Kirby's Rainbow Resort > Ask the Gurus > Gobbo's Session #152 | |
Ask Guru Gobbo #152I've recently updated the Repeat Response to also include worthless questions not worth setting aside to answer. You know, like information easily found on a page on the site. No need to repeat myself in this section if I already wrote it, no matter where it appears on the site. - October 27th, 2009
how to make articles and poll votes. - BrawlKirby27 ![]() 1) You don't, mostly. Articles are written pieces or features submitted or accepted through various special means. For example, some members have in their article drawer the IF Submissions from the past year. Other things would be like ability reviews or fan thoughts. Mostly, it's likes the avatar feature -- in the works. Point is, it's not just a blog where you freely write things at your heart's content. 2) You click an option and then hit the button. It's the same as it is anywhere across the internet for the past ought decades. 1: When you fight galactic Knight... Did you see how He has the same attack orrder and not to mention attacks as metaknight? 2: In KNID, When you play MetaKnightmare... Why do you fight yourself? 3: Is kirby just a bad singer?! 4: Where the heck is something like Escargoon in the games?! Usualy you enleast find something from the game in the TV show... But there is nothin and I mean NOTHING like Escargoon in the games. So where is he? 5: Why is Kaboola's revenge called Kabula? They don't even look alike! 6: Is Dark mind the mirrior version of Nightmare or 0? Form 1 looks like nightmare... Form 2 looks like 0! Final: Would Plasma Kirby beat Zatch in a battle? Incase you wondered: Zatch is a guy who has lightning coming out of his mouth... So yeah, who would win? - KorytheMaril ![]() 1) Is that really a surprise? He pretty much is Meta Knight's own Meta Knight. But, no, I've never seen it. I never played the game as I don't own it or know anyone who does. 2) The simple answer is that Meta Knightmare is exactly the same play as Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land. You fight yourself simply because they didn't want to program an exception. Now, in Super Star Ultra's version of the Meta Knight play through, they took the time to say, "Let's make what the player does as Meta Knight a little different to cut out some worthless puzzle parts and make more battles." Such was not cared to be done previously. As for the in-game reason to why this bizzare occurance occurs, there isn't. Deal with it. No, it's not Dark Meta Knight. No, it's not some foreshadowing or pseudo-Galacta Knight. It's no such fanon babble or imagination run wild. It's nothing but a careless mistake -- careless as that's how much effort they put into avoiding the oddity. 3) More than yes and established numerous times is Kirby's tone deaf and horrible singing. It is the crux behind the Mike blowing up all enemies, after all. 4) No where. They made up Escargoon and a dump (fitting!) of the other abominations that appear in the animated series 'cuz they, obviously, hated Kirby and his roots. 5) It's not a real name change or grossly different, really. Like many established names, Ultra decided to change spellings for no reason. 6) Yes. You're the first person to ever notice the resemblance of Nightmare and Zero with Dark Mind. Oh, wait, no. Everyone has. They only made painfully obvious and blatant. 7) Wait... Zatch? From that vomit-on-paper-filmed known as Zatch Bell? This is a baseless comparision for so many reasons beyond Plasma not being anything like electricity. Scientifically, it's a super-heated state of matter. All in all, you asked one worthwhile question that I'm pretty sure already had been answered but didn't feel like finding. 1.) Are there any limitations to the painting abilities of Adeleine, Paint Roller or Drawcia? Perhaps there are certain things they cannot bring to life, or maybe they can only create so much so fast? 2.) Future Bimblesnaff is a liar. In Sessions 100 he told us that something horrible happened to him in Session 151, but we can all plainly see that's not true. I don't know if I can ever trust him again. 3.) Regarding Happyfrankiecat's suggestion of the name of "Midorby" for the green Kirby and your ensuing confusion, midori is the Japanese word for "green," an analogue to the kiiro of Keeby. (The particular parsing of Japanese syllabary still makes it an unworkable suggestion, though.) - Spongebath Bill ![]() 1) Drawcia recreated the entire world, so a big "no" on that one. As for Adeleine and Paint Roller, there's nothing to even go off of for what their limitations could even be. It's not like we see them draw and nothing happens and they say, "Well, shoot. I can't make that." No, we only see what they can make. Objects, enemies, crude Kirbies, and even Kracko. There doesn't seem to be any real type of limitation to what they do outside of their imagination and drawing speed. However, nothing, either, is telling us what they can't do or even how long what they do do even lasts for. If I did say, I'd just be pulling stuff out from duodenum. That's a far reach, yo. Far reach. 2) Where were you with this reminder back at #150, huh? It's not like I can keep track of all the crazy garbage I say. Besides, you did see Squeaky Bogg's skeleton in that session. I'd call that pretty gruesome and horrible. The scare is probably what caused all his (non-existant) hair to go gray. Please ignore that the Bone face first appeared in Session #150. 3) First of all, he already explained that in the comments for that session, so you technically just repeated what he already told me. Second, duh about Keeby's naming origin. I did mention him and point to that whole explanation in the answer, so of course I am familiar with how his name was formed. I am versed on all things Kirby, naming included. Just not made-up, fake naming suggestion's origins. Now, I ruled out "mido-" having anything to do with Japanese and green since (a) Japan already has a fan name for the green one, which was also mentioned in that answer, and (b) I didn't know what the full word was supposed to be. He only said "Midorby". Much like you don't really get the full word "kiiro" with "Keeby". So, I didn't even know what word was being used as the base. I certainly ruled out Japanese, though, as already mentioned. So, the confusion was in the basis of the question being flawed. I work off of what people give me. If they give me dirt, I can't make gold. Also, the naming suggestion of using midori has much less appeal than kiiro did. Kirby's name is, after all, spelled Kaabii in Japanese with only an implied R. Since "yellow" matches with the K, the extended vowel sound, and has an R in the following spot, it's a triple threat. "Green" offers none of these but the R, which is stranglely made more there than it should be. Also, you know, Japan already gave the green version a name. It'd be like if I said, "Hey, let's all call the yellow variety 'Cooper'." Ignoring the stupidity behind the suggestion, it already has a name. Just because I want to call it something has no meaning. It already has been named. I can't just call Ohio "Choopy". You can't name something that is already named. Moreover, there's an actual reason that Keeby has a name. It's an actual distinct entity from Kirby. It's as separate from the pink puff as Meta Knight is. Granted, there's another yellow version that was cut from Kirby, but this is not Keeby. That's simply just a yellow copy. Keeby is officially named in Kirby games as being Keeby. That's why he's official. Green? Well, he's not anything special. He's just player number four. No name or soup for him. 1. is king dedede a penguin? 2. how can escargoon have a gender if snails are hermaphrodites? 3. where can I watch episodes of kirby? - GameQube ![]() 1) King Dedede is himself. He's not anything. He has obvious avian influences, but they end at having a beak. Even octopi have those. And so repeats the first question ever yet again. 2) First of all, it's a childrens' show. It takes how many years of biology classes to get to that explanation? At that targetted age, typically it's just expected that "boy" and "girl" are observed. Besides, the show butchers facts within its own continuity. Why would you think they'd get scientific specificties correct? 3) The Anime Section has many subtitled episodes, 4Kids has a dump of english dubbed clips, and YouTube, of course, has everything uploaded by fifty different users. Asking where you couldn't watch them might wind up a shorter lists (I know know not, just play along). why people think kirby is in love with jigglypuff? what kirby charicter would you like to met? - Insert Chara ![]() 1) Both are round, pink, and appear in Super Smash Bros. It's a little hard to pair together, say, Samus and Kirby. Typically, people group those with some initial similarity together. 2) Blopper. The meeting would be short and sweet. Zing! How do you get a picture you uploaded to the gallery on the front page? - Darkmattersamurai ![]() Be great. i hope this question isn't asked already but here goes: is Galacta Knight in SuperStar Ultra from the anime? if so, is he one of the meta-knights? - Explosive Kirby ![]() I don't even know where you got this idea from. Galacta Knight was such a surprise in Super Star Ultra because there was no hint or trace that he'd be there. He was invented in this title. No one saw him before. That's why he was all, "Oh, wow, someone like Meta Knight. There's never been that in the games before." in #142, you said that in kirby superstar, kirby yelled out system when using the mike abillity, But (unless they changed the sound for ultra)when I use it he yells something about a note. Also, why does the guide for kirby superstar ultra just say something about being an april fool's joke? - Eat911 ![]() 1) To me, it sounds like "system". I think in Ultra (or maybe even before), it's "death bowl". 2) You know, this question just kept on peeving me. I left the page there 'cuz it was proof of the little amounts of foresite or concern some staffers have for the site. It said it was an April Fool's joke because it was. After a month, the guy never put it back. He just shrugged it off and said, "Screw that noise!" They just left the page in this horrible, time-sensitive state. Then, I realized something. Rather than edit, oh, the actual Super Star Ultra page, the blunderous staffer in question went and made a new directory and page for the game. Way to... jeez, I don't even know. It's just bad all around. So, while I thought I was just leaving a token of poor website management around, it turns out that I've been leaving fluff and junk around. Well, that's ended now. While at it, I also stuck a fork in the Kirby Wii game information. Now, if anyone asks about either of these, they'll be beheaded. Go ahead, test me! 1. NOVA is called the "comet at galaxys end" in KSSU. Why is he called this when he looks like a badass stopwatch? 2. Are Coo, Rick and the others going to appear in another game as partners? 3. In Helper to Hero, how come they added an extra Sword Helper (Sword or Blade Knight, I forgot which) in? - Steve Valor ![]() 1) NOVA is not called a comet in the astrological sense. He's a large object in space. Back in the day, when comets were not known to be frozen dust balls, they were suspected of being all sorts of things. Dragons, guys straped to wheels, and probably chariots. He's just a big, shiny space thing, and they happen to call him a comet. You have to keep in mind that Pop Star is star shaped. They don't exactly take science facts into consideration. Why is this such a shock to people? They also call Kirby a marshmallow despite obviously not being geletin and sugar. 2) People, stop asking this. 3) Sword Knight (the purple one) was added to the roster since it was a possible summoning by Meta Knight in his sub-game. They added this due to Meta Knight being flanked by both these guys in the animated series. Since they wanted the swordsman to be able to create a helper, and since they felt they had to spice it up, they offered him more than one helper even though they are essentially the same. Why they make the player, however, dig through Helper to Hero twice with sword is obvious: they love sword so much, everyone else is forced to love it as well. You have no choice. No, you can't hate Sword in Super Star. That's ridiculous. Are there special people who can change the article's because i have something. in the kirby squeak squad one in enemies there is one that says unknown and his name is Metalun so tell someone to change that. - Bluekirby ![]() There's plenty of things that are wrong throughout all the game pages. For example, Needle is still referred to as Spike in the Dream Land 3 pages. Why aren't a lot of these changed? Mostly because the whole of the pages are going to be overhauled, so it's almost a waste of time to nitpick these little screwies. But, everyone knows Metalum. Well, except for the person who first constructed the page (all those years ago before the game hit American shores). Why, I even called it by name in the recent IF contest, which for the record was written up weeks before and posted days before your point-out ever hit my mailbox. Also for the record, you spelled its name with an N. I think that's how its Japanese name is technically written, but still. Kinda odd to tell someone to correct with wrong information, no? Repeat Response:
Last Updated - October 28th, 2009 | |
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