Kirby's Rainbow Resort > Ask the Gurus > Gobbo's Session #79 | |
Ask Guru Gobbo #79Insert opening here. Yeah, witty. Or lazy. I'll go with lazy. - October 24th, 2008
i know you don't own a DS so you might not know the ansewer to this but in meta kights revenge how did meta knight survive the halberd crash. imean it fell straight into the oceanand from graphics it makes me say meta knight was still on the halberd when it crashed p.s tomorrow marks the end of my no nintendo ds grounding - Kirby Kid ![]() Wow... that's... there's so much wrong with this. So much. First, Revenge of Meta Knight appeared on Super Star, the original. I've mastered that game while you were still sucking your thumb. That accounts for an immature late childhood and fetus. If you were an embryo in the mid-nineties, then your thumb would have been indistinguishable from your mouth, so you'd technically be sucking it. ... kinda. Anyways, I mention this since most people go about disregarding the "don't have it" statement, and when someone does, it's not even necessary as the point is moot. Moot I say! Back on track, I never thought anyone would ever wonder this answer. At the end of Revenge, as Kirby turns his Wheelie around, a very, very obvious speck shoots out from the crashing Halberd. Meta Knight, obviously, flies away. Really, he had wings. He was flying just before Kirby abandoned ship. You can't really go down with a ship when you are, you know, aloft and airborne. In that instance, the vessel goes down and you maintain your position... as you aren't standing on the deck. Hello, I am the Kirbyfield Monster. Was just wondering some stuff: 1)Can you bring the Ice Cream Island Crew back? 2)Who, in your opinion, is the best final boss? I love 0 and 02. 3)If Gooey is Kirby's "best friend", ehy issn't he in more games? 4)How did Adeleine get to Popstar? - Kirbyfield Monster ![]() 1) No. Well, yes, I can, but no. 2) Dark Matter, old school. Nothing can top the Rainbow Sword battle against the swordman form, which, really, the weapon and fight are half of what makes the boss. Anyhoo, the fact that it wasn't a simple shooter battle or some over-powered sword ability really makes him stand out over the rest. 3) Waddle Dee was Kirby's best friend in Crystal Shards, wasn't he? Stuff doesn't remain consistent, especially when the directors and creative team changes. This, tho', is the prime culprit in this case. Shinichi Shimomura, who was responsible for the Dark Matter trio of games, did things differently and used, basically, a different stock of characters. There's a whole wealth of repeated explanation to this guy and his impact on games. Just plop his name in the search box. I'm tired of digging them out. 4) They never said. Really, did you expect them to? They tell nothing in Kirby. I really need to make that a "golden rule" thing to just jump back to every time it pops up into relevance. Anyhoo, just to give something, as wrong, made up, and stupid as it is, she took a flying whale! 1.How can you like Gip as much as Phan phan?!!?!?A pig head with wings that replaced a cool guy and is a pun on itself(when pigs fly) v.s. a cuteish elephant who only replaced an obscure buck toothed turtle?Is that really a contest?!? 2.How come you never talk about Spiney and Needlous? 3.When i asked which you hated least,i MEANT for it to be reworded! that sprite of waddle dee with a mouth,that's not a mouth!That's just the shadow of his arm! - Luca ![]() 1) It's half an elephant and creepy. Why did I have to repeat myself? It's just like Bow Boxer: just wrong. 2) I talk about Spiney, but I call him Togezo, his updated naming. Of course, I've only mentioned him twice. Needlous I care naught for since, as you well know, I hate all replacements. 3) Yes, I know you meant to reword it, but normally rewording enables a bypass to the previous blockade that allows what was prevented previously to be performed. You failed to live up to this intended purpose and thus stagnated nothingness. 4) Hey, funny, I thought I said, exactly, that it was "darker-than-normal shading" and, in fact, I entirely did! Wow, who'da thunk that I said that already. Why, I so already said that, exactly, that thing you said in counter to what I said by responding with what I said. ... I already said it. *TELEGRAM!!!* It's your unnamed arch enemy! HEY HEY WOAH WOAH HEY! Lord Mexora Axerom Xerma, what are you doing!? What is this I hear about my identity being revealed and you messing with Nega Bogg!? You need to pay more attention to things! I show up when I want, and some wannabe that wants to try and act as a bad spin-off of me can't mess with me, the true evil enemy of Squeaky Bogg!!! Or Nega Bogg. Plus, Nega Bogg is one of my servants... Not something of yours to mess with! Currently he's back at the ship in his cell. Or is he on cleaning duty...? Hm... I forget.... Regardless, stop stealing my title or I'll be forced to use the plan's I've been saving for Bogg for the great invasion planned for sessions 98-102 on you! ...Oh wait, did I just give that away? DARN. That was supposed to be a surprise attack... Oh well, now you know, Squeaky Bogg! Beware my next attack! And stay outta my way Mexora, or I'll attack you as well! ...Oh yeah, and on another note... you said "Rivals are enemies". That is not particularity true! Look at the Pokemon Series! Pokemon R/S/E and D/P/Pt, the Rival is one a friend of yours, who challenges you to more friendly battles to see how good your doing. Your Rival is like... a good guy. However, the enemies, Team Aqua/Magma and Team Galactic, those are some baaaad people. Hm... IS MEXORA YOUR FRIEND!? We will never know (unless he directly confirms it)... And, to finish off this message... A question! Say, pretend that Squeaky Bogg was an enemy in a game... What kind of leveles would he be in? Up in the clouds? Down in the caves? Or MANY areas, like Waddle Dees? Yep. So, I'll be seeing you, my enemy! Prepare for the great invasion! It'll be 50x worse than my previous attack! Bwahahahaha! *End Telegram* - Squeaky Bogg's Unnamed Arch Enemy ![]() What are you, a walking thesaurus? Yes, a rival is one in competition with to normally surpass or accomplish the same goal. However, Mex ain't trying to answer people's questions, so he's using the lesser, enemy definition of rival. Anyhooser, to counterbalance the South-of-the-border flair offered by my "rival", an in-game Squeaky Bogg would probably surface in greenless, rocky area, most those like Red Canyon or Sand Canyon. Of course, appearing in a castle or ruined building would also seem appropriate. i was wondering about galaxy night, is he kirby in the future, he is pink like kirby and he is the oppisite of meta knight. Does meta knight always try to destroy kirby so he wont become that strong? - Ryan ![]() Huh. That was, yeah, recently covered. A whole slew of is Galacta Knight future Kirby" bits have surfaced as of late. Anyhoo, Meta Knight does not try to destroy Kirby, ever. Normally, in fact, he's trying to prevent Kirby from doing something stupid, as outlined long ago. So, the only time he ever tried to take out Kirby on purpose, in fact, was to fulfill his Halberd mission in Super Star. Every other time, it was for the greater good... or an evil clone. Ok, two Kirby--ish questions. 1. Who the heck is Gabriel? He was mentioned in a session, which happned to be the first session i read. 2. Now when I read more of your sessions I came across you saying the cobweb isn't a decoration. Where you kidding I really can't tell. And 2 Kirby Questions. 3. Will Kirby ever star in a 3 - D gam? 4. Who do you consider to be Kirby's arch enemy? King Dedede, Meta Knight, Dark Matter, Whoever. - The New Guy ![]() 1) Depending on which session this was, it could be two different answers. I've only said Gabriel twice recently, so it has to be one or the other. In the first, Gabriel is mentioned as "Gobbler", the shark boss from Amazing Mirror. When romanized, the spelling of the name can be translated as either Gabriel or Gobbler. Since it's a chomping shark and not flaming sword wielding angel, the choice should be obvious. A second Gabriel was mentioned, now, as an entry in the Mini-Boss Making Mayhem contest. 2) No, that's not a joke. I wouldn't pull it out that many times without a "Hrhr" to follow if it wasn't dead serious. 3) Technically, he has been in 3D games. I guess it depends on your meaning of "3D game". Plenty of games have had 3D graphics and Kirby in them, but game play has only gotten up to 2.5D. It makes sense that, some day, they should breach this ceiling and get into a fully explorable environment. Of course, there are limitations to it, such accurately aiming projectiles. With guns and machine guns, such works fine. With a single lob, things get a bit more risky and all-or-none. 4) King Dedede took on more of a "friend" role as the games progressed, or, at least, turned into a minor threat, so he's out. Meta Knight is more often good than bad and works to save the day against Kirby's actions. Dark Matter/0 definitely ranks among the most powerful foes Kirby has faced against, not to mention that he's resurfaced to many times, whether or not in his "true" self. Merges, throw-backs, and more forms than you can shake a stick it, Dark Matter is the greatest enemy. hey bimblesnaff how is it going. kirby kid here i was wondering. was the first form of marx his innocent looking form or did he just use some idon't know magic to make him look like that. or was it a form NOVA gave him when he made his wish to controll popstar i really want to know. thanks - Kirby Kid ![]() Marx was just sure to get his sleep, eat his vegetables, take his vitamins, and say his prayers to grow up big and strong, just like the Hulkster. Of course, his "prayers" were to NOVA, who, yeah, gave him a more fitting form for ruling Pop Star. At least, that's the understood version of it. So, all that first stuff stated was just filler. Yep. How many copy abilities are thare. - Raffi ![]() You really have to be more specific in your question. Just asking "how many" leaves a lot of open spots for interpretation. Do you mean how many their are in the games? In the animated series? In the combined total? Do you include things like Star Rod and other final abilities? Do the items used in place of abilities from Dream Land count? What about the combined fusions from Crystal Shards. Are each of those independent? Same thing goes with the Animal Friend partnerings. There's way too many ways this figure could be reported. So, I just say that the two major number dumps can be found in this list and in the Ability Review page. Get out yer abacus. There's 58 different abilities in the grand scheme of things, all inclusively between show and games barring any funny business. As for all the additional stuff and considerations, you're on your own. Hello again Bimblesnaff/Uncle Gobbo/Squeeky Bogg I am back with more questions. 1.Why do you hate sword so much, I was glad you have to dash in super star to use the spin it is so weak. Also the thing about kirby jumping forward to cut you shouldn't be that close anyway 2. Who is your favorite helper 3. Why do 3 kirby games have the same initals (squeek squad ,star stacker and super star) - Freezing Leo ![]() 1) Now, you see, my grievances are aired in several places. I guess the other half of the complaints can largely be found in my Parasol Review in addition to my Sword Comparison. First of all, you shouldn't have to hit an enemy more than once. They should be dead on the first blow. That's the good way of stuff working. I hate the whole "regular enemies have life too!" thing, which all started in Super Star. Second, yes you should be that close. Sword is a close range weapon. You should stand next to the foe and attack. What shouldn't happen is that you are thrown into the enemy while trying to do so. They'll be moving into you enough. No, the entire concept of "Let's make everything shoot stuff so you never have to get close to anything ever" is a totally twinked system. Sword shouldn't shoot stuff, it shouldn't reach across the screen. That's lame, it's cheap, and it's repugnant. If I wanted to attack from far away, I'd use Laser or Cutter. Even if you start far away with Sword, tho', in Super Star you'll have to reset your position as you crawl towards. That makes no sense. It'd be just the same if Cutter edged you closer with each thrown blade. Why? That's only going to hurt you in the end. Your position should remain constant where you can launch out your attack. They make it cheap enough with the total onslaught as it is. You think they could at least make it usable at the same time. 2) Biospark. 3) Kirby games aren't made to all have different initials. And, anyways, that's an American issue. Squeak Squad is actually called something along the lines of "Coming of the Doroach Gang". Star Stacker is "Kirakira Kizzu". Super Star is "Super Deluxe". So, this jumble of S's is entirely our lazy fault. "Star" is used in the Kirby titles ("Hoshi no Kirby"), and alliteration is a big seller. Also, they're lazy and like to stump folks who abbreviate things. Hrhr. I'm just going to get straight to these. 1. What's your position on the Yo-Yo Ability? 2. Galacta Knight = Future/Alternate Kirby Theory. Again. *Can already hear the infuriated screaming of frustration* I know. You must be getting a ton of these. XD I'll just jump right in, then. IF Meta-Knight and Kirby are the same species, then I can explain away some of it. IF Galacta Knight is Kirby, and Meta-Knight's Cape is actually some horrific growth/permanently molted, (There's a thought.) then Kirby must also eventually grow wings. And, due to his many, many sword-fights with Meta-Knight, and Meta-Knight sometimes helping him, it's possible that Kirby may have emulated Meta-Knight in the Future, possibly as a sign of respect, donning a mask and taking up a lance/spear/sword thing. I'll leave the Nova-Related and Sealed Away bits up to the imagination, because that's a whole other hornet nest that I'm not gonna bother with. - Deraj ![]() 1) Yo-yo is a fun ability, but it's a bit cheap, I'd say. You can really jam bosses with it and fly through levels. Odd how all that makes an ability cheap is how good it is. Still, tho', killer fun. 2) If you've been reading anything of these sessions lately, yes, you know I've been getting a flood. Sigh. I really wish it would stay dead. But, yeah, wings as a natural grown/fixture on Meta Knight and possibly Kirby's body in the future. That's a real original thought. Oh, at least was, before I pointed it out in the very first Galacta Knight is future Kirby proposal. Oh, that's right, I didn't just come right out swinging and say, "If Meta Knight has wings, then it stands to reason that Kirby, over time, would develop a pair of his own." Yeah, because I left that phrasing implied. I forgot that I can't do that. People have no ability to read into the underlying meaning of what's being said. Anyhoo, yeah, you've stated nothing new. At all. Much like I stated in the "Let it die" question answer above, please, let it die. No one is offering up any new insight. It's all just, "Well, what about this old, rehashed bit you covered already?" Regurgitated or didn't even need said in the first place. "He took up a weapon and mask like Meta Knight!!!111" Yeah, that'd be a given. The whole sealing away by NOVA, time paradox, and how Meta Knight was able to beat an even more powerful version of Kirby, who he never could best, are the points of focus, which are also the points people dodge. That's why my stance was rooted and why I shake my head to this incessant resurgence. Give me something new or nothing at all. Hello I'm Enoc's younger brother. This is a short question unlike my brothers really long ones. Do you know which abilities are going to be on kirby wii (if it's even going to come out). If you do please tell me, and if possible show images of them. - Irvin ![]() There's a list compiled of the "confirmed" abilities, those seen on the trailer. That's pretty much where all the pictures come from, the trailer. What is known to be in it can be found here. I might have long questions, but he takes way too long to write them because he doesn't know how to type without looking. Anyways, I wanted to ask you something (I mean, isn't that what ask the gurus is all about). So if Kirbie's stomach is an endless universe, wouldn't eating Kirby (not that anyone would) result in the person eating Kirby eating an entire universe? Would the person explode? Sorry (or not) for not making this question obnoxiously long, unlike my previous questions. - Enoc ![]() This proposal is self defeating. You are operating under the concept that if someone ate Kirby, the void contained within would destroy them. However, the void does not destroy Kirby. Ever. If I get a glass of water and put it into a bucket, it will not over fill. The space taken is only that which can be accounted for. Just because it is moved from one place to another, it does not change the containment. Besides, this is all spatial related metaphysics. It doesn't work as simply as a point A to B movement change.
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Last Updated - October 24th, 2008 | |
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