Kirby's Rainbow Resort > Ask the Gurus > Gobbo's Session #90 | |
Ask Guru Gobbo #90Whoop. - November 21st, 2008
Know that you listened to my other "pointless" rant, You now have no choice but to hear my "other" theories. You took the bait so complain about it elsewhere. Like the forums, (sarcastically) Which are more fun then Starcraft. Now I have very extensive info that blows the idea of Kracko right out of the water. I know there is more than one, that is undeniable. The proof is that the Doc of the Squeaks Built a Kracko robot, but Was from distant stars away from the galaxy Pop Star is in. My question is, How many Krackos are there, and how many has Kirby killed? this should be proof enough for the Kirby being evil Argument... - Metaknight7 ![]() I took no such bait. It was a slow day and crushing your theory for its outright unfounded nonsense was to deter any others from passing by such related nonsense speculations that have little if any founding in anything. Anyhoo, there is only one Kracko. It's always the same cloud and the same eye since the first title ever, even though the acquisition of his puffy surroundings somehow changes him from a junior to a non-titled senior. It's always the same guy. The Co-Krackos are, um... imaginary. And I find it odd that when trying to argue on behalf of there being more than one Kracko you fail to mention the one title that actually had more than at a time, Kirby's Dream Course. Of course, since I nullify all counter points, even those my opponent hasn't made yet, I'll wipe that out with the ol' spiel: the game's not canon, they're just obstacles, there's also several Whispy Woods, and don't take putt-putt so seriously. On to what you actually put forth, you prove nothing. The Squeak Squad are a spatial jumping gang of bandits. Thieves don't just acquire stolen goods. They also harvest knowledge, and I would think that Doc, being the brainy one of the group, would especially know his surroundings. It's more likely that he just heard of Kracko and modeled a machine after him. It's not like Kracko is Benny. No, he's big stuff, a household name. He's everywhere and always has been. There are few titles without the eye in the sky. He's buddy-buddy with King Dedede, after all, one of his most trusted and highest regarded friends. This is not inferred but factual as he was given both Sparkling Stars and Star Rod pieces to hold on to. This puts him not only in singularity but also notoriety. And why would this seal the deal on the "evil Kirby" argument? It only matters when eyes in clouds are slain and not when several dozen much more fleshy beings kick the bucket? That makes zero sense. The Wapod (Waddle Dee ghosts in Dream Land 3) even said in one of the mangas that Kirby killed them and that they were vengeful spirits. You know, cute killing and avenging. If I recall correctly, session 88, you said there were six official Kirbies among which was one "Keeby." Now I doubt I'm not the only one wondering about the details of this "Keeby," so I wouldn't be surprised if this went into Repeat Responces, but where does Keeby appear and how is he/she seperate from any of the other official Kirbies? I seem to remember he/she being yellow, but that's all I got. - SuperComputer276 ![]() You are quite right, my good sir, and the topic of Keeby was well covered previously. Actually, I even went through the same spiel about the multiple Kirby types in the first session ever, mentioning Keeby by name. However, this isn't being shoved into the non-site RR since it makes a valid point. I've really been slipping up a lot lately. I really should be remembering to back link or references Kirbypedia articles whenever possible rather than just the first time something comes up. I actually did keep that up with the first few rounds of Keeby name drops, but then I started getting lazy. I also have to keep in mind the influx of new readers or those who just happened to miss a day or so in the past. Regardless, I'm back tracking and fixing all those occurrences. In 19th days Ask The Gurus, Cubone King asked 'bout a tootsie pop. It was a reference to a youtube-video, just if you did not know. - Agcu27 ![]() No, it wasn't a YouTube video. It was an animation made by Kine the Genius, a good friend of Rainbow Resort, if I do recall correctly. That little animation has just been propagated throughout the internet and no one seems to care who made it. Besides, nothing just "is" a YouTube video. Unless it says, "Hey, this entire program exists on YouTube and YouTube alone", it's more likely that someone just harvested and posted the video on that cesspool along with eighty other illegitimate copies. But whether or not Cubone King was referencing that obscure animation, I just took at a reference to, you know, the slogan used by Tootsie Pops since forever. hey bimblesnaff i have some questions on the sparkling stars of dream land 1 how many are there i used to think their where four but if there were five levels in dream land i am starting to think there is five.2 how do they work because in the story of dream land it says DeDeDe stole the sparkling stars and the people of dream land got hungry. so i know they get food for the people but how do they steal it from anywhere their is food are they a never ending bag of magical farm silt? or do they just make the food pop out from nowhere. thanks. kirby kid signing out - Kirby Kid ![]() 1) Yes, your latter number is accurate. In Dream Land I, there are five collections of the Sparkling Stars made. There are five, as can more than plainly be seen while Kirby is shakin' what his mama gave 'im after blowing King Dedede out of his castle. I think most people only see the Spring Breeze rendition of this which lacks an entire level and star. 2) They got the food? What source are you reading? It says it right in the manual, which I still have in mind condition. The Sparkling Stars cast light down upon Dream Land, and without their shining light they simply could not see to get food, among other things. They are a lazy group, after all, and seem to require food all the time. The fact that food is spontaneously and plentifully abound has been discussed before (and that's about all that was said: "There's food everywhere. Yeah, that's it. Nothing deep and no further analysis. It's just there, alright?"), so the darkness really cramps their gathering, and they don't look the lot to go hunting. could a Wapod really be a Waddle Dee's spirit - Stephen ![]() Yes, and not really, necessarily, the spirits of Waddle Dees. The Manga has the 'Pod in the jar briefly explain what they are. I always took them to be some type of djinn before reading this, so I'm right there with you on the shock value. Hey, i was just stopping by and i came up with a reasonable question to ask you. 1. While listening to Kirby Canvas Curses soundtrack, i noticed that pretty much all of the music tracks in the game (Note: I don't have the actual game) are remixes of past Kirby songs. I've figured out all of them pretty much...except for Drawcia and Drawcia soul's final theme-i just can't figure out if they're remixes or original songs! (But for some reason Drawcia Soul makes me think of Zero's theme from Kirby's Dreamland 3) Can you confirm if the two songs are remixes or original songs, please? 2. I've got every single Heart Piece on Kirby's Dreamland 3...except for Iceberg's third piece. It's that Chef Kawasaki sound minigame with the gordos and no matter how many times i try i can never ever beat that game? Did you ever beat it before your SNES kicked the bucket (You said your SNES was on the fritz or something) and if you did, any hints you could offer that help? 3. Do you think they should make another Kirby spinoff game for the Wii? It would be called Kirby's Dream Court, a Kirby tennis game! 4. Did i mention Dreamland 3 is my favorite Kirby game? The graphics and art direction are just gorgeous (It looks even better in S-Video...just imagine how it would look in HD on the Wii's Virtual Console...) i like it's creative ability system and simplistic pick up and play gameplay...what do you think of it? 5. If they made a free-roaming 3-D Kirby game, do you think it would be a good idea if they made it a collectathon? 6. Do you think HAL will ever get around to rereleasing all of their classic Kirby games on a single disc compilation, with extras? I think it would be a hit like the masterpiece compilation that is Sonic Mega Collection (Great compilation for Gamecube, PS2 and Xbox just so ya know) and give new Kirby fans access to some of the classics like the Dreamland games and 64, as well as interesting spinoffs like Avalanche:) Also, ports generally sell fast and the profits would help increase the budget for the next major Kirby game... 7.I've heard people say that Squeak Squad was rushed for it's release (Probably people wanting a traditional Kirby game instead of the departure that was Canvas Curse?) which would make sense as it would explain why the game is so short and easy and reeks of rehash. Can you confirm this or not? 8. Last you think they will ever come out with an official Kirby RPG? - Nickolas The Bold ![]() 1) I believe this came up before. If I recall, Drawcia got her own tunes to jam to. Aw, ain't that painted witch so special? Not like the onion witch who everyone ignores, or that sandwich with extra mayo. 2) Wow, you really pay attention. Yes, I have managed to best the chef as well as all those other mini-game guardians of the gold... en Heart Stars... with pink. Of course, I basically cheated in all those mini-games. How? Well, it all goes back to my twin brother, who was there anyway to man Gooey. Yep, memory games are a lot easier when you have two pairs of intake to divvy the task between. 3) I like the Kirby spin-off games, really. I've packed so many hours into Dream Course it ain't funny. But, when I look at Mario with games like tennis, soccer, and baseball, I just shake my head. They just seem to be looking for excuses to slap the Mario name on an untapped genre. I'd prefer Kirby stayed on the path of Canvas Curse and Tilt 'n' Tumble, innovative games that aren't just copy and paste jobs with minor flair elements added. Why, Dream Course had so many layers of complexity that it barely seemed like golf! ... outside of the goal cup... But, anyhoo, that's the type of Kirby spin-offs I'd like to see. If I wanted tennis, I'd play Wii Tennis or whatever it's called. 4) My sentiments exactly. About the only reason that 3 is trumped out by 2 in my book is, really, the Rainbow Sword, Dark Matter Knight, and the lack of Chuchu. Really, the two are neck and neck. 5) I think the "collectathon" has already been worn thin. Amazing Mirror was, basically, Great Cave Offensive Strikes Back. They've been there, they've done that, so they should do something new, in my opinion. If I wanted to run around and open chests, I would, yeah, pop in an older game that already had that. It's not gonna make me by a new title any sooner to have repeated gimmicks. 6) A complete Kirby compilation would hold more value if they didn't constantly remake Kirby games. Super Star Ultra, Nightmare in Dream Land, and, heck, Spring Breeze are all remakes. When the top two classic titles have already been remade, the same two that used the game style still continued in the 2000 titles, it actually doesn't make sense to remake the other three. In short, the "Dark Matter Trilogy". They all had single application copy abilities, no hats, and a very contrasting style of play to the others. I loved 'em, but handing that on a plate to newer fans would, probably, just confuse them. But, really, I would think compilations would have been a thing of the past since the Wii Virtual Console deal came out. I know that Dream Course and The Crystal Shards are already on it, and that Super Star was slotted for a release but got "misplaced" somewhere down the line and, oh look, the actually marketable Ultra version came out instead. Anyhoo, aren't they making a WVC equivalent in the DSi or something that should cover all those classic Game Boy games? Reliving the past is a great thing, but when they give you easy access to all parts of it, you don't need a compilation to fit it all into. Folks like Sonic, Mega Man, and whoever else were console/brand specific, and probably needed the collections. Kirby has no worries of such as he's a one brand man... boy... blob. Boy and his Blob. He is two things. 7) I know many of the Kirby titles have had long delays or have been help back from release, but I don't believe Squeak Squad had this. I think that is the poison right there -- it should have been delayed. It's better waiting for something worth it than it is getting something poorer sooner. So, in other words, no, nothing really says that it was whipped out faster, but with the unused graphics and such found within the game, it seems they were planning to have more to it. 8) In my honest opinion, no. The days of risk taking with Kirby are done and gone. Now, it's all platformers and remakes, it would seem. If he was still meeting his output of the '90s, then I would be more inclined to agree. However, let's look at his new millennium titles thus far: two remakes, an expanded version of a sub-game included in that remake (that's double hashed, yo~!), a game that most people seem to gripe about more than enjoy, a canceled title, and a title that people with they would just cancel to get it over with already. That leaves Canvas Curse and Air Ride, which was just rudimentary racing, so really just CC. That one was very unique. One. He's not keeping up the pace like he was. Been there/done that, I suppose? may i use squeaky bogg as a picture in my school commonplacebook topic on the internet? :D - Curious Guy ![]() I have absolutely no idea what that is. Uh... sure? Just, um... give me credit. And your first born. I have another question: In the anime episode where almost everyone catches a cold, why does Kirby NOT catch the cold even though Meta Knight does? Aren't they supposed to be the same species or something? - Hyper Waddle Dee ![]() In the games, they are the same species. In the animated series, they just the same mould. Kirby was created entirely by Nightmare. So he's, I don't really know, synthetic and immune to illnesses. 1. What is the gender of Fatty Whale? On the other hand, I like reading your responses to the various questions you answer with the knowledge of all the Kirby games you played and studied over the years. Thank you for answering these questions and providing logical answers to them. Keep up the good work. - Anonymous ![]() 1) Ol' Fatty is a dude. Trust me, the Kirby universe never makes gender a question. People wondered if Spinni was a dame or not just because of vaguely feminine traits (speed, I guess?). But, in this series, chicks always have a big bow or big eye lashes. Unless, apparently, they are human, and then people wonder if Ado is wearing baggy shorts or a dress. Or they're a blimp. Blimps straddle the line. Regardless, Fatty displays many traditionally male characteristics. For one thing, he's fat-gigantic. He's puffin' on a pipe, which generally misses the lady mark. Also, his wardrobe is "sailor" instead of being "hello, sailor". His eyes a beady and lashless, he lacks puffy lips, flowing hair, or any ribbons. 2) Truth be told, I just use a Magic 8-Ball to answer most things. I'm as amazed as you are that it had nine-hundred different responses in it. Umwaziclamer 1]Can squeaky bogg get abilities? 2]If so, what happens if he combines some of these with spunt? 3]Is drawcia a female dark mind/nightmare with a passion for paniting? - Cheesy ![]() 1) Eeeeh it varies on what game he is in. Traditionally, no, he's not suppose to be able to take abilities. That's something more for Kirby to do. Flavorfully, however, you gotta rob the power sack for kicks. Things are so flat and boring without it. Just like the Animal Friends use variations of abilities rather than what the model enemy does themselves, I rationalize that everybody can do similarly while Kirby just gets it down exactly. I know there's plenty of flaws with this, particularly when you get into the fact that a fire from Galbo is much different than that of Flamer but it's the Burning tackle that Kirby uses, but it's just for kicks, alright? Run on sentence out. The Acrid Blazer, an over-the-top power blast seen in Siege on Rainbow Resort was, in fact, his Crash equivalent. I've often come up with "What would this guy and that power do together?" answers for a bunch of character, both real and self made, but I strangely never fleshed out Bogg that much. Waddle Doo? Yep. Broom Hatter? Some. Bloon? He's got the complete package! Bogg? Still mullin' over it. 2) Spunt, who I guess is now stuck with that leftover name for all time, performs the same action with whatever partner happens to be riding him, not that he's ever bothered to see who took seat on his back. If they guide him to food, so be it! Hm, it seems that I only defined his Needle ability. Well, to expand that selection a little more, his Burning causes a stream of flame to jet out of his mouth, exactly as it does for Galbo, a cousin of his. Stone turns him into a hard headed sled. When on a slope or given a running start, it keeps and carries momentum much better than a regular rolling rock. However, the passenger doesn't harden and still remains vulnerable while plowing through enemies. Spark has the dinosaur spit up an electric blitz, similar to Super Star's Energy Spray, only angled upward. 3) Drawcia is nothing in league with Dark Matter, Mind, Zero, or any of the "big bad" lots. She was simplicity a painting that gained sentiences. She was chillin', on her wall, and somehow thought, "I want the world to be all painted and stuff, yo," and did just that with a magical paint brush she equally mysteriously obtained, changed the world to paint, and robbed Kirby of his limbs. The sad thing is, only the "yo" as made up. In other news, I think I'm retiring "Wave 1" of the Gobbo icons. They're too crude to continue using. I mean, they'll still be sitting around, but I have so many new icons to use, and better looking, I'll probably only use, I dunno, "Flat". And if you thought this was worthless, it's better than empty space~! ... Not it's not.
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Last Updated - November 21st, 2008 | |
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