Kirby's Rainbow Resort > Ask the Gurus > Gobbo's Session #91 | |
Ask Guru Gobbo #91I never have anything interesting up here. Well... um, I changed all the icons to be uniformly sized. That's something, right? ... Like I said, not interesting. - November 22nd, 2008
Does Meta Knight have a REAL name? I wonderded what his real name was. Well Dedede is a name I guess, Kirby is a name I guess too, but Meta Knight? Well, if nobody knows the answer, you can make a weekly poll of it, like: 'What kinda name fit Meta Knight?' or something. How do you become member WITHOUT an own website? I saw at the bottom 'Join Now', but if I click there, the computers says you need a WEBSITE. If you click 'Wait! I don't have a website!' you can make one, but you've got to pay for it. I don't think my parents want that. '-_- I hope I can become a member, because I like the site really! - I'm Not a Member! ;_; ![]() 1) Meta Knight is his name. Just like Ax Knight is Ax Knight and so forth. All the characters only have one name, and many times this name is shared between whole gaggles of goons. But, I don't really see how "What'd his name be?" would fit easily into a poll. I mean, those polls offer a small pool of options, and what names people would think fit would comprise all names possible. There wouldn't be any matching between it, and everyone would probably offer their own suggestion. If any two ever coincided, I'd be shocked. 2) Ah, someone finally explained it to me. I seem to get this "join" question a lot, which really puzzles me. The forums and the gallery are the only parts of the site that ask for membership to use, and joining them is self explanatory. You, thankfully, finally gave a little speck of insight as to what was going wrong. You aren't trying to join the site with that link. No, that's the Kirby's KreamPuff Webring you are attempting to join, hence why it is in the webring box and makes mention of joining webrings. It has nothing to do with using the site, nothing to do with being linked to the site, and nothing to do with much of anything, really. It's simply a website promotion tool, a relic from an older time on the internet when everyone had AngelFire pages instead of MySpace. But, no. That has nothing to do with membership to the site. That's technically an imaginary state. You don't do anything to be an RR member but slap a name tag on that says, "I goeses to the Rainbow Resort, yayz!" Nothing comes from it. You just do it. Unless you want to partake in one of the two previously mentioned functioned implementations, which have sign-ups that just require a username, password, and email address. Hi, Uncle Gobbo! I have few questions for you about the KSS, KSSU and Kirby Wii. 1)What is your favourite ability in KSS(/KSSU, I know you don't have DS but they have same abilities)? 2)I read about Kirby Wii being new version of Super Star, with just 2.5D World and multi-helper ability. Is this true, or is it just worthless speech of some idiot? 3)In Meta Knightmare Ultra of KSSU, MK wishes from Nova to fight the strongest warrior in the galaxy. Why didn't he just wish to become strongest warrior himself? - Galacta Kirby ![]() 1) My favorite ability in Super Star is actually Ninja. Keep in mind, this was years before ninjas became a fad or even Japan fever hit the mainstream. No, I thought Bio Spark was cool, I loved the Quad Shock, and dug the slightly angled drop kick. I really hated that it was one of the last abilities gotten in Milky Way Wishes and would often go backwards through the levels to get the fun abilities first. Who needs Cutter? 2) This is the most utter barrage of falsities and garbage I've heard about Kirby Wii. Did the guy also tell you that the Animal Friends and Dark Matter are in it? That carries the same truth. 3) This would be like asking why Meta Knight give his opponent a weapon to battle him with. It's his code of honor. He didn't go on his quest to get ultimate power, he wanted to prove that he already had it. It's like comparing diet and exercise to liposuction or gastric surgery -- the quick fix to character building hard work and effort. Some people have dignity and self worth while others are lazy fiends. Meta Knight is the former, proud of himself and confident in his abilities. Here. I'll make this quick. About the star rods of other planets, it is very likely. In KSSU, each dream fountain has a star rod. In plain sight. So, I think it's definitely true. And 3... uh... 2, if Nightmare is weak against the Star Rod, why not destroy it? And why would kirby not use that more, against other bosses? - Kirbyfield Monster ![]() 1) I really hate when I present a plausible scenario at a stretch and then people run with it like it's fact. It probably isn't true, you know. More likely, as I said then, they just recycled a background. After defeating a boss, they needed a star to come out, but they didn't want to have it so that each boss needed to get their own special spit-out-a-star handling. Only the Spring Breeze four needed that. Instead, they have a transition scene take place, a function used in The Arena. This time, however, they dump the player to a generic star collection scene rather than the tomato grove. I'm just saying, you're playing a dangerous game of fanom Jenga. You have a shaky base, at best, and that's what the game makers have provided us with. I stacked some rather flimsy pieces on top, and it happened to still stand. Now, people come by and try to stack on that. Not good! 2) Nightmare wasn't "weak" against the Star Rod. Really, it was just a magical weapon that Kirby got a hold of right before battling the evil apparition. He never tried to use anything else against the dread, but since there wasn't anything for Kirby to suck and spit up, and since the Star Rod already threw stars, he was better off just using that. Unless you're talking about in the animated series, and then I couldn't care less. Anyway, he didn't destroy the relic since he had no idea. Really, how was he supposed to know it could destroy him? He plunged into the fountain and tainted the waters -- the waters enchanted by the rod. The wand was taken too fast to allow any harm done. And, all that non-meaningful speculation aside, Nightmare wanted the Star Rod to be there. This was the entire plot of Adventure, after all. The Star Rod powered the Dream Spring to give all the residents of Dream Land dreams. Once it was taken away by King Dedede, all the people stopped dreaming but were spared the terrors that Nightmare would have caused. If Nightmare destroyed the Star Rod, he would be defeating himself as his presence would be meaningless. On that same note, Kirby doesn't take the Star Rod out of the fountain to use against other big bads or even on his journeys to that point since it would be horribly upsetting the balance on Pop Star. After all, Kirby never even took the Star Rod out of its place. He ventured to return it to its rightful position, after which it popped out and was shot out along with him after Nightmare. Really, all of this is coincidental and accidental. None of it was planned or meant to happen. Regardless, you don't take out ancient, powerful artifacts that control the land's happiness without worry for the consequences. Even Kirby is level headed enough to understand that. I noticed that you didn't like the fact that in the anime all he has to do is eat some ice and become ice kirby, or eat a stick thats on fire and become fire kirby. However, in super star ultra (and I assume super star) there are several bosses that the attacks can be inhaled and an ability given. Such as Wham Bam Brocks move where he points his finger and rocks fall from the ceiling, eating one of the rocks gives stone kirby. Another example is kraco jr., when he drops bombs those can be inhaled for bomb kirby. several attacks that Marx uses can be inhaled (in the arena) for different abilities. This is also seen in Amazing Mirror when fighting Mr. Mole and Wiz. Things like these instances (and A few I have not mentioned) could be where the writers got the idea. - Mr. Game and Pie ![]() Hi, I guess we haven't met. I'm Bimblesnaff, bloody expert. It's not like I've written a dump of stuff cataloguing and documenting all that, no. I must be some two bit twit who only ever played Dream Land I. What's a copy ability? Sigh, sorry. Once again this is my bad. When responding to Q87.4, I thought to myself, "Gee, I better go on and say how as soon as in Super Star they had bombs give you Bomb and rocks that gave Stone. Of course, they also had cannon balls give Yo-yo. Man, I could go on and on about this one, but I'm running out of time. What do I have now? 'I'm old school.' Yeah, I'll just leave it at that, but put this 'Kinda' after it since I know they flipped their position. But, I mean, c'mon. The 'old school' just implies that I mean the old caliber of game and not the new, fast paced hatted kind. Surely, that will translate if anyone has any questions on it, but, more likely, no one will question it as it was just a hanging quip tagged on to what already was an unnecessary rant on a question that didn't even relate to it in any form. Yep, no one should be dragging this back up." Really, I don't know why I still assume things. Ever. At all. Anyhoo, how about I give what I was going to say since now I have the time and it's relevant. I'll start where I left off: Then again, I'm old school, and that's how it was rocked back in the day. Sorta. Kinda. ... Not really. I mean, that's how it worked in Adventure. Every ability translated to one enemy, or an enemy and a mini-boss. In that case, though, the mini still reflected what the regular foe did. Fire Lion still rocketed forward like Flamer, Grand Wheelie rolled like, well, less spectacular Wheelie. Mr. Frosty ... uh, I guess his stampede is icy. Super Star mashed up the entire concept of copy abilities by making it more of a taken quality rather than a taken action. Fire emulated anything flaming, Ice was just cold actions, and so on. Laser Ball and Waddle Doo gave Beam, which only one used directly. This was the notion that was carried on in the animated series and that proliferated throughout the future titles. Now, the Dark Matter trilogy had the modification of abilities with the help of Animal Friends or mixing, which makes sense. It'd be pretty lame if they did the same thing. Abilities now just came from things, just some of them, however. A simple bomb gave Bomb, missiles can too if not awarding Missile, yet exploding coconuts don't. Fiery shots give Burning, and random stars can give color coordinated abilities. Well, that part was more of a gimmick battle tying, but still. Even a cannonball can give Yo-yo, which makes no sense at all. Really, a cannon ball? How is that Yo-yo related? Worse, not everything gave what it was. Some fireballs won't give a flaming ability, and ice cubes don't always give Ice. Except in the animated series. Giant ice blocks equal nothing, but tiny regular ones equal Ice powers! But, like I said, I'm old school. I like abilities coming from enemies that show that ability. However, nowadays they don't seem to want the player to go a minute without the chance of getting an ability. It seems even some mini-boss battles can't let Kirby go without the possibility of getting an ability. I could understand full boss battles, being a lot longer and more involved, giving the chance to bag a new weapon, but a mini-boss battle? C'mon, Kirby has a built-in weapon -- suction! I guess they feel players are too good nowadays to use the classic eat 'n' spit. But, like I said, I'm old school. Three years ago on KRR, they had a website where you could cheak out a series called Kirby Mind Over Matters. The thing is that that site never came back and no news came up about it. Was it cancelled? - Sharnay ![]() Kirby: Mind Over Matter, was three years in "What's the hold up" last time you asked about. Oddly enough, looking for the game led me straight to when you asked Ivy about it. I must say, her advice still remains. Caat is the individual responsible for the game, and progress has been reported since 2005 at her website, Niftihalo Studios. Now, the reason you haven't heard about Kirby: Mind Over Matter in so many whiles is because it doesn't exist. At least, not any more. The project metamorphed into Outcast Hero. The catepillar of fan work grew a little too big for its constrictive cocoon of canon and burst forth as an original work with this new title. I have to agree with the course this took as the proposed work was really outside the bounds of Kirby. It seems like a fine and well thought out family fantasy romp by its own right, just not compatible with an existing and copyrighted franchise. These same reasons led to Caat severing the ties. A good move. If you are going to pour your heart and soul into a fan work, don't. That's my first bit of advise. Fandom is a dangerous thing to spend time on. If you write a few fan fictions now and then, that's fine, even if it compiles to over several hundred pages in the end. If you spend months writing a fan novel, then I'd say you're crazy. You shouldn't commit yourself so fully to something that isn't your idea. If you have that much material to go off of, make up your own characters and right an original story. Hey it's me again, thanks for answering my previous questions. I just have a couple more to ask. 1. Which episode of the Kirby anime SPECIFICALLY did it outright state that Kirby is a creation of Nightmare in that series? My friend is a big fan of the anime, and really wants to know so i thought i would just ask...By the way, i know you hate the Kirby anime and all but... 2. I find it appalling that you consider SONIC X, of all shows to be better than the Kirby anime. Why? Just because it 'stuck to its roots?' Everything about Sonic X was just awful. (the dub just made it worse) The animation and art direction was horrible (Okay, the 3D bits of the Kirby anime looked gaudy but the actual drawings were smooth and nicely made) there are almost NO references to classic Sonic (Wheras the Kirby anime had too many cameos, references and elements borrowed from games old and new to count) they butchered both adaptations of Sonic Adventure/Sonic Adventure 2, and the third season just got completely ridiculous (Can you say, Sonic the Hedgehog In Space?) And it also has the laziest and most unlikeable of all Sonic's (Archie and Fleetway comics incarnations of Sonic notwithstanding) and the whole storyline just took itself far too seriously. (And when it didn't, it got really, REALLY stupid-one episode had them competing in a baseball game against Dr. Eggman for a CHAOS EMERALD) I'd also normally add in that the show was weighed down by filler characters and focused more on that kid Chris Thorndyke (No thats not a typo, that really is his last name) but that would make me a hyprocrite since the Kirby anime also suffered from issues with filler. So why do you consider it the better anime? 3. Also, may i ask if you found ANY redeeming qualities of the Kirby anime, no matter how minor they were? (Outside of the Kine episode...) 4. I think i may have an answer to your mentality that it's ridiculous that Kirby dosen't have full dialogue in the anime yet the manga and other unofficial materials have him talking-it's because theyre just throwaway stuff, like Kirby's Avalanche. The anime was HEAVILY promoted when it was released, and since HAL clearly had a big hand in this...on second thought, yeah there was no excuse for Kirby to not talk in the anime. You can offer your thoughts on my previous words and spin off them them... That's all for now. See ya later. - Nickolas The Bold ![]() 1) The mention of Kirby's dark truth is revealed in episode three. It's in "part 2" for you YouTube junkies. And, in case anyone wanted to speculate that this rebelling creation could be Meta Knight, as others claim this is a possibility, Ivy J. already banished the notion of other interpretations of this with screen shot of Kirby stabbing Nightmare in revolt. You can doubt me, but her? She knows what she's talking about and isn't swimming in rum. Well, as much. I don't think anyone could. 2) You don't get the underlying principles to why the Sonic suckfest was better than the Kirby suckfest. Sonic games, lately, are just as directionless as that show. Kirby changed the basic, underlying concept on what the puffball even was. Destined warrior? Cappy town? Fumu? At least Sonic already is mulling over in refuse. The Kirby games still stay true. And what is the difference between Chris jerk wad and the dingus duo Tiff and Tuff? Both shows had their share of screen time hogging worthlessnesses. But, Sonic was junk. Kirby had an easy to follow path. I've gone over how the unaired pilot was everything that the show should have been. Also, Kirby meant more for me, so when given the comparison, yeah, Kirby came across as a worse rendition. 3) No, Kine wasn't a redeeming quality of the show. It was just the only official episode that I said sucked the least. Now, really, people. Seriously. Knock it off. I don't like the animated series, deal with it. I've gone over it time and time again. Stop asking about why, stop caring why. You like it. I don't. Quite worrying about it. This isn't the "Sway Uncle Gobbo's Opinion about something that ain't gonna change" hour. No. Ask questions, and quit worrying about what I have more than thoroughly chronicled across these ninety sessions. 4) These mangas weren't "throw away". A lot of them were officially linked to games, and Kirby talks in the instruction manuals of the games. Now, the German Club Nintendo Magazine Kirby comics, those can be called like Avalanche. The other one's are by the book. 1 Yea! Reference to me!!!! the only reason why I asked about a tootsie pop was cuz i was bored. 2 Quit putting a space between Cubone and King. :( 3 Remember when I asked you about in some games, Kirby's evil? Well, my cousin was talkin' 'bout Canvas Curse, Air Ride, and.... i forgot. O_o - CuboneKing ![]() 1) That's what I thought. I don't know why it would be assumed a vague reference. 2) It's called grammar. Camel case is a stupidity. 3) I ... don't really get what you're aiming at here. What? You asked a question, okay. And? In Great Cave Offensive, who put the pile of rocks over the hole after Kirby fell into it? - Stephen ![]() Normally, when a character is trapped within a hole or cave of some kind, there's a cave in that closes off the exit. Normally this is how the character enters the earthwork in the first place. At the least, some type of aftershock would jostle the rocks into their blocking position. There are several ol' clichés can lead to a blockage, but it seems they completely overlooked using any of them in Great Cave Offensive. The boulders on the top were needed to explain, "Well, why doesn't he just fly out? He can fly." It also provided a more spectacular finish than just... whizzing into open air. It's really less a case of "Who put them there" than "Why didn't they explain why they fell?" No being put the rocks there. No one person or thing was sneaking by and said, "Nyah! Time to trap that nefarious Kirby in the hole," and twirled his curled mustache. Well, unless the rubble was loosened by those quakes caused by Wham Bam Rock. Hey, yeah, there we go. He is the big bad at the end of the tunnel, after all. It was totally him. He rattled the boulders loose. He quakes during the fight, right? There you go. His ancient's trembling made the rocks fall inward. So, this could have happened any point in time from Kirby falling to after he defeated Whammy and fled. Yeah, that's what I call a quick save. Hiz me agenz 1] Wher did the poppy bros actually come from? 2] Does ometon have an official amimal helper? 3] How does ometon hold that cup? 4] In the music and souinds section, I noticed that all the SSBB sounds were blacked out. I have a few of the kirby ones, so i was wondering how to upload things to it. 5] In a battle, who would win, marx or galacta knight? - Cheesy ![]() 1) Um... I don't understand the nature of this question. Poppy Bros. came from where everyone else came from. Why would you single out the Poppy Bros. any more than any other character? Is it due to their more human appearance? Their bowling ball heads and invisible arms are barely humanoid. You could liken them to the fairies found on one of the near by stars. I've always considered them to be like a forest sprite or pixie. Child-like, diminutive, pointy shoes. Fits the bill. 2) I think hangs out with a tadpole or something, but I don't think it's the same thing. You'd have to ask him if you ever meet 3) Homestar hands. 4) Users don't upload content to the site. They can submit pictures to the Gallery, but everything else is emailed to the designated staff member of that particular section. 5) Galacta Knight was the most powerful warrior in the galaxy. Does this question even need asked? He's clearly above Marx. There's a irrefutable hierchy established: Galacta Knight was on top, but Meta Knight beat him. Then, Kirby goes and beats Galacta Knight then Marx Soul. So, Marx is far, far under Galacta Knight, but it would seem ranking places Marx Soul above Galacta Knight.
Repeat Response: Hey, I got another "quiz". It asked largely basic information about Super Star Ultra. I'm talkin' basic-basic. Final four, Meta Knight's sword's name, etc. Now, I won't dignifiy this garbage with a response. Seriously, this is a waste of my time. Ask questions you want to know the answers to, not common place knowledge. I could get it if these re-res asked challenging questions, but really. It's not like I fully dissected the nature of Meta Knight's sword before. Yeah, I'm sure I failed to mention what it's name was in all canons of the series. So, don't waste my time.
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Last Updated - November 22nd, 2008 | |
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