Kirby's Rainbow Resort > Ask the Gurus > Gobbo's Session #61 | |
Ask Guru Gobbo #61Delays abound! What? I can't miss a day unintentionally in two months? Cut Uncle Gobbo some slack. - September 28th, 2008
Hey, Bimblesnaff! 'Sup? My questions for today, which all relate to final bosses: 1) What is the relation of the Dark Matter you see in Kirby's Dreamland 2 (the one with the sword-wielding knight form to refresh your memory), and the one in Dreamland 3? Are they the same Dark Matter? 2) What is Dark Matter's relation to Zero, the huge white eyeball standing as the final boss of Dreamland 3? 3) Zero Two is really just Zero with a halo, wings and tail, correct? I ask these because I've heard some interesting theories about Dark Matters. Supposedly they come from Dark Star (the short interlude planet before fighting Zero Two in Kirby 64), and are ruled over by 0. By this logic, the Dark Matters seen in Dreamlands 2 and 3 are just high-ranking generals of sorts, which would be supported by the fact that Zero can summon 4 smaller Dark Matters as an attack when you fight him. What's your take? Thanks for your time. - Darth Mohawk ![]() 1) Yes. I... I never thought that was ever in question. It is very much the same exact entity. Now, the Dream Lands are the games that I need no refresher on. They are my favorites. The Dark Matter swordsman is simply the first false form of the Real Dark Matter, who is the odd eyeball form, or at least was its original full name. The big, black blob returned with the same general gimmick in Dream Land 3, possessing people and making them bad. However, its fake face had already been known and shown, they updated the boss. It started at Dark Matter (real) and then revealed Zero. Real Dark Matter and Dark Matter look the same and are the same. They just appear in different games with slightly altered names. 2) Zero is the true power behind Dark Matter. Much like the "And now my true form!" reveal was pulled before, the truth came about after taking out a first form. Multi-stepped boss battles are a pretty big video game staple. They never like to pull out the big guns right away. Let the player build up to the best. 3) Zero-Two is just the even further along form of Zero, hence Zero-Two. It was still Dark Matter being sent to all the worlds to take them over, and it still had the basic properties of Zero. Yep, just the next level of the classic foe. And, by classic, a mean a year years prior, never back again enemy. Dahling, it's me, your never-before-seen wife. I just wanted to remind you of how much I adore the Engagement Ring you've gotten me... it's Kirby-shaped! It's so pink, like my bow. You're the best, Bimby. <3 Do you remember the night we first met? I was being chased by a pink ghost, you were being chased by a red ghost, we went upwards, they bumped into each other, and a heart appeared over our heads? That was a great moment in my life, and I'm happy the event has triggered. It was magical, like the glittering Fountain of Dreams. Ahh... and the next day, we chased each other all around the park, gradually getting faster and faster... ah, young love. Teehee! I have a question though. If our wedding had to be Kirby themed, how would it look? I'm all for a tray of Mushroom Cappies or Apple Cider made from apples that fell off of Whispy Woods. Anything else you could think of? I'm sure it would be good advice for all the daring young people at your job as a Kirby Guru. Once again, thanks for the ring. See you tonight, when we dine at Chef Kawasaki's. ;) Or we could try Pop Star Fried Tookey. Whatever you want, dear. *giggle* - Ms. Bimblesnaff ![]() I got married? When did that happen? Well, I guess I shouldn't go on so many Pep Brew binges. And, why isn't my wife referred to as Mrs. Bimblesnaff? Well, I guess you forgot to adopt the title. After all, we did meet inside a Pac-Man game, apparently. That'd disorient anyone. And that does have significance on the situation, why not? As for how we should have had our wedding, the first thing would have been to not have invited your family. They suck. I know that has nothing to do with a Kirby thing, but, really, the in-laws are insane. Oo, witty! ... Anyhoo, the number thing to complete any Kirby themed wedding is to have a towering Blopper cake. Nothing says love like stacking wiggling purple things. Sure, they are a bit messy, but it's worth it. The next sure-win is bouquets of Lovelies. The suckers wiggle around a bit, but a little bit of Final Cutter solves that well. Or, since I loath that skill, Quad Shock. Wait, Ninjas sold out years ago. Stick them with needles. Ah, no one will defend that suck-fest. Well, maybe your family. They all give Needle. The other lovelies of the non-floral nature would be Bronto Burts dropping a rain of flower petals. They're birds, right? Brawl says so. They are bit too sour for the ceremony, but waxing off those eyebrows does wonders. Sure, you could just go with Koozer, but ... well, no one likes Koozer. Now, back to fliers, when not eating Tookey, they can be used to hold up the bride's long, flowing dress. It has to be flowing, after all, as its a dress and you have no legs. The groom, of course, is in his best penguin suit, which is actually a penguin suit. Ep 66 reference, ho! That makes my sword grow longer after chanting my television show's title thrice. Reference for the win! i making a kirby adventure will you see it. - Miah ![]() No. I'm not saying I won't see it since I refuse to see fan works. I love fan works. However, the track record with fan games (I'm assuming?) is utterly abysmal. I'll route for you, though. I only have one question this time. Is it me, or is one of Kabula's attacks in Kirby Super Star Ultra's Revenge of the King mode Bullet Biils? - Darkstar ![]() I'll admit that Kaboola (Her name is Kaboola to me forever. New names be damned!) does have a pretty copy right crossing attack. However, I do not believe it is a Bullet Bill. For starters, Bullet Bill is, as suggested by the name, a bullet. Those are projectiles launched from a stationary cannon. What comes from the blimp boss is a self propelled rocket. Second, Weapon Williams has a distinct set of arms by its side. The ammo unleashed by Kaboola has no such appendages. In closing, I believe these faux-firings are just a surprise mega-missile launched out that bear the same face as their firer. Really, does Bullet Bill have a smile like that, either? For the longest time, the classic enemy was mouthless unless in a gigantic form, which also lacked the white arms. I guess the Bill trophy in one of the Super Smash Bros. featured a grinning bill, but this one also lacked the classic arms and had a weird buzzsaw base. That seems more questionable as being Bullet Bill and it has the name affixed to it! Anyhoo, Bill's mouth, when present, is a toothy, angry smile. Kaboola's is a closed toothed grin. Yeah, that's big difference in Bimblesnaff country. And, uh... it's not just a Giant Bullet Bill. That wasn't in the question, suckers, so it's off the table forever! Hi! It's me again. Time for my last questions before I'm off. This will be better. 1. Many people asking a DS questions to you. Do you have enough money to buy a Nintendo DS or will you save it in the future? 2. Will Kirby for the Wii be delay to next year or face cancellation? (Levels can take forever.) Bye and Farewell, Bimblesnaff! - Vinny Boy ![]() 1) Oh, my cash situation is quite fine. It's not the money that keeps me from buying a DS and the Kirby games but rather the combination of spendings and free time. They just don't add up proportionally. Recent trends predict that the prices will fall dramatically once the next generation of Nintendo portable comes out. When that happens, I'll probably swoop them up. I'm a very thrifty spender. Sure, the logic probably doesn't make sense, but that's the way I do it. Yep, sure has been a while, you remember me don'cha? Anyways, on with the questions! #1: In Kirby Dreamland 2, (which actually, I've never played,) Is that border always around the screen? You know the border with Parasol Kirby, Rick, Kine, and Coo? #2: What is the Apple Scarfy in KSSU? It's really been bugging me! #3: In Kirby Squead Squad, why was Dark Nova hidden away in a chest? Why would he just be sitting in there waiting for someone to open the chest? #4: Why didn't Meta Knight reveal his plans in Kirby Squeak Squad? Why didn't he say, "I'm not trying to steal your crappy cheesecake, I'm trying to save you from being corrupt! #5: In KatAM, Why wheren't Cook and Smash mixed together? Why couldn't if you held B or something, Kirby does the Cook attack, and lose smash like as his final smash in SSBB. #6: Finally, Why doesn't King Dedede eat Kirby? King Dedede can suck him up, so why not swallow? P.S. I'm feeling kinda down cuz' I don't have KSSU. So that's not the reason why I haven't sent anything in a while. - Theorizer ![]() 1) That border that you speak of is not actually in the game. No, that is the Super Game Boy special border. Certain games, when used with the Super Nintendo Game Pak adapter, received a special border around the screen. The games were not able to be blown up to the full screen size since, well, it'd look stupid magnified that much and control stuff could be put around it. 2) I don't have it, and the game is too new to know yet. 3) It's name is Dark Nebula in the English games, not "Nova". That is the name of the Galactic Comet from Milky Way Wishes. Even in Japan, the name was Dark Zero. Anyhoo, it was the lord of darkness. It was sealed away in a chest as a form of imprisonment. Evils are classically always sealed away in such. Jar, jewels, statues, or puzzle boxes are common jails for evil forces. They also make the perfect set up for a mishap to release them and give a game or movie easy plot. I mean, it's not like anyone should ever steal stuff from King Dedede. The chest should have been safely locked away. 4) Would Kirby have listened? He battled his way through six of King Dedede's friends and the king himself, having confronted him twice, and gave no chance to listen to an explanation. If there's one thing about Kirby, he's stubborn and has no patience! ![]() ... Patience. 5) Cook was a Final Smash in Brawl. Let's look at a time line: Amazing Mirror came out in '04. Brawl came out in '08. There was no connection between Cook and Super Smash Bros. four years ago. Additionally, it wasn't until Squeak Squad that the entire concept of the "use a screen wiper with a regular ability" was born with Magic able to pull out its Amazing Mirror roulette. Basically, you're asking why an ability didn't do something that happened in games that had yet to come out. To be fair, I'll answer legitly: they do not have the gift of prophecy at HAL. 6) If King Dedede were to swallow Kirby, then, by right, he would get Kirby's ability. Do you think the king would want to risk the terrible outcome possibly invoked by that situation? Also, no one ask what that might be. Darn it Darn it Darn it! I never played KSS, and I don't have KSSU either! Anyways, few questions 'bout SSU. 1. Is Spring Breeze still in it along with Revenge of the King, or is it just Revenge of the King. 2.Are there any new abilities that Kirby gets, / new helpers? 3. Are there gona be lots of animated cut scenes? Those looked reeeely cool! 4. Is it still the same Kirby sprite from Kirby Squeak Squad, and Amazing Mirror? 5. Why are the backgrounds still so ugly? I always thought the backgrounds in KSS where tacky, and dumb looking from the screenshots of KSS I've seen. I was hoping they wouldn't use the same kind of background in KSSU. Oh well. ...In case you haven't relize, I changed my name from "Kirby Super WHAT?" to "Kirby Super WHAT Ultra"... - Kirby Super WHAT Ultra? ![]() 1) All of the orignal sub-games are included with Super Star Ultra. The case of Revenge of the King is just like Extra Game for Dream Land I, a much harder version. They start you off with Spring Breeze and have you come back fullcircle to apply all your gained experience to that challenge. 2) The only new helper is Capsule J2, who isn't really new as its just a major redesign for Capsule J that provoked a change in name. 3) There appears to be a lot. I'm pretty certain that at least the start and finish of every sub-game has one of them. Revenge of Meta Knight might have even more than that as well as other being peppered throughout. 4) They are wholly new sprites. 5) I think the backdrop graphics look great in Super Star, although, I'll admit, the scenery and grounds look at little... odd and square. Is Ometon Squeaky Bogg's best friend? and some other stuff BUH BYES - Mr. Flipdad ![]() Don't be silly. I'm his twin brother. Identical twin. You don't have a "Nintendo Developer's System"? Why not? And... you never played Kirby Air Ride? That would mean you never got to see how awsome the Hydra and Dragoon were. In one mode, the Hydra can destroy any vehicle (including another Hydra), even though it was going less than 3mph! By the way, Kirby Super Star Ultra doesn't seem like a "good" game to me. I am playing it and I'm not fond of some of the mechanics of the game (you have to "dash" again after you jumped, not like when you kept running after you jumped in Squeak Squad, Amazing Mirror, and Nightmare in Dreamland). Why do people say that Kirby Super Star was a good game? I really can't see why... - Miracle Matter ![]() Don't even really know what it is, don't really care. And, so what if I've never played Air Ride? I think more people haven't played Dream Lands I through 3. To me, it's a wrong to have never seen how awesome the Animal Friends are. Not saying you haven't, just saying probably more people haven't. As for Super Star Ultra being not fun, can't say, never played it. I liked Super Star. I've said it before that I think it is the most fun game out of all Kirby titles. The fact that it can just be popped in and played for a few minutes to completion is unbeatable. Sure, I like games as a whole better, but they can't compare to this feature. kirby super star ultra was released sep. 22, right? But when I went to on the game history section, it said the game was released on December 4. did they put the wrong date? - Sharnay ![]() Er, wouldn't that say that the information is wrong? I mean, the game is out. It isn't December. Even the Japanese release is in November. That may be the global release date, when it hits all the major markets. I don't know, tho'. It is Kirby Kirby Kirby, and they ain't all that great. Wow, ok, I have a few statements, because I'm such a loser that I own (boxes and all) and have played through these things at least 2 times: Revenge of the King seems like a play on Extra Mode in Dreamland. The way the enemies are different, and the Bronto Burt replacement looked a little familiar. After booting up the original on my old Gameboy, they do look a little alike, although the Gameboy has less resolution, so it's hard to be sure. Oh man though, it's great playing this game, except the slight name swaps... "Heart of Nova" is now "Celestial NOVA Nucleus", well, celestial or something. And "Red Dragon" to "Great Dragon"... and Capsule J is now Capsule J2, I checked. Oh, and there's a slight decrease in difficulty, but I think it's due to the new graphics. Kirby's smaller, and his jumping seems a little different. There are some parts I remember having so much trouble with, that I could barely get them within my first try... You should at least find someone with a copy. It's really awesome to have played the originals of these things, and then to play a fairly well done remake... how long have I even owned Superstar, half a year?... But enough talk about Ultra, everyone seems to be doing that... Do you think pulling something like this for Wii would work? Just because the system supports 3D doesn't mean the games have to be... MegaMan 9 seems to be a huge hit. Plus, with all that disk space, you could have tons of massive levels... with 3D cutscenes, kind of like Ultra has! 8D Except you'd need a good plot to keep people playing something like that... after level 349, it'd prolly get boring... (I know Kirby Wii sounds like it will have 3D graphics, if it's ever finished. "Hrhr" I'm just saying, I'm not expecting the Wii game to be like that... oh wow. I should find better things to do than fill a little textbox with a geology homework sized essay...) - Error Taxi ![]() 1) Yeah, okay, I get that folks like the game and all, but this isn't a podium to tell folks about it. This is for you to ask questions. But, really, even if I knew anyone who was a Kirby fan, which the only one I know personally is my own brother, I still don't have the system to play it on. The Midwest ain't the crazy populated, connected capital of the States. Finding nerds is hard enough along, let alone Kirby nerds. 2) I know I would like an old school Kirby game, something like an expanded Adventure. However, Kirby wasn't the massively replicated series that Mega Man was. The Blue Bomber had seven titles for the NES that followed the same game play, graphics, and formula. Kirby had varying titles across a wide degree of systems. It wasn't as set in stone as good ol' Rocky of the non-rock variety. 3) The Wii title does have 3D graphics with 2.5D game play, so it's not a "sounds like" but a "yes". And, yeah, I should grow that question box. It's a little dated in its size. It's on my list, and I'm growing the moustache needed to get it done. The flannels are already well in my possession. i sign up for a accont you guys didnt rember my user name and my password.why is that. - KirbyFan01 ![]() Well, I'm not in charge of forum registration. To stop certain problems, they needed certain types of security measures and required specific approval. Now, if you mean that your user name and password were not remember in the log-in boxes, that's a setting on your computer. The website doesn't keep track of what pages remember your log-in information. Could Kirby fart, burp, sneeze, or cough? Just curious... - Kirby Kirby Kirby ![]() Sneeze, yes. He was shown sneezing in the stage intro to Castle Lololo in the original Dream Land, a scene that was reused in Super Star Ultra. Burping seems likely and is tied with the gaseous nature of the Sweet Potato (ie, Mint Leaf) also from the first Dream Land, as does coughing. As for the last one... um... maybe? He hasn't been shown to have a complete alimentary canal, but no one can say for certain. Frankly, I don't think I want to know.
Repeat Response: Still a lot more to go, folks, in the question cache. Stay tuned.
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Last Updated - September 28th, 2008 | |
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