Kirby's Rainbow Resort > Ask the Gurus > Gobbo's Session #110 | |
Ask Guru Gobbo #110Walkin' through the plant today, Scooping up what gets away. It's guru, guru! Something's smelling pretty ripe, coming from that sewer pike. It's guru, guru! But first, you gotta... yoooou gotta. You gotta, gotta, gotta, gotta have a Gurus session with a side of green Jell-o. - December 31st, 2008 You said that Kirby was too simple of a character to add detail to his shoes in Brawl. Well, Toon Link, who was originally a cell shaded character before entering the brawl, had all sorts of detail added. His shoes had detail added, and in the original game they were just brown splotches. And that brings me to my question: Do you think that Kirby's wearing some sort of sock? That would make more sense than shoes, considering his "shoes" are sort of blobular in nature. Just throwing that out there... - Error Taxi ![]() 1) Toon Link came from regular Link, who had real detail. Toon Link is only in existence to be the fat headed Link like in yester year. The name is a misnomer, but "ugly, short, stupid big-head Link" is a mouthful. Anywise, nothing about Toon Link was suppose to be flat and detailless, but the graphical representation of it eliminated such, much like how most everything lacked detail in 8-bit games. So, rather than saying "Toon Link had detailless shoes before Brawl", you could have said "Normal Link had detailless shoes before Brawl" and the same would have amounted from it. New information brought up: none. Reasons for digging up this old, beaten argument: zero. When it will die? Never, apparently. 2) Something sock-like was pretty much what shoes of old were like. They were just leather slips, if even that, and couldn't take feet across jagged rocks safely. But, really, it's not too hard of a concept: Kirby is a low detail game. Everything is bubbly and cartoony. No bottom to the shoes, no laces or straps, and no other fine touches, either, like feathers on King Dedede. They just ain't there. How about I bury this deader than dead, tho'? Because, every time someone pushes and gets no ground on the argument, I get sick of it and push back so hard, all ground is covered and there should be no room for anything else to be questions. Someone always does, sadly, normally for poor reasons. So, we go to this: Official Dream Land 3 art of Ado. Now, people chat idly about Kirby's kicks, but Ado definitely has shoes donned. They aren't socks, they aren't black feet, they are shoes. "But Uncle Gobbo," you probably won't say, "that's official game art. It isn't art from the game." Even though she looks exactly the same in it, we'll say not. Well, shoot dang, imaginary Timmy, you're right. So, how about Rick? We all know what that fat hamster looks like, right? How about his feet? Round, smooth shoes, right? That's what I think of them as, except for- oh no! Normal game graphics, like just seen, as well as scribbles of Rick, have him with round feet, but when Ado puts more effort into it to make a detailed hamster, you see the claws on not only the hands but the feet shown. So, a lot of it is representation. Rick's feet are, for all intensive purposes, rounded ovals, but through Ado's eyes, they turn into pointy-tipped paws. The finer points are there if they want to be shown. However, in the general presentation, which is next to all of them, the bubbly, smooth way is gone. It's been that way for so long, even in the face of deeper detail, they still come out as cartoony and flat. A stylistic preference has been adopted as the physical description, like how the Power Puff Girls are, in canon, fingerless, fat-headed freaks of nature. Kirby has shoes. Rick has claws. Waddle Dee has a mouth. Broom Hatter has eyes. It's all there; you just never see it. Hey-hey, Gobbo guy who answers questions! This is a little late, but congrats on the 200th session. Moving on... 1) About my game [from last session] -- You're probably right. It will fail. But hey, it's just for fun. It's not like I'm gonna sell the damn thing. Well, at least it doesn't have any bugs. Oh, and it's a platform game. Any ideas for 02 NOW?! 2) When will Kirby: Cosmic Chaos be released? Is this an alternative to Kirby Wii? 3) What did you do before you were a guru? Do you get paid to do this? 4) Does the first Zero creep you out? It's gross how its eye cracks out of its body. 5) Where can I find some sprites for a maskless Meta Knight? PLEASE GIVE ME ANYTHING YOU CAN FIND. I DON'T CARE IF IT'S A CUSTOM! 6) When will you make a new Squeaky Bog icon? 7) How much wodd would a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck COULD chuck wood? 8) What Kirby games do you have? 9) Am I starting to get annoying? - Luther the King ![]() 0) Two... hundredth? Despite the fact that you just read the 108th session and have only been around since after the first centential marker? 1) No, none. Saying it's a platformer adds volumes to what could be a possible behavior used, but all of Kirby, Mario, and Mega Man are platforming games, but their bosses are each radically different. Without deep and well explained game mechanics, no suggestion would really be valid. I do have two tips, however: A) Do what 0² does. B) Stop asking me. 2) Kirby: Cosmic Chaos has it's own giant, explanative post in the forums, and a website, in which all the most up to date information is provided. Are you even bothering to look before you ask? 3) My entire history has been chronicled previously. And, no, no one gets paid for this. That's why GameSpy has quite the racket going here. 4) The first 0 reminds me too much of pie to creep me out, what with the cooling slits and looking like a cherry. Seriously, he looks like a pie. 5) Have you even bothered looking for Meta Knight sprites? I mean, I'd think any of them would have the maskless one sitting right there. And, I was right. The first three Google results, which one of was the site you knew existed as you linked to the custom 0² sprite from it, all had the maskless sprite right there. Every game. That's, like, the easiest thing to find ever. Seriously, are you even bothering to try and find this stuff yourself? 6) You could at least try spelling it right if you're so anxious for me. Like said before, this ain't "Squeaky Bogg's Fun Face Hour", it's Ask the Kirby Gurus. Answers come first. The rest is just flavoring. 7) ... You're an ass. 8) My personal collection of Kirby games was divulged early on in Gurus. 9) You're lack of even attempting to scour vaguely for the information yourself is, yes. Barely a "burning question" when it's in plain sight. In the japanese anime version of "crusade of the blade" Galaxian sword talked in a man's vioce when it was talking to sirica about her mother's sacrafice. In the english version, the sword talked to her in a woman's voice. What is the sword's real gender (if it has a gender)? - Sharnay ![]() Well, the real one is the Japanese voice, as that is the first, true, and original. Ivyna J. Spyder made several jokes about the 4Kids dub giving Galaxia a female voice due to a mistranslation, of her own fault, that they thought was canon since they didn't know better and were always watching Ivy for intel. Why they really did it was probably just demographical filling, wanting a female to be a symbol of power. exactly who is your favorite nintendo character? considering it's a kirby site is there someone else? also what do you suppose are the next games for kirby or any of them are gonna be. i personnaly am nervous about it (I also think they dumped star fox)D: - Raver ![]() 1) Luigi the Seaweed is my favorite Nintendo character, rightfully, an inside joke gotten by three people! 2) Yes, Kirby's fate is grim. Tilt 'n' Tumble 2 was canned, Wii is taking forever to come out, and remakes seem all that can come out. They'll probably wind up making, I dunno, "Meta Knight's Adventure" or some junk like that. Sorry, I meant Duo, not Trio. In reguarding Mr. Shine and Mr. Bright, I actually wanted to know which one is the Sun and which one is the Moon. A name to a face, really. Sorry I wasn't more clear... - Sapphire Kirby ![]() I know what you meant in both cases. Mr. Shine & Mr. Bright are the moon and sun, respectively. It seems like it should be more obvious, which shine really being applicable to either the solar or lunar orbs and bright being more closely linked with the sun, but then it switches up in one's mind. 1)will you make a Bogg Icon for New year's day? 2)I rolled my cursor over each Bogg Icon at the front page of the Ask the Gurus section and I saw that the one that is facing backwards said 'Hug Me'. Why is this? 3)The 'Trot' Icon looks like a Kirby picture in Kirbypedia. Were they meant to be similar like this? 4)Is there a page where you can view the different versions of the 'Tumbleweed'? I finally had questions! - Guest ![]() 1) No, I won't be. X-mas just passed, and this isn't "Squeaky Bogg's Magical Icon Showcase". Plus, I'm separated from my scanner at this time. 2) Normally, all of the icons are just titled or alternative texted with "Squeaky Bogg"; however, the one positioned near the question box use to be the "Evil" icon, which is scary and looks to bite people. This one was afixed with "Hug Me", but as the icon was changed over time, the alternative text was left unchanged since, well, I forgot to change it. 3) "Trot" was actually modeled after the pudgy fan art that Squeaky Bogg gets, namely from folks like the awesome Silver Lunar. Kirbypedia art would be Ivyna J. Spyder art, which it doesn't match at all. Her stuff is pretty slim by comparison. 4) Not that I am aware of. That's a Mailsack thing, however. I'm not in charge of organization things there. Or, really, anywhere. 1. Where did Waddle Dees originate? 2. Who had the idea to replace the Scarfies with Granny Smith apples that turn into Red Delicious apples? - Juno Toad ![]() 1) Waddle Dee originated from Pop Star, as did Kirby, Broom Hatter, Meta Knight, King Dedede, Kabu, Como, Kracko, Mr. Frosty, etc. They all came from Pop Star. Pop Star is their home. Don't get confused by the animated series. 2) I would guess the Kirby creative team. I don't think those type of things are credited to single individuals or anything. They had to replace all enemies, after all. What would have you preferred? Pancakes to waffles? Now that's just silly is what that is. I was reading through the Guru archives, trying to find the session where you cut a guy off because of his long theory based on a false assumption when I came across the question of, in part, what if Paint could work as a normal ability. This inspired what I think would make an awesome Kirby platform game for the DS and I want to hear your thoughts about it. It's a rough idea, but I think it has merit. Action takes place on the bottom screen. The only buttons used are the Control Pad to walk and duck and the L Button to jump (inspired by the controls of Mario Hoops 3 on 3; for lefties, the ABXY and R buttons could be used instead), and all functions of inhaling and using copy abilities are delegated to the touch screen. By pressing the stylus on Kirby without an ability, he would inhale until it was removed (or maybe after a small amount of time, depending on whether we should throw that feature in or not) and could swallow by pressing Down if an enemy came in or tap somewhere on the screen to spit the enemy in that direction. Each of the abilities would have multiple functions depending on where on the screen the stylus touches. For example, for Fire, you could hold the stylus on Kirby to have him act as a flamethrower while tapping somewhere on the screen will have him spit a fireball in the direction of the press (although the shot would still be stopped by walls). Paint would be in there as well to be used to draw temporary walls and platforms, of course, sorta like a combination of Canvas Curse with a normal platformer. I only just thought of it, so there's not much detail in terms of other abilties and stages, not to mention no idea of a storyline or even a title, but I think it has potential. What do you think? - SuperComputer276 ![]() Because Kirby is so heavy in story department to begin with, am I right, folks? Anyhoo, that idea sounds better for something like Rainbow Island, the rightful sequel to Bubble Bobble, than it does Kirby. Sure, Fire could have an interesting application, and maybe a few other abilities, but things like Wheel, Stone, Spark, Needle, etc. are really just flat, boring, and unusable in such a respect. But, really, what happened to my soap box decree? Who was the one who created/directed the pilot anime and the current anime? What made them completely reimagine the whole show? - Torkirby ![]() Adaptations of video games rarely come out like the original product. What works in "that world" doesn't seem to translate to Hollywood, which has a tired, lame, and unoriginal formula that it runs on any acquired properties. Kirby suffered the fate of being limited by its creator, however, who wanted him not to speak. Couple that with wanting to make him "the next Pikachu", which I don't even see as a desireable feat in any respect, and you get what we got. Anyhoo, the head director of the series was Yoshikawa, who oddly was concerned about a seamless transistion of Kirby from games to the animated media for his movements. I guess the primary basis of the franchise in other respects was worthless?
Repeat Response: Hey, I have a New Year's Resolution. I resolve not to work so hard, and to enjoy the simple things in life more than I have. Catch you on the flip side, dude-meisters.
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Last Updated - December 31st, 2008 | |
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