Kirby's Rainbow Resort > Ask the Gurus > Gobbo's Session #141 | |
Ask Guru Gobbo #141Ready for more pressing, challenging, and insightful questions that will leave you fulfilled and feelin' better about life? So am I. Until then, enjoy these rocks that were mistaken for diamonds. Also, enjoy the amazingly large Repeat Response at the end of the session. You won't actually enjoy it, but I want to draw attention to it since there's almost as many questions there as in the main body today. Yeeee! - July 20th, 2009
What is Kirby's newest copy abilitie? - Cutter Kirby ![]() There's so much inherently wrong with this question. First of all, the copy abilities pretty much are rolled out in waves, not one at a time, with the release of a new title. So, there wouldn't be one but a plethora. Second, how is that hard to on this site? Just jump to the newest (actual) game, Squeak Squad, and go to the Abilities page. Not hard. But, no, I have to try and actually salvage this since Cutty sure isn't offering the assist. Rightfully, the newest ability known of for Kirby to copy is in the when is it coming out Wii title. At least, it's the only one in the game that we know of that is new. Everything else seen is recognizable. That's not saying that some other new ability couldn't pop up should the game ever be released... finally. Anyhoo, the ability is Water, and I'm pretty darn certain that it isn't Bubble. I've noticed that when Kirby has the Parasol ability in Kirby's Dream Land 3, he doesn't float gently down when falling. Why doesn't he do that in the game? - Torkirby ![]() It does, actually. That's a trademark of the ability. Even Kine displays it, although he is the only Animal Friend to do such. However, the slow is no longer instantaneous. The player must press up in order to catch the air and drift gingerly. This is opposite from how it normally works, having down on the cross pad hit to opt out of the safe landing. I guess they felt that forcing the float impeded play and made the ability undesirable for everyday usage and put that feature on a per request basis. It's sort of like how the Parasol wouldn't instantly deploy while the ability was had. One had to use it after taking damage or entering a new scene to even have the tool out overhead. It seemed the game makers wanted to change a lot about the Parasol as even how it was utilized while ducking was changed to a frontward tilted guarding. On Kirby SuperStar Ultra, in Revenge of the King, why did Kirby gather those stars? I know they saved his life with the star chariot and all, but there's really no way he could have known that would happen, and getting the stars really just slowed him down. - Locoroco1 ![]() People, this is why you aren't supposed to go off on giant, off-base tangents. Leave that to a professional such as myself. This is also why I reserve the right to point, laugh, and belittle questions. You are crazy all over that mess, Loco, but, as stated, it's a mess. You could have just stopped it after the first sentence, but you had to go and put your own spin on the matter, didn't you? The problem is, unlike my professional rants and raves, your connections are curving far off the pages and tie together no dots. I think you're putting too much focus into all the wrong parts rather than just simply taking the matter for what it is. Revenge of the King is an amped up version of the Extra Game from the original Dream Land. Then, it was the original game on steroids, all the same levels and baddies only with more bite. The goal was exactly the same as the first play through: King Dedede stole the Sparkling Stars and food of the inhabitants and it was up to Kirby to get them back. To make sense, these replays of the simply first time through have the King "mean business" and pull out all the stops on his evil endeavor. Henceforth, King Dedede stole the stars again. Henceforth, Kirby must collect the stars again. Henceforth, the stars are reclaimed for the same reason as before. It is, after all, just King Dedede repeating his prior caper. Kinda missed the forest from the trees. Or, however that goes. I dunno. I'm a fake Kirby expert, not a fake expression originist. how did sweet stuff (the angler fish) get his name? - GameQube ![]() As the mighty Dedede-Daimyo pointed out, due to Stuff's form and lack of specific mention to the contrary, Sweet Stuff is a female angler fish as that's the only type that actually angles. Males are about a percent the size and become basically parasites on the females. Plus, that name just sounds like it's for a chick. Well, I've stalled enough. In case you couldn't get a hint, I really don't know. No one ever touches on why the fish is named the way it is, at least that I've found. I have the theory that it's some sort of irony thing, either that the monstrosity is so ugly or, maybe, is foul tasting. Giving it a name like "Sweet Stuff" is kind of a joke. Someone correct me on this. Daimyo? what game was the height of kirby's greatness in your opinion? this is a stupid question but were the mario charachters in spring breeze the real ones or what? i know it was a cameo crossover but after the the whole dr.slump and dragon ball thing i never consider the crossover characters to be the real ones. why can't kirby copy abilities in milky way wishes was it just to deluxe things or was there a real reason? thanks if a kirby game isn't a plateformer game like the original game does that mean it is non canon - The Grand Lord Of Waren ![]() 1) Back when Super Star came out, the first time, was definitely a pinnacle of his career. It was his first platforming venture into 16 bits, and it came out right in the blitz of his yearly-or-more game releases. Being a major system and what many argue was the best in the series, it was certainly his year. Right after here, his games sorta trickled out. They were still great, no doubt, but this was certainly the apex of his jump shot, and then he landed in a pool of water and forgot to press A. 2) It's a cameo. You aren't supposed to think of it like that. It's just a fun little "Hah! There's Mario!" It's just like when Samus Aran was in Dream Land 3 along with all those HAL game characters who, by all right, should have been a lot taller in comparison to the eight inch Dream Lander. 3) The lack of copying was simply Milky Way Wishes' game gimmick and nothing more. 4) Much like the prior cameo question, it's Kirby. You don't take what happens in it with much weight. After all, this is the game that reshaped Pop Star about every game. They don't care about consistency, they don't care about back story, they don't really even care about any story. If they happened or not, what would it really change in the grand scheme of things? A few instances of King Dedede being selfish? That'd stand no matter what, although it would have helped his gradual improvement in character a little. Point is, it's Kirby. You aren't supposed to be taking it that seriously, especially when it doesn't affect the outcome of anything anyways. i think kirby games should have autosave 1) it has the rights to have autosave 2) replaying at 0% is junk! - Pingas ![]() There's, yes, one Kirby game that doesn't save automatically, and that's the very first Kirby game that doesn't even have saving of any kind. And, in that case, it's too short to warrant saving anyways. Have you even played a Kirby game before? Unless they changed something in Squeak Squad, then all them do save upon the completion of a level. They aren't going to save in the middle of a level, so they have to choose some logical point. You know what, I take it back. Great Cave Offensive has nonautomatic saving as it lacks these clear-cut terminals, so there are actual save points. This question is like saying "Kirby should be able to copy his enemies' abilities!" Novel idea, really. I'm sorry I had to waste everyone's time with this garbage. But, really, what do you expect from a lackwit who dubs themselves "pingas"? Obviously nothing thought provoking as his mind is void! Hi. I've been going through your sessions, and I saw a couple of mistakes on ur answers. In Session #23, Scarlett asked how many colors Meta Knight's eyes. But you missed two! Orange for surprise and White for super serious. Look it up if you don't believe me. Also, in Session #28, Darocoth asked why Kirby was an NME monster and Meta Knight was not. But he is an NME monster! Both Meta Knight and Kirby are star warriors, and star warriors are monsters created by Nightmare, but rebeled against him. So Meta Knight is an NME monster too. Sorry to bother you, but these were bugging me. Also, a real question! I know Meta Knight's not ur favorite character(I hate his Mexican accent too), but why is that? Why do not seem to like him too much? - MetaKnightRoxMySox ![]() 1) Yes and no, to me being wrong. I'm not the expert on the animated series by any respect. Ivyna J. Spyder is/was. Why do I drag her name into this? All I did was reference the information from our Meta Knight in the Animé article. I assumed she had it up to snuff without any holes. I never question anything she ever says on the topic as she is the most knowledgeable and all encompassing force on the matter. Apparently, she's not that mighty after all. 2) Meta Knight is not an NME monster. The Star Warriors are not all rebelling creations of his. This is wholly unsubstantiated lies. I see that appears over at Kirby Wikia with, the what should never be said in an official article word, "probably". Yeah, that's factual. No, this is never said. Ever. In fact, if all the Star Warriors were made by Nightmare, why would it be of any special mention that Kirby was one of his creations? Talk about diluting the meaning! Of course, the whole concept of Star Warriors is rarely understood in a proper manner. No one has put more thought onto the matter than Ivy J. as can be seen in her dissection of Star Warriors and the Galaxy Soldier Army. It seems a lot of people make wrong assumptions about what one is, who is one, and their differences. People fill in a lot of blanks that do not come from anything stated and carry it on as fact. This is poison to the sketchy at best back drop they made to put this legendary title on. The only way it would make sense for Meta Knight to be a creation of NME would be if he was the rebellious creation instead of Kirby. Why it was left kinda vague, Ivy jumped through more than enough hoops to nail that coffin shut, mostly in Ivy #24. Again, folks, she's the expert on this stuff, not me. I couldn't care less about the animated series or their horribly askew back story, but she seems to have her facts lined up like ducks, and I'm not questioning it, yet I seem to be making a very sizable run on sentence, so take any beef and ham up with her. 3) Meta Knight is overrated, over-hyped, over-pushed garbage who lost all meaning and greatness years ago when they gave the sinister puffball a turn from heel. Besides, who rocks sox? Only b0xx0rz can be r0xx0r'd. You're gonna have to start wearing them. Who runs the "sounds menu" and whats thier email? - Aaron ![]() Mega Warp is the bloke in charge of the Sounds area, by technical right. Hence forth, that's why his recognizable initials appear as the individual responsible for last updating the page as well as being given credit to that effect on Site Staff page. Well, okay, so it's just a blanket Multimedia heading, but you can see how it's all shoveled in the same pile. His email address appears there, as well, in full spam-protected glory so I shan't be replicating it here just for sake of ease (on my part). How do you get the kirby right back at ya theme song in mp3 format not avi, or is there any way to convert the one you have on this website? (avi) - ??? ![]() If you mean the Hoshii no Kaabii theme song, which I doubt you do, then this site has a plethora of options for it, which could be found using the prior question's link. However, I'm pretty sure you mean the American theme song. Oddly, this site and the internet seem greatly devoid of such a file, at least easily findable. If you do bit torrents or other such, then you get your pick of them, but I'm not vouching for such things. As for converting AVI to MP3 files, did you ever try Googling it? They give one more than a fair share of free options for such. You think typing a short something into Google for an immediate response would be a lot easier than typing more and waiting for it. Which Milky Way Wishes ending do you consider canon - the KSS one (in which Marx and NOVA collide in a huge explosion and then the credits roll), or the KSSU one (in which Marx becomes Marx Soul and Meta Knight reanimates NOVA in order to make his wish)? - Love Parallelogram ![]() You're question is wrong, actually. You ask which Milky Way Wishes ending is the right one, but there is only one ending to that sub-game. It's the same in both version. Ultra just has more happen afterwards. Therefore, the two in no way conflict with one another. All of those other events purely happen isolated in Meta Knightmare Ultra and The True Arena. How do those conflict with Wishes if they are different games, exactly? Repeat Response:
Last Updated - July 20th, 2009 | |
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