Kirby's Rainbow Resort > Ask the Gurus > Gobbo's Session #147 | |
Ask Guru Gobbo #147The ebb of time tells us that history repeats. There was a great reduction in number of Repeats, and then it spring boards back up. That's a verb, why not? Otherwise, question-answers. That's a happening, why not? - September 23rd, 2009
Aha! If I already know as much as you about Kirby, I have but one reason to be here ("here" being Ask Gurus): to correct your minor mistakes and, in this case, inconsistencies. In your rant about Meta-Knight, you said he was bad to the bone in his first two appearances (Adventure and Super Star), and turned good due to the anime screwing him and all Kirby. But in your third gurus session, you stated that MK was good throughout. What's the final verdict on this? - XionGaTaosenai P.S: when I was typing this, "anime" didn't register in my spell-checker. That made me happy inside. ![]() It makes us all smile. Yes, that is one of my inconsistencies. I've gone on many instances after that to dismiss that comparatively short statement with much fuller and precise logic, even stating how the notion of Meta Knight acting out of good is a retconned delusion. Back when I first started this gig, I tried to call everything as clean and to the books as I could. I didn't want to "shake the boat" with my own opinions or views. So, when blind fan girls came by and tossed up touchy Meta Knight questions, I just tried to call it down the line and use the "traditional" view on it. Then, I stopped caring and called it as I wanted. You can easily see that there's a lot more to the "was bad" then there is to the "always good" theory. Keep in mind, I saw other notable early questions like "shoes" and "Ado/Adeleine" as no-brainer, clear-cut issues and didn't think nearly as much ruckus would be raised from such obviousness. 6) In addition to the above, do you think that there's a reason behind Darkmatter's change in color/ appearance throughout the Shimomura Trilogy? I'm not talking about its transformation into the Swordsman in KDL2 (though that is interesting...) but rather the color change of its projectile-orbs from violet to orange, and then to the complete redesign of the character in K64, where Darkmatter lost its orbs, and was instead depicted as a smoggy mass of clouds. 7) Oh no, another Dedede question... Anyway, I've been wondering about his hat, recently. I mean, it is a crown, too, isn't it? In the past, they never really made it out to be anything more than a cap, but when SSBB came out, the yellow rim was colored gold. Since he is a King, it would make sense if it was indeed a crown. What I wish to know is, what sort of symbolism does the oval protrusion on the front invoke? The shape is not common on any crown that I have seen, and it's meaning isn't especially decipherable, unlike the 'victory' insignia on the back of his robe. 8) Were all, or any, of the bosses from The Crystal Shards possessed by Darkmatter? The only planets in that game I can remember having traces of Darkmatter are Pop-and-Ripplestar, and the bosses of those worlds were obviously possessed. The Kirby-Wiki (how credible, I know) says that Pix and the entire Pyramid spaceship of Rockstar were in fact created by Darkmatter... but I see no traces of such in any of the in-between planets. 9) As long as we're digging-up history of KRR, I would like to bring-to-light the very ancient, Original Fan Art Gallery. Ahh, so many 'old masters', so many memories... Anyway, will these files ever be integrated to the Main Gallery? How come this is not at least archived/ linked-to on the main site at all? There is a lot of good history here, and I think newcomers might like to see more of KRR's past contributors. (Especially Gryphon Ten! Very inspirational!) 10) Finally, I wonder, do you suppose that any of the official workers/ staff from either Hal Labs or Nintendo ever visit our great Kirby's Rainbow Resort? I think it would be extraordinary if the site ever got recognized by someone high-up, no? (Ehh, they'd prolly only take notice if there was something they could sue for, bah!...) - Dedede-Daimyo ![]() 6) Truth be told, Dark Matter was represented as a dark miasma even in Dream Land 3, as seen in the begining, and sorta was in the second as well. Crystal Shards was merely the only one to lack a smaller, fightable form of the boss. Only "white forms" are found in this last part. But, as for the purple to orange... wasn't that just mostly crummy official art? Have you seen that for Poppy Bros.? I don't take it too seriously. 7) I don't think it represents anything. It's just a point, a crest, a protrusion. Not everything has to be something. If it isn't any type of traditional Asian headgear (that I could find), then it's probably just there to look pretty. 8) That's... pretty interesting. In Dream Land 3, you got to see the darkness get drawn up from the surrounding area. However, you don't see this for most of the boss battles in Crystal Shards. This may be another widely and wrongly based assumption. I mean, we always like to think something is behind the bad guy's actions to make them be bad, but a lot of the time that's not the case. Dark Matter dashes to Pop Star and encased Ripple Star, but the other places just had shards of the crystal land on them. There was no obvious darkness spread to these worlds. These bosses are mostly defense systems, territorial, or possessive of the crystal shards. Of course, I've never even played this title, so I can't speak from experience, but... yeah. I think this is something that a lot of people, including me, just take as fact without even thinking about it. Barring further investigation, that is. 9) Wow, what were the odds that I'd mention this and someone would drag it up? Anyhoo, that stuff could actually be integrated into the current Fan Art Gallery with the pieces being incorporated through some picture eater or something. I don't know. As to whether it will happen soon, I dunno... Eventually. 10) No. Honestly, I don't. I think they're rather oblivious to something that is, on the grand scope fo the internet, so minor. Unless you're a corporation-backed mega-giant with thousands of unique hits a day, or a whiny blog from some loser's mom's basement, big wigs don't give you the time of day. We are, in truth, invisible to the likes of them. In KirbyWarrior's 13th Guru session, when asked about Kirby chronology he had this to say: "The order would most likely be - Kirby's Dreamland, Kirby's Adventure, Kirby's Dreamland 2, Kirby and the Amazing Mirror, Kirby Super Star (excluding Revenge of MetaKnight), Kirby's Dreamland 3, Kirby 64, Kirby no Kirakira Kizzu, Revenge of MetaKnight." What's your take on the overall Kirby series timeline? - Love Parallelogram ![]() I see it happening in order of the game's releases. There's really no reason, outside of fanatic whims, to change the order. As I always say, Kirby is not storyline centric. The only real reordering that would make any sense would be to put the Dark Matter Trilogy all in a row. Shifting around when Revenge of Meta Knight occurs, especially separating it from the rest of Super Star, is just a fanon, 20/20 hindsight attemptive repair to character assassination the former villain underwent. As I've covered, recently and in the past, they put the royal screws to Meta Knight's storyline. Using half pieced and desperate attempts to try and scour logic from a situation devoid of it just doesn't pan out. Unless, like for Zelda and Metroid, the game developers themselves step out and say, "Here's how it goes for game order," all opinions are baseless. In the intro to Great Cave Offensive, Kirby has a hard hat. When he falls down the hole, the hat falls with him. But in the next image of Kirby, there's no hat. What do you think happened to it? - Kirbichu ![]() Really? That's the part of Great Cave that piques your interest? Not how he managed to fall into the hole if he was obviously looking for the cave or why he didn't just fly back out of said hole (covered previously). You're only worried about the hat? There's probably a thousand thirty-seven easy explanations as to why we no longer see his protective wear, but I'm only gonna cover three. The biggest "duh" would be that, during the long, long, fall, that the hat drifted far enough over to land no where near him. The other possibility is that, through the shaft, the hat got caught up on something. It could happen. But, more still, we don't even see all around Kirby after he strikes the bottom. It's a pretty close-in shot around where he is. The headgear could be near him, but not right next to him. 1.What's with the "How Many? #" in the Gurus page? 2.Is Sqeak Squad based off of the anime? The castle and Demon Generator are in it. - Steve Valor ![]() 1) That is what we call "spam protection". For some reason, around the time of the big site move, Ask the Gurus was plagued by an abnormally large amount of roving spam bots. I mean, they've come by before, but these were super-bad and super-large numbers with jaw-dropping long junk postings to boot. No more compound wordings can be used to describe my disgust. Anyhoo, if you were to actually register for an account (since you seem to be a recurring user), you would see that same certifier in place of a Captcha blurred text box to verify that a user is not a spam bot, and then that would be the only time you'd have to count the Gordos as you'd be known to be a human (or a well trained ape). The Ometon went and implemented this unique form of certification for account registration and for unregistered participation safety. After all, vile spam bot programmers only work to make their sinister creations smart enough to go around the common, across the web defenses. A ho-hum, single, li'l site like us isn't worth their time to try and crack. So, we get a fun little tribute to the Dream Land 3 mini-game headed up by Tamasan. 2) Because of an obscure background that many people overlook, you think that the game was based on the animated series? No. So many no's, I've lost count. This is nothing more than a nod to the show, a reference, a wink. There are plenty of these thoughout the newer games, but it doesn't really mean anything one way or the other and certainly doesn't suggest that an entire title owes itself to the cartoon. And see the Repeat Response for the other dose of questions. Hey Gobbo, I'm wondering about all of the possible items you can get for your collection room and how. heyitskirby:) - Heyitskirby ![]() Pretty much, there's just the Stars, Pep Brew, and Tomato. You get the one for visiting the site each day and the other two throughout the week for visiting. There's a slew of other items, like Bombs and Lovelove sticks, slated to come out that I don't even know about that will replace one of the previously named tokens. These will be used in the upcoming avatar system. Outside of that, the only different and "earnable" prize is the Twilight Bridge won from a Storybook adventure. Yes, there will be more items, and, yes, there will be more ways to get items. However, even I don't know what those will be. How 'bout you leave some wonder and fancy in life and wait to find out when they come? This isn't some years old game that's lost any notion of being spoiled. Try and enjoy it rather than breaking it down into completely understood fundamentals. Last session (#146), you said the reason for Capsule J's redesign was because he was too similar to Waddle Doo. However, I'd like to point out an extremely popular Japan-only NES and SNES game called "TwinBee". I seems to me (and a certian LP'er on Youtube who brought this to my attention) that the original design of Capsule J in Kirby Super Star is eerily reminescent of the design of the TwinBee Jet. So, copyright issues might have been a factor in Capsule J's redesign. - XionGaTaosenai ![]() I've actually said it several times before, but this was the only time it was specifically questioned and directly addressed. I certainly can't say there isn't a similarity. I've researched this debate since learning about it (just now), and people range from saying there is no grounds and that the two are identical. As per normal, I think both sides are blind idiots who need a good smack 'cross the back of the head. A double jet-boosted cycloptic sphere is similar to another double jet-boosted cycloptic sphere. There's just no grounds to refute that. Whether this was intentional, homage, hinting, or an accident, I don't know. Now, thing is, this isn't the first time this has happened. Spiny/Togezo, who was replaced between Adventure/Nightmare in Dream Land, had amazing likeness to the Spiny found in Super Mario Bros., even sharing the same Japanese name. Many enemies draw inspiration from something. The bizarre Apollo was based on a Japanese candy of all things! Since this is neither the first time its happened nor resulted in a replacement, I see the act as a definite possibility. The oddity is that they would only use the appearance. Typically, they don't even try to disguise this fact as the enemies name is what inspired it. The fact that it isn't at least named "Twin J" or "Capsule B" really raises a brow if this is truly the case. Still, I don't see it as the sole reason. It's good grounds, yes, but I don't think you can over look the fact that Capsule J does look like a Waddle Doo painted blue. I mean, for someone like me who has never heard of Twinbee before, since I'm American, and sees that J1 is replaced, you have to admit that the identity theft within the series seems like a pretty solid culprit without having to even bother checking outside. I know that, later, Hot Head got a complement with Bubble Head, but that's a purposeful duplication. The name isn't "Capsule Doo", or "Waddle Jet". If you had to pick one helper out of the game to have redesigned to, like, keep things fresh I guess, it'd definitely be J's body-head on the chopping block for this uninspired reason. 1. What power do you think is better for Kirby: Copy Abilities or Copy Essences Deluxe? 2. Would the bubble storage system in Kirby: Squeak Squad be the regular Copy Essences (as opposed to Copy Essences Deluxe)? 3. (a) If someone was to make a Kirby game based of the Hoshi no Kabii anime, would you prefer it to be 2D, 2.5D, or 3D? (b) Also, what kind of game should it be? Should it be RPG style? Adventure style? Puzzle style? or Other style? (c) What music should it have? Should it include some of the unused music from the Anime? I'm thinking Unused Track 2 would make a great battle theme, maybe for a monster who has all abilities and comes back frequently for more. (d) Finally, would it blen-, er, I mean, all fit on one disc and if so, then what consle should it be put on: X-Box 360, Wii, PS3, PSP, PC, or Mac? - Sh'irby ![]() 1) The Deluxe Essenses of Milky Way Wishes were a nice gimmick for that game. Kirby is kinda founded on his ability to copy from enemies. The whole anytime, anywhere aspect is one of the most fun parts about the series. Wishes was a nice change of pace, but if that took over the series, it'd be horrendous in my opinion. Then, you'd have to wait till point X to be able to get ability X, and certain powers would be unable to be had for how long? The mix and available is what what gives Kirby games their face. Leave gimmicks as gimmicks. It'd be like saying that every Kirby game should be about finding chests or be played with Meta Knight. 2) I ... don't even understand what this exactly means. Does this tie to the previous question? Then why isn't it sub-questioned? You did it for #3, so the idea isn't foreign to you. Even still, I don't really get it. So, in addition to the Deluxe pedestals, there'd be non-deluxe abilities obtained in bubbles for purposes of mixing? It really falls apart if you mix the two systems as one instantly winds up overshadowing the other. 3) The real question is "Why in the world would I care an ounce for a Kirby game based on what I consider the bane to all Kirby games?" Moreover, why would it even be a question to what system it should be released for? Nintendo property, Nintendo system, no-brainer. What is Kirby's biggest quirk? What do you feel about Kirby stands out the most? What is Kirby's biggest pet peeve? Also, Bogg needs more cookie dough. - Leint ![]() 1) He honestly has none. There's no weird behavior or action he partakes in that isn't standard to all Dream Landers, being the sloth and gluttony. At least, any that will be allowed in the games... 2) As demonstrated by Squeak Squad, you never want to take away or endanger his food. Actually, endangering any of his recreational activities, like dreaming or sleep, also invoke his ire, but the food is the biggest. Repeat Response:
Last Updated - September 23rd, 2009 | |
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