Mario 1
Shoot a fireball to both sides. 3.
Jump up hit the target above you. 4.
Double jump up and hit the higher target. 5.
Double Jump again and do Mario Jumping Upper cut to hit the
highest one. 6.
Go to the ledge on the right side, throw the fireball off the
edge and it should hit the target. 7.
Jump on to the floating platform and hit the target. 8
Jump to the ledge on the left side. Jump off and hit the 2
targets while going down, and land on the lower platform. 10.
Jump off the left side of the platform, and do a Jumping
Uppercut into the last target.
Donkey Kong 1
Hit the 2 targets to the left and right of you. 3.
Jump onto the platform to the left and hit the target. 4.
Jump onto the moving platform and hit the target. 5.
Jump onto the platform above you and Charge Super Punch the
target inside the box. 6
Hit the 2 targets above you. 8
Jump onto the platform above you. Double jump and Super Spin
Attack to hit the 2 targets to your right. 10.
Jump off the platform and hit the target below you.
Link 1.
Hit the target next to you. 2.
Jump to the platform above you. Pull out a bomb and throw it at
the target to the left. 3.
Jump to the higher platform and then triple jump to the plat
form higher up to the left and hit the target. 4.
Jump to the platform the right. Pull out a bomb and double jump
to throw the bomb at the target above you. 5
Go down the hole to your left and hit the 2 targets. 7.
Smash threw the wall to your right to hit the blocked target. 8.
Jump to the platform above you then jump to the moving platform
above that and hit the target. 9.
When the platform is at it's highest jump to the ledge to the
left and hit the target. 10.
Triple jump to the right to hit the target.
Samus Aran 1.
Hit the target on the right of you. 2.
Jump onto the platform above you and hit the target. 3.
Jump onto the moving platform above you and hit the target. 4.
Jump to the left and hit the target that's in the air. 5.
Jump to the right and use Ball Bomb when going over the hole to
hit the target. 6.
Jump to the second to the far right platform and hit the target
above it. 7.
Jump over the hole to your right and use Ball Bomb to hit the
target. 8.
Jump and shoot your Charge Shoot to the right to hit the far
right target. 9.
Jump down to the lower platform and hit the target along the
way. 10.
Shoot your Charge Shot at the target to your left.
Yoshi 1
Hit the 2 targets to your left. 3.
Smash the target that's in the box to your right. 4.
Jump up the 2 platforms above you. Double jump to the higher
platform and hit the target. 5.
Jump to the moving platform to your left. When it's at its peak,
double jump up and use Egg Throw to hit the high target. 6.
Jump below the platform and hit the target. 7
Double jump over to the ledge on the far left. Double jump up
and try to hit the 2 targets with your Egg Throw. 9.
Get to the edge of the ledge and use your downward smash to hit
the target. 10.
Jump onto the moving platform to your right. Try to jump into
the triangular structure and hit the target.
Kirby 1
Hit the target to your left and above you. 3.
Jump onto the platform above you and hit the target. 4.
Hit the target to your right. 5
Puff up to the highest platform and jump onto the ledge to your
right. Jump down the hole and hit the 3 targets along the way.
After hitting all 3 targets land on the moving platform and hit
the target. 9.
When the platform is at the farthest to the left that it will
go, puff over to the inside ledge and hit the target. 10.
Puff as high as you will go then use Final Cutter to hit the
target on the left.
Fox McCloud 1.
Hit the target to the right of you. 2.
Double jump up to hit the target above you. 3.
Triple jump up to the higher target. 4.
Jump to the platform to the far right and hit the target. 5.
Jump onto the moving platform and hit the target. 6.
Jump on to the higher platform and then triple jump to hit the
target to the left. Land on the far platform. 7.
Jump down and Jetpack into the hidden target. 8.
Triple jump up in to the target. 9.
Try to shoot your Laser Blast through the moving hole to hit the
target. 10.
Jump off the platform and try to shoot your Laser Blast the
moving target below you.
Pikachu 1.
Use Thunder to hit the hidden target. 2
Use Electricity Attack once to your left and twice to your
right. 5.
Hit the target above you. 6.
Jump on to the platform to your right and hit the target. 7.
Jump onto the ledge to your right. Use Electricity Attack to hit
the target. 8.
Jump to the high platform to your left and hit the target. 9.
Jump off and hit the target. 10.
Go threw the hole and hit the target.
Captain Falcon 1
Hit the targets text to you and above you. 3.
Jump to the left moving platform and hit the target. 4.
Jump to the left and Falcon Punch thew the wall to hit the
target. 5.
Double jump up and hit the target. 6.
Double jump again and Falcon Punch threw the wall to hit the
higher target. 7.
Go to the far right platform and hit the target. 8.
Get to the edge of the platform and hit the target with Falcon
Punch. 9.
Jump up the 2 platforms a hit the target 10.
Jump off the platform and double jump underneath to hit the
Jigglypuff 1
Hit the targets to the left right and above you. 4.
Puff onto the platform above you and hit the high target. 5.
Puff onto the ledge to the left and land on it (if you don't
land on it, you won't be able to get back.) Puff to hit the
target to the left. 6.
Drop down between the 2 structures and land on the moving
platform. Hit the target. 7.
Puff to the lower faster moving platform and hit the target. 8.
Puff to the platform that is not moving. Puff to the higher
target and hit it. 9.
Use a combination of puffing and Thrust Punch to get to the far
ledge to the right. Hit the target. 10.
Jump off and puff around the other side of the wall to hit the
Luigi 1
Hit the targets next to you and above you. 3.
Triple jump up to the higher target. 4.
Jump onto the moving yellow structure. Triple jump up onto the
higher platform and hit the target. 5.
Jump over onto the far left moving platform and hit the target. 6.
When the platform is at it's highest triple jump up to hit the
target. 7.
Jump on to the lower platform and jump of the left side to hit
the target. Triple jump under to land onto the moving platform
to the right. 8.
Use Fireball to hit the target to the far right under the moving
yellow structure. 9.
When the platform is the farthest to the right, do an upward
smash to hit the target. 10.
Maneuver your way back to the top of the moving yellow
structure. Jump off the right side to hit the target.
Ness 1
Hit the 2 targets to the left and right of you. 3.
Jump on to the far left platform and hit the target. 4.
Use PK Thunder to hit the hidden target under you. 5.
Jump on to the platform above you and hit the high target. 6.
Double jump up and use PK Thunder to hit the hidden target in
between the platform above you (you won't see it when it hits,
but you will hear it). 7.
Jump back to the center structure and hit the target to the
right. 8
Maneuver threw the hole and use PK Fire to hit the 2 targets. 10.
Go to the top platform above you and jump down the hole to the
right. Hit the target along the way.