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Ask Guru Gobbo #109If you're loaded with nog, you're more likely to enjoy today's session. - December 28th, 2008
I stopped my dig through your backlog to look at the latest session, and saw that you had put my second question as a repeat response. While I very much appreciate the link to all the bogg icons (even the seasonal and guest icons, which I didn't really care that much about), you failed to answer the more important part of the question, which is what all of them are supposed to mean. If anything, it got me even MORE confused. I mean, there are TWO icons of squeaky bogg wielding a mace, coupled with one of him in knights armor. And what's with the cookie and beast icons? I know that cookies are SB's favorite food, but I'm not aware of how it applies to anything. And the beast icon (and by that I mean the one of SB riding some kind of animal) has me completely confused. Now, I'm aware that to make an extensive guide to all of SB's emoticons would be a lot of time and work for just one question, especially one that doesn't relate to kirby or the site at all, so If you don't want to do it, that's perfectly fine with me. But I would like some kind of feedback. - Cra-Z Diggy ![]() It's not that explaining the meaning would have been too much work; it'd just be pointless. All of the icons, whether presented in a session or on that page, have a title associated with them, which is no different than there image name. The meaning of the images pretty much is that name or what the picture is. "Gag" is Bogg gagging. "Ride" is him on Spunt. "Spike" is Squeaky with his weapon in a pose different than "Chain". "Back" is him turned around. Meaning? None, really. It's just different pictures for the part. I do have a theory about meta knight (who is , in my opinion the best character, and deserves much much more respect...). His incredible speed, strenghth, and also his bat wings. Meta Knight is a vampire. Also, the purple coloring and the white lines are basically negative 'starwarrior', common among supposed vampiric characters. What do you think about this theory? - Eli Vouk ![]() No, not really. It has one nagging, crucial, and obviously missing component: vampires drink blood. That's what makes a vampire. That's their crux, their whole. Everything else has been muddled and defamed from late 19th century literature to modern popular culture. All of the other stuff is just clichés tossed in from general bad and evil themes. Membranous wings (that's bat wings, kiddos) are commonly associated with demons, devils, and overall bad things. Meanwhile, the fluffy, downy, feathered wings are often given to heavenly, angelic beings. Next, Meta Knight may be a speed demon, but he is not strong. The guy, first of all, is never shown to have any great strength. Related to strength is over all vitality, durability, endurance, etc. Consistently, Meta Knight is a player with the least life or lasting power in a game and being very frail. Vampires are undead, immortal, and nigh on indestructible. Doesn't sound like the masked guy. Oh, yeah, and Meta Knight goes in the sunlight. No. Vampires are not the dark dressing, suave, romanticized, over-sweated fiends they are shown as today in the latest Hollywood vomit. That is a perversion of modern fiction made from a perversion of earlier fiction that stemmed from a perversion of folklore. That's so many wrongs stacked on top of one another, it might as well originated from Mermaids. They both ate people, after all, depending on where you get your lore. A vampire is just a corpse that wasn't preserved and didn't have the blood drain. Their skin turned ruddy brown, their stomachs swelled with gases, and their mouths turned red, getting "fruit punch lips". Since it looked like they had being drinking blood, that's what everyone assumed about these deformed bodies, and obviously they had to go out at night since no one saw them drinking anything during the day. So, a stake was placed through them to keep them pinned to the ground and in their grave over night. That is a vampire. 50 down, 50+ more to go... But here comes the closest thing I have had to a kirby question so far! Short, simple version: Do you ever get annoyed by the fact that games like super smash bros base stuff more on the Kirby animated series than the actual games? Long-Winded version: I would consider myself a pokemon guru (in fact, I dare you to ask me a pokemon-related question), much like you are a kirby guru. I have a large stash of trivia and other info about the pokemon games up to Diamond/Pearl (and the only reason I don't go beyond that is because I'm not fond of D/P). I also share a similar viewpoint on pokemon that you have on kirby: Love the games, HATE the anime (then again, I despise public television in general). So one thing that always bugs me in Smash bros. Is how the pokemon are based off the anime, rather than the games (Best example is how the pokemon say their names instead of the ACTUAL cries that are in the games). I mean, smah bros is supposed to appeal to fans of nintendo GAMES, right? So I was just curious as to if you get simarly annoyed on similar issues with kirby (Metty's sword being Galaxia instead of Master, for example). You may not have that much issues, as you could (could, not can, since you don't own the game) just ignore your... let's call them "televises" (I'd say slander, but I don't want to risk angering the 10-year olds), while I have to deal with it constantly (not only pokemon chars, but every time a poke ball is thrown too). But I'd like to hear your opinion on this subject. As long as I'm on Smash bros, I might as well put one more point on the ancient shoe debate from, like the first session. I personally agree with you that Kirby wears shoes (though I didn't at first), but smash bros produces a complication. Kirby's feet in Smash Bros don't have anything that sugest shoewear, not even a crease or stitch of some sort (Which metty's gloves WERE treated with in Brawl, by the way). This is what originally kept me from agreeing with you on the shoe thing, but now that I do, I can't quite explain this anomaly. But, with you being a guru, maybe you can. So how about it? - Cra-Z Diggy ![]() 1) Yes, agreed, and I never really thought about that before. It's a necessary evil, as seen by the marketing folks, that you have to put the "public" face of a character out in the commerical blitz. After all, if Smash Bros. really was about the games, Pikachu would have been replaced by, I dunno, Charizard or Alakazam in the first version. But, no, he was the recognizable one, he was the marketing mascot. Television programs are far more popular than games ever get, with the exception of the classic mega-giants, Mario and Link. I never really did catch on to the unballed monsters saying their names over their cry, probably because I never really played many of them. But, of course I'm not happy to see that done with Kirby, or Pokémon, with my more than known opinion on the Kirby series. 2) Meta Knight is a much more detailed character in his design. He has armor, a cape, bands of metal. He has detail all over him. Kirby, regardless of resolution or graphical prowess, is still a ball. Yes, the seams on Mario's denim is stitched, and other details are finely addressed, but Kirby is just too simple in nature and appearance to add anything to. His body is always going to be a round, cartoon ball. There's nothing else to accentuate on him, and detailing one part while leaving the rest bare would give him an unbalanced appearance. That just wouldn't set right with, well, anyone, I'd think, not to mention look goofy. Merry Christmas, everyone! Now, I've got one question('cause I've practically run dry). 1)Have you ever thought that nintendo is running out of ideas for Kirby games? They've resorted to making updated remakes(though they're fun)! And do you think that they'll reintroduce the Dark Matter games or remake them? - Guest ![]() 1) Quite so, yes, I'd say. Like has been pointed out, this decade has had one real game. Then, Sakurai's departure botched things up, too. I really think they've been treading water and trying to meet status quo since. As for Dark Matter, as has been said, how many times? ![]() Uh... a million? A million. Shinichi Shimomura was the director responsible for those games and seems to have hold over those characters. I am making a kirby fan game. All I have left to do is program 02's moves for the final battle. However, I do not want to make him as easy as he was in Kirby 64, because he is a final boss. Any ideas for some final-bosslike, hard attacks I could give 02? Gotta dig that cool 02 music, too! Remember last time when I asked you about 02 sprites, and you said there weren't any? HA! Look at this webpage! - Luther the King ![]() 1) Well, seeing as you say nothing about what type of game it is, I can't really say anything about what type of attacks he should have. I guess the game staple "big, strong attack" for a final boss is a way you can't go wrong. But, really? The game is finished? That seems... unlikely given the 99% failure track record of Kirby fan games. 2) Yeah... do you see that word I put focus on in the URL you gave. I knew there was that sprite; I've seen it before. However, it's not a real, official sprite. It's something someone just poorly whipped together. Now, I could go your route and have a haughty chuckle at your gross incompetence, but I don't believe it's nice to laugh at the mentally challenged. First off, I'd like to wish you a happy belated 100th session (the movie was awesome) and a very merry Christmas Eve. 1. Your 100th session movie brings up a valuable question? Who's who in the Sun/Moon trio? Both the sun and moon can be bright and shiny, leading name identification useless. 2. In Session 108, I am a bit confused about your recalled creations answer; Did all the submissions get lost or were they as lame as Senior Noodle Arms? If my submission sucks, just tell me; I'd rather know I fail then be paraniod about if my submission (Hero Staff) ever even got to you! I thought of it in the winter of 2006! Oh, before I go, I got Ometon a Christmas present; a Strait jacket. This is not because Ometon is crazy or anything, but so that now he can be hugged without people feeling the pain of his spikes! Merry Christmas Rainbow Resort! - Sapphire Kirby ![]() 1) Mr. Shine and Mr. Bright are, rightfully, distinctive individuals and identities, but I just like acting like there's no real difference between the two. And- wait, the sun and moon trio? Since when did the duo let a third into their 2) No, nothing was lost. There were just a lot of... non-sense submissions. In truth, the sheer wave of "What were they thinking?" entries probably tainted some others that should have been slipped by, but since it was a junk contest anyways, I didn't really lose any sleep over it. Truthfully, I didn't even look at who was sending them in. I just glibbed over them and would yea or nay them. 3) Straightjackets don't protect against pointiness, at least not the stabbing pain from imaginary, miniature, Viking lemmings that attack me in my sleep to steal my toe nail clippings. You stated that a (supposidly) full list of the differences between Super Star and Super Star Ultra was already compiled by one Plas Durock, or something to that effect. Would you mind providing us with this list in hopes people would stop telling you things you already know (at least concerning this subject)? - SuperComputer276 ![]() No, I won't. People shouldn't ever have to tell me anything. Unless I slipped up and got something wrong, you ask and I give the answers. That's the format. It's my business to know things. What do you think I've been doing for the past six months? The reference to Plas Durock was just that all of the mentioned changes between versions by the alleged enlightener were already well documented and further documented before the game even hit shelves thanks to Plas' advanced copy. The think-he-was-something was covering algebra while Plas had already given lessons on trigonometry, and I've been on calculus for months now. It's my business to know things. Unless I specifically shrug to a question, then, for all intrinsic purposes, I do know it. Is it true you once did the mailbag? - Cubone King ![]() Yes, yes I did. Didn't you ever wonder why my/Squeaky Bogg's face appears over at that nick of the woods. About a year ago, about exactly, I fancy-pantsed up the submittal and bag creation procedure from the previous automated code constructor -- nothing. As thanks, they let me sit in on Mailsack #43. That's a long and drawn out process, though, working with other people. That's why I fly it solo. Well, i have, uh, KIND of some questions: 1) For the If... Writing contests, If you're having writer's block for the next one, i have some ideas for it-- Anyways, i have some real questions: 2) Do you think they should make an 'Enhanced Kirby game collection' (Like they did with Super Mario All-Stars)? 3) What the heck IS this Kirby Rush Duel i keep on hearing about? 4) Why don't you like ChuChu? I don't like using her, just curious. - Capsule J3 ![]() 1) Did I ever say I was having trouble? Did I ever hint at having any trouble thinking up ideas? No. I have have ideas, plenty of them. There's more than I know what to do with. The only problem I have is they're all ideas I think are interesting, and what I like ain't what the public wants. That's why the poll asks for what type the site goers want, and that's why part of the current is attempted to gauge people's area of focus. It isn't to give me ideas; it's to narrow down the pool. I didn't even read any of your suggestions just cut them out. Much like a movie producer, I keep other people's ideas out of my acknowledgement because, whether or not I had already thought up the idea and had it on the shelf for months (which I drew up the original slew of Interactive Fandom Contests six months ago), I don't want the false association. 2) Would I like if they did? Yes, 'cuz those decade old battery-backs are droppin' off. Will they do it? Probably not. As has been covered numerous times, they thumb-up the lotta powers titles and thumb-down the Dark Matter trilogies, which makes up a bulk of Kirby's platformers. They already remade Adventure and recently Super Star, which I don't think would group well with any other full games of Kirby's. Next up, Amazing Mirror is probably too new and too large to bundle. So, yeah. They have Virtual Console now, anyways. They don't need remakes or compilations. 3) Rush... Duel? I've never heard of it. In fact, the only mention of it I can seem to find is in some poorly written YouTube comment on a video not even about that. That could not actually be the name, which would making info-digging a lot harder to do. 4) 'Cuz she sucks. I don't feel like finding my past reasoning for a matter so trivial.
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Last Updated - December 28th, 2008 | |
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