellow, brown eyed, devil tailed, balls with legs. 2.Could you tell me where to find some formal (offical or otherwise) art of Chao (in color) and/or Samus Aran? And Haley if you can find it. 3.Bo are little black blobs with eyes from Kirby64. 4. Is Doc REALLY a Squeaker? I can't belive i forgot to ask this! where Paint Roller, Mr. frosty, and/or Wheelies in the animated seires? if so, what was their back roud, personaltity, and all the other ways the show ruined them. Also, if you didn't know, Lololo and Lalala WHERE called that in the origanal, not (shudder) Fololo and Folala. - Rgijaba, self proclaimed evil guinus and lord of pudding pies ![]() 1) Ooh! That type of spiky-headed bird. See, I thought you called Flappy by that name in some fashion. The spiked helmet chick is Pichikuri. Again, this name is present in the gallery. I did double fact-check the nature of, just to be safe, but I assumed this one was correct right off the bat. Normally, if a name is fabricated, it'd be, well, like "Flappy" and just generally describe it. Should it have been "Spiny Cheep", "Spikehead", or "Iroo", I'd call foul against it. As for the blob thing, "blob thing" is not what I'd use to describe it. It's barely a blob or amorphous shape at all. It's really more of a nautilus or devil mollusk. Anyhoo, same condition as before, it's called Dale. Air Ride sure did have some weird foes in it. 2) I know of no artwork for any of them. The only pictures I can offer are the sprites from the each games' directories. Artwork is a tricky pickle, not to be confused with a radical beast. 3) Of course, Crystal Shards, the game with a dump of unmemoriable enemies that I, also, have not played. The Bo do, now, kinda remind me of those squishy things from Dream Land 3. Still, I don't know which or what huh could why how. 4) I guess it's never been said that Doc isn't a Squeaker. In truth, he does appear to be a white Squeaker wearing glasses. He fits the profile. In fact, this manga scan shows him in a rare out-of-craft moment. Here's another. Now, unlike the normal junk that can be questionably canon, when an official manga does it, it carries more credence. 5) Mr. Frosty, I don't believe so. Wheelies, yes, in the racing episode to give Wheel. They don't really have a personality to change, however. Paint Roller was in the show, too. I don't really know what could have been changed on the guy. Nothing was ever really established with the scribbler, game-wise, unless you count Avalanche. And, yep, I knew that wasn't how they were called. That's item thirty-seven in my list of complaints.What enemies and bosses have been confirmed for Kirby Superstar Ultra? - Dodongox ![]() Oh, I'm not digging through all of those piles of pictures, screen shots, and videos. That'd be far too many to name and sort. Truthful, from what is known is that all the enemies, mini-bosses, and bosses have come back save for Capsule J, who has received a make over. If anyone else was known to be changed or not in it, they'd have surfaced in the gossip. So, as is known right now, everything else is good. That will probably be updated on the 22nd, which is today, but not the same today I wrote this. Additionally, since I post in the AM, my facts will be stale as the day progresses. How can I Put Pic's In the Picture Gallery?(once it works.)I'm not A member or anything...I Just Really like This site...Thanks In advance. - Airride Master ![]() You sign up for an account, using the link that says either log in or register. Once your account gets approved, verified that you are a person and not a spam bot, you simply just upload a file using the upload feature. It's not really all that complicated at all. do you know where i can find a picture of the new capsule j in kssu - 888Chilly ![]() I hate that guy. I mean, I shouldn't as the design is really quite good and all and J1 was basically a blueberry crossed with Doo, but I hate the betrayal of my old memories. I wouldn't mind if they just made a wholly new Jet abilitied enemy, but they did this, this perversion on the character. Bah! Anyhoo, my anger issues aside, J2 be here. Fun fact! Originally, the J was for Jawsome, but now it stands for Junk. 1) How come People Keep Being mean to kirby air ride? 2) How About I give you my copy of canvas curse so you can start updating that page? 3) When is That Damn Wii Game Gonna Be Ready? I'm Done. - Action Replay p.s. When will episode 66 b- Just Kidding! ![]() 1) People bash Air Ride since they considered it too childish, even by Kirby game standards. I've never played it, so I can't rate it, but, from what I hear, it doesn't sound like they are too far off. 2) A copy of any of the newer games would do me little good as the reason I lack said games is because I lack the systems they are played on. Never got a DS, and never even got many Game Boy Advanced games at that. I think three, total. 3) Never! Hrhr. Really, tho', they slated an '08 release. There's still time left, but its curious if, A) they even will or, B) they'll try to ride the waves of Super Star Ultra or try to pace themselves. Remember when asked about Drawcia, Gobbo? I've seen a screenshot with the wicked awesome dark matter swordsmen! There has been a rumor going on that Revenge of the King will have new bosses including the others.Does seem possible now that bosses from the past may rejoice and get a rematch with the pink marshmallow thing? - Mirror Kirby ![]() It's a good theory, I must admit. The new mini-game, Card Swipe, features several faces from Kirby's past games. They could, very well, include these. However, given the description of Revenge of the King (like two characters needed revenge in Super Star?), I think it will be more like an Extra Mode in Dream Land I, with the old bosses but tougher. Gordo droppin' Woods, maybe a bomb chuckin' Kracko. Everyone faster, more health. Who knows? Well, by now, probably you, the reader. The game's out already. Who is even reading this? A short one today. Who cares? Super Star Ultra is out. Be playin' that. This has been a message from Nintendo. Now, give me my shill moneys!
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Last Updated - September 22nd, 2008 | |
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