Kirby's Rainbow Resort > Ask the Gurus > Gobbo's Session #78 | |
Ask Guru Gobbo #78Pork 'n' beans. Pork 'n' beans? Best served Rorschach style: cold outta da can! ... Now, I don't even know what I'm doing. I mean, really? In Livin' Color clashing with Watchmen? What am I doing? And now: answers to questions. - October 22nd, 2008
1: Who's the best miniboss in your opinion? I think Bonkers rules! 2: Besides Nightmare and Dark Matter, who's the evilest Kirby villan? 3: Why do you like Parasol so much? I like my abilities to have good offensive capability. Except in Boss Endurance. Then I want Stone. 4: Now, don't you think a HAL produced Kirby rPG would be insanely awesome? - Shruggin' Rock ![]() 1) Bugzzy is my favorite mini-boss. 2) The most sinister being in the Kirby world, outside of those top tier fiends, would have to be their fusion, Dark Mind, which really could be expected. 3) Parasol's reasons for liking have been addressed numerous times. I know, in most cases, people like abilities like Hammer or Sword that have overwhelming offense, as you stated is liked, but I actually don't like these. Things like Sword's Final Cutter I see as cheap and lackluster. Being able to turn instantly invisible and unload a multi-hitting blow just takes all the fun out of the game, I think. I'd rather play the game more and get some difficulty. Plus, Parasol possesses many of the attributes in abilities that I like, such as close range. I just like the ability. 4) While I'm certain a Kirby RPG would be very loved and accepted, it would be pretty odd seeing as Great Cave Offensive kinda poked a lot of fun at the concept of RPGs, especially with Battle Windows/Computer Virus. Still, if they did something as such, I would hope they'd make it not the cut and paste RPG and do something different like Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga. Not exactly like, keep in mind, but in a different breed. I've always thought a Kirby tactical RPG would be nifty. They could easily work in inhaling and projectiles that way, too. Sup, Kirbyzilla here. I have 3 questions. 1) Are Dark Matters controlled by 0? 2) Why are Bio-spark called Bio-SPARKS if they're ninjas? 3) Is Meta Knight a... whatever the heck Kirby is? - Kirbyzilla ![]() 1) Yes, this is the general statement attached to 0's description. It is the force behind Dark Matter. Of course, there's a lot of interpretation that could be applied to this, and whether it's just the face behind the mask or some sort of other being pulling the strings is never really truly told. Blame translation barriers and, well, lack of divulged information State side. 2) You know, I have no idea. Joke was that Plasma Wisp was suppose to be called Bio-Spark since it is, you know, living energy. Really, it makes no sense. It almost seems like a Street Fighter switch-up. You know, M. Bison was really the boxer, Michael Bison, a parody of Mike Tyson. Fearing suing, they shifted the names down a peg. The clawed, masked guy turned from Balrog to Vega, the evil leader turned from Vega to the mysteriously initialed M. Bison. Good stuff. Anyhoo, I don't think that's the case since I can't see who would be shifted down on the naming list. 3) Probably. there are 3 questions 1:How did you know i was talking about when i said kirby would be like an atomic bomb 2:what boss in kirby do you like the most 3:i cant keep up with the count of you sb icons your squeaky boggs are just to quick for me. - Dodongox ![]() 1) I'm going to guess that it's just my intuition after getting all of these questions. Or, really, just 'cuz I infer stuff easily. Really, I don't remember what question that was, so... I really don't know. Luck? 2) Kaboola is my favorite boss. 3) Yeah, that's basically why I finally indexed them all on a page. Well, not Burst, but who cares about that? I'll answer that: no one! WHAT'S UP BIMBLESNAFF?! Here are my questions: 1)Is it just me... Or does Marx have the Mirror hat? 2)Drawcia... What is she? 3)WHAT IS YOUR AVATAR?!?!?! - Zero 3 ![]() 1) The coxcomb worn by Marx is very similar to that seen on Mirror, but it does have minor differences to it. I think the pattern's shapes very, or are present. Mirror has a blank red side while Marx has triangles. Not much, I know, but different nonetheless. It was an odd choice of color, really. If he had more to do with Mirror, or at least gave Mirror in some fashion, it would make sense for the resemblance. 2) Drawcia is a painting, particularly of a witch, that magically gained sentience and tried to turn the world into one of paint and color, a drawing world. 3) It's... Squeaky Bogg. Does that really need explained? Well, Session 25 has a lot on ol' Squeaks. Is Acro that appeared in KD3 the same Acro that appeared in Crystal Shards? If so, how did big ol' fat Mr. Whale move from one planet/star to the other? Question about Whispy Woods too. Is he a single entity like DeDeDe or what? When I fought the double woods in KSS, it made me rethink some things. Maybe the apples he drops plants seeds and gives him more Whispy Woods? How did Dark Matter come into existance in the first place? Is he like Nightmare where he is some subconcious entity sprung into reality? Speaking of, why do entities like Dark Matter and Nightmare feel the need to attack Dreamland/Pop Star? Are they THAT intimidated by a tiny little pink spherical creature? Can I call you "uncle"? - Leint ![]() 1) Yes, it's the same Acro. She's a flying whale, apparently and jokingly. Space flying, that is, the only flying whales can perform. I don't make the laws of nature, kiddies, I just make them up. 2) It does seem unlikely that Whispy Woods is seeded in one, static location. This would mean that Green Greens, Vegetable Valley, and all those other places he appears would have to overlap in that one place he appears. I think he's more like a colonal tree. That's a real thing, too. It has a wide web of roots that all interconnect. It's a whole forest of just one tree. Neato stuff, for sooth. He could be like this, being in multiple places at once. Of course, the more likely scenario: they didn't think about that, they didn't think fans would think about that, and they don't care to explain it. It just happens. 3) Nightmare isn't subconscious in anyway. He was simply a nightmare, a bad dream, that got into the Dream Spring. I think he had a more metaphysical origin in the animated series, but since when do I give a shoot about that? Dark Matter, I think, is more of just a destructive force of nature, of sorts. That roaming, consuming, all-evil being of pure and utter darkness. It's everywhere, after all. It's not like it's an original concept in the slightest. Still, like everything in Kirby, the means, ways, and reasons for anything is never really covered. It just happens. It's a game, and a fairly simply constructed one at that. Over analyzing a gluttonous puff who enjoys play is a little sad, after all. 4) Why do bullies pick on the smallest kids on the play ground? You don't flex your muscles against the biggest dog in the yard. No, sinister forces take on the weak and oppress them. That's what that type goes after. It's the underdog, the hero archetype, that goes after the alpha dog to prove themselves. David and Goliath, whatnot. 5) I announce myself as "Uncle Gobbo", so of course you can call me that. I wouldn't put it out there and then bar it off from use. When you replied to Enoc, you mentioned that if you swallowed a Scarfy you'd probably get nothing... However... When you use the Copy Ability on it, you strangely get the Crash Ability (only with Kirby though, and not a TAC, since there is no helper for the Crash Ability). Yes, the 1-hit destroy everything crash ability. Strange, huh? I'd think that if you swallowed a Scarfy, you'd get the same, right? What do you think? - m190049 ![]() No. I never said that. I never said anything about swallowing or copying or anything. You, sir, put words in my mouth. I detest people who do that. They get Land Smitings. Don't make me pull out some spine-ball delivered justice on your ill tongue. Besides, that's one game. Such was only implemented in Super Star. All of the other appearances would not duplicate that affect as there was no possible way to produce that effect. Also, Enoc was specifically questioning basic function on inhaling Scarfy. It goes without saying that Crash would be gotten in that specific case, as it is just how that game goes, but this was not what he wanted to know. He questioned whether it would even allow regular ammo supply and stock. Dun-dun-de-dun, dun-dun-de-dun (generic theme music). It is your arch-RIVAL Mexora, and I came to tell you I am not your Arch Enemy, as you mistakenly said. I am not a muscular cyborg with mechanical eye called Mathras, Lord Of Darkness. Goddamnit, I spoiled the last mailbag where your unnamed arch enemy's true backstory was revealed, and I die again. Or maybe Ometon, who is actually the host body for Nega Bogg's soul since episode 75. *sigh* Again! I'm training not to give away spoilers to the Squeaky Bogg's Guru Show, so your arch rival's appearence in session 80 will be my return. T'Khala! (It's awesome because it is in an alien language.) - Lord Mexora Axerom Xerma P.S. Does anything in the mailbag or in this letter here have to do with Kirby outside of a mandatory reference? -Mexora's Actor. ![]() Rivals are enemies. They are synonyms. That's be like complaining if I called Burnin' Leo Flamin' Leonard Nimoy. They are, after all, Vulcans. In session 77 enoc was talking about kirby's species. Galactica Knight and Meta Knight the only candidates? *coughcough batamonKDLonecreaturesshowninthecreditsthatwerelatertransformedintowa ddledees hackwheeze* If anything, those would be part of Kirby's species except batamon is a batamon but could be a relative of Kirby. What do you think? - Halberd Stop Crashing ![]() So, you read the question but you didn't read the answer? 'Cuz I totally mentioned the Dream Land shift from puffballs to Wadde Dees. It's right there. You have to be blind to miss it. But, yes, Batamon doesn't belong there. Batamon is specifically something that looks like but is not Kirby. It's like a mimic seen in nature, like a non-toxic caterpillar that looks nearly identical to a toxic caterpillar to avoid being eaten. hey bimblesnaff i got a good thing to say for the galatic knight is the future kirby argument and i need your opinion. okay after thinking it over i came up with a theory. perhaps galatic knight is the future kirby but not the one we all know and love. i think galatic knight might be the futre kirby from another dimession. i mean NOVA could do it with ease. as for why meta knight was to beat him. the gap between dimensions would cause that kirby to be the strongest in the area of brute strength. meaning meta knght or our kirby could beat him with endurance.[meta knight should of phrased his wish more carefully.] but then i see the problem with my theory.getting galatic knght out of another dimension would mean NOVA would bend space more than time.what do you think of my theory bimblesnaff. - Kirby Kid ![]() You summed it up about right with that last sentence. The phrasing is that NOVA had to flex his temporal muscles to allow the battle with Galacta Knight. It never said anything about bending any of dimensions five through eleven. I suppose he could have bent Z, but, really, what good does that do? So, yeah, the theory falls apart on that hitch, and that little hitch does make it all. After all, that tiny phrasing is what even opened the door to the whole "Galacta Knight is future Kirby" theory. I really hate bringing it up like this, too, 'cuz that just leads to more crack-pot theories that don't have any real meat to them. It was nailed in its coffin, and then the coffin was nailed shut. Messy, for sure.
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Last Updated - October 22nd, 2008 | |
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