Kirby's Rainbow Resort > Ask the Gurus > Gobbo's Session #58 | |
Ask Guru Gobbo #58Every day to every other day to... every day and a half? Well, it's a weird schedule I keep, I know, but what? What nothing. Sense make? Probably not. - September 23rd, 2008 how do you save in kirby's block ball? - Kathleen ![]() Saving is performed instantly, as it is in Adventure or Dream Land 2 & 3. When you complete a stage, it automatically records your progress. Unless, that is, your battery backed memory has failed. In that case, you'll just always find yourself starting from scratch at every point of powering on and off. This happened to my copy of Amazing Mirror. Hello Bimblesnaff! I'm back again with more questions to keep the Gurus' Section a'rolling. 1) There are hieroglyphics in the boss area of Gamelioarm in Kirby Super Star that look like Kirby's And King Dedede's faces. What could these mean? 2) I've heard that King Dedede had a hatred for stars. Why could this be and when does he show it? 3) Jumpershoot, the Kasa-Obake miniboss from KDL2 and 3, needs to be in the new poll because he is also a Cyclops. He is also one of my favorite characters in Kirby. 4) Why do you think they went with the name "Milky Way" Wishes for the epic subgame in Super Star? Could it mean that Kirby's galaxy is within our Milky Way? 5) Looking at the Brawl picture of Meta Knight, would you say his real (bare) feet are black, while his traditional look has him wearing purple armored shoes? 6) In the Kirby anime, Kirby lives in a white dome-house. Is this a reference to one of his games, because I seem to remember a similar looking one somewhere...? Thanks again for answering my questions! Kirby's Super Star Ultra is out NOW! AWESOMENESS! - Dedede-Daimyo PS: Not that I want to push you guys or anything, but do you have any guess as to when the Fan Art Gallery will be back and running? I ask because this is the only place online I see worthy enough of displaying my art... no, I'm not really that cynical XD. Thanks also for the honor of the Fan Creation Showcase to me and others! ![]() 1) Long ago, two souls battled one another, but their conflict could not be ended in one cycle of life. Rather, their struggle would be reborn throughout the ages. Wait, no, that's some garbage from Yu-Gi-Oh (No one correct me if I'm wrong, I really don't care). Really, I do not think there is any meaning behind it. I think the more pressing question is why the pictographs have King Dedede as a cyclops and why the top row seems to have a Dark Matter eye. I'm sure one could speculate what it means until the cows come home and learn how to milk themselves, but, as I've said before, I often think that folks look for meaning where there is none. They probably just wanted to pad out the walls with iconic imagery. Besides, we really don't know just how old Dedede is, and there are more than one person that looks like Kirby, so it could just be some distant, not-really-related ancestor. The same thing would apply if there was a crudely drawn man on the wall. Is it me? No, just some guy. Kirby is a bit more identifiable, I know, but you get my point. Okay, maybe not. 2) Dedede does show several cases of going after stars. In Dream Land I, he stole the Sparkling Stars from the Dream Landers. In Dream Course, he stole away the night stars. Basically, the same deed again; however, this time, it was to keep the beauty of the stars all to himself. The same happened in Tilt 'n' Tumble, nearly exactly. Star Stacker kinda inferred that stars were robbed and were returned through stacking... kinda? That game really was loose on story, even for a Kirby title. In KiraKira Kizzu, basically "Super Star Stacker", the king blasted Mr. Star out of the sky with a cannon. Really, there are just a lot of star related plot devices since it was the first plot in the series. Also, it's so generic and easy to reproduce. He doesn't necessarily hate them. Rather, it's his love of their shiny nature that leads him to horde them to himself. Well, outside of the Mr. Star scenario. That one is due to him being a jerk. 3) I completely forgot about Jumper Shoot and the other one-eyed umbrella, Drifter. That's pretty sad, too, since I adore the parasol enemies. Of course, by now, it's already there, and you could look quite silly as long as I act like it's always been like that. So, all I have to do is make everyone forget that I ever acknowledged my wrongness in the first place. So, I can either finish my mass mind melter machine or take a nap. Well, I think we all know which outcome is more likely. 4) They likely went with that name due to it rolling off the tongue better. The original title translated to something along the lines of "Sending a Wish to the Universe". Yeah, not exactly speech friendly. Milky Way Wishes, now, at least has partial alliteration with the double W's. Of course, a lot of the names were truncated. Together with the Spring Breeze and White Wing Dyna Blade are... really about the only two examples of that. Regardless, Pop Star is countlessly described as being many, many light years away from our own planet. Milky Way just works better than, say, Galaxy Wishes. Of course, this wouldn't be the first time the series hit a celestial orientation related problem. 5) I would say that is a detail revealed with increased graphical prowess. Traditionally, Meta Knight has been shown with purple feet. Being all armored and knightly of the non-Keira type, it only makes sense that these are well guarded feet. Now, more mobile armor is made by plating a sturdier material, like leather or chainmail, with metal. This allows more movement at the joints. The masked swordsman can easily be placed in the category of speedy fighters. Of course, I've said that they all are wearing shoes, so I'd never say that the black was his foot color. Blue feet, black shoes, and purple plating. That's the way I sees it. 6) The dome shaped house has, to my knowledge, appeared in one game, Kirby Super Star. Upon completing Milky Way Wishes, regarded as the game's true end, Kirby can be seen napping lazily away through his star shaped window on his star shaped pillow with his star patterned sleeping cap. What's he dreaming about? Why, Star... sky & Hutch. 7) I really can't say when the Gallery will be back up. Right now, it's out of my jurisdiction. Blows, I know. Just when it was starting to get good. Really, tho', if it takes too much longer to get resolved, I'll probably rig something to at least display some of the finer pieces. And, you know, maybe let some favorites email me some new pieces to stick up there to tide us all over. And that, folks, concludes question two! no piture of Chao? based on what i've heard, Chao is from a different HAL game.As is samus, and the other guest charecters of Dream Land 3. just to let you know, Kine, Coo, Rick, and mabey Chuchu where in Piant Roller's drawings from Canvas Curse. - Rgijaba, self proclaimed evil geinus and lord of pudding pies ![]() Because I didn't already acknowledge the wide degree of cameo appearances in the Kirby games. No, I am very well aware of that. You see, I assume you mean official art for those characters for their appearances within the Kirby game series. Frankly, it's not my jurisdiction to know or find artwork for things outside of the Kirby series. For starters, I wouldn't even know where to begin to look. Frankly, tho', is it difficult to find a picture of Samus Aran? I mean, she's Samus Aran, c'mon. It'd be like asking for official artwork of Kirby. Really? A titular character? Can't find that on your own? You've never heard of Google? Finding official pics of some minor enemy from Amazing Mirror, that can be tough. The star of a game? Simplistic. You know, I got a good idea: get a hot air balloon colored pink with the little puff's face on it, and style the basket with Dedede's castle. Or better yet, they could've done that for that "Celestial Event"! And they could have some guy dressed like Dedede eating the Flogos!... ... Eh, also, nice interactive story booklet thing you've got there... I spent an hour on it and still couldn't find Kindar... *despair* Anyways, question: Does Rainbow Resort uh.... allow volunteer work or something like that? I mean, if they allowed various people to help with various things, it could be a lot brighter in here. We could have entire box-shot/manual scans for things lacking those.... plus I can work Flash a lot better than some people.... err... which is helpful? (I think I sound more like I want to join the staff, but that's not what I mean... I think.) (Ooo, I'm good!, right?) - Error Taxi ![]() 2) Yeah, I think we all know the deal by now. Do I still have to say it? ... Oh, fine. ... What? 1) I think the balloon thing would be hilarious. It'd probably confuse is not frighten people, particularly with the foam cannibal Dedede, but great none the less. 3) As for your actual question, I've always said that anything on the site can be fixed or assisted with for much appreciation. Box scans, booklet scans, manga scans, weird Japanese merchandise photos, whatever. Rainbow Resort is built on a platform of fans who are kneeling over and gritting their teeth to hold this bloated behemoth aloft. Help or contributions are never turned away... unless they are actually more damaging than beneficial. That normally doesn't happen, however, when the assistance is offered by someone as yourself, by which I mean types in complete sentences with proper grammar. Kirby Super Star Ultra came out! Where's the best place to buy it? - Kirby Kirby Kirby ![]() Um... Best Buy, I would guess. I heard horror stories about places like Game Stop or something like that not actually having the games on the day. Also, the big box seems to have the game for thirty bucks rather than the thirty-five some are trying to shill it out for. That's right, I care about five dollars. We decided to send in one question together. Anyway, what's your favorite word? Is it tho'? You seem to use that in at least every session. Also, is it normal for game stores to release a game the day after it is "released" according to Nintendo? That's what happened for us for KSSU, and apparently happened for many other people as well. - Zombom/Stewie ![]() 1) Obviously, my favorite word is anyhoo. Forget every session, I drop that bad boy multiple times in a single question! The official count, too, supports this with 'hoo getting 23 files versus the 21 from 'tho. However, I know there are some shocking results when looking for some pretty standard words. I apparently like to recycle phrases a lot. That's right, folks, I've the literary equivalent of a sprite comic. Copy and paste! Copy and paste! Wee! 2) I've been hearing that case a lot. It seems that no one really thought Super Star Ultra would be a door buster and were rather lax with getting it on the shelves. I'm sure a more "highly anticipated" title would have been stocked and locked well before the opening hours. Hopefully, there was enough folks pissed off to make them reconsider their handling of the Wii title, should it ever come out. This phrase recycled from Session #21. 2 things 1 why oh sweet meta knight WHY did they take out samurai kirby and megaton punch? why WHY 2 there are alot of rumors of SSBDS (super smash bros DS) being in the making(dojo, rumble ect.) do you know of any that might be REAL? - Party Boy PS WHY!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! PSS remember me? ![]() 1) Apparently, those two games are included, just hidden a lot deeper under the game's surface. Or, they may if people at some game boards are to be trusted. I can't say outright. The game makers couldn't just, oh, tell what games would be coming, no. But, I guess they had to keep some surprises under wraps. Spilling all the beans before the game even comes out makes it almost worthless to even play the game. I swear, tho', I really wish they would have solidified information as a lot facts were contradicted over the period leading up to its release. A lot I know were spoken here. I mean, they said there were twelve sub-games, then it jumped to fifteen, now I think the total is sixteen or seventeen? When you release facts, people, release them right and release them all. Otherwise, this spiral of garbage is performed. And, worse, I look like a fool. I should have stuck with my policy of just redirecting to the Super Star Ultra page and other official Rainbow Resort reportings to keep my nose out of the mess altogether. But, no, I had to give the facts as they appeared to be. I'll learn better for the next Kirby game. Thankfully, Wii is only in our imaginations. Ha-hah! 2) I have no such knowledge of anything to that effect, but I don't really follow Super Smash Bros. in the slightest. I mean, yeah, Kirby is in it, and now so are a lot of other Dream Land denizens, but the game isn't really about him. It's also not about Mario, Link, or Samus. It's a strange hodge-podge that took root and sprouted into a franchise of its own like some sort of tree with composite branches taken from other trees. This awkward gaming chimera pulls nutrients from the many shining titles of Nintendo while pulling nutrients from the fetid remains of lesser gaming titles through its roots. There's an analogy somewhere in there, folks, but I forgot where it was going. Game tree monster! Do I just sound more insane with each session? That's rhetorical. I already know. Anyhoo, after a quick looksie, it would appear that the real DS game, Super Smash Bros. Rumble is, as it stands now, a homebrew creation. There seems to be plenty of fake screen shots and box art, but anyone can easily make this junk with Photoshop nowadays. So, at this point in time, it is only real in the sense of being a fan's imagination. If it is real real, then it is still under wraps. Then again, Smash Bros. is really skirting my circle of knowledge. It's a hoop skirt, apparently, so that it can be round. By the session, folks. By. The. Session. 3) Yes, I do remember you, Party Boy. Oh, and abbreviation tip #2, it's et cetera, Latin for "and others". I use to shorten it as "ect." before I knew that, too. See, kids, Uncle Gobbo is both fun and educational! Well, okay, maybe not the first one much... or at all.
Repeat Response:
As a closing note, since Super Star Ultra has come out, a lot of things I've said have been, for lack of a better term, inferiorated or disproven. I mean, a lot. Facts are reported as they are when they are learned. These change many times over a short period. Why, the "official" number of sub-games fluctuated more times than I could count in the week leading to the game's official release. That, now, is all in the past. As of such, if there is some mention of, "Hey, you said this but now it's this", don't expect an answer. Stuff changed, the given information was wrong, but, at the end of the day, all that really matters is Kaboola. Da blimp is back, baby!
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Last Updated - September 23rd, 2008 | |
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