Kirby's Rainbow Resort > Ask the Gurus > Gobbo's Session #137 | |
Ask Guru Gobbo #137There's some new trend sweeping the internet (here), which is not comprehending basic English simply spoken! ... That's not a good thing. - June 11th, 2009
Eh, I'm at a loss for what I'm going to draw next for the gallery. Any suggestions? 1) What would be a good(or at least decent) program to use to make a fan game? I have been considering Game Maker, but I would like someone else's input on that. 2) Why was Dedede SWIMMING in the dream spring? Surely he would have some respect for the Fountain of Dreams. 3) Kracko's use in KATAM puzzles me. I know they made some new sprites for Kracko...but why couldn't they have created a new boss? 4) What is the point of having both Sword and Cutter in a Super Star-style game? In Super Star, for example, we have seen Cutter pull of some pretty Sword-esque attacks, and then Sword was given the Final Cutter in KATAM and Squeak Squad. I'd prefer they'd stick with Cutter myself, being a bit more unique than Sword. 5) I would just like to point out that Wing shouldn't be counted as a stand alone ability on the poll, seeing how it actually appeared in another game that wasn't a remake. Sure, not a main series game, but still another game. 6) Zero's graphic appearance is a bit much for a Kirby game, compared to other bosses. Considering the game he first appeared in, does it suprise you they would include something as violent as an eye-ball tearing out another ball while bleeding in a cheery looking game like that? - Superyoshi888 ![]() 0) Any obscure character who doesn't get any attention. There's way too many Meta's out there. Even he's sick of it! 1) Game Maker is a good development tool. It's pretty straight forward to use and allows for a wide range of possibilities in game design. Definitely, if you don't know any coding language, I would think it'd be the way to get it done. The second piece of advice I have on that or any like matter is never use stock or pre-generated game frames. Those restricted, confined death traps contribute to the facelessness of games. "Different graphics, same play. It's win-win!" No, it's just lame. 2) Does respect seem like something King Dedede has? I mean, sure, he wasn't evil and selfish in his motives, but the guy is still a grade A jerk. He doesn't really care for kind behavior. 3) How many times do I have to say this? In Amazing Mirror, the game designers were just plain lazy when it came to including Kracko. They suck, didn't care, and went about it all wrong. I only mention this every time I speak on the Mirror Country bosses. 4) It's sad that I began off thinking, "Whatcha talkin' 'bout?!" before realizing, "Oh, right, they spat on it." There should be a difference between the two. Sword should be mostly close range while Cutter, even if it has the sole melee instance of Final Cutter, is projectile based. However, since everything in Super Star had to shoot off stuff to, apparently, need merit in the title, the distinction is almost lost. Still, this separation exists as hitting with the actual blade does more damage than the peripherals. Cutter deals about 10 points each blow, even when dealing the combo. Only the final strike deals a mighty wallop to foes. Meanwhile, hitting with Sword does next to twice as much, but the multi-hits just dish out only a third to half the damage. It's still pretty blurred, however, since the full-life Sword Beam does about the full strength. But, it's also like you said -- pretty stupid. 5) Precisely. It was in Air Ride. That's in no way the same functionality or usability as it is in platform appearance. It's platforming action mainstream or nothing. I mean, it glides and flies around. Whoo, Kirby does that without any ability. Yes, it is in no way the same experience. It at least needs its feather gun or ... sharp wings? I dunno, somethin' more. 6) It's not blood, it's strawberry preserves! Granted, it's a little bit of a shock, but its mostly perception. You could see it as self mutilation or as a pie blowing out its center. Pies aren't even, now are they? This is kind of a silly question but, I'm still unclear on who took Kirby's shortcake at the beggining of Kirby Squeak Squad. I know it wasn't DeDeDe or Meta Knight, Dark Nebula was locked in a box, the Squeaks made Kirby a NEW shortcake, so they obviously didn't have the original, so who did it? - Locoroco1 ![]() Wow. Way to make a guy re-think his whole "Kirby games don't need dialog" things. I never even questioned the storyline. I didn't think anyone did. It's so straight forward and, well, basic and Kirby-esque. Yes, of course, the Squeaks were the ones who nabbed the cake at the beginning. They practically say that. They were the ones who were stealing everything and putting into chests. When King Dedede tosses Kirby into the sinister band and causes all of them to plummet into the gorge, their bounty falls with them and scatters across the realm. The box containing Kirby's snack is just not found, but the Squeaks show a change of heart at the end and send the shortcake back to its rightful owner. They don't make a new one. Where was that ever said or implied? will they make anymore kirby DS games? I don't own a wii so I won't be able to get the new kirby game, it's a total bummer =(. I would also like to know if they will make anymore remakes too. FYI I don't read other questions. - GameQube ![]() I can't predict the future. At this exact point in time, there are no DS games for Kirby in the works. In fact, there's only the one Wii title. Even if that weren't so, I couldn't be able to say for what systems any future games would be released for. That's completely unfounded speculation, which is the basis of stupidity. do you have a fanmusic section where you can submit music - 888chilly ![]() There's no such thing as fan music, really, mostly just fan remixes. There is the very apparent mention of such on the Music Section (is that page, like, difficult to find or something?) but there aren't any really there. It's set up for them, for some reason, but it seems empty. Probably because, well, they're stupid and pointless. do you leik meta-nite in leter pantz I leik meta-nite in leater pantz iz so koolelst cracter in smash Y iz tere a pnk rtard at top ofpage Y dont u giez clen ur mind w/ sonic - sonuc rulez and meta-nite in leter pantz is azome _________________________________________________ ^Do you ever get annoyed by people who obviously don't play or like Kirby ask you questions? Why rant about how much you hate Kirby to a Kirby FAN on a Kirby FANSITE? It's their abuse of an open fan community that leads to so many fan communities that close the gates. Once fan run communities with mailbags and forums, highly casual and appreciative of fan work, as well as willing to give another small site a boost and link them become closed communities with forums that Gannon ban, mailbags that haven't been updated for years, fan works are rarely updated with casual tone being replaced with a serious business approach and only big name affiliates get any linking. Please, even with all of the people who abuse it, don't shut the doors on others, as the open community and casual style that KRR has is one of the best features! By the way, you are doing a great job as a Guru! It is amazing how you turn a rather dull question and answer format into funny, snarky, and intersting fan discussions that lead to quite interesting insights. Hooray for Bimblesnaff! (Sorry if this wasn't much of a question...) - Samus Kirby ![]() Most fan communities actually fall to the fact that those in charge fade away (ie: get lives) or the patrons just stop visiting. Of course, fly-by grievers contribute to the latter, probably because of the former meaning less law upholding. It's all connected. The mainstreaming of the internet has been a process long since squeezing the life out of the little guys. Ol' Rainbow Resort is sitting in an odd position since it's gigantic and information filled yet poorly staffed and managed when placed alongside a commercially dominant website. here's somthing I don't understand well you know the burning leos right? they were enimies in the kirby super star ultra game and thats what i'm gonna talk see I can't tell if there boys or girls could you please tell me? thats all I need to ask! (kinda wierd) - Poppy Bro Fan ![]() As a bonus to the question, I'm going to point out the utter empty mindedness in asking me if I know of a common bad guy from the recent remake of the most popular Kirby title. Really? It's an ability enemy and a helper. It's rather well known, and it's my business to know things, obscure things at that. You think my knowing would be lapse in this one, blatant respect? Leo is short for Leonardo, a masculine name. Leon, Leonard, even the root of "lion" is always associated with masculinity. And, how many times have I said it? Females are painfully obvious, always. 1. I've heard rumors, albeit few, of a Kirby Air Ride 2. I rather enjoyed that game but I've seen either complete praise or complete hatred in reviews for Air Ride. So do you know anything of a second? 2. In regards to Zero and Zero-Two...I thought the whole crazy floatin' eyeball concept was cool but as of lately he suddenly has a back story. All throughout Youtube and Wikias people say he can't feel positive emotions. Now what I want to know is why I never heard of this until recently. It's not like Nintendo is gonna just throw something like that out there after his games are quite old by now. So when did Nintendo, if they did, say this? 3. In KD3 WTF is up with the Kirby-ish clone? I know he has a name but it escapes me as of now but more or less what I'm asking is what is his purpose? Is he just there to make people's heads explode? X.x 4. When entering the battle with Zero-Two what's up with those two black eye lookin things that seem to form a smiley face with his opening eye? They just kinda disappear once his eye is fully open... - You Lost The Game ![]() 1) That's some fake-out you got going on there. You kinda put some commentary in there and leaned the question another direction, but the root of the matter is: Is there even an Air Ride 2? From what I know and have heard, nay. There's just no such thing. Air Ride was developed for N64 but was flopped out on Game Cube in, technically, an entirely different game. In a way, Air Ride is its own sequel. 2) Can't feel positive-??? What type of load is that? Not saying that ain't said or true, but I'm hearing it for the first as well. The long standing back story is that Zero is bad at making friends, or jealous of the friendship, and his idea of such is taking people over. At least that one is slightly collaborated with Japanese text. I've never read a shred of translation with anything to the effect of "positive emotions". This sounds like the old load that was blown around the internet, even Rainbow Resort, about Meta Knight being haunted by Nightmare at the end of Adventure which led to him growing bat wings and turning superly evil all the sudden. Turns out its just a product of the rumor mill and internet proliferation. 3) Okay, here's what I want you to do: go to the Search page and scan the Bimblesnaff sessions for "Batamon". Once you are bombarded by me repeating the same thing ad nauseum, you'll understand why. 4) The smiley angel is a fake out used to psych the player. Technically, they shouldn't have a clue as to what they are about to face, so the happy face quickly sets up and knocks down their hopes. In "Delivery Dilema", waddle doo ordered 2,000 steak sandwitches for the waddle dees. Does that mean there are 2,000 waddle dees living in the castle? - Sharnay ![]() Nay! There's just that many there that are in need of a meaty meal. What about vegetarians, vegans, those watching their heart health, Waddles that pack lunch, or those who were grounded and get no free food? What about those that called in sick? Point is, when food is ordered, you never get the number spot on to how many are going to be served. Generally, the number is ball parked and rounded up to a nicer digit for the purchase. I heard you guys always say that Kirby is a boy. But in Kirby Super Star Ultra, in the game 'Revenge of Meta Knight', one dialogue says: "She can fly here anytime!" So, is Kirby a boy, or girl? - Chaotic2255 ![]() "She" is the Halberd, you fishy fool! Dialogue a-go-go: "Ready for takeoff now! She can fly at any time!" Ships are near always referred to with feminine pronouns. The statement is in no way directed towards Kirby. Why do people have so much trouble reading simple sentences? It doesn't even have to be some muddled load I've dropped. It happens all the time! Repeat Response:
Last Updated - June 11th, 2009 | |
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