Kirby's Rainbow Resort > Ask the Gurus > Gobbo's Session #102 | |
Ask Guru Gobbo #102And now, more what for. - December 8th, 2008
Why is the Invincible Candy so easy to get with Mix in KSSU? I once got it 5 times in a row. - Bonnie ![]() It is possible that they increased the odds of it coming up. I don't really know if it was any rarer than any other outcome, or they slowed the roulette down enough to give people more of a chance to control fate. With how toned down a lot of elements were from the original, that wouldn't surprise me. Did the anime (first episode) get the idea of the warp star ship from the Dream Course round cleared ship? - Halberd Stop Crashing ![]() It would really be hard to say for certain. Any creator involved in the Kirby franchise is rather tight lipped about where the idea for anything comes. While the Warp Star Rocket of Dream Course, which is basically a giant star with a circular glass window in the middle, does seem like it could be compared to the Warp Star ship in the initial episode. However, everything is star shaped. Kirby's pillow, the designs on his night cap, his houses window (whether that translated to the animated series, I care not). So, while one could speculate and say the two are tied together, what else could it have been? Kirby travels on stars. He had a ship. Of course it was gonna look like a star. It certainly wasn't going to be a saucer. Woot! Next, Session 1000! Hope we make it there before you get fired! But seriously, some questions are coming your way! Will the current If You Could contest have a winner? If so, how will they be decided? Does gooey have dark matter's possession power? Thirdly, SCHLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORP! Gooey! - Kirbyfield Monster ![]() 0) Fired? Only if they discover that I've been selling office supplies on eBay. I don't know what a website needs with boxes of pens, anyways, or why I have access to this supply closet in the first place~! 1) Technically, all of them truly lack a winner as they don't really win anything. I guess respect, but who cares about that? Well, I probably will have a finale synopsis where I'll comment on some, and probably pick a favorite. There'll probably be a splintered awarding segment, denotes things like most comical or most surprising. Like it said, I didn't care how ridiculous the creations were as it's things that were done, and stupidity is allowed in the past. I didn't really want to go on say anything about rating publicly there to not spur any false entries or peppered up proposals to snag the bag of prizes. I just wanted the honest truth out of folks. 2) If Gooey has such abilities, it's never been shown, and only what can be shown can be called. He's been shown to have some related aspects with his "father", especially if present in the the final Love-love Stick battle with Zero where he takes on the Real Dark Matter yellow things around-the-back form. However, he also demonstrates a lot of features unlike Dark Matter: two eyes, a lashing tongue, blue coloration, not being evil, and ability copying. Miracle Matter, now, could be said to have copy powers, but that's a whole other breed of Matter. 3) Just say no to drugs, kids, or that'll happen. While not about Kirby, didn't your Unnamed Arch Enemy say an invasion lasting 98-102? He's only done anything with that in #100! what's up with that? (I know you'd be the one doing the work, but still) - Rgijaba ![]() Oh, pssh! Thanks a lot. Yeah, way to go. Here, I was gonna have the Unnamed Arch Enemy came at the end of this session for a surprise attack for being ignored in a five session spread, since those get tiring and are difficult to work in, not to mention pretty much never amount to anything anywise. That would usher in the next string of crazy false guest sorta, maybe, not really, but now it looks like I can't do it since you had to go and call it out. I hope you're happy, Pie Lord. You just drank everyone's milkshake. Really, everyone was gonna get one, but not anymore! Why Hello There Bimblesnaff! I have some questions for you. 1.The highest rank I can reach in the Story Book is C. What am I doing wrong? 2.What is your favorite level in KDL3? Mine is 3-6. 3.Is it just me, or is there only one true platformer in this decade so far? NiDL and KSSU are just remakes, KatAM is GCO 2, CC is a spin-off, and KAR is racing. 4.Have you ever resorted to using me in a game? 5. How do you put links to other places in a question, or do you add them? Well, that is all. Have a happy holiday! - Action Replay ![]() 1) Your problem is that you keep going outer space, which, I believe, is how you get the C ending. Try avoiding situations that will get you out there and, instead, focus on staying under the stratosphere. 2) I... don't actually know. I never really learned individual levels throughout the games, just the general, overlaying region. Sand Canyon is king, but I don't exactly know which stage I like better. 3) You stole words right out of someone else's mouth from not even a week ago. 4) No, I stuck with Game Genie. The other cheat devises were ignored. 5) HTML can be used. Or, probably easier, the URL can just be included in the question submission, and I patch it in. That's what generally happens when a link is given. I have to say, that 100th session movie was cool, it had me smiling. Bogg has just gotten more cool points from me. Perhaps he'll have enough to level up? Anyways, on to questions. First off, can I ask what programs you used to make your movie? Now for Kirby related things: You think Dedede became a self-proclaimed king in the first place because everyone else was just too lazy to want to do anything themselves? I actually consider Dedede to be one of the less lazier Dreamlanders as he actually attempts to try to govern a kingdom, even if he does poorly. Honestly though if this is the case, then my assumption would hold that if Meta Knight were in the first game, he'd probably have beaten Dedede to the self proclaimed king title, just because I'm sure he's selfish like that. Maxim Tomatoes. Fruit or Veggie? I know for a fact that Kirby's Sword form is an homage to Link from the Zelda series. Do you think any of his other transformations are inspired by other game characters from other series? I swear his fighter form is using Hadokens, just like Ryu from Street Fighter... :/ Is Kirby a righty or a lefty? And to make sure no more confusion comes up later, I be a dude. - Leint ![]() 0) Squeaky Bogg doesn't level up from people thinking he's cool. He needs geeked out displays of hysterical affection. If it doesn't require a sedative, then it amounts to 0 XP. 1) The Session #100 intro movie was, technically, just a slide show of twenty images. I just drew out the scenes, recorded the dialogue, and paced the two out on Windows Movie Maker, just the cheesy, default packaged program. 2) Well, Meta Knight did try to overthrow the ruling power in Revenge of Meta Knight. I mean, that's what that whole thing was about -- Meta Knight going out to take over Dream Land. Who's in charge of it? Dedede. So, you know, he has tried. I agree with you on King Dedede being one of the less slothful Dream Landers. Greed is his Deadly Sin of preference, in my book. This can just be inferred by his very nature. The man is king and, obviously, not entirely enjoyed by his people. So, how to unappreciated powers stay in power? By force. What does King Dedede have in his castle? A ring. Wrestling, boxing, name it what you want. This guy does not mess around. While he's been down played and reduced to a comedy piece, back in the day, he was presented as a serious threat. Think of Team Rocket back in the first half of the first season. They weren't a joke. 3) Maxim Tomato, being to the max, is both fruit and vegetable. In your face, food pyramid purists! In it to the max! Rock out! * guitar riff * 4) Fighter didn't originally have a "fireball" technique, technically, back when it first came about, although the red head band can't be said not to have been Ryu inspired. The thing about the Hadoken is that it is a concept from actual martial arts, the chi ball, which is why it appears in so many places. 5) Kirby is ambidextrous. He'd have to be. Facing left and right, he switches what hand he holds his weapons in. Sure, it's really just a spriting trait, but it also means that he has no true hand of preference. in the animated series, and in general, really, I think he focuses on the right flipper more often. 6) It's hard to tell sometimes. A lot of people with L-E-I at the start of their name are of the chickly persuasion. Rather than miscall it, I'd rather go on a gibberish string of ambiguity. Bimblesnaff, I dare you to not use the standard "number" format for your answers today just for I dunno. Changing the game up? Eh.... who cares. For the record, I joined your forums under the guise of "A Wikipedian". How interesting of me. Anyhow, to the usual questions -- today without numbers! I dare to be different. - Do you feel that Nintendo's taking the Kirby franchise in an obviously casual direction? The last major release on a console for Kirby, "Kirby Air Ride", was well, casual. It required button presses and was pretty much on-rails... do you feel that a Wii follow-up would remedy the casual problem Kirby faces? - With every Kirby release, I see the games aimed towards younger and younger audiences. Is this because Kirby generally attracts that kind of crowd? Or is it because Nintendo is spending less on Kirby games forcing HAL to develop simpler titles? - Do you feel that with Nintendo's new "casual" mantra, that Kirby as a second-rate Nintendo mascot (when I say second-rate: I love Kirby just as much as the next guy; his games aren't the million-dollar sellers that a Mario platformer or a Metroid Prime are, y'know? I love the pink fluff-ball or else I wouldn't be here writing this) will get left by the wayside? Pleasure as usual. - A Wikipedian ![]() 1) Technically, I could, but it would just cause problems down the line. All of the sessions work off of the number system for search indexing and later referral to questions within this session. It's easier to go, "Okay, this guy asked the third question" and always have it rooted at Q3. If there was one exception to it, then I'd have to make sure, every time, that the session wasn't that session, and for what? No gain, no interest, and a lot of trouble? Yeah, breaking logical conformity is what they do at the Mailsack and why fixing/coding stuff at that place was such a headache. 2) Oh, you meant differentiation within a question, not the whole session. Yeah, I could probably pull that off. People just generally offer them as 1, 2, 3, so that's what I typically return them as. I could probably just delete everything up there, but I did get a shot in on the Mailsack... A) Kirby doesn't have a "casual" problem but a beginner's focus. They make no attempt to cover up this fact. It's suppose to be simple enough for beginning players but with advanced enough possibilities for more seasoned pros. With the stacking concept in the supposed Wii title, "supposed" as it was supposed to be released by now, where Kirby and up to three helpers can stack up for more power, depending on in depth this system gets could be crazy advanced and ... non-casual? What would you even call that? B) Younger audiences, really? As already stated, that's his targeted market -- the younguns. However, in my opinion, they are targeting an older market in these days. I would say that the Dark Matter Trilogy was definitely following the simple path, but Super Star really shook things up. Amazing Mirror was a complex labyrinth with non-linear game play. Squeak Squad had foes popping out of no where to steal your treasure from you. That's a non-standard condition as well. Most games have simple objectives: get to the cool, find the ___, or kill all enemies. These non-standard goal conditions, such as escorting or taking something to another point, add a layer of complexity that certainly isn't aimed at what I would consider a younger crowd. Saying to yourself, "Oh, so I need Spark then Cutter with Kine to get this Rainbow Drop," while challenging, is, for the most part, still getting a power and using it. These other hurtles require active participation, not just simple recognition. I think they are trying to broaden Kirby's appeal, especially with the growth of Meta Knight and his game play in the latest release. Not to mention the deal sealer of audiences target: angry, American eyebrows~! C) Kirby, I feel, would work fine with their new casual approach. I don't get why they canned Tilt 'n' Tumble 2 for the Wii as that was right up the alley they are aiming for. Kirby could have a field day in the spin-off domain on Wii since he so easily expands on many ball games with his ability uses. Truthfully, I'd rather see them just Mega Man 9 the puff and roll out some good ol' Kirby games, old school flavor. Dead Man to the top ropes. No shock there, I guess. Well, except from that very odd reference. Try as they might, back talking on Nintendo and not the Dub-Dub, touching the screen and tilting a remote just don't have much bearing on the game play of a good ol' platformer. Warning: Large Intro I remember a couple of times before, you said that Kirby has only been in 2.5D because there would be problems aiming projectiles like stars. Techincally, K.A.R is the first full 3D game since he can technally roam freely off the machines sometimes. True, all he could do off the stars is limited floating(well jumping since he doesn't puff up or blow air puffs). They could use the model for a fully 3D platform Kirby game. Real Q's-How come their are two different varieties of a power/element?(Fire/Burning,Ice/Freeze,Spark/Plasma) -How Do you think they could do for Cook, Clean, and Paint what they did with Magic? (One time->Regular) I know clean isn't one time... -Who will win: Gwen or Owen? - Kirby Star 10 ![]() A) So, you read the one where I said it Kirby has only been 2.5D but missed the one where I said that Air Ride wasn't true 3D play? That'd be like saying Battle Toads or Double Dragon was a 3D game since you could move up, down, side to side, and jump. There's a world of difference between a complete 3D environment and a 2D plain with some jumping. B) This takes a lot from the "Copy Abilities are exact powers, not vague groupings" statement. What you are being blinded by is the Kirby Super Star/animated Kirby take on abilities, which is a gross misrepresentation of what copied ability were. Flamer does what? Tackles forward in a ball of fire. That is its ability, and that is what it gives. Hothead spews out flames. That is its ability, and that is what it gives. These were only jumbled into the broad groupings to allow multiple executions off of one ability in Super Star as explained in the link above. Off point, Spark and Plasma are not, or shouldn't be, really related. Spark is electricity, despite its origins as a beefed up sparkler. That's what Sparky did -- shot sparks. He didn't have electricity, no. Sparks are super heated particulates being shot off. They can come from grinding metal. There doesn't need to be the slightest bit of current. However, it was transformed into more of a "Shock" ability than Spark in the Dark Matter trio, a tradition that was continued in Dream Course and later titles. Plasma, on the other hand, represents plasma -- superheated gaseous-liquid phase hybrid matter that is often mixed up with an energy form. The wisp of Plasma Wisp is this fluctuant force as are the shots. It really isn't electricity, just more of a raw power thing. C) Clean? Oh, you immediately correct yourself. Alright then. I was gonna be asking what you were on for a moment there. Still, what? It's a perfectly fine ability. It sweeps forward, just like the broom wielding hatter. What's wrong with that? It's a more secret linked ability and thus kinda comes across as weaker than some others. It's still not much different than Fire. Real Fire, that is, not the Super Star one. Back to point, Paint is about the only one that I feel could become a regular usable ability. Cook already does its thing. If it didn't turn enemies into food, it'd be worthless. If you could keep it around, it'd be cheap. Thus, one-shot meal ticket is all it ever could and should be. Having some sort of skillet smash or dish toss just so the ability could be more easily stowed until the proper time for a snack dawned would, also, be cheap. Magic could pull of the transition since it, firstly, didn't make any sense to begin with. A roulette? That's not magical at all. It should have been Gamble or, well, Roulette. So, when the ability was broadened, it was really more of just being made for the first time. Additionally, the inclusion of the option to "blow" the ability in a grand endeavor could be allowed since the outcome was unknown. You could risk the roulette, sure, but if you planned to unleash a massive attack, there was still good chance that you could wind up with Sleep. That'd sure suck during a time of need. Cook had that sole outcome, so it wouldn't be a risk. It'd just be a twink ability. Back to the point of Paint, like Magic, the ability hasn't really even existed. A whole screen blaster with a conditionally secondary affect? That's nothing. They could just slap a brush in Kirby's hand and think up all sorts of possible outcomes for what he could do with it, from drawing barriers to bringing doodles to life. There wouldn't even be a need for a paint splash blast, in addition to the guaranteed outcome scenario outlined above, why? D) I don't know what nor care to know who those are. Would you accept submissions for a site visitor to create a storybook adventure for the Storybook section? If so, what requirements would you instate for the adventure and what would the submitter be required to send to you? - SuperComputer276 ![]() Right now, I'm going to say "no". It certainly seems like a possibility in the future. Other resorters, like Leirin, have professed interest in contributing to such, but I don't want to open up a flood gate and drown here. I haven't even made a Storybook adventure, yet, and there's only one to date. There should at least be some established baseline and trend setting before the power is put to the people. Also, a competency test. Don't worry, you and other mentioned inquisitor would pace with flying colors. Maybe one of the Interactive Fandoms could be a proposed plot to a story book adventure to pick a winning fan. Now, that'd be living up to its name. Does Kirby have taste buds? He never spits anything out due to its taste in the anime. (Or maybe the Waddle Dees in Ep. 92 tasted bad?) - Torkirby ![]() He has to have taste buds. In both canons, Kirby has demonstrated the ability to taste. The one example across the board is curry. Do you think that the Spicy Food in Dream Land 1 had him spit fire from indigestion? The same happened in the animated series. "Hot" is one of the domains of taste, and his fire breathing clearly displays that. Next up, there's Mariel of Dream land 3. This spider baddie tastes bad and, if Kirby swallows it, takes damage. Kirby can taste, but his palette could use refinement. He's like that one freak kid you knew when you were younger. You'd mix stuff like ketchup, relish, and vinegar into a shot glass and this weirdo could down it no problem. Some people just have a cast iron gut and a tongue to match. Hey, what's this? Squeaky Bogg's Unnamed Arch Enemy came and killed Squeaky Bogg. ... See, Rgijaba totally killed it.
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Last Updated - December 8th, 2008 | |
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