Kirby's Rainbow Resort > Ask the Gurus > Gobbo's Session #128 | |
Ask Guru Gobbo #128Here comes Squeaky Boggon Tail, hopping down the Guru trail, going hippity-hoppity all the way! - April 12th, 2009
1. Does Kirby have teeth? Occasionally, I draw him with teeth, (in my artwork on the KRR Fanart Gallery). But does he really have teeth? 2. What color are Kirby's shoes (yeah, I think they're shoes, I'm sure you'll hate me for thinking that) really? Are they red, or the purplish color that is occasionally shown. (I draw him with purple shoes.) - Kirazy ![]() 1) He does, in fact, have a set of chompers. Much like other Dream Landians, Kirby shows teeth in the mangas. Everything is crazy over there, but its also a lot more artistically liberal and capable. There's not much room on Kirby's sprite to fit anything like that in-game, and he's too busy with a cuddly smile to do a toothy grin. He actually does have teeth, however, although I do not believe they are used much since he tends to swallow his food whole. 2) Never dug through the old sessions, huh? Anyhoo, much like how Kirby's mouth varied in color as did what he liked to put in there, shoe hue is another minor change made to Kirby's character. I guess already being a bright, gaudy pink was enough trouble to stare at for the shows' duration. In a game sprite, you want distinctive, contrasting colors to help tell where your player is. In a show, character design tends to be more muted so it doesn't irritate the viewer. His shoes are really red. The animated series goes for more of a burgundy or maroon shade. Depending on how plum your purple is, that works, too. High..I took your advice and changed my name. I now sound so much awesomer. Anyway, I was just wondering that when NOVA tried to take over popstar for Marx, the sun and the moon teamed together to stop him. Why couldn't NOVA just used his magic powers to automatically take ver Popstar for Marx. I mean, he can bend time and all. Plus I took some of NOVA's wording into consideration. When he said the Galaxia Knight was trapped in the pat, maybe he didn't mean frozen in an ice block or sealed away in a past event. Maybe he meant he was frozen in a split second of time in the past. Of course this only opens up questions about when he was frozen, in both the actual second he was in or when the sorcerors or whatever caged him. Don't worry, crazy grows on you. Just ask Tripper. - Tripp Crazy ![]() 1) That's not how all-powerful works. You don't just do things like that. Sure, he can manipulate time, is giant, and all sorts of other stuff, but magic doesn't work like I Dream of Jeannie, where nods can make anything happen. It's more like the ol' crossroads deviltry pact. If you wish for a million dollars, it doesn't just appear. That money has to be taken from some source, be it insurance policy on a loved one or from a crime that the wisher gets pinned for. Sure, NOVA can make Pop Star kneel before Marx, but a planet-sized giant normally doesn't have two other celestial bodies to compete with in his wheelings and dealings. That's a monkey wrencher. 2) Way too much thought for a game where a balloon collects stars. He was frozen in time, meaning the temporal flow passed right over him. He couldn't act or age during this duration. The moment, in what exactly, or other details don't really matter much when you're breaking the laws of physics. He was out of commission; that's the home-driver. Hi there! I have a lot of questions and they are all about Kirby Canvas Curse: 1. I want to beat Kirby Canvas Curse 100%. I have 99,7% and beaten two subgames with level 3 rank A or AAA. If you beat a subgame, you will gain 0.2%. Then I'll have 99.9 %, I think. Do you get 100% when you get all medals? If I have to get 0.1%, how do I get it? 2. Is there an end in the subgame Block Attack? I was in level 64 and I've got an AAA while I could play further if I didn't die. 3. I've got a C in Paint Panic and I was in level 84 or something. How many levels are there? Maybe 100? 4. I always die in the end in Paint Panic (level 3). I always try to be quick but also good with drawing. It always goes well, till I'm at about level 60. Everything is in vice versa and I hate it! It takes 20 minutes till you're at level 80! Could you give me some advice? 5. I playing it for the second time and when I faced Drawcia, she was much easier than when you fight her again in the same file. Is she really much easier or is it my imagination? 6. Is there a better result than an AAA? Maybe AAAAA? Maybe S?(special) 7. What's the worst result? It's lower than F, I think. These were my questions! PS. Do you like DDDR or Metaroid? Just wondering! - Qtie4U ![]() 1) Yes, 100% includes obtaining all of the medals. You also need all the unlockable secrets. There's 250 of those buggers out there. Assuming you don't have them all, that straggling 0.1% could be the missing piece. That, or the numbers could round. They aren't really equally distributed or anything. Frankly, I'm surprised this title uses decimals as they tend to stick with whole numbers. I guess they had to in this case, considering the medal count alone would force them to a smaller unit of measurement. 2) Triple A is the highest score possible and an automobile service agency. The player is only required to get yay far through the endless challenge to be deemed satisfactory. Everything on top of that is just bragging rights. 3) The amount of levels is insignificant. You just need to reach a point total, this one being 36,000 points for an A ranking. 4) Yes, I bet it is hard. Don't know, personally. Try not failing? You also could be drawing too fast. Haste makes for more errors than a slower approach may avoid while still completing in a satisfactory time period. 5) Everything is always easier the second time around for no other needed reason than you know what to expect. Every game is like that. Their little sneaks and tricks are known. You already make defensive maneuvers before the attacks even come. Dark Matter was a pain to me in Dream Land 2, but then I learned to hit his shots and everything got much simpler. 6) "AAA" is the highest possible result, although a single "A" is all you need to get the satisfactory completion level to an event. They would have jumped straight from A to S rather than bloating a string of A's, I'd take it. 7) "J" is the worst result possible. And, you know, simply visiting Game FAQs could have more than easily answered all these questions. Which Kirby game do you think was the most influential to you? I think Squeak Squad's graphics (like the backgrounds. I'm one of those guys who admires the backgrounds way too much) and Super Star's music have made the biggest impression on me. I keep getting these weird, well, not images, feelings of some really beautiful places and.... nevermind. But they've influenced me a lot. Actually, I think this question would be better as "Which Kirby game do you think was the most influential to most players." Also, would you consider someone nuts if they seriously wanted to live on Popstar? Because I'm starting to scare myself... - Error Taxi ![]() 1) Super Star takes the cake as most influential of the titles, but I think you mean more of "inspirational" than influence. Obviously, there aren't much contenders in this running. Only games released this decade could even pack the awe inspiring graphics needed to stir up mood and impressions. As much as I love the clunky 8-bit graphics, they don't come any where close to the grandeur of a full rendered background. Dream Land 3, a 'tweener to the lot, had some nice ascetics, but it would only rank as "whimsical" on the scale and not "breathtaking". So, even though my experience ends at Amazing Mirror, I'd reckon that the added years and handheld device prowess would amp up the appeal more and give the cake to Squeak Squad. Which, when you think about it, is fitting. 2) Who wouldn't want to live on Pop Star? Candy is laying on the ground if it isn't the ground, mountains are made out of food, and you sleep all day on clouds. Plus, you'd be, like, a giant in that landscape so you could go Godzilla on the pipsqueaks. Of course, then they'd probably have a hero uprising to quell the evil "Bony Gigas" who terrorized their land and turn into a hardened, war-torn civilization devoid of merriment or beauty and thus defeat the very wonder you sought to enjoy in living there. Is that what you want, Taxi, to destroy their way of life by being a misunderstood giant? ... Okay, yeah, that one's not making it into your quotes list any time soon. Long time no asking questions, 'eh Uncle G? Well, that's about to change! 1)Wear do Meta Knight's wings come from. 2)Would Kirby make a good RPG? 3)Do you think a plant ability is a good idea? Bye now! - Kirbyfield ![]() 1) Meta Knight's wings are made from his cape. It has magical properties, apparently, to alter its shape and form, just like his sword switches from branched and straight-edge between gameplay and cinema scenes! 2) A Kirby RPG would be on the fence. Personally, I'd still prefer a tactical RPG. That could utilize a lot of the elements, like inhaling and shooting, at least that make Kirby be Kirby. If any foe could just be sucked up dead at any point in time in a standard RPG battle format, the game would be a little empty. However, fighting Kracko who spawns a bunch of minions for ammo or abilities would be a very tactical tactics game. 3) I'm old school and see it that copy abilities should come from an enemy and not just be, "What doesn't Kirby have the ability to do?" to fill out some sort of imaginary elemental spread. Plant isn't really anything. You can't just say "Have plant or not". There'd have to be good, founded reasoning to why plant was had. If it was "vine wrapping" or "petal shower" or "log chucking", more could be wagered on its worth, but just generic "plant" leaves a lot of openness. Only Super Star was Super Star. All the other titles spread out abilities from being one conglomeration of related properties. Now I have some questions of my own Bimblesnaff! Are you ready for this?! 1- Will you put up evry entry in the Knight contest? 2- Why are 2 of my entries not posted? Were they that bad? 3- Do you think 0 will make a comeback in the oh-so elusive Kirby Wii? - Kirbyzilla ![]() 1) It's already been said in numerous places that submitting an entry does not guarantee it will be excepted. 2) There's a difference between "bad" and "off mark". Believe me, there were some bad ones. Later into the contest, though, and especially for repeat submitees, I raise the bar on entries. Since yours were all fairly close within submission time (days opposed to weeks), I remembered that Chain Knight was of caliber X and the rest were of caliber X - Y. Also, you weren't a total pestering sniveler who kept resubmitting the same entry again and again until I got tired to it junking up the submission pool and just posted the third despite flawed knight. An easy to solve puzzle! Anyhoo, I'll cover this a lot more in the Finale wrap-up, but it basically came down to the underlying goal of the contest target being lost over the course of time. My upholding to this standard fluctuated over the weeks. 3) Legend of the Stars is supposed to have King Dedede as the big bad, and it seems he's legitly doing the wrong himself like the good oldest days. And, besides, I don't think 0 will ever return. Only have said that enough times. this is a stupid question but did the kirby game designers that worked on kirby adventure get the idea of copy abilities from the megaman games where after megaman beat a robot master he would get thier ability?like i said stupid question - Mighty Kid ![]() Mega Manning is actually a pretty common instance. Kirby, eating his foes, just took the next step to digest them. It can't be said whether this was directly inspired by Mega Man himself as the idea of power mimicry has been out there. 1. Why in KSSU does the helper start with five good jumps and then have an infinate amount of crappy ones? 2. In KSSU, if the helper strays too far away from Kirby, they'll come back to him as a star. But if Kirby's flying, they'll hold onto his feet, staining his flight,why? 3. Why is this sie called Kirby's Rainbow Resort? Does he stay here on the weekends or something? 4.Why are so many of the treasures in The Great Cave Offense references to other game series? 5. Does the parasol Waddle Dee sometimes hold count as an enemy? Because A. It harms Kirby AND give an ability, a combanation only enemies can have B. it gives a "blue power ball" to Meta Knight when he kills it and C. it can be killed 6. When Kirby discards an ability in KSSU when he already has a helper, it is an item. But when he gets the ability beaten out of him, it's a star. Is this just so the Helper can get a new power? 7. I think Galaxy Knight might be Meta Knight's father because they both wear a mask, so they both must be ashamed of their species and they have similar attacks( sending out the Knights, turning into a tornado, sword launching a hurricane). 8. In KSSu they Helper's death takes a looooong time after losing all HP. Is this just to give it an oppritunity for Kirby to itemize it or for Kirby to give it a new power or it running into a power giving baddie? 9. In Helper to Hero, why is Waddle Doo a different color then the helper Waddle Doo? - Tripp Crazy ![]() 1) They are not supposed to be able to freely roam like Kirby. However, compotent human players can easily work around this with rapid pressing. With my button press speed, I never even noticed a problem. 2) These are two separate and unrelated events. A helper does not have to star warp to Kirby in order to grab onto his feet. And, really, you didn't ask this one immediately following your question about limited helper flying and realize, "Oh, Kirby can carry the helper since they can't as easily carry themselves." This and the head rocket were special oversight features added to the game in order to help get helpers through levels. The oversight, now, was not realizing that its a lot easier to just warp right to Kirby rather than working harder to get from point A to B. Also, the air jumping wasn't as scaled back as it should have been. Something more like Chuchu's floating would have been more appropriate. 3) "Rainbow Resort" is the final and inspirational level from Kirby's Adventure that urged Kindar Spirit to make this site in the first place. Now then, change your handle to "Dip Crazy", 'cuz that's what ya is. 4) 'Cuz they are references to other games. Shock. The point of a reference -- to reference. Really, though, I don't think the stock counts as so many. It's not even a quarter, and they scaled back the references in Ultra. 5) Suggestion: leave to the boozin' to me and learn how to properly phrase a coherent question or master the nonsense word salad. Gotta do one. Don't fence sit. 6) A-duuuuuuuh. 7) Don't make me hurt you. 8) Refer to answer #6. 9) All of the helpers are a different color in Helper to Hero. Did you only play it with Waddle Doo or something, or do you just pay that little attention? Hello, Bimblesnarf. Sorry it has been a while; I haven't had any Kirby questions in a while and these are the only ones I could come up with so I can have an excuse to visit. 1. Kirby Wiki has listed names for the new extra mode characters for Ultra's Revenge of the King. Knowing that this is Kirby Wiki we are talking about, can these names be official? 2. If Animé Kirby's stomach is a black hole, how does he get so fat by eating the Nightmare Enterprises addictive potato chips? Shouldn't they just go to the alternate universe? WAIT! I got the answer! The Anime does not know the meaning of consistency or logic! 3. Is it ever stated in the games that Kirby's stomach is a black hole, or it implied? Like I said, I have no good questions to ask. - Sapphire Kirby ![]() 1) All the names have been known for quite some time. You can find them attached to their most commonly circulated sprite sheets. I don't feel like going there, but yeah, those are all right and proper. 2) Well, schucks. You've gone and beaten me to the punch, and you're darn tootin' right. 3) No, the games state no information ever about what happens to that stuff, largely as the games state nothing. Seen in the games, Squeak Squad only really, is that his stomach is some sort of large container that can be filled, apparently, by a number of bubbled items. It also has a star pattern on it. OK, could you give me an explanation on this Dark Matter thing? I haven't played the dark matter games. Remember a LONG time ago, when I asked you about the Kirby's evil thing? Well, he wasn't evil in Squeak Squad. Like Nightmare, he didn't MEAN to unleas Dark Zero! He didn't unleash it for his cake! WHAT MADE YOU THINK THAT? - CuboneKing ![]() 1) Yes, question specifics do help me understand what in the world it is you mean by that. You know what? Nuts to it. It's Kirby. Chances are whatever you want to know is as simply answered as "Dark Matter is a big blob of darkness that takes control of stuff since he's awful at making friends." 2) In Adventure, Kirby was working for the common good. His rampage was justified. In Squeak Squad, the puff was plowing through non-possessed, not under order citizens of Dream Land who were not trying to Kirby from reassembling anything to keep evil at bay, and all so he could get a piece of cake for himself. This is an entirely selfish motive, and that is the root of evil, care for one's own benefit. Pay attention. I've only covered that all the time.
Repeat Response:
And with that, merry Easter cheer all around, fueled by jelly beans, chocolate bunnies, marshmallow chicks, and other things that are food fashioned from tastier food. Take that, atheists. Go whine to science about your non-inclusion.
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Last Updated - April 12th, 2009 | |
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