Kirby's Rainbow Resort > Ask the Gurus > Gobbo's Session #96 | |
Ask Guru Gobbo #96Don't panic. The impending shift over to triple digits will just cause 14% of viewer's heads to explode. Nothing to worry about. - November 30th, 2008
Is Sakurai quitting Kirby? In articles it seems all he is worried about is Super Smash Bros. Is he really gonna give up on Kirby? - Kirby's IDK # Fan ![]() Sakurai gave up on Kirby during The Crystal Shards. He had a falling out with Nintendo then, saw only the finished product of that title, and caused the first Game Boy Advance Kirby title to be a remake rather than the originally slotted original game. Sakurai has been out of the Kirby scene for nearly a decade, unknown fan number. He didn't quit Kirby, just Nintendo, who owns the rights to Kirby, and thus is technically out of the game. It's quite old news. I'm ... guess it's pretty bad to learn this way. Hey, I thought of something. I remember how you said that "before the Animated series came, Meta Knight WAS evil". That made me remember something... Why did MK throw out the Invincible Candy in Adventure (and in NiDL... I think...)? Than, I remembered Meta Knightmare Ultra... The subgame has him traveling through all that stuff... Just to prove how strong he is (or somethin' along those eyes). And than I thought- THAT may be why MK throws out the candy. He wants to test out his skills against Kirby, so he gives out the Candy so that Kirby can get to him quicker. Maybe MK's impatient? ... *cough* Anyway, that may be the same reason he sends out his Meta Knights- to prove Kirby's Power... and to see if he is worth fighting himself. Y'know, DeDeDe can't be managing the whole planet, especially considering how lazy he is... There has to be some greater ruler... And this guy lets many other kings govern a smaller proportion of area (one being DeDeDe). Maybe is KSS (and KSSU), Meta Knight was going to try and overthrow this ruler. To prove his strength... But Kirby has to stop him. Or maybe not. Maybe, despite all the Mischief he does, DeDeDe is actually a good ruler (note how he seems to have actually had good intentions in all the games). Meta Knight was going to Mt. DeDeDe (which is why he took his ship) to challenge the king, and again, prove his power. If you think about it, most of Meta Knight's actions could be explained by him wanting to prove that he is the strongest warrior on Pop Star. That, and him not wanting an evil force taking over the world (Squeak Squad)... So, what do ya think? I wanted your to ask your opinion... Well, anyway... ~With a lowercase m, - m190049 ![]() I've digested the whole candy chuckin' aspect of Meta Knight previously. Given his character type, the bad guy with honor and what not, it's speculated that he wants Kirby to get on through to face him. Whether this is so that the two can test mettles with metals or 'cuz Mety is his long lost brother, lulz~!, can't be said for certain, but reason dictates that we lean to the prior. After all, that is the entire point of the Meta Knightmares -- Meta Knight proving his strength. While those games have him performing all the feats Kirby does, mimicry is nothing compared to competing against the one he envies and has yet to best. So, yes, your thoughts are right in line with opinions I've put out there before, although I don't know if that was in these sessions or scattered out in the wind somewhere. As for Revenge of Meta Knight, he actually is just trying to take over Dream Land, piece by piece. They even say this in the dialogue: first target, Grape Gardens. It's not a bee line to the heart to take out the power source. No, his intentions were conquest, realm by realm, until the map was his. His mission was to change Dream Land, whether you take the end of corruption or change of their lifestyle, it about amounts to the same thing. There was no muscle flexing involved. Whether this was a necessary evil or a seize of command, his reasons were not self proving. Now, the real deal about Meta Knight: I have uncovered the truth, the whole truth, about this masked enigma's plight. His sole goal is thus -- unending fandom~! Think about. Break onto the scene all cool and different from any other boss, show yourself to be like Kirby, run away. Come back, try to take over Dream Land, and fly away. Spend some time in Spain, develop an accent, and woo fan girls. Return, fight a mirror and the dark version of an already dark self, and fly away. Play hero to the hero playing villain, now sans a crew, and fly away. Then, go on crazy mission to fight the light version of dark self, solidifying position as an absolute 'Tweener. Not a face, not a heel, but engineered for adoration by every fan. And that is undeniable. Do you think there is something wrong with someone if they start dreaming about Kirby nonstop for 3 days straight? Why must everything seem to relate to stars in the world of Kirby? Kirby spits/poops stars, he rides a star, enemies create stars, they got star blocks, stars around the doors, he lives on a star, there are stars in the scenery, stars in the sky.... you think it gets a little monotonous after a while? What is Ometon's favorite blend of coffee? Is Mr. Shine a real moon or a fake moon? I know in Kirby's Adventure when he fought Nightmare, he fought him on the moon and then a part of it exploded. Was this a different moon or was this Mr. Bright, now suffering a severe concussion and much head trauma from the aftermath of the fight? Also, same question about Mr. Bright and the sun. Where does DeDeDe get the financial support to build his huge gigantic castle since currency doesn't exist in Dreamland? Does DeDeDe have more than one castle or does he just move? I know in Dreamland, the castle was situated in a rugged mountainy place, but in games like Squeak Squad, it lies at the edge of a cliff covered in much green grass. Anyways, hope you had a marvelous thanksgiving. Now the world is without cookie dough... D: - Leint ![]() 1) I wouldn't think it would be odd. Wait, ... what exactly is happening with Kirby? You know what, don't tell me. I'll just leave it neutral. ... Or maybe I do want to know... ? Nah, probably not. We'll just skip it. Or will I? Yes. 2) When you think about it, the constant pentagram shape is just like our world's use of boxes. I'm looking into a box shaped screen right now. I'm typing on boxes labeled with letters. The computer is running off of a box. I and the computer are in a large, boxed building. The world is flat. ... Okay, so not that far, but it's true. Sure, you could argue that a square is an easier shape to produce, but things aren't massively manufacture things, so the pointed corners aren't a problem. 3) The darker the bean, the more the unknowable phantom churns out butter. Peanut butter~! Or programs. 4) The Mr. Duo are fake celestial bodies, yep. The real moon is much larger and much more exploded than the crescent boss. You nailed it on the head. They are just lunar and solar themed beings but aren't actually the real deal. 5) The King lacks the finacial means to build a castle, but he has plenty of servant and underlings that do his bidding. When you have that many Dees, Doos, Hatters, and Burts, a castle can be put up in no time, and had to get put up twice ever since Kirby hauled off the first one. 6) King Dedede's castle is just like Whispy Woods and, well, all of the geography of Dream Land -- no sense can be made of it. It started on a mountain, but then it was "moved" by Kirby. Whether or not it went back to the same place, it was then found on the Rainbow Islands, then in Iceberg. It was still in a mountainy area then, so I'd guess that its about always the same mountainous region. Cliffs are just like steep mountain slopes, after all. 7) If the world ran out of cookie dough, I'd have to move on to peanut butter. Let's see an entire legume go extinct~! Hey i was just wondering how old is kirby? On the the anime they say that he is just a baby buti wanted to know what his age was. - Mario ![]() They never give Kirby's numeric age. This is undefinable for so many reasons. The only age that Kirby can be given is sixteen going on seventeen, his actual time on Earth since released. The games do, however, mention all the time in the game manuals that he is a young boy or a brave lad. This puts him underneath young adult and above a toddler in the games. How dare you inplicate in session 73 that I look the same in KSSU as I did in that infernal original snes game. I now look like the imposing stone god that I was meant to look like! My master, Wham Bam Jewel, looks much more like my old self than I do! (Don't tell him I said that though.) I demand an apology, or face my stoney WRATH!!!!! - Wham Bam Rock ![]() What? I didn't link forward for that one? About as soon as it was posted, someone brought that fact to my attention. Session #75 ran the retraction of the statement. Well, I have the mention there now, and that's what's important. ... Right? No? Okay then. In session 66 I saw several references about clicking on squeaky bogg and going on some adventure (or something like that), but what is this all about? Is this a joke? A game? A theme? I really don't get it. - Mr. Game and Pie ![]() What? Are you talking about the Story Book adventure links with Wander Across Total Oblivion? Man, that's such old news, it seems funny to talk about it now. But, yeah, the link to the pseudo-secret journeys were in the now dead Project R.A.I.N.B.O.W. banner which would peel away, showing some crazy character and leading to even crazier, bitter, cynical whimsy that people found charming. Go figure. I was playing Kirby Super Star Ultra, fighting Heavy Lobster, when he ran off the screen, and kept attacking me from off the screen, and I couldn't hit him. He stayed there attacking for about two minutes or so, then he finally pulled back on screen. The fight then proceeded on normal. Has this ever happened to you? Thank you! - The New Guy ![]() Nope, but I never played Ultra, just classic. It did happen to me there, however, so I guess the problem is persistent. The bot just gets confused and wanders off screen, where the unseen obstacles trip him up into not really realizing where the player is. Just like your experience, he gets his bearings after a while. I have but 2 questions. What if Spunt got the Jet ability? How the heck did Marx get into space when Kirby summoned Nova?! - Kirbyfield Monster ![]() 1) Spunt is just full of fan mails. Jet, huh? I don't know he'd ever see the Jet ability, being an Animal Friend. That belongs to the crazy, extended power list, not the abbreviated, combined stock. However, if he were to get it, the results wouldn't be pretty. His eyes would bulge open, a rare happening, as a flare would blow from his mouth, rocketing him backwards. He'd have some control on lift, but would largely be propelled side to side. It'd, actually, be a lot more like Missile. But, really, it's not like he'd shoot Jet Crackers... He'd probably eat them. 2) You know, that's a really good question. I could guess all the time that Kirby spent getting the surrounding stars' power, Marx was working his way to Nova. There's all sorts of means he could get there. Why, he may have just jumped onto a Warp Star. Those things are just sitting in open fields, after all. That's why they (ie: no one) call them the Pop Star Taxi. I (still!) need help on uploading pics. What I'm asking now is: Do the pics need to be SAVED on my computer? Like, for example, If I drew something would I need to scan it and save it on my computer to upload it? And do I put in the pictures code or Its name to upload it? if you can't help me, ask someone else and give their answer to me. Thanks! - Airride Master P.S. I like the bogg and spunt Picture.^_^ Bye! ![]() Yeesh, Spunt is taking off more crazy styles than the Ometon at his confusing debut. Spunt: It's the new Ometon. Ometon: the new brachypodium. Brachypodium: the purple false brome. ... I don't know what brome is. Yes, you need the picture saved to your computer, or at least some URL that can be entered into the file slots. The protocol needs to be able to connect in some way with the media in order to upload it into the gallery. This is a standard upload requirement, from attachments in emails to uploading artwork to any website. Only if the picture was constructed on the website, via some Oekaki board, would the website site save the image there and post it simultaneously.
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Last Updated - November 30th, 2008 | |
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