Kirby's Rainbow Resort > Ask the Gurus > Gobbo's Session #70 | |
Ask Guru Gobbo #70I use the worst definition of "vacation", don't I? Well, here to take some of the edge off is Prophallus. Also, Squeaky Bogg's Swedish cousin, Squeaky Bögg and his glow-in-the-dark nose. - October 11th, 2008
1: How does kirby get throw in the show? 2: How does kirby get crash in the show? 3: Who's your favorite mini-boss? 4: How come in the begining of Milky Way Wishes,Kirby is seen with an enemy colored Poppy Bro.? 5: Who made the story book and why? ..hey,did I just se ometon peeking behind that rectangle thing(what is it called?)?!?! - Luca ![]() 1) Throw is gotten in Episode 94, the one with Phan Phan. Since the ol' Oliphant is a goodie, Kirby gains the ability by eating, instead, a spiked ball that was thrown by Phan Phan, at the time temporarily turned evil by the sinister clown Whippy. Or some stupid name like that. 2) Crash is gotten in Episode 76 (and more) while fighting some... dinosaur Kirby clone? Er, right. King Dedede tosses a large bomb at it, similar to Bombar or Fat Boy in shape, which Kirby intercepts and eats. Bammo, atomic power. 3) My most liked Mini-Boss is Bugzzy, which is to be expected since I cherish Backdrop so much. 4) Kirby hangs out with lots of bad guys. They are, after all, who makes up Dream Land's population. It's only when they are getting in the way, are possessed by evil, or are under orders by evil that Kirby and they butt heads. 5) Story book? Me and my glow-in-the-dark nose know not what you refer to. will they ever have gooey in the games again? - GameQube ![]() I'm gonna guess not. This reasoning falls right in line with why they probably won't be having the Animal Friends or Dark Matter in any game (in a non-card face, mini-game form, that is). This has been said so many times over the course of my stay here, and the reason is the same for all these characters. It all comes down to a man named Shinichi Shimomura who directed much of the earlier Kirby games, all the ones that featured the real Dark Matter. The game series took a different direction after this point, and none of the characters returned, although odd parodies of them would show up now and then. That being the case, since there seems to be an embargo on what was used in those titles, I don't see it as likely, while not impossible, for any of them to show up again. When will the Mother 3 soundtrack be uploaded? - Henry SG ![]() Mother 3 isn't a Kirby title, or anything close! I think you may want to check out for something like that. They're full of affiliated goodness. 1. what would you do if a winey kid went to your house burned your stuff and ran. - Waddle Doo ![]() If a "winey" kid were to do that stuff, I would first teach him how to spell "whiny" properly before he sets my precious belongings ablaze and flees like the coward he'd be. Surely the insurance would recover my Statue of Athena (and boy, if he actually managed to steal the thing, I'd like to get that bowl of Wheaties.) What is a "KRR Siege"? I want to know more. Also, why do you hate the anime if Meta Knight got attacked by a PIE Monster? And why does Kirby go on a deadly rampage to get his cake back from mice? - Action Replay ![]() I. The Siege on Rainbow Resort is a comic series featuring everyone's favorite short but strong, invisible armed worker, Squeaky "Bimblesnaff" Bogg. If you want to check it out, simply click the previous link. II. Meta Knight getting pied like the kids in Double Dare do not warrant an anime based on a video game to be full of creamy goodness. For reasons why Bimblesnaff doesn't like the anime, click hya, or if you want the short answer, "Poyo!" 1.Why are so many of these questions stupid (excluding mine... I saw it coming!)? 2.Baced off of Kirby64 (I still miss I3), the planets in the Pop Star Solar System, as I like to call it, aren't round.That's not possible! No planet should be so far from being shperacal!Shiver Star is okay, I'd say. Not just 'cuz it's round, I love the depressing theroies of the winter wonder land!As for Rock Star, it doesn't even look like it's a semi-connected rock, even.What kind of rocky midgets (vocabulary time!) would be so freakish? Don't go saying they're stars, as, obviously, they're round too. 3.How did the anime get Squishy and good 'ol Master Green mixed up?I mean, I see how, but it's just such a stupid mistake! 4.On that note, why did they make the anime SO diffrent from the games?'Tis maddness!I know everyone says it's just because they wanted to keep things unconnsistant, but I'd love to hear you make of it some more! - Rgijaba, self proclaimed evil geinus and lord of pudding pies ![]() I. Some people think they're the next Jon Lovitz, so they conclude that it would be funny to ask silly questions like "What would happen if Kirby and Wario met" or "Can Kirby eat?" or "What would happen if Kirby was stuck in Alcatraz Prison and he had to escape with his life?" To answer your question on why many of the questions are stupid, it is because people wanna get noticed. II. So, uh... you asking me why Rock Star isn't a symmetrical planet or are you questioning on if the planet has short rock monsters? I can't think of a good response other to say that they're indeed stars. They've recently starred in their own rock n' roll concert "The Baby Golems", which can be bought in stores next to the unsold copies of "Walkie's Talkies", where Walkie tackles stand-up. I don't know why nobody's buyin' 'em. Walkie's a hoot! III. Hey man, everybody makes mistakes. Master Green originated in Kirby's Dream Land 2, correct? As far as I recall, the game had a mistake as well. During the Enemy Credits in the Bad Ending, they got two of the surnames of enemies mixed up. "Load Kibble" and "Sir Slippy." It's supposed to be the other way around. I rest my case, your honor. ![]() 3) Actually, no, it's always either "Sir Slippy" or just plain "Slippy". As for "Lord Kibble" in Dream Land 2, I use to think that, since his appearance was so different from the traditional Kibble, that it and the one in Dream Land 3 were just a different yet similar foe. Turns out, nope. Still just a "sir" in the third. They just went wonky. IV. Ah... the classic "why's the anime different from the games" question. Quite a throwback to when Ivyna J. Spyder was still in charge for answering questions regarding the anime. So Buggzy has a sword and Cappies aren't blowing their mushroom hats off. Why did they do that? Animation based on video games make things differently all the time. In fact, I don't think I could explain it as clearly as Ivyna can right here. In the True Arena, I finally made it up to Marx Soul, but I died! Anyway, a question. Who started the IAM fad on youtube? ...Never mind, answer this. How come everyone calls Marx's laser attack "SHOOP-DA-WHOOP"?! (I know what Shoop-da-whoop is) - Spinni ![]() It's a good thing you gave me a new question to answer, because I've no idea what "IAM" is. I'm guessing it's cat food? (Bimblesnaff's note: Nope, dog food) The Internet is a huge phenomenon. People like to compare what they see in real life or in the media to what they saw on the Internet. Okay, look closely at any of the tens and thousands of "Shoop-Da-Whoop" pics. Now look at how Marx uses his laser attack. Any questions? may I ask how to be a member here? - Alonda ![]() Are you lost, Alonda? Worry not; everything's gonna be allllllright... here's how to be a member of the forums, which I am assuming you're asking about. 1. Click the "Register" button. 2. Fill out information. 3. Submit. 4. ??? 5. Profit! where can i download the unsubed show. - Clockwork ![]() By "unsubed", you mean the 4Kids version, correct? You can stream, not download, some episodes at their official site. Now, if you mean the Japanese version without English subtitles, you either fly to Japan or buy the Japanese DVDs. What happened to our Uncle Gobo?! Why do you guys cycle through so many people? First it was Ivyna J. Spider and Kirby Warrior. Now Bimblesnaff. What is going on?! - Confused ![]() Uncle Gobbo is currently undergoing surgery that'll help him like the Kirby anime at least twice as much more than he used to. They can rebuild him... they have the technology. He'll be better, stronger, faster, and more in-your-face than Bubsy the Bobcat. After all, what's the worst that could happen? ![]() Don't expect too much. "Twice as much" of zero is still zero, folks! When are you going to complete Project RAINBOW? It's been months since the last RAINBOW update! You don't need to tell us what is next for the Project... Thank you and you're welcome. - Sonny B ![]() I've put it off before, but now, after all this dead time, I'm just going to come out and say it candidly: I'm not responsible for Project R.A.I.N.B.O.W.. It was an initiative masterminded by Disaster Kirby. He plotted out all of the letters and what needed to be done, but there was no real ideas of how anything was to be done. In fact, a lot of the segments had no one really volunteering for the duty. Regular Mailbags was about the only part he actually took care of. I took up what bits I could, Help Nook and Ability Reviews, the RSS feed was taken care of someone not out of us two, one of them had a legitimate reason for not getting done, but then there was parts like forum games which had no reason to be postponed. They just needed thought up. I barely use the forums as it is, so I wasn't going to do that. If you've noticed by now, the project's logo has a spider web over it. That's not a Hallowe'en decoration. It's deader than the spirits to be raised on that holy day's eve. What is Kirby going to be for Halloween? I'm going to dress up as Jack Skellington! I'll rephrase the question. If Kirby could dress up for Halloween, what do you think he would be? I think he should be Meta Knight and Tiff and Tuff should be Sword Knight and Blade Knight! It would be funny! - Lindsay the Wolf ![]() If Halloween came to Dream Land, I am almost certain that Kirby would dress up as none other than the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man. He's already squishy, all he needs to do is paint himself Classic White, get a sailor's hat, and voila! He's the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man! Or rather, his son. He would suddenly have the ability to throw marshmallows at people as well, and his alternate attack would be to shoot lasers like the SPMM in the Ghostbusters game on Genesis. Rockin'! As for what Tiff & Tuff could be, why, they would be Palom & Porom, whose personalities fit the characters. Palom is bratty and energetic, and his sister is a snobby know-it-all. For real laughs, Meta Knight could dress as the Dark Knight Cecil, and suddenly, the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man would feel left out of the sudden craze of Final Fantasy IV costumes. Don't worry, though, he'll just go to plan B, which is dressing up as a Balloon/Bomb. Don't make him angry, though, it's the equivalent of a "Crash" ability, and it'd ruin the whole party. Doesn't Iron Mom look like a Waddle Dee in a suit? I just came here to ask that. - Guest ![]() You know, when you put it that way, the resemblance is uncanny. Perhaps a Waddle Dee wondered what it would be like to be a manipulative, whippin' woman that makes men cry, so he puts on spiky armor, equips himself with two ball 'n chains, and changes his name to "Iron Mom." Remove the bow and he could've been Iron Man, and alas, Nintendo would have a lawsuit on their hands, which would be ironic since Iron Man was created by a man named Jack Kirby. Is Glatic Knight Meta knight's anestor? - Mirrior Pikachu ![]() There is a possibility that Galactic Knight is more than just a flashier version of Meta Knight... perhaps he's the Meta Knight of the Future, to be promoted from the dark knight to a holy knight. Ancestor, long lost brother, or just another knight that isn't related? Place your bets! ![]() If he was related to Meta Knight, the linage would be so distant as he was sealed away so long ago, he'd probably be related in some way to over half the people on Pop Star, assuming he was even from that world. He could have, by right, been from one of the surrounding star planets. They're full of Dees and other roly polies, right? Bottom line, why does everyone assume everyone is related? They all look alike, everyone on Pop Star. 1.There's some creature in the anime's gallery called "evilslug".What was he and what did he do- oh wait, no. Lemme guess, he, like most all villans on the show, was a demon who Kirby made short work of. 2.There's also a villan labeled "Danger".I'll assume it's the same case for him, too? 3.I don't care if you're having a dead break or mental meltdown. 4.In the anime, why did they make Kabu some all-knowing orcal thing?Big step up from flying, spinny rock.I mean, it should've been AT LEAST Dekabu, right? 5.A demon named "Cold Virus".I'll assume there's no formal art or screen shots of them? - Rgijaba, self proclaimed evil geinus and lord of pudding pies ![]() I. You've guessed right, sir. Evil Slug was no match for Kirby's Salt ability! ![]() 1) Actually, "evil slug" can be seen on that same such gallery page with Escargoon stepping out of it. It's a costume that 'Goon wore in the episode "Un-Reality TV". He put it on and faked monster attacks. It was some crazy scheme of King Dedede's using the new television network. II. Would Sakurai do that to you? The answer is a big fat yes. Kirby was made to beat any and every demon in all possible. He's one tough cream puff, after all. ![]() 2) Actually, "Danger" was classified among the strongest Nightmare had to offer, ranking up there with WolfWrath and Heavy Lobster. He wasn't just "some pushover". Granted, it was still defeated by Kirby in the end, but you know. III. That's nice that you don't care, because you've got your wish: Someone's taking over for the time being! Too bad for you, though, because he'll be up and running from the surgery as soon as the doctors finish their lunch. IV. The anime is quite different from the video games, I'll give ya that. They had to choose some knowledgeable rock creature that could give Olmec from Legends of the Hidden Temple a run for his money. Who else would the poor Cappies get their knowledge from? A penguin and his snail assistant? I don't believe that! And that's a wrap of day two of putting things off sorta, kinda, maybe. Let's hear it for Prophallus, taking the blunt end of this question barrage and making me seem cheerful by comparison. There's still a pile I gotta push out at another time, assumably one I think up some type of gimmick for it.
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Last Updated - October 11th, 2008 | |
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