Kirby's Rainbow Resort > Ask the Gurus > Gobbo's Session #77 | |
Ask Guru Gobbo #77Heeeeeeyyyyyy, I really need to start thinking of something to say in these things. I use to ave stuff to say. What happened? Oh, right... fifty-some sessions of saying stuff. Yeah, that'll run anyone ry. - October 21st, 2008
Where the heck did the Star Chariot come from? It's pretty convenient that it was just formed when Kirby needed it. - Inquiring Mind ![]() It was convenient but also sensical. Kirby had to assemble the different world's, what were they this time? Wishing Stars? Well, he needed to bring together those different stars to bring forth NOVA to make his wish. Since things went awry, the stars all banded together to make a super weapon. Rainbow Drops came together to form a blade, the Heart Stars made a magic wand, and the Crystal Shards formed a gun. Hardcore! Collectibles are always going together and makin' stuff. Why, my old comic book cards (baseball, what?) just formed a giant, cardboard robot of sorts and fought against my bin full of '90s toys. Yeah, '90s toys! When they were still good. I am back again with more questions , here it goes. 1.Why are the helpers in helper to hero colored differently (chilly is green , biospark is red ect) 2.why does marx soul give the paint ability but breaks tradition by not being weak against it - Freezing Leo P.S. I slide against bosses to use air attacks easier for example slide opens up a chance to use a sword spin and land back in the same spot ![]() 1) The first difference I heard of was the white T.A.C. from that mode. This, I assumed, was to differentiate that TAC from the regular game's TAC who could assume the form of any helper. However, if all of them are like that, then I would think that, since they all already had more than one color scheme with the foe versus helper colorations, then a third was used. It could be to set them apart from their standard Helper state, and maybe they all have a little bit of differences to them, such as more life. They do have the lack of exploding upon death and all that fanciness, so there is differences between that and regular modes. I guess it's a smack across the head to make sure folks remember. 2) No one is "weak" to the Paint ability's color splash. They just change color and alter behavior. It's more drastic in Heavy Lobster, sure, but that's the gist of it. As for Marx Soul dishing it out, this is the first I've ever heard of it. In truth, Paint is a screen wide attack, which is a huge help, while lacking the frequency or power held by Mike and Crash. This balances it out rather nicely. You can, if wanted, ditch what you got (assuming anything is "got" at the moment), and secure a sure hit. Plus, I don't know if it actually exists or that it, truly, does not have some affect on the cosmic jester. So... I really can't fully say. 3) Wow, that's... that's actually a pretty nifty strategy. I'm always to lazy to play creatively. Yeaeh... I suck. Shame'd. hello me again i just read the first question on #75. you said meta knight doesn't inhale like kirby because he is ashamed to even look like kirby let alone use an ability of his i disagree. i belive it is because kirby's ability's go out of his species.that would also explain why meta knight is ashamed. because mere child has a natural power that surpasses his. and to answer the question of how kirby got one of a kind powers. i wouold just say he was born with them. kinda like how a pshcic is born with the powers to read minds. i just finished reading the question that said kirby's copy ability's make him the ultimate warrior. i belive this but. sometimes i am forced to wonder. if their are others out their stronger then kirby because they themselves have amazing powers and even kirby can't eat them. what do you think? - Kirby Kid ![]() 1) I could, here, say that I respect you opinion, but you have to put together all the pieces of the puzzle. Or, just the other one, which is conveniently named King Dedede. Oddly, that was in response to a question you asked, personally. It shoulda stuck more to memory. It's more elaborated there, but, basically, the concept of the huff-n-blow was not, originally, portrayed as a unique ability in Dream Land. It seemed more of just something that folks did, hungry folks. The Dream Landers just sat around, playing, dreaming, and eating. The King really liked that latter. Granted, the whole "psychic power" concept still could be applied, but metaphysical abilities require just a tweak of untapped mental prowess. The gaping mouth and powerful lungs stretch far beyond operating on a different brain frequency. Yes, I know it's a game, and I know I say not to look so deeply into stuff. Technically, my path is the shallower of the two. Dem's fatties. 2) There's plenty of people Kirby can't eat. He can't eat any mini-boss until it's well beaten and never a full fledged boss. Why, even the lowly Lovely can't be eaten. That doesn't mean he can't eat them. Anyhoo, there are probably plenty of forces more powerful than Kirby. However, Kirby is one of the few who actually tries to do anything for the most part. As for the enemies, evil is typically stupid and lackluster, luckily. Even when they think they are all that, they fail. I'm looking at you, Dark Matter. I just got KSSU and I love it! I just have a few questions about it. 1. When you eat food and go near your helper, it looks like Kirby and the helper are kissing and them the helper's energy goes back up. Are they really kissing? If so, why would they kiss? 2. When you fight the computer virus and beat it, it says " Kirby gained 198 experience points". Are they imatating Pokemon? 3. Do you like wolves? I like wolves. 4. How do you play as Meta knight? Thank you for answering my questions! - Lindsay the Wolf P.S. Here are some fuge brownies for you to enjoy! ![]() 1) No, that's not kissin'. That's what is affectionately called "bird mouthing". Kirby just shares food with his helper. Whether or not he's actually up-chucking into the friend's mouth or just had some set aside for them to also enjoy, we'll never know as we can't see it. ... Naw, it's the regurjitation. Nasty! Then again, Kirby is always spitting stuff up. It's what builds the fabric of the series. 2) This isn't mocking Pokémon, no. At least, not in particular. This is a parody of every RPG that has ever been, which all about use experience points and other "worthless" stat values. Pokémon is just one of many titles in this genre. 3) That fact was a little evident in your name, yes. 4) I don't play as Meta Knight. Ever. So, I can't say. I don't have any game where you be him. You know, 'cuz they're always remakes, and I own the originals. Do you think I should post that glitch up on some cheat site for Kirby squeak squad. I mean it's not very useful, but it would still be fun to try. I also have another question. They say that Kirby can't talk, but on Kirby's avalanche it shows Kirby speaking perfect language. Why can't he talk in the show. Is there a planet full of Kirbies, which, if there is, Kirby came from? So far there has been three charater that look like Kirby, one being Meta Knight, the other is Galacta Knight. Meta Knight looks like a blue Kirby and Galacta Knight is a different shade of pink than Kirby. Are they a different species of Kirby? Do they have the same ability (inhale) as Kirby? If Meta Knight can defeat Galacta Knight, and Galacta Knight is the most powerful warrior in the universe, and Kirby can defeat Meta Knight, then wouldn't that make Kirby the most powerful warrior in the world? Do you know any glitches for Kirby Nightmare in Dreamland? Sorry for asking so many questions (not that you don't answer a lot of questions every day) but I'm a curious one. One last question, in the Kirby games you can't inhale scarfy, and if someone used a cheating device to be able to inhale scarfy (if it's even possible), and if they were to swallow it, would the game get glitched since it wouldn't know what to do if scarfy were to be swallowed? - Enoc ![]() Whoa, whoa, whoa! Slow down there, buddy. You just bit off a mouthful and squared it off in a giant... square... of off. 1) Sointenly. There's been far harder to replicate glitches and far less pay-out reported. That at least has reproducibility and a pay out. 2) Avalanche isn't canon. It was an entirely American production to paste over the pre-existing game, Super Puyo. It has no bearing on the series at all. However, now, Kirby is perfectly tongued in the mangas. He only can't speak at Sakurai's discretion, which he feverishly insisted upon for the show, immobile on his stance in fact. He never openly speaks in any of the games (outside of the previously stated example). However, non-animated, non-audible, and indirect references to speaking are abound. I don't know what the deal is with that. Pretty lame, if you ask me. 3) Kirby does come from a world full of people like him. It's called Pop Star. Time use to be that Dream Land was just chock full o' the kind, but that was when the title was expected to be a one shot game. As titles grew, things slowly were retconned to make it so that the hero was more unique. The crowd of other puffballs at the end of the first game were changed to Waddle Dees at later repetitions, and so on. There are other Kirby-like things. That's what Meta Knight is, and that's what Keeby is. However, at the dawn of Shadow Kirby, abouts, they felt like saying, "What? Things like Kirby? That's never been seen before. Kirby's gonna have to be cut into parts to make more of them, not to mention a weird mirrored copy of Kirby. What do you mean that Meta Knight is effectively Kirby and has been in three titles before this? Shut up!" 4) That's technically an inaccurate count of who looks like what. Meta Knight, yes. Galacta Knight, is that truly known? Meta is known to be a Kirby clone since his mask falls off. I don't believe I saw Galacta's cover fracture in the videos of his defeat. Now, why we could assume he has Kirby's face beneath such, we could draw the same conclusion with Ax Knight. The real Doppelgangers of the pink puff are those mentioned in (3). You gotta have the face shown to be officially in the running. Regardless, it is assumed that they are of the same "species", if any of the Pop Starians even are of different species. They could just be variations of the same stock, like breeds of dogs. Dem's fairly varient for being, by right, all C. familius. 5) This is never shown to happen, so it can only be taken as "no", but it can be assumed, if they are, in fact, the same, that he can do everything Kirby can. Why, even King Dedede can do it, and they look nothing alike. This has been more fully discussed in the past. It's pretty spread out over the sessions, and I don't think I could lasso it all. 6) The trumping chain has been brought up before. It was used to defute the Galacta Knight is future Kirby theory. It's true that the order makes no sense. How could Meta Knight want to face the best and strongest, after all, when he's been getting his butt kicked since day one by Kirby, and he still never was able to be Kirby. Again, unless Galacta Knight is future Kirby, which then creates a paradox. And, thus, I implode upon myself. 7) I don't know of any, but I don't own, play, or care about the title. If there isn't any glitches mentioned on the game page for it. 8) If a cheat enabled the inhaling of Scarfy, I don't see how any glitch would arise. I'd think Kirby would just fill and have a star to spit out. Scarfies programming is only to the degree where suction triggers his change and has no effect on it. Objects aren't handled differently once taken in. At least, from a programming angle, it would be stupid to do such. 1.Howcome you said you liked Phan Phan one time and said you hated him when i asked you who your favorite one?!?I guess it's because you send mixed signals.Like how one day Ometon's your twin bro and the next he's Bigfoot 2.Which enemy replacement do you hate the least in NiDL? 3.The waddle dee mouth thing is not in KSSU.So how do you se it inthe original?And can you put on a pic somehow? 4.Never mind - Luca ![]() 1) While I do enjoy the mixer-upper, shiftiness, I don't remember saying that I liked Phan Phan. At least, not recently. Before attesting to saying that I didn't like the replacements used in Nightmare in Dream Land, which, honestly, is just due to the fact that they are replacements, I told that Phan Phan gave me the creeps since it was half an elephant. Also, Big Foot is my twin brother. I'm Yeti. Whacka whacka! 2) If I hated them all equally, then how could I hate one less? That's just rewording the same question with no real change. 3) In truth, this seems to be very hard to find. I think it may be a coloration phantom or a flawed memory. Although I thought I found it in more than one occation, the only and closest thing to it I can find is this sprite: direct yourself to the "damaged" pose. The "mouth" seems to just be darker-than-normal shading. Regardless, the mouth is still apparent in things such as manga and other such stuff. Um, don't ask what said others may be. That's, uh... classified. I am very confused about Sword Knight; in AirRide, Ultra, and the animé, SK is a guy in green armor with his head armor being pointy at the end. In Amazing Mirror and Squeak Squad, SK is a person wearing a purple robe/cloak and a pointy head. I do not understand why SK has to have 2 different looks. It is more than just a simple colorswap. - Sapphire Kirby ![]() No, it's very simple, in fact: Sword Knight is purple. However, in Air Ride, the 3-D graphics were modeled more after the animated series' variety. Squeak Squad kept it more to how it was, classic and purple. However, since all things went way of the animated series, the green scheme was the adopted manner of representation. They made all new graphics each time, anyways, so there really was no hubbub in doing so. With the number of crazy mails you get from people liked your Unnamed Arch-Enemy (or has he been named yet? I lost track) along with the stupid questions you toss out, do you ever feel extremely frustrated and/or upset at the people who send you questions? If you do, how do you vent out these feelings? - SuperComputer276 ![]() The false unnamed arch enemy was named. He was Mexora. As for crazy questions, it's the well constructed ones that I like. There's classy ones that are humorous, like Prophallus, and then there's "& Friends" who you will not be able to recognize as not one of their several submissions has made it through. I really don't get as much garbage as I make it seem. Well, there's droughts and then deluges. Generally, frustrations build up to the point where there's mental breakdown. Good times. What's the main difference between a helper character (Kirby Superstar/Superstar Ultra) and an animal Friend (kirby's Dream Land 3)? - Waddle Doom ![]() The two aren't even remotely comparable. In any way. At all. In the slightest. I think you mean the helper system in Super Star compared to the helper system in Dream Land 3, aka: Gooey. Those two are compared here. hey bimblesnaff me again.when you ansewered my shoe argument you seemed to hit me right in the nose with facts. and don't get me wrong i respect your opinion om this but.i am here to tell you my facts about yours! 1on the kirby avalanche fact kirbys position it would be impossible to put take off shoes 2 sure kirby can squat to touch his feet.but when do you ever squat to put on shoes? 3 and finally and this is to all fans. this is to all fans you will never know!none of the sides will ever be proven it's a stalemate so lets just quit arguing over it bimblesnaff i declare this a tie. your always saying that the marketing for kirby is one tough cream puff. but the marketing for kirby super star ultra at least at the end of the comercial. said super tough pink puff. what up with the diffrent words. - Kirby Kid ![]() 1) Yeah, you declare it a tie. Generally, the side that says that is the losing side that tries to save face by walking away. There's a lot more on the "shoe" side of things, especially sense. Your squatting arguments are still moot. The references were given to show Kirby's flexibility. He can, if he wanted to, reach his feet easily. And, when you don't have legs to bend, that would be how you remove your shoes. He can't exactly kneel to put them on, lacking knees, but the closest equivalent would undoubtedly be obtainable. 2) The "One Tough Cream Puff" was the old slogan, which should probably just be acknowledged as a common piece of Kirby trivia. They changed it, as addressed priorly, to the new slogan.
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Last Updated - November 20th, 2008 | |
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