Kirby's Rainbow Resort > Ask the Gurus > Gobbo's Session #145 | |
Ask Guru Gobbo #145The moral of today's session is: Don't trust upside down pineapple cakes with blue frosting. How is that conclusion reached? Well, you'll just have to read to find out. Or, as is more likely, I'll never reference it again. - September 8th, 2009
Heya. While working on my Flash series DeDeDe's Minions (Bimblesnaff: link removed due to mature content) I was animating a Bio-Spark. Now I'm wondering if there is anyone who knows how Bio-Spark's look like when they take of their armor thingie. Just like Kirby or just completely different? - HyperGumba ![]() I would comment on the Minions flashes, but I already did that in the impending Mailbag. So, on to Biospark: Unlike some other face-hidden enemies, like Blade Knight whose face becomes exposed when he is hit, the ninja is not in this category. It's face is always masked in shadow and left a complete mystery. While it could be safely assumed that a rounded, flat face similar to Kirby's lies underneath, it can't be guaranteed. Technically, we don't even know if there even is anything under there, or if the shadowy blackness is its skin. Why are there so many words in the Kirby universe that are 3s. In other words, Lololo, DeDeDe, Popopo, Lalala, etc. - Chaos Kiwi ![]() Actually, that "Popopo" should be "Pupupu" as there isn't any Popopo anymore. That was the originator, the alpha, of the whole triple syllablage. This was the prototype name of the character who was later replaced by the placeholder who would become Kirby. As of such, this was wide spread throughout the early development. It was put into the realm, the antagonist, and even used to fluff up recycled characters to fit them in. So, there's triplage since they wanted their to be triplage. However, the lead character's name was changed, and this left behind the un-changed names of those who reflected the lead character. If you note, all of these things appear in the very first Kirby game, and the trend is never repeated newly again. Other villains never had the trio, the terrain shifts to being called Pop Star on a whole, etc. 1. Why does Marx turn into Marx Soul? I know he does it by absorbing Nova's leftover energy, but WHY? He was either dead or paralyzed. Is this another effect of the wish Nova granted, or does Marx just have extreme psychic powers? 2. Are all the Heavy Lobsters manufactured on planet Mekkai? 3. Speaking of Mekkai.... who built its giant metropolis? Is there ANY hint whatsoever about the creator of planet Mekkai? - GigaNerd17 ![]() 1) Dead? Paralyzed? The guy was blown to smithereens! Did you see a central body there that the bits and debris balled together as? Nope. There was nothing left of the little guy. Maybe he's a spiritual incarnation to give credence to the whole "soul" nomenclature. (Highly doubted) But, psychic powers? I don't know how you define paranormal mental capabilities, but they border closer to mind reading than spontaneous reincarnation. This action would skirt more along supernatural than brain-related. Various haunts are often created or bound due to great emotions, of love but especially hate and revenge. That has nothing to do with the mind and thought, however, and more has to do with run of the mill ghosts. Anyhoo, asking why this happens is like asking why the sky is blue after being explained that the color comes from the various gases in the atmosphere. You were told why already. Stressing it doesn't change the underlying question any. It happened, it was explained, and there really isn't any more footing to get ahold of. 2) There isn't even any proof that any manufacturing occurs on the world of Mecheye. (Screw you, Ultra spellings!) As far as we know, the star is a magnet for sentient robotics who chose to live out the rest of their artificial lives in peace and quiet. That hole aside, the original Heavy Lobster, Meta Knight's, is quite well accepted as being built by his engineers on Pop Star. If his team cranked out a fully armed, gigantic, flying battleship, I don't think a guard crustacean would be too much of a stretch for them. Technically, a more plausible question would be if Meta Knight made all the Heavy Lobsters and sent them off across the solar system. Equally as stupid, but at least it isn't defeated before it even gets asked. 3) What are you? New to Kirby or something? Do you honestly expect something like that to be explained or told? Did they every explain the factories on Shiver Star? What about how unique bosses got to other worlds? Or maybe why geology and astrological layouts vary so much? No, none of this is ever addressed, and with good reason: no one put any thought into it. They said, "Hey, let's make a robot place." They never sat down and sketched out why there was a robot world any more than they did when they made up a water, molten, cloudy, or star shaped world. And they don't have to care since it's a cheery, light-hearted romp of a game series and not some serious, realistic setting. 1.) What if we don't want to put an e-mail on our passport? - Airride_Master ![]() Huh. I thought that explanation would be given in the Passport information files. Pretty much, the e-mail largely serves to benefit yourself, as that's all who will really see it (unless you want it displayed). It can allow others to contact you for whatever reason, but mostly its there for password recovery. If you ever lose your password, an e-mail is sent. It's the only safe way to go about the ordeal. If you don't think you'll be forgetting it, then don't worry about. If you despise the anime SO much, then why don't you cut out all of it from kirby classic gaming? And why do you hate the ani- I shouldn't even ask that. - Lickly Wiclky Kicked A Guy Named Jiggley. ![]() So, were you too blind to notice, in the recent character bashing that you are no doubt referencing this inquiry off of, that I very purposefully already linked to my complete hate index of the animated series? No, of course not. That would require you to be able to read. Yes, I don't care for the animated series. Yes, it's come up numerous times throughout these nearing one-fifty sessions. Typically, someone else has to bring it up for it to be on the table, and I'm always very concise about why I don't approve. It's never "bad dubbing" or "stupid stories" or even "bad voice actor choices". No, I make sure to pin point the very crucial, underlying, and major flaws about the series that rotten this apple to its core. As for why there is still things related to the animation on this site, could it be that, shock, this is a site about Kirby that I don't own and therefore won't vandalize a very major and popular section on it? I merely tend to a small portion of its vast resources. It's on it's corner, and I'm on mine. I don't like it, but the site isn't mine. Is this really so amazingly foreign of a concept? How much more can I beat this corpse? I know a number of Kirby game fans are with me on this opinion, and probably an equal number aren't. That's okay. I just don't like. I give the very solid and founded reasons for why I do not, namely that you could replace the main character with anything and have the same product since the characters are such far stretches from their in game persona, assuming they were even present. (Read all about in the link I provided, ya reluctant gits!) 1) In the anime Hoshi no Kaabii, meta knight works for dedede. Why? Meta knights sames so much powerful than dedede.Does he work with dedede in the games too? 2) In Kirby 64 there is an ability called Fire Starter where kirby basical sets himself on fire. Doesn't that hurt him? Can kirby "feel" when he uses a copy abilty? 3) In the anime Kine the fish has a crush on fumu.Not getting envoled how wrong that is, doesn't kine have a wife named Mine. So is Kine cheating on Mine or is she was just unaccounted for in the anime? - Stargirl3658565 ![]() 1) Quite so. Meta Knight started as a friend of King Dedede in NES original Kirby's Adventure, as this was who made up the six individuals that were entrusted with holding onto a fragment of the Star Rod. And, it seems, that Meta Knight saw himself as more powerful than the current reign since he mounted a full scale military assult against Pop Star to seize power in Super Star's Revenge of Meta Knight. Of course, being more powerful doesn't mean one always stands above the crown. In traditional knight fashion of chivalry, and even samurai Bushido, the Oriental knight, there's caste, respect, and honor codes to be maintained and observed. Meta Knight, having it in his name and being the boss battled before the King in his initial appearance (and in Kirby's Avalanche), brings up a strong case for fitting this bill. 2) The ability really isn't called "Fire Starter". That's just a descriptor given to the ability combination so that it can be referred to something outside of "Burning Spark". I did that, for example, with all the Animal Friends' power combinations. Anyways, do you know what other ability sets Kirby on fire? Non-combined Burning! It's really probably more the surprise than the ignition that gets the toasted marshmallow in a panic. I imagine that copy abilities work like most super heroes' super powers. Typically, in order to explain just how a person could, say, shoot lasers from their eye sockets, the explanation is given that they, themselves, are immune to their own ability. Thus, a fire slinger can toss a fireball from their fingers without singing their prints and Cyclops can continue to not be loved by anyone. 3) Correct. Kine does have a pink-fish wife by the name of Mine. And, as you may notice in that link, it's Kine (Games). Once again, the two bodies of game and animated series are similar but distinct entities. Kine is a swinging (swimming?) bachelor in this world rather than being a happily married mariner. how com there is only one interactive story? - Anonymus ![]() Because only one person has made one. It's not like this feature is that old or that easy. Mostly, it was a well hidden, secretive fun-fest for the hardcore fans of Rainbow Resort. Only recently has the spotlight been put on it to bring it into the public eye. Moreover, I've actually been working on my own rendition of a story book for nigh-on six months. It's not, exactly, an easy process to think up and write all that stuff, especially when you don't have the easy pen fuel of "make fun apathy at the main site". There have been talks of expanding the feature and even, possibly, allowing some fan created ones to, one day (not now, don't send in anything), grace the book shelf of Mr. Crazy Wake Up Top Hat. If that wasn't his name, it is now! Hello. I have read in your earlier answers that Kirby Wii is in delay, that the developers may be upping the game to make it fits the Wii better. But all I saw from Nintendo are financial reports saing there's a Kirby game coming out from an unknown date, and honestly, ever since E3 2005, it's been four years. I don't think a platformer can take that long to make - and to be honest, HAL Laboratory made other games in between, like 3D Picross, so things like "resources went to Brawl" and "resources went to Ultra" make no sense to me. Is there any official way to prove that Kirby IS indeed in progress? Did Nintendo just put the info there to make investors happy and to give false hope - for four years? - YL ![]() Like you said, all those mentions were early reports, and I've had to update my take or interpretation of said events quite a bit over the past year. No, there is no official notice outside of the "Kirby game (2009)" that you and everyone has known about since the start of the year. I don't think this is a a stunt or stall for investors or fans as I'm certain both would be more satisfied with a definite "cancel" like we've seen with Tilt 'n' Tumble 2. Dragging it out isn't helping anyone. In fact, in the business world, the indecision and lingering looks worse than just cutting loses. Why does kirby have his eyes closed when chuchu is with him? I can understand him being rosy red, but I wouldnt faint f I saw some really pretty girl (even though chuchu isnt one to whistle at) - Pcfan10 ![]() This is simply a happy expression. You know, when like frolicking without care. Your eyes sorta close or at least squint. Also, it could be merely the weight of the rider upon his head pushing down skin to force the eyes shut. 1) Is kirby a boy or girl? 2) Is meta-knight like kirby's father or something? 3) If the trees can talk in dreamland why can't the flowers grass,ect.? 4) Did you model bogg after a kirby character? 5)What is your favorite color? 6)Is Kine the Fish really a fish or some other animal? 7)If kirby does not have fingers how can he pick stuff up? 8)On the Story Book if you click on "The bridge is there if I believe it is there!" you fall off a cliff.Why? The bridge could be thier. 9) Does kirby get tummy aches? 10)In dreamland why is some of the trees green and the rest orange and purple? - Slimestslim ![]() 1) Only someone both blind and oblivious could miss the few countless times Kirby is referred to with the masculine pronouns in every instruction manual, game, episode, outside reference, commercial, review, this site... Since you obviously don't pick up on less than subtleties, Kirby is a boy. 2) No one can say for certain. They leave the direct relationship between Kirby and Meta Knight rather vague in the game series. They make no hint or reference that the two have any familiar ties, but, then again, they don't go out of their way to say otherwise. As for the animated version, it is clearly explained that such is impossible due to Kirby being a creation of Nightmare. Here, Meta Knight just fulfills the role of a father figure and mentor but isn't the actual one. 3) Not all the trees speak in Dream Land. Really, it's just Whispy Woods who sets the trend. And, in that case, he's more like a forest spirit who hops from tree to tree rather than occupying a single timber, much like how he was in the animated series. How else would he get from Green Greens to Vegetable Valley? Regardless, there are flowers that talk in Dream Land. Both the enemies Flora and Lovely are quite vegetation yet quite alive. All of the plants aren't sentient on Pop Star, just special plants are special. 4) Squeaky Bogg is not modeled directly after any specific Kirby character. Since I'm original, I didn't just change the color of an established character or add a hat to another. He was, however, modeled to resemble a classic Dream Lander and thus blend in with the lot. The fact that you, and others, can't tell for certain shows that I was successful. 5) No. 6) Kine is actually based upon a real, true to life marine creature called the giant ocean sun fish. Its shape is a little less than standard from what is normally expected, but it's completely factual. 7) Homestar Fingers. 8) No, it's not there. This is why you fall. The choice is a joke, basically, that serves to mock the "believing is real", "The Secret", or "heart of the cards" mentality. If it's not there, it isn't going to suddenly appear just 'cuz you think it is. That doesn't affect the real world in any way. 9) He's eaten the flaming, the spiked, and the living. The puff just has a cast iron stomach. The worst thing that's happened to him is losing one vitality bar after eating Mariel. 10) Plants do come in other colors, but green works best for absorbing the right light. There's plenty of plants that have blue hues and stark red outside of autumn which changes their color scheme. The two occurances you speak of can half be explained just by a seasonal change. The latter can be wrapped up wholly within Purple Plants, which is undoubtedly named after these purple plants. The area is more hazardous than Green Greens, allegedly due to being more poisonous, I'd assume. Poison and toxins are commonly represented with a noxious, purple color. How does Kirby's metabolisim work? He can apparently digest most food in seconds and immediately heal himself, but eating live food (i.e. enemies) does nothing to restore life. Beyond that, Kirby's mouth is apparently capable of melting enemies down to star form instantly (or possibly encasing them in stars). Most puzzling of all is the fact that eating food can repair a vehicle Kirby is riding! - SkydivingRobot ![]() Simple. Kirby works off of game metabolism, and physiscs for that matter. Nothing, ever, can heal damage instantly, but Kirby is a magical being who, more importantly, is in a video game. As of such, he does video game things that can not nor could ever be explained. As for the whole "star" thing, it's simply a graphical relic. It was easier to just not store what was inhaled and bypass the multiple catch exception. Thus, generic stars were thrown. In Crystal Shards, Kirby actually hurled out exactly what he ate due to being able to regurgitate and hold enemies over his head. Since it had to be stored in that respect, they classed up his exhale with a spinning, scaled version of his latest meal. However, he's normally spitting stars. This is recognized. Since the star probably looked cheesy in 3D and sprites couldn't be as easily adjusted to fit a uniform size as the 3D models could, both will probably stay in their respective sides of the pool. He'll probably stay spitting stars for years to come just 'cuz it's what he does. Is the area you explore in City Trial (from Kirby Air Ride) the same as Cappy Town from the anime? I know it's sort of trivial... but they do look really similar. - Insert Name Here ![]() Some people swear that City Trial is full of references to the animated series. I, on the other hand, see these "references" as too vague and general. It is mostly a wide array of generic terrain types. People go as far to say that the volcano is shared between the two when, really, it was too bland and uninspired in each to constitute such an argument. I could say the same fixture was present in Beast Wars, Mighty Max, and Tale Spin. Totally generic! Now, later, the Kabu on the mountain side is totally a nod to the giant, stupid Kabu totem from the show... or to Olmec or the countless other giant, stone heads that it was modeled after. Hm. Repeat Response:
Last Updated - September 8th, 2009 | |
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