Kirby's Rainbow Resort > Ask the Gurus > Gobbo's Session #64 | |
Ask Guru Gobbo #64To pick up the lack I've been pulling lately, a complete wipe of the question cache, including every last question from September. This month starts fresh. Well, stale, I guess, but, like, tomorrow, it's all October questions. - October 1st, 2008
Sorry I wasn't here for KSSU day but I got it! Too bad my DS malfunctioned. Oh well, at least the warranty gets me a free one. 1)Was the normal beam in the orginial? 2)Why didn't they change the Face to Face helper thing ...Seriously 3)Hover? and Spit? it's Float and Exhale!(I'm talking manual here) I'm also going to make fan comic version of my eventually Fan Fic. Don't worry it hand drawn because...I AM SICK AND TRIED OF THE CRAPPY FAN STUFF ON THE SITE!!!!!!!! but the fan art is good as always. And sorry it's so long and when are the old staff coming back(if ever.) - Kirby Star 10 ![]() 1) Of course. Beam is a grand power that tends to be any Kirby game that packs more than eight abilities. And, every time, they nerf it more and more. 2) The game makers love making people uncomfortable. Puff on puff action! 3) They never call actions performed by Kirby a consistent naming. Let's see, in Dream Land, it was fly and puff, Adventure had fly/hover and puff out, Dream Land 2 had fly and exhale, as did Super Star, The Crystal Shards, and probably most of them. There was fly and spit in Dream Land 3. So, you see, the names really are pretty motley over the years. Hover is nothing new, and even spit has come up before. They've seemed to congeal to a trend, and it's odd that they break it now. 4) Yeah, I know there's a lot of bad fan stuff on here. I'm soon planning on making a "standard" that submissions have to be better than to make it on to the site. It'll even be for all mediums. Hand draw? No crooked scans or lined paper. Sprites? Give it a background and no horrible MS Paint scribblings over top. Et cetera. 5) Silly boy. The old staff are phantoms, ever present despite not being here. Didn't you learn anything from story book time? Ahh, anyway, I'll get right to the point. I'm fully aware about your no-DS situation, but here comes another KSSU Question. It's spoilerific, too, so anyone who doesn't want to be spoiled, look away. *Shifty Eyes* Why, in the FMV, would they have Galacta Knight's wings white, while in the actual battle, in his sprite form, his wings are a sort of dark purple or something? I have a theory, - (Last-minute design change, and they forgot to fix it/didn't want to pay to fix the FMV) - but I'd like your input. - Deraj ![]() This falls right in line with the sword change. Meta Knight has a branched blade in the FMV but switches to his game standard of a straight, flat edged sword during game play. It's not uncommon for different graphical departments to not synch up their work. It happens a lot sometimes even without the separation of departments. Last minute changes, different development times, one depiction working for one version but not the other, there's all sorts of reasons, but, in the end, it's just sloppy workmanship. um i have a few kssu questions. 1. what is the new heavy lobster song the new "marx soul" a reference to drawcia soul and 3. is what is galacta knight and his theme - Dededededededede? ![]() 1) The theme song is ... a ... song. If I've said it's too early to know enemy names in the game, then I certainly won't know the music's. 2) I think it's less to do with Drawcia and more to do with reanimation. 3) Galacta Knight was the most powerful warrior in the entire galaxy who had to be sealed away since people feared his power. This doesn't really make sense, however, since Meta Knight beats him and Kirby beats Meta Knight all the time. So, in effect, Kirby deserves the galactic championship belt, not Meta Knight. In a previous session, you mentioned that "T.A.C." doesn't stand for anything- it's just Cat backwards. This may mean something, or this may just be a piece of pointless trivia... But I noticed something. I bought Kirby Super Star Ultra, and I saw a T.A.C. in the game. I inhaled it and turned it into a helper, and than I noticed... Where it said it's name, it was just "TAC", by itself, with no periods... Did they remove them? Were they too lazy to add the periods in it's name? ....did they forget? ...Hm... Well, weird anyway... Well, either way, I this this constitutes a bullet on trivia on the Wiki... "In Kirby Super Star Ultra, T.A.C.'s name is displayed as TAC, with no periods. The reason is unknown." ...or something along those lines. ...meh, anyway, see ya! - m190049 ![]() You don't necessarily have to put periods inside an abbreviation. A lot of times, you can just stack them together as capital letters, like seen in NASA or the NAACP. Why, just a bit ago in this session, someone used FMV without periods. You can put them there, but there's generally no point. Also, it types out faster. As for the entry into the Kirbypedia, I think it would be more fitting as a dependant clause somewhere in the top part, just noting, "sometimes spelled TAC". Three little words. It's barely trivia, and the game that appears in isn't necessarily specific as it could be repeated and may have already been. Frankly, this is the type of minor nuance that I don't even think is worth even putting down. To me, it's just, "Yeah, they spelled it without dots. So? That means nothing." Now, about those two things(Nega-Bogg and negatively colored 'Bogg): That question was to see if you could be encouraged to make more Squeaky Bogg Icons. To me, the selection is starting to get dull. That, and I kind of expected you to say, "Isn't Squeaky Bogg negative enough?". Now, a question: Have you ever thought of making a 'Bogg icon with GIFs? - Guest ![]() Dull? That's what I've thought since day one. That's why, come sometime between Session #66 and #69, he shall pay! Er... right, shadowy stranger. Anyhoo, the Squeaky Bogg icons are GIFs, or do you mean animated GIFs? Or patchworking them together out of other GIFs? Well, probably not that one. Regardless, I do have two animated Bogg icons, just not sized appropriate for use here. I make things with the dial-up user in mind. These icons are low memory and load out with no drag, which the rest of the page more than counters. Why didn't you enter Squeaky Bogg in the Animal Friend Contest? I bet he would have won if you did! - Super Samus Kirby Star ![]() I made the If You Could Make an Animal Friend contest, so that wouldn't make much sense. Additionally, it's Animal Friend, a symbiotic tag team partner for Kirby to adventure with. Bogg is more in lines of a helper or Gooey, an autonomous being who operates independent of the first player. The examples that I did offer were suppose to represent plausible pals and mobility methods. Bogg wouldn't really sit on Kirby or let him ride on his back. That'd just be weird. I'm answering the kid noticing that the guy T.A.C. looks like he has the middle finger out. Well since I just got the game I noticed he actually has his pointing finger out y'know when he charges. HEY GOBBO HOPE YOU GET KIRBY SUPER STAR ULTRA SOON 'CAUSE IT'S AWWWWSSSOOOMMMEE!!!! - Peyton ![]() Well, there you go. I thought it might have been a case of finger misidentification. And now you know, and knowing is half the battle. G. I. Joooooe! Before I ask anything, why did you answer that question about "Take a Walk Across Total Oblivion" (the name of the story) question with Ometon saying "...What?"? I realy want to know how to get there! 1. What's the name of the rolling Shotzo things in Kirby Super Star and Kirby Super Star Ultra? 2. What did Jukkido do in the anime? I'm assuming he was on of the many kiddnapped (I hope, they're too cute to want to be evil) folk undergoing training to become a demon beast. 3. What did Mumbies do in the anime? 4.Is "Mumbies" multible Mumbie? Or is it just their name, plurel and sigular? 5.If it's not too much to ask, will you show us ALL of you icons for Squeaky Swamp Boggo and Ometon? 6.Are all my many questions anoying? 7. When are you and Ms.Boggo getting married? About that, Bronto Burt's a bully, so I don't think he should fly in dropping flowers... he could ruin the Blopper cake or crash the wedding or some thing. P - Rgijaba, self proclaimed evil geinus and lord of pudding pies ![]() 0) ... What? 1) It's called Motoshattso, which I assume comes out as something like "Motor Shotzo" to reflect its mobility. 2) Jukkido cute? Now I've heard everything. Anyhoo, Jukkido is just another of the faces shown quickly in the Cowardly Creature episode at Nightmare Enterprises training, just like Mr. Frosty and Poppy Bros. were. 3) Mumbies was an ancient hunter designs specifically to take out Star Warriors. It was found by Prof. Curio and, once awakened, would stalk Kirby every night. The chase would end at day break since sunlight was its weakness. It had many different abilities than it had in the games, including a gas attack, the ability to eat and blast, and it could tire prey by making them look into its glowing eye. That's a long way from something that just couldn't be inhaled. 4) Mumbies is the singular of its name. I assume the plural is either still Mumbies or Mumbieses. 5) It is too much to ask, yes. I've plopped them all out before and, since I haven't added to the number recently, don't feel like throwing them all out again. 6) Eh. 7) Ms. Bimblesnaff, apparently, is already married to me, at least that is the story she spins. That's why she spoke of our wedding and everything. As for the Burts, you obviously don't know the recipe for a good time! Or, maybe that's a disaster. Well, both are good. I've got a very cute sprite sheet or Kirby and my animal companion send in, Sammy the Metroid. How can I send it in? - Samus Kirby ![]() Typically, you'd just email such a thing to me. Dedede-Daimyo didn't even use the submission feature and circumvented it with a well detailed email and attachment. Of course, Dedede-Daimyo is awesome. Unrelated, your case is more "Is it acceptable?" than "Who do I send in pictures?" Trans-series creations aren't on the table for the Animal Friends. Yeah, I know that Samus and Metroids were in Dream Land 3, but this is suppose to be creativity with the Kirby series, either utilizing characters in it or introducing new ones. Borrowing is less inspired. Also, the contest has supposedly been over for weeks now. I finally got around to ridding that submission link. hi this is 888chilly apparently im changing names for today but i have a question about kssu but im notsure you can find the answer what is marx soul and what does it look like btw wow in one of my previous questions iasked what you think what revenge of the king is and i was amazingly right o_0 - TAC Kirby ![]() Marx Soul is Marx reborn. He is recreated as a sort of super Marx. Visually, he isn't too different. His tongue hangs out, his coxcomb is tipped with spiny balls, and his hue is shifted. Previously opinionated, I think he's more like a "Marx' Revenge" than a "Soul" form. He gains a handful more attacks but, for the most part, just seems to be a super version of the old Marx. As for a picture, you can easily find footage of him on YouTube, probably by just searching for "Marx Soul" or "Kirby True Arena". No links given as I like to keep my hands free of that filth. *Twinkle Twinkle little bat. How I wonder what your at.* Anyway, Mad Hatter and the March Hare said there was a rumor that in Meta Knightmare (KSSU) you could summon Sword and Blade for help. Is this true? If it is, they'll go mad, simply MAD! They love Sword and Blade! - The Dormouse P.S. "A very merry unbirthday to you!" - The March Hare ![]() No, you summon Sword Knight and Blade Knight to your aid, not "Sword" and "Blade". These are distinctly different characters, by right. For starters, the prior are cool. It is one of the four "touch screen abilities" the masked warrior gets. It's basically his way of summoning a helper, but since he lacks the ability to get abilities, they just took care of it this way. Blade Knight already was the helper for the Sword ability, after all, so they just added Sword Knight to the mix to keep things interesting (summoning the same thing again and again would be lame) and as a nod to the animated series. Ever answered eight questions at once before. Yeah, I didn't think so! ^__^ #1 Why is it that in the great CAVE offensive there are clearly places outdoors, like in the Garden area, and in the jungle areas in the beginning. Also why are there crystal houses, and a giant evil tower? #2 Do you think that Kirby Super Star Ultra was the last Kirby game for the DS? #3 Is there any hope of the animal friends returning, not in tiny cameos like in KCS, and KSSU, but as a ful length main plot? #4 If Gooey is made of Dark Matter, why does he have two eyes, aren't Dark matters supposed to have one eye? #5 Why does Kirby go after Dynablade in Kirby Super Star Ultra. There is absolutely no explaination about it. Kirby sees Dynablade, and chases after him. #6 Waittt... is Dynablade a boy? I really can't tell. #7 Do you think the ability paint will ever be relized as the awesome potential it is? Kirby could paint little helpers, he could draw lines, and roll on them, and could slash his brush, he sould throw ink blobs... #8 Kind of off topic... What is your favorite Squeaky Bogg icon? Mine is definatley the one where Squeaky Bogg is getting punched, and an orange shockwave is around him! - Theorizer ![]() 0) No, I have. In fact, I think I've answered more than that from one questioner at a submission, much more. I think Chimera holds the record at twenty-two or something, a feat that if imitated shall result in immediate death of the questioner. 1) It's Land of the Lost sydrome. Underground, there's all sorts of oddities. The cavern is so expansive, that it actually has enough gases to produce what looks like an outdoor sky. Really, all it takes is some grouped, thick fumes to create the illusion. The towers and houses are left over ruins from a subterranean civilization that liked to build things, obviously. They couldn't find a way out of the hole so made due. 2) I don't think it will be, assuming they make any more Kirby games, which I think they will. Kirby had, what? One real title on the Advance? He's already had two on DS, and I don't think Nintendo is anywhere near done with their innovative system. They shouldn't, shouldn't, be done with this system for at least a few more years. I think they can at least squeeze one new Kirby title in there. That's the problem, however. New title. It's no longer the golden '90s for Kirby but the turbulent post-millennial age where the father has left the son to fend for himself with only the help of an adoptive family that doesn't really love the child and only took him for the government compensation check. 3) I've said before that I didn't think they stood much of a chance of resurfaces, but recent signs seem to be pointing towards the possibility being more likely. Their appearance in the Kirby Card Swipe shocked me, as did Dark Matters, since those characters seemed roped off limits. I know that they were doodles in Canvas Curse, but that wasn't a platformer. Ultra is about as mainstream as a Kirby game can get, and they through the pets right out there. That and the stackability of helpers in the is it ever coming out Wii title seems like a good foundation for a return of the pets. However, this would cramp Kirby's new style, so it's complicated. I can't really call the future. I'd like to see them again, I think they could make a real game with them, but new games haven't had the easiest of times getting made with Kirby in them, unless they're Super Smash Bros. Really, so long as Shinichi Shimomura isn't in the decision chair, if he's even alive, I truly believe they won't get another shot in the games. 4) Dark Matter is also black and evil while the goopy one is blue and good. Gooey differs from his lineage in a lot of ways. Also, if you look to Zero Two's pre-fighting form, it has two eyes and a goofy smile. Granted, this vanishes quickly, but perhaps it is a glimpse at what good evil looks like? Does that make any sense? No, probably not. It is largely just pulled. 5) From what I've seen in the intro video for Dyna Blade, which is just like the original, a top speed flight swoops by, causing total destruction to the scene. Kirby follows in suite since that's the culprit. 6) Dyna Blade is a mother, so that should make her a female. I don't know where Daddy Blade is. She probably fed him to the young or he got sacrificed in some other way. If she took that much food to keep those three chicks fed, I can't image what two full grown monster birds would take. 7) I do not believe Paint will ever become anything more than a one-time ability. All of the creative stuff it could do would require such a complicated system to manage it, that it would warrant its own entire game. Now, if, let's say, a fabricated "Dream Land 4" for the DS uses the touch screen for power activation and execution rather than just management. If they already included such things as more skillfully directed fire breath, precision cutters, and the like, then I could seem them tossing in a more painterly Paint power that would allow drawing things. Until then, of if then really, I think the Power Brush from Canvas Curse is all that we'll get. 8) Shockwave? That's a pow mark, not a shockwave. Shockwaves are more rounded. The dips and points belong to the classic pow mark. Anyhoo, my favorite is Evil, which is why I'm trying to get it on some merchandise. Hey, I'll buy it. I already have a shirt with the classic Tisthy Monsters on it. I'm wearing it right now. Okay, back in Session 63, (Depending on when you answer this question) you mentioned "paint" ability or something. What are you talking about? (And I haven't come across it in KSSU. Which by the way is WAY to easy. But still good. I've already beaten the TRUE arena 3 times.) Also, there has been implications of the SSB series screwing up data from the Kirby Series. Do have any examples you could share? Thanks Sincerely, - Prince Flarema ![]() 1) Paint is, by far, the least known about ability. Like I said before, I could never even find out how to find it, thinking it something only obtainable through the mix. Of course, I had years of playing Super Star non-ultra to find and learn about it. I'm sure mention of it now is just unexpected. 2) Super Smash Bros. does like to get its information wrong. A lot of it has been said here. Bronto Burt is slated as a "bird" while clearly being an insect. Fire was said to have been combined with Burning in Amazing Mirror. ghaljsljshsheuco. The greatest blunder is the fact that the game claims Kirby to be 8 inches tall while having him go past the knees of the other players. Just how short are we to believe Mario and Hyrulians are? Sup. (not trying to be cool or anything...) Does the cappies or Kirby have a certain religion and celebrate different holidays? - Kirby Kirby Kirby ![]() The Cappies did seem to hold a certain, giant tiki head with some regard, which seemed a little odd since that sort of boat floats with more of an islander society. Really, about the only special days I recall are the one's that King Dedede instituted, normally making them about himself and praising him. In the Kirby Wii game which hasn't been realesed yet, the trailer on youtube shows bomb kirby with a party hat instead of a blue santa hat, is that true? - Bob ![]() If it is so, it'd be fully understandable although really stupid. The blue "santa hat", better known as a stocking cap, similar to a night cap, is exactly what the Poppy Bros. wear. It makes sense that, when Kirby gets a power, he puts on that characters hat. See Super Smash Bros. for several examples. However, one of the things they are trying to do in Kirby is make abilities not palette swaps of others. While Plasma, Fire, and Ice all use to have the same hat, they were changed in the recent Ultra game to be unique. Sword and Bomb, however, still shared the same hat. Now then, Bomb deserves the blue cap as it is linked to who gives you the power. Sword had its hat since, well, it was the closest thing they could get to a Link hat. By right, if one had to change, it should have been the Sword hat. However, in the Wii title, the Bomb granting foe is no longer Poppy Bros. Jr. Oh, no. Instead, it is some tiny little clown guy on a giant ball. Since this wears a clown hat, that is what hat Bomb wears. That's a shame in my book. I mean, Bomb was made because of Poppy Bros. Now, all that gets swept under the rug. Lame. Needless to say, I hate the clown hat. A repeated notice: don't say, "Oh, this stuff about Super Star Ultra, mini-review of the game." That's really not a question.
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Last Updated - October 1st, 2008 | |
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