Kirby's Rainbow Resort > Ask the Gurus > Gobbo's Session #63 | |
Ask Guru Gobbo #63Mmrr... - September 30th, 2008
In the last episode of Hoshi no kaabi, 100, right after kirby gets the star rod he says something in japanese as part of the transformation sequence. Does anyone know what he said? - Adrian ![]() He said something that wasn't "poyo"? That sure seems contrary to the entire series. Well, I found a clip and heard him say stuff, but no one seems to make any reference of it. I think it may just be something like, "Hi-yah!" or another battle related cry. It could very well be something like, "Let's go!" or "Prepare to die!", but I can't tell. It's pretty short and pretty quick. I'm sticking with my quick quip guess. Do you think Kirby will be involved with rescusing or working with a love intrest? Hm...I guess that would be hard to accomplish though, but I just want to here what you think. ^_____^ - Kirby Shipping ![]() Why it is well within reason that they could do that, I don't see it as likely. Granted, they've jumped from saving the world from evil to saving another world from evil down to getting back dessert, so they aren't on an escalating scale of their epic proportions. But, in order to give Kirby a love interest, I'd guess they'd have to make another Kirby-esque creature, something they tend to shy away from doing outside of specific cases (ie, Meta Knight, Shadow Kirby, non-canon second players). I think the closest thing to a female half Kirby will see is his own female half from Fofa episode of the animated series. Well, and Suzy from the German Nintendo Club comics if you want to count that. I don't really know if it's stupid to say this buuut: I solved what BabyCharmander said in his Kirby Super Star helpful Helper page and it reads: MAD yo-yo skillz!! Cash reward and crown please!xD (Hey, he said I could get $5! jk.) - PokeKirby ![]() First off, BabyCharmander is a dame not a dude. People tend to make that mistake, but with the ever increasing eyelash size of the representative, it should be getting harder to assume wrongly. I guess she'll have to go for the two foot lash length. Anyhoo, a Helpful Helper page? Is this at her website and not Rainbow Resort? Since I'm assuming yes, I would think the best course of action would be to email her the solution. It should be plastered all over her web pages, or at least reside on one. I have noticed while playing Brawl that there is some simular enemies in the Subspace Emessanry(Don't know how to spell it...) as there are in Kirby games. Do you think so? Or have you not played Brawl? (I assume you have or will...) - Brawlin' Kirby ![]() No and probably not. As for the enemy similarity, a quick look up and comparison says otherwise. Even the source I found them at stated that a lot were "inspired" by Kirby enemies. No, no I don't think so. Getting angry wasn't invented by Scarfy. Lots of things do that. The rest of them just seemed like stretches. The foes were far too complex and ... odd to be likened to Kirby ones, in my opinion. I've been playing video games for a while now, maybe longer than people comin' here have been alive, even, and they just seem like good ol' enemies to me for the most part. Fait, here! 1. I personally find HAL Laboratory a little cowardly when it comes to trying something new. They've braved up a couple of times, as we've seen in history. Their first attempt at something new was, of course, Kirby's copy ability. The series probably wouldn't have lasted as long if they stuck to the inhale-exhale formula. Their most vital step forward would have to be Kirby Super Star (taken a step further with Kirby Super Star Ultra, of course). Anyways, the question is, do you find it understandable that HAL Laboratory isn't taking as many risks today? 2. How did Rainbow Resort get started? Are there still original staff members regularly taking part on the website? 3. One thing I've noticed with the Mega Man series is it somewhat matured as Capcom introduced new spin-off series. While the Kirby series has far fewer games than the Mega Man series does, do you think HAL Laboratory has attempted to make the Kirby series grow up alongside its audience? Even a little? 4. It's unrelated, but it's a topic that I find a little important. What is your opinion on the First-person Shooter genre? While the genre has gotten a firm hold in the gaming industry, I find it a little limiting when it comes to creating original ideas for it. There are so many more things one could do with roleplaying games and platformers than with first-person shooters. - Fait ![]() 1) I definitely feel that HAL is playing it safe nowadays and have mentioned it before several times. Really, all the first Kirby games added some new innovation and tried to stand out from a previous. The original concept of inhaling and spitting became complimented with copying enemies, which allowed for the blossoming of the non-platformers. Next came mixing up powers by pairing them with Animal Friends or one another for different results. Super Star, as you said, offered the high variability and execution of abilities to several ends. Not only that, but some of the sub-games offered their own unique twist. This golden era of innovation fell apart, I would say, at the death of Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land. This opinion has nothing to do with the game itself, now, but this game is when things turned sour. It was originally meant to be a whole new title but got reduced to "just a remake" due to complications, I believe, with Sakurai. At this point, things began to flounder. First, a remake came. Then, Amazing Mirror was nothing but an expanded Great Cave Offensive. Later, trying to incorporate the touch screen, DS's Squeak Squad tried mixing abilities among other things in Kirby's stomach. Sadly, unlike the thirty-six combination possibilities in The Crystal Shards, these turned out less unique and more just added elements to certain abilities, or should I say limited abilities? It pretty much was Bomb and Sword. Flash forward to the present day, and I've been tearing out my non-existent hair waiting to see if the Wii title will ever hit shelves. The multiple helper and stacking system seems like a grand concept, and I'm dying to learn what all can be done with the several combinations. This isn't a simple one on one mixing, after all. It's to the fourth power of power possibilities. That's a dang lot. This has me pretty geeked out, as you probably could tell, but their other recent example of innovation in a platformer has me more worried. Super Star Ultra already disappointed with a possibility of original concept. I initially thought that when Meta Knight used the touch screen in his Ultra sub-game, it would be like how most of the touch screen action is done, such as drawing a shape or line to perform a corresponding action. Rather, all this potential is wasted by providing the user with less convenient buttons on the lower half. Way to go. 2) The history of Rainbow Resort is documented far better on the site than I could ever fit here. As for the classic staff, most have faded away years ago. I think the most seniority belongs to Debagelbond outside of the founder herself, Kindar Spirit. 3) In my opinion, they have already made Kirby "grow up" in the series. This was evident in the two paths taken by Kirby games. There was the fledgling Super Star branch and the classic, more laid back Dark Matter series branch. How odd is it that the one with "dark" in the title is actually the more childish one. Anyhoo, the hatted adventures with the faster paced game play were the ones that continued via the animated series, Amazing Mirror, and so on, even retconning the previous Adventure. These titles were far more "cool" than cute, as is evident in just the enemy selection. Crazy yo-yo robot with a metal cap or green sphere that... actually, it was just a green sphere. Now, as for if this will continue, I think splitting the series into a more traditional beginner's game, as originally intended, with Kirby and a more challenging, grown up series with Meta Knight is well within possibility. I don't really think it will happen, but I still see it as an option. 4) First person shooters were, for the longest time, just the same game engine remade with different graphics. Shoot Nazi in Wolfenstein, blow away demons in Doom, and beat up crudely created bats and such in Timmy's Quest or whichever of those lousy billboard, first person perspective games created by someone who got his hands on the code wanted to call it. They were easy to make and didn't really offer much new stuff to them. I'm sure now they can give players some more challenge and options, but I still don't really care. I still see Unreal as Wolfenstein with better graphics, but I still like Wolfenstein better. ive read that alot of people are wondering who or what 02 and if it has a relation to 0, i always thought that 02 was 0 back from the dead, hence the huge bandaid, halo, and bloody angel wings... could this be true!?! i think so yes - Tater Shanked ![]() Back from the dead, back for revenge, back in black, yes. I never even knew people were confused with what Zero Two was, but the issue seems to be raised every now and again around here. I thought it was pretty obvious, myself, given the name. Dark Matter followed a pretty consistent course of reappearing or improving as he was defeated: Dark Matter (Swordsman) -> (Real) Dark Matter -> Zero -> Zero Two -> Finally dead? I guess, though, that if folks were privy to the past titles, the appearance of a creepy, bleeding angel would be a little bewildering. I'm glad that people like yourself are at least out there who get it. Hi again! In Kirby Super Star Ultra, that weird flying pig head thing (Is it's name Gip?) appears in a few of the modes. I looked through the character and I can't find any missing enemies besides Capsule J, so, was the enemy from Kirby's Adventure that was replaced by Gip in KSS? - PokeMega32 ![]() Gip was used to replace Bounder, a little climber dude with a bald head that looked like he was wearing pajamas. He did have a few appearances in Super Star, two of them. One was in Great Cave Offensive and another in Revenge of Meta Knight. Figures why he doesn't stick into memory well. This site doesn't even mention him! Poor panda man. Do you think Drawcia and Marx are relative? I think they do because, in KSSU Marx's soul appears in the TURE arena and Marx's sould dose some of the same moves drawcias moves are. Like the raning blob attack, cutter things,and the fire ball moves and thats what all I want to know!! BYE!! - Mirror Pikachu ![]() Nope. Drawcia is just a painting that gained sentience. I do not believe she is related to anyone. Granted, the subject of the picture, if not wholly fabricated, could have descendents, distant ones. Visually, their only similarities are their purple skins. Normally, looks carry more weight in the relations department than abilities do, otherwise I could claim that King Dedede is Kirby's uncle given his capability to inhale, exhale, and inflate. Sameness in form name doesn't carry much weight, in my opinion, either. The whole return with a new name/form gimmick is something done since the days of Nightmare who started as a Power Orb and grew into his true "wizard" form. Dark Matter started as a swordsman and reverted to a more primitive form, the trend that won in the series. Dark Matter turned to Zero, who was even more boiled down and bland. Drawcia turned to Drawcia Soul. In most all these cases, they simplified, turned to something rounder, less detailed, and more primitive. This "root" form has a basic level that gives the big boss a more primeval feel. Marx Soul, on the other hand, does none of this. They could have called it anything. Dark Marx, Marx 2, Mark², Omega Marx, Steven. It wouldn't have mattered. Frankly, I think it should have called Marx' Revenge since this was the trend it more followed. The typical boss' second form is a completely different shape with a wholly different set of attacks. Marx was just modified like all the bosses in Revenge of the King. I think the "soul" route was taken since, in this instance, Marx was dead. He needed to be brought back to life. Drawcia used soul, on the other hand, as more of a reference to it being her core, heart, or purest essence. She wasn't killed or freed of her body. No, she was just masking her true self beneath robes until bearing her truth, her soul, in all its painty glory. Hey Gobb. The apple enemys from Revenge of the king are called Mad Apples, makes sense when they go psycho O_o. Now the questions, have you ever beat The Arena in KSS without a ability? If yes, how hard was it? Do some people abuse the helpers in KSS? Like not attacking at all and letting the helpers kill the enemys, or using Kirby's wicked attack where he shoots dust from his armpits and then inhale and spit at enemys? Does Kirby even have a armpit? What color of underwear am I wearing? - Mirror Kirby ![]() 1) I'm pretty sure I've done that more than one occasion. It wasn't necessarily difficult, but it sure took a long time, particularly for the Computer Virus. I'm pretty sure I've gone through and bested the Arena with every power possible, or at least for as long as possible before hitting Meta Knight. I don't feel like waiting him out, if its even possible. 2) Yes. Well, maybe. He has arms and space beneath those arms, so he kinda does. They may not be stanky arm pits or such, but it's just an area. 3) None. #1: Where can I find "paint" in K.S.S.U.? #2: Is Kirby eight inches tall, or twelve inches tall? - Miracle Matter ![]() 1) Paint is still found, I'm guessing, in the only two spots that produced it before: in the battle against Heavy Lobster and when fighting Chameleo Arm. Both instances, you have to notice that when you suck up what they chuck at you, the red Paint Blobs and the multi-color orbs, that Kirby flashes, indicating that an ability possessing thing is in his mouth. For me, I know, Paint was only seen in rare mixes. It's pretty worthless. 2) I've never seen anything say he was a foot tall. I know that Super Smash Bros. lists him at 8" and, I do believe, that was his height given in a commercial for the animated series at some time. Don't know what to say. Hey! Me again! I was just wondering, how do enemies dissolve in Kirby's stomach so quickly? It's like, he has a black hole in there or something. Also, totally not related, have you played/beat Portal or any Metal Slug game and what is you're favorite Gradius Game? P.S. Use that evil looking face next to the question box okay? - Gradius Master ![]() They don't dissolve. The enemies vanish. Kirby's stomach works like some sort of wormhole that transfers matter across time and space to some larger, holding area. Wasn't that how it happened in Squeak Squad and the animated series? Matter displacement. Boy, that's pretty heavy theoretical physics for such a light game. Hello I have been playing "KSSU"(alot of people recently do anyway) and it just hit me. Why is the sub game 'Great Cave Offensive' called that? isn't this wrong grammar wise? why isn't it called 'Great Offensive Cave' for example? Because adjectives are supposed to be before nouns. I am not a native English speaker so... - Silver Lunar ![]() I've never been able to even tell that fact. You come across better in English than most people I know, and I'm talking full grown adults who have lived in America their whole life. The American education system: second in teaching the English language. Then again, second may be a stretch, I reckon. Huyuck! Anyhoo, this is a case of fancy word play that happens to line up identically but has different meanings. The adjective offensive is the state in which brash, lewd, or undesirable behavior is performed. This is more tied with the verb offend. However, as a noun, offensive is an attack, conflict, or actively side of a battle. To that end, to be on the offense rather than the defense, dishing out the hurt. I never really understood why the same suffix was applied to two entirely different word paths. English is plagued with nonsense like that, probably because every culture that took over the isle nation left a foot print of their tongue on the English one, leaving a motley, cumbersome giant like the fabled Formian: unwieldly and ugly. Anyways, so, yeah, it's more "big dirt-hole conflict" than it is "giant jerk cavern". And, no, I didn't say any of that to bring it down to any sort of level for non-English speakers. I just always wanted to call it "big dirt-hole conflict". Sleep...
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Last Updated - September 30th, 2008 | |
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