Kirby's Rainbow Resort > Ask the Gurus > Gobbo's Session #127 | |
Ask Guru Gobbo #127Whimsical banter. Hrhr all 'round. Joyous reactions. Yes. - April 6th, 2009
1.)Why did you change the gallery on April 1st? 2.)Why does it say Bogg instead of Kirby? 6.)The cake is a lie! - Airride_master ![]() 1) I didn't change the Fan Art Gallery to anything; the Gallery Administrator did. For those of you unaware, on April Fools Day, he swapped out the language file to the Dutch version, which just made everything look hilarious. 2) Squeaky Bogg took over the site. Who cares about Kirby, anyways? This was supposed to be another little April Fools joke, but then I just thought, "Nah, I'll just keep it this way." That li'l bugger has a mind of his own. Plus, I think due to not appearing on the mainpage title image and browsers' stingy image re-cache rates, a lot of people didn't notice that this happened on April Fools. I think I was suppose to build up a little more of it in my news post on that day, but I was already pushing two separate things in it. First, my own response to Leirin's question (Left over "Coming soon" graphics): While I cannot be sure, I believe the graphics are from the in-store demos that frequent any department store that sells video games these days. After giving the player a few minutes to play the game and get a taste of it, it would be reset itself while saying a message much like the one pointed out; while I never played Squeak Squad on demo, I think that's the case here. As for why the graphics are in the game, I don't think they intended to leave Block in there, now did they? I think this is a more sensible answer than a precursor to Ultra, but hey, no one's infallible. Um... yeah, that's all I can think of to say this time. My apologies. - Supercomputer276 ![]() They actually make demo versions different than the publicly released version? Is that something new, 'cuz I never noticed it when I was a kid. Curse you, Boy and His Blob. You'd always reset just when I figured out how to get you to morph into something good. Why was I in the store for so long playing a demo game? And who am I talking to? So, will the people participating in the Mailbag, (a.k.a., the "Mailbaggerz") be constantly changing? I noticed Daimyo was in, but then out. Also, Aso was out, and then in. Are you going to change the "Mailbaggerz" every so often? Maybe having some regulars around the site get an oportunity at ... uh... Mailbaggin'? -Thanks - Theorizer ![]() Wasn't that matter addressed specifically in the Mailbag itself? Really, I'm asking. Wasn't it. Maybe it was answered but delayed in posting. Yes, the cast is suppose to rotate some, with Ometon and myself as staples. That way, when the "What's your favorite" rolls around for the hundredth time, it's not wholly the same answer most of the time. why do you have a sign that says boggs rainbow resort? he looks ugly in that picture... come to think of it he usually looks ugly. anyway you should change it back. kirby looks way cuter than bogg! take that you fictional green creature! could you be a little more specific about how to become a member? I still don't know what to do. - Gameqube ![]() 1) Kirby, technically, was never in that spot. Just his name was there. Unless, of course, you are speaking strictly on names. Frankly, I never thought names were all too adorable. Except for "Kelly". I want to huggle that name. 2) It wasn't spelled out clearly enough before? Fine then. There isn't a "membership". There is no global sign-up at Rainbow Resort. You can sign-up for the Forums or CuteNews commentary. Those are about the only "blanket" membership things at the site. Why you'd get an idea that anything else would be out there is a mystery. In Kirby: Canvas Curse, there are a few occasions with weird bomb things as enemies/obstacles. They are Balloon Bomber like balloons, bombs on parachutes (if I remember correctly), and some other ones in the machine levels. The first two appeared in "enemy swarm" like groups. Any idea what they're called? - Rgijaba, Self Proclaimed Evil Genius And Lord Of Pudding Pies ![]() That I can tell, no. They lack any name. No official notice is given to them that I can see. I guess when it's as simple a thing as a bomb,, even Japan says, "Okay, we ain't gotta name that." Meanwhile, the Norse would call it Skyburst the Fallen, Son of Frugort, scorcher of the ground it lands upon. I'm back since my last post in like, 45 or something.... 1. In canvas curse, whu were the powers shown by rings around kirby? Couldn't a ball wear a hat, too? 2. In CC, why does the vitality heart look so different from previous and future ones? 3. You said Kirby could eat wikipedia, but after that you said he couldn't eat brawl in the family because it was an internet site. 4. In CC, why do the medals look so much like the ones in New Super Mario Bros.? 5. You said you don't watch internet videos, but you said you watched the Kirby of the Stars episode where I said I saw a guy that looked like Squeaky Bogg. 6. What is the first Japanese game where Meta Knight has a name? 7. Why did the foes get stronger? It used to be scarfy only attacked when you tried to eat him, and now it when you used an air puff or slide kick....that doesn't make him as fun!!! It's almost like a snooter, only he gets more angry, dies after a while, and doesn't eat your food. Ya see mister your lazy how I used your correctly right there. Well, that's it for today. Huh, I'm beginning to regret being the first to compare metroid to kirby to stop the mother/earthbound comparisons to kirby. Well, at least people are starting strange theories. - Tripp Best ![]() 1) Yes, a ball could wear a hat, but it'd look totally ridiculous. It rolls around and would require, rather than just the face of Kirby spinning about, every hat sprite to roll around as well. It's a lot less tacky to just wipe hats out of the equation and keep the bald scalp. Kirby doesn't need hats, after all. 2) Have you paid attention to Chilly or Sir Kibble over time? The one does a 180° flip on body type and the other actually questionably becomes an entirely different enemy by the name of "Lord" Kibble. They change the way things look. Only the recycled graphical Game Boy games kept sprites all the same. 3) You are reading way to much in a light hearted joke there, Tripper. 4) They look like a standard medallion to me. It's sorta like the "Star Rod" from Adventure and Paper Mario. Same concept, different item. 5) I don't watch internet videos recreationally. If I need to watch some wretched load as a manner of research, then I boot it out, mute the sound, and scan through it. It's not really watching. Picking, really. 6) If things have it right, which it's hard to tell given the shaky basis of nomenclature, Meta Knight is said to never be named in America until his Avalanche appearance. In Japan, however, they are more liberal with information, such as discussing the name of Sweet Stuff's Tinsels and such. There, he was always just Meta Knight, no questions asked, ever since day one in Adventure. ... From what I can tell. 7) Scarfy had to change since the way Kirby was played changed. Back in Dream Land, the only way to kill a Scarfy was hitting it with a oral projectile. I know this tended to have to be an air pellet. In Super Star, since enemies had actual life bars and the powers had collateral damage causing splash effects, these taps would set them off. Snooter just took on this behavior to he extreme. Scarfy was left the "no eating" guy while Snooter turned into the "one-hit kill" guy. where did the sujper star ultra emeki go - Blado ![]() I'm pretty sure you don't pay attention. It's where it's always been, Dedede-Daimyo's Fan Art Showcase. Did you try looking where it was? 'Cuz it never moved, never went anywhere. In fact, I'm pretty sure the main page to the site (the non-2 one, the splash) still links there. Why are the sub and mini games in KSS and KSSU just notes on a cork board? Also, why are the only things for 100% completion besides winning every game getting the copy essences on Milky Way Wishes and the treasure on The Great Cave Offense? Shouldn't there be more to collect on other games? Oh yeah I almost forgot, winning with everyone on Helper to Hero...but still, that's not much. In CC, why do all the characters want to kill drawcia. I mean, Kirby wants his limbs back, meta knight wants to be stronger, and dedede is mad she drew him without his permission. But what reason do waddle doo and waddle dee have? And how did they lose their limbs, unlike the other ones? Are most of the enemies there before drawcia painted the world, because when fighting her, all her creations are purple... In Brawl, King Dedede has a move where he trows a minion. Waddle dee walks aroung dumbly, gordo is invincible and eventually falls of the stage, and waddle doo walks around and does his beam attack. But if Kirby swallows him, he won't get beam ability. I know Smash Bros. isn't a ligit kirby game, but why would they do this? - Tripp Best ![]() 1) That's like asking "Why does the Kirby series do original, whimsical, or charming things?" It's pretty much your answer, too. 2) 100% Completion should only be beating all the sub-games. Not every game should have a grocery list of collectables. That defeats the gimmick of the sub-games that do have that for a reason. And, being Helper to Hero with every Helper isn't much? You crazy, Tripp. Change your name to Tripp Crazy. 3) The Waddles are in Canvas Curse for no reason! Congratulations, you solved one of the universe's great mysteries -- Kirby's designers plain don't care. 4) It'd make sense that, if she drew things at one time that they were one color and another at another moment, that they would have to be different creations. Unless, they slowly grew to be more like their real counterparts overtime and shifted to the regular hue or she only had the lesser used purple paint left by the time of the final showdown. Of course, those are just bull reasons that I could flop around and try to convenience people are the real and right way, but no. I'm pretty sure those guys are just the folks trapped in Drawcia's painted world. They're just regular Dream Landians, and Kirby kills them ruthlessly. What a blood thirsty, heartless fiend. 5) You can eat Broom Hatter in Dream Land 2, Super Star, and more notably Crystal Shards, Amazing Mirror, and Squeak Squad and not get the Clean ability. You know why? 'Cuz the Clean ability wasn't in those games. Kirby already gets an ability from every player in the Smash series. Do you honestly think they'd put more on that pile by allowing him to copy an ability from a character who only appears sometimes against one particular character? Also, Kirby mimics a playable character. Doo ain't that. They'd be stretching so far to add that little novelty to the game, and for what end? No real value in it other than, it would seem, appeasing you. In Hoshi no Kaabii episode 39 in the scence were Bouyakku was out of Escargon's body but then escaped into town, Sword and Blade followed it along with Kirby, Fumu, Bun, MK, and Dedede. However, when Kirby, Fumu, Bun, MK, and Dedede followed Bouyakku into town, Sword and Blade aren't following them anymore. But at the end were Kirby is possed by Bouyakku, Sword and Blade are there again! WHAT THE HECK HAPPEND HERE!? - Lindsay The Wolf ![]() The animated series has a crack writing team. Unfortunately, rather than meaning "top notch", I mean they are on the stuff. A lot of it. It's a children's show for one, and I don't think they really cared a lot for piecing things together. You have to remember that the only consistent fact with the cartoon is how inconsistent it is. Besides, the animators don't know what's going on. They are just given a list of things to animate. You think any of what's happening in any show, let alone this one, makes any sense without explanation? No. Their directions could have just missed mentioning the two characters or they could have ran out of room or just simply forgot to put them in. It wouldn't be the first flub in animation seen.
Repeat Response: And I'd like to remind people of the "limit yourself" question load. Next time, I go for blood!
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Last Updated - April 6th, 2009 | |
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