Kirby's Rainbow Resort > Ask the Gurus > Gobbo's Session #99 | |
Ask Guru Gobbo #99Things have been quite... too quiet. It's almost as if some giant, over-the-top spectacular should be coming... if I wasn't so tired. - December 5th, 2008
Although many people bash Kirby Squeak Squad for being more of the same in the Kirby series, would you say that it is a valid argument that it is the only traditional Kirby platformer since Kirby 64? Nightmare in Dreamland was just a remake of Adventure, Amazing Mirror uses the same gameplay as the Great Cave Offensive, Canvas Curse, although good, was not a traditional Kirby game per se and Super Star Ultra is just a remake of Super Star with some added gimmicks. - Zero Zapper ![]() Quite right, Dubba Z. I've never played the game, personally, so I can't offer much insight into it. I play it down when the situation calls for it and defend it when it is attacked. I believe that people became accustomed to the length of game play seen with Amazing Mirror rather than the quick race through offered in Dream Land I. It really, sadly, is the only original and traditional Kirby game made in, what? About the last decade? That's pretty sad when you think about it, which is probably why people try not to. It's even sadder when you add to the equation the dangling meat of the alleged Wii title that has just out of reach for, what? Three years? And then there's some previously stated opinions on my take of Squeak Squad from a previous session that I can't seem to find to link to. Now, them were some wise words you didn't read. Quite wise. Remember them well. Hm... I am curious to know... how did the crew on the Halberd escape it when it was getting ready to crash? Aside from Vul who could probably fly with his wings, did they suicide jump into Orange Ocean or was there some kind of hidden life boats/flying ships that they could take to escape? Maybe they had magical teleporting devices? Why is Kirby always so vague??? Are the banners at the top of the site different level images from Kirby's Adventure or are they all from Ice Cream Island in Adventure? I'm sure that the image banner you see on the front page is Ice Cream Island, but I can't tell if the image banner on the ask gurus page is from Ice Cream Island or Grape Gardens... Why doesn't Kirby ever consider getting paid for all the heroic actions he does to save the world? Really, aside from wanting to get some food or his cake back, what is his motivation? Is it because he's a clichéd "have to save the world" guy? You think Kirby has ever caught a disease or something from all the creatures he eats? I mean at least someone he's eaten has had to have had some kind of sickness, right? Where does DeDeDe get his fashionable attire and where does Kirby go shoe shopping? You know, following that, who forges Metaknight's sword, or builds Bonker's hammers? You think maybe there is someone/someones in Dreamland who isn't THAT lazy to create these objects?...unless these items appear out of nowhere like the food... - Leint ![]() 1) Escape pods, life rafts, some form of smaller vehicle attached to the larger vessel, I'm sure. The only dialogue given on the matter is that they are abandoning the ship and evacuated. I don't think the Kirby universe dabbles in the sci-fi with teleporters or what not. They probably just moved people physically and boringly from the Halberd. They probably left it vague so that they didn't have to make any graphics or animation for it. 2) You are correct, sir... ette. Sirette? Anyhoo, those images are from those levels, or at least are background graphics popularized by those levels, with the sea and the clouds. I don't quite think those came up much in the other levels. Kirby's Adventure always weighed more on the foundation of the site since it was Kindar Spirit's first. I kinda wonder why we don't have the Rainbow Resort in banner myself. I mean, really. 3) Yes, it's always horrible when someone has a noble heart and tries to do good for the sake of goodness with no personal or monetary gain. I mean, what's their deal? How about I say I'm representing Kirby and take a check for each time the day has been saved. I'll just have to add a percentage to make up for the previous times payment was missed, and I should be able to retired by the time Kirby Wii comes out -- never! 4) Considering Kirby's digestive capabilities, I don't think he has to worry about catching anything from what he eats. He doesn't even seem to function off of regular biology and banishes his meals so some endless expanse rather than breaking down the food, absorbing its nutrients into his system, and having any further interaction with it. Yep, bacteria are hard pressed to infect your systems when they can't even reach your body. 5) It is well assumed that someone had to be not lazy enough to make most of everything on Pop Star, be it the ruins, the buildings, or the labyrinth of doorways that appear everywhere from the forest to the arctic. It could be that the Pop Starian people of the distant past erected and constructed most of what Dream Land still makes use of in the current age. But, honestly, does the blanket sloth is accurately described about anyone seen in Dream Land? All of the bad guys are never playing or being lazy, standing ever vigilant at their poorly assigned post for the off chance that Kirby may wander by. There's plenty of people being active, and typically just they are seen. It's much the same reason that the unseen crafters are never seen. You don't want to have a game show people not doing anything, but you also don't want to see people doing boring stuff. Stomping through a prairie, soaring through the sky, sewing an elegant robe... Yeah, the latter doesn't fit. Skip it. I havent been on in a while, because i dont have much to ask. 1] Is the second boss in adventure called paint roller or skainter? 2] In kirby and the amazing mirror, i have everything that shows up on the map, but i need one more thing for the collection room. All the squares on all the maps are flashing, and im confused. Do you know what is wrong? [its the musical notes underneath the pink one] 3] In kirby: nightmare in dreamland, both sword and blade knight are in it, but in mirror, sword is replaced by some dope heavy knight. Why? 4] Sometimes in kirby amazing mirror, when i do the goal game, the only item is a 1up. i'm not complaining, but is it a glitch of some sort? - Cheesy ![]() 1) Paint Roller is the true name of the scribbling boss on roller skates. The "Skainter" name is one of those inaccurate bugbears like misnomers of the Meta Knights, "Meta Chain" and "Meta Droid". It's not its name in any official game, but it still hangs around, haunting us. 2) There are a lot of maps and many tiny squares to keep track of. I know it sounds like a canned "Is the device plugged in?" response, but the only possible explanation is that one of the rooms isn't flashing or the game had a glitch and registers the sought chest as open. The treasure located beneath the pink music sheet is blue music sheet, which can be found in a chest located in Carrot Castle, right in the middle of the map. This should give an idea of what to do. It's a wonder why Kindar Spirit doesn't have these maps on the site... 3) Incorrect. No cookie for you. Both Sword Knight and Blade Knight appear in Adventure and its horrible remake, but then only Blade Knight, the green one with no visible eyes, appears in Super Star as, I dunno, they didn't want to have two enemies that were identical. Amazing Mirror features Sword Knight, the one with a loaf of bread head. Heavy Knight is not a replacement. Gip is a replacement who takes the spot and actions of Bounder. Heavy Knight is a whole new enemy with different characteristics. They didn't need two enemies that gave the sword ability that did exactly the same thing, so one was kept, the one who had their turn coming as far as traditional platformers go, from the old lot and a new, hard-to-inhale enemy was made to give that gimmick value. There was only, like, four of them after all. The edged knights only appeared together in one game, Adventure, originally and the rest were remakes. The latest of those, Super Star Ultra, only had Sword Knight added to the mix because of the pairing being featured in the animated series with Sir Meta Knight. They wanted to meet this image and tossed the other guy into the game. They are not featured in the same games, typically, because there is no reason for it. They're the same. It'd be like having Rolling Turtle and Phan Phan side by side. There's no point to it when they do exactly the same thing. 4) It may just be the location of the goal or the time taken to get to it, I guess. No one really has investigated how the goals function, and, frankly, I don't think they can be blamed. It's a rather insignificant part of the game. An extra life is technically the best you can do, so enjoy it, I say, and extend this sentence even further with unnecessary run-ons. How to get rank A in the secret kirby story book? - Fernanda ![]() There is no A rank for Wander Across Total Obvlivion. And, as far as I know, there are no false promises as to there being such a possibility. If you play it through well enough and get the top score, a B, it plainly gives this information -- that is the best you can hope for given the situation. It's a sad ending. The guy doesn't get the girl. The friends don't reconsile their disagreements. Unicron eats Cybertron. Hello Squeaky Bogg and friends! You have an obratunity to join the Star Warriors and get cool weapons! You don't have to join if you want to. - Sir Ryan of the Stars ![]() Incorrect. One cannot join the Star Warriors. They are more accurately a calling, thus why Kirby is considered one despite his youth and lack of decision making capabilities. Anyone, however, can join the Galaxy Solider Army, Star Warriors and common folk, by just fighting the demon beasts of Nightmare. This was butchered in the dub and really screwed up a lot of people's understanding to how the whole system works. Regardless, I already gots me a pimped out weapon. Wanna better look at it? hi me again. ok what is the name of the squik squad member with the red hat, what is the name of the speases that tiff and tuff is, is dedede is his first name or is it first second and last name, finaly do you think escargoon and garey the snail from spongebob could be good friends if they met. - Meta Knight Fan ![]() 1) Daroach is the suave Squeak member you are trying to think of. 2) Tiff and Tuff are never properly identified as anything. They are just not Cappies. Really, did you think some second rate hack jobs would get a species name when Kirby is left untitled? They don't like names. 3) Dedede is one name, it is not "De De De". Most importantly, it is not "dee dee dee", but that's not relevant. As for his full name, his last name is Dedede while his first name is King, which sure came in handy for him! Not really. 4) I cannot say as I have a brain and self respect which prevent me from watching Spongebob Squarepants. But, really, I doubt anyone would be friends with Escargoon. The guy is a sniveling, whiny pushover who I would probably kill in five minutes of meeting. Since you don't have a DS theirs not much I can ask but: Do know how to get 100% on KD3? What's KSS mainly about? uhh..i'm gone.. - Marx vs. Kirby ![]() 0) You didn't catch my contradiction to that point, huh? 1) You get 100% by, first, collecting all of the Heart Stars. Then, you must defeat Dark Matter and Zero. Next, you must complete all of the bonus games, including all of the Mini-Games (marked as an "M"), the jump at the end of levels (option "J"), and the Boss Butch (the "B"). That opens up the last option (a "?"). 2) Kirby's Super Star isn't about anything in general. It is a collection of several short mini-games. It's about, I guess, attention deficit disorder. None of the games are really connected to one another but use the same game play system and characters. Gobbo, I know you don't have too much respect for the Wikipedian coverage of Kirby; it is pretty awful. I noticed your fun forum topic on its inaccuracies -- anyhow, I digress. Right now, I'm working on making the "List of Kirby media" page up to snuff. I'm trying to find information on the Kirby mangas; are there many in the series that are particularly notable (and if so, which ones?)? (Apologies for sounding a bit annoying; the only Kirby game I've played was Kirby's Adventure for maybe five minutes -- I just felt that the Wikipedia stuff on Kirby was horrendously embarrassing...) - A Wikipedian ![]() "Annoying"? You mean, well spoken and articulate? Oh, right, that's what most of the internet considers annoying. "Ugh! Capital letters and punctuation? What a jerk!" It was meant as a joke, but I actually think that is what people think. Anyhoo, there's a lot of stuff at the Wiki that is not up to par. This normally comes about from it being "mini-modded" by a egotistical jerk who thinks that their flawed information is right (I'm looking at you, Greek mythology!) or no one knowing the page exists to make it any better (typo and inconsistent formatting at both Bucky O'Hare and Xevoz). Anyhoo, there is a prime target in the manga scene. The top contender is Kirby of the Stars: The Story of Dedede Who Lives In Pupupu. There's also runs from Coro Coro and 4koma, but these are shorter, segmented runs based on the games as they come out. And, yes, the same is said at ol' 'Pedia. The Dedede one is off the wall and king of them all, not to mention wacky enough to give small children nightmares. The people who thought Kirby 64 was the 1st game are now my enemies! Except for this one cool guy. What do the cutscenes in Super Star look like? I've never played but have Super Star Ultra and the cutscenes are 3-D. What do you think is the cutest ability? I think it's Bomb. (HAT!!!!) - CuboneKing ![]() 1) You can't just, you know, search YouTube for that? I mean, just using "Kirby" and "cutscene" would probably dig them all up. I don't really get people asking me to describe things when they can more easily just be seen. Information and interpretation, that's something hard to find and needs to be more individually addressed. But, telling about an animation sequence. "Well, Kirby is three dimensional. So, you know, that's, like, a whole entire dimension more than he's usually seen in. It, um... looks better than the original 3-D opening sequence from Super Star, and... uh... ... What?" 2) How can this even be questioned? There is only one cutest ability, the one made with no other purpose but to be cute: Sleep. What is your opinion on the Kirby-based pieces at Creative Worlds, as well as the creator's work in general? My prediction is that you'll enjoy them at least a little due to their being rooted close to the games. - SuperComputer276 ![]() That's Kine the Genius' website, an ol' time friend and former staffer of the Rainbow Resort. I've known about his website since, well, about it's been around. I thought that URL looked familiar. I'm kinda surprised that I never gave the link with his previous mentions. It was meant to be done, but I got side tracked and seemed to skip over the delivery. I mentioned his website and his animations not long ago in reference to his Tootsie Pop animation. The guy is a great artist and really captures the charm in his works.
Repeat Response:
Well, nothing important coming next session, right? Yep, just another unimportant number to be blown through.
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Last Updated - December 5th, 2008 | |
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